Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1915, p. 1

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"Central - PTET CTT OTT 3 12 PAGES | - brrerrerre rere rreeed YEAR 83 - -- NO 256 Daily British Whig PACES1-8 Frere eter emer eeed KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1915 LAST EDITION T0 ATTACK THROUGH KAVALA BULGARIA Landing of Troops There By Allies Excellent Piece of Strategy---Bulgaria Will Have to Concentrate Forces to Meet This Invasion. to the 1 The landing: of French froops at Kavala, a Greek port on the Aegean Sea, near the Bul garian border, is considered to be an excellent piece of offensive strategy Kavala not only is a great tobacco port for Turkey, but it is the termi nal of three important railways, by one of which the Greeks in July of 1913, outflanked the Bulgarians and forced them to retire out of Macedo- nia and virtually won the war The occupation of Kavala by tente allied troops will it is believed here, distinet defensive Bulgaria While these movements are pro- ceeding, the diplomats continue thei efforts to secure the support Greece and Roumanja for Serbia, who fought with them in the last Balkan war. The Serbians fensive battles, (Speck! London, Nov En necessitate, several new and concentrations by are fighting stérn of- and from the Ger man accounts it is apparent that their main armies are making good their retreat and leaving, as the Rus- sians did in Galicia and Poland, very little except what cannot be moved -- such as copper mines--for the invad- of.| 1 ers Turkish operating troops are now co- Press Roumania. There is no further news of the Russian expedition which several days ago was reported cff Varna, Bul garia's'~chief séaport The opin- {ion is held in the Entente Allied | countries that Roumania, where ere is continued agitation in favor of intervention on their side, will al- {low the forces of Emperor Nicholas to move acréss her territory. If this decision is reached. it is believed that it will be influenced by | the activity of the Russian army in Galicia, where, according to the Rus sian official reports, General Ivanoff has won another victory over the Teutons on the Stripa river Fur- ther north, in Volhynia, there also is | heavy fighting, and the Russians | claim to have checked an Austro- | German offensive; which had as its { object the capture of Czartorysk. In fact, all along the eastern front | the Russians, according to the Ger- { man official report, are making a se- ries of attacks from the Gulf of Riga to Roumania. Will Vanquish ~ Enemy in End, Paris, Nov. 4. sign a peace her restoration by right of victory | and until she shall have obtained all guarantees of a durable peace," said Premier Briand yesterday. This statement was included in the i the new ministerial declaration of Cabinet, which was read before the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The Premier read the declaration to the chamber. It Said in part: "The present enterprise of Ger- many in the Balkans attests the fail- ure of that nation's efforts in the principal theatres of hostilities "Her hopes will be shattered. The Powers: may postpone de- feat, but they cannot prevent it. Af- ter tend to pursue it, as heavy as it may be, to the necessary issue We have the will to vanquish. We shall van- quish in the end." The reading of the ministerial de- | claration aroused great enthusiasm. RETAKE SOME GROUND That They Lost to the Wednesday. (Special to the Whi Berlin, Nov. ~The under Marshal Von Hindenburg, the Dvinsk district, in have reoccupied a 12-mile ling from which it was of- | ficially admitted Wednesday the Rus- sians had forced them to retreat, and reoccupied Mikulissk® the War Of- | fice announced to-day. The Austro-Germans have Missalafat, Nish, by storm. taken Captured French Trenches. Berlin, 'Nov. 4.«-The capture of more than 800 "yards of French trenches in the fighting north of Massiges, in the eastern Champagne | was announced by the War | region, Office this aftérnoon. Twenty-eight. Freichmen, includ- ing a major, were captured and the rest of' the trench occupants were killed, it was stated. On the Serbian front north-west of Kragujevae, the Austro-Germans an nounced the cdpture of Valankonje | and Coljevae. Grand Trunk's trafic earnings for| October show the-remarkably gopd gain of $262,274; the total traffic receipts for the month as shown inj the weekly returns being $4,666,691. A SR SE THE WHIGS CONTENTS, Page 1--Ta Attack Bulgaria: Buocésses. 2-Obstructed Road: Local Mat- ters. Sate Tidings: Club, v Serbian Restriction in 8 Editorial; Sleepytime Tales; Menus; Wait Mason's Rhymes War Cainp News: Horticul- tural 'Boclety. 4 6--Eastern Ontario Xews. Announce T4-Amusements; ments, The People's Forum. ed: Theatri- § quire Detnan $ Taverne Lect nes: Four Bro- Req 5 thers At ar 10-Wole Island 11 Page of Gehesal wo of General Information. 12-ountryside News, Cross; "France will not | agreement until after | having weighed pur task, we in- | | day, Russians 'on | peck, wife of Sir Adam Beck, direc. ) { Germans, ten miles north-east of | fap Needed For Refugees From. (ogacia te the Whig.) Paris, ~--An urgent appeal | | by the Serbian Legation here was is sued to-day "'on behalf of the refu- gees fléeing before the invasion of the pitiless. enemy which aims to pxter- minate an entire nation." Thousands of Serbs have alref arrived in Greece, nearly naked in miserable condition. Both warm clothing and money were declared necessary to save their lives, Prin- cess Dermidoff, wife of the Russian Minister at Athens, has organized initial relief, but needs help badly. ¥ { ATTACK ON LADY BECK. "Poison Pen" Letters Regarding Her | Horse Judging Ability. { York, . Nov. 4.--The New New | { York Herald publishes the following: | letters intended | "4 | RRP RR Ee | saddle horses at the National Horse! That "poison pen' to attack her competency to judge Show, which will be opened Satur- | in Madison Square Garden! have been sent broagcast to promi- nent exhibitors concerning Lady tor of remounts for the Canadian] Army, was the announcement at the! office of the National Horse Show As-| sociation. Officials of the association express- | ed indignation over the attempt: to {injure Lady Beck's sfanding, as a| horse woman and stated that the let- | | ters contained a veiled threat which | {it is believed is intended to .keep Canadian notables from the exhibi- | tion. French Victory Over Germans In Champagne else she advises women to so plan their work as to avoid umnecessary steps land 10 save time and energy. (Spec ial to the wig) Paris, Nov. 4.-- Another portant | French victory over the Germans in the Champagne region was announc- | ed by the War Office to-day, the offi- ! cial report says: a a violent attack we reoccu- the major portion of the Ger- mans' advanced trenches in the viecin- | Hy of Chauson farm, expelling their | | dotcagers despite their use of liquid fire "On the route to Lille, south-east f Neuville and St. Vaast, there have | been violent i grenade and artillery | i a --ei-- Favor Chinese Monarchy. Shanghai, Nov. 4.--Election re- | turns to-day continued to indicate an overwhelming m on Novem-! As i ber 20th for the re-establishment of! ia monarchy in China. , |* It is'believed the Northern Chin- ese will accept the result as a fair | | one, but serious disorders are threat- | | ened in thé south. The Govern-| | ment is taking formidable military! precautions. _ The cities of Mechleu and Liege) 'were bombarded by a French avia-| ¥ | inite quotations from the steel com- week, talked to a deeply {audience made up of representative | structive from start to she has given much constructive ad- |B - --- - --- -- AY SESE rT KALOVASSA' TARVIS CIVIDALE Scale of Miles | S it 68 SCENE OF ITALIAN OFFENSIVE, Map shows Carso Plateau and Isonzo River distict, where Italians recently administered fearful losses on Austrians, who threw artillery into ravines and ran. Especially heavy fighting took place near San Mar- tino, where many prisoners were captured. = s | clude the Canada Cement, whose or- der is around $8,000,000; the Do- | Orders - ANotted But Contracts Not minion Bridge Company, Canadian | Signed. Fairbanks Co., Peter liyall, and Can- Ottawa, Nov. 4.--Delay in award- | adian Vickers Co. ing the big contracts for large sized; The Ingersoll Rand and Jenckes shells, it was learned to-day, is Machine Co., of Sherbrooke, will al- caused by difficulty in securing def-| #0 get contracts, but the quantity is not decided. the charge! = 'The'Baniada Cemient Co. it 15 uh: | to be made the manufacturers. derstood, will turn out 4,008 ma-| A number of orders have been al-| chine made and 2,000 forged shells lotted, but no contracts are yet fin-| per week. ally closed. Practically every concern now ma Montreal concerns, which it is un-! king the smaller shells is said to be derstood are in on the contract, in- | in line for renewal orders. ---------- CAUSE OF DELAY, | LECTURER AT BRITISH WHIG HOME ECONOMICS SCHOOL HAD BIG CLASS LAST NIGHT. BALAN {plains that this is a cake to be baked lon 'these days when the housewife, Tau NGO. FRIDAY feels something like a Weary Willie, iether Subject: the Develop 3 for it requires scarcely any effort to "Me " e - ! | prepare, Ment of he Shu" : The leéture to-morrow on "Moth- Fried Rice, Sapanese Style #+ |erhood and the Development 'of the! Space Hotlandatye {Child," is one of the best of the en-| Tea Cakes tire course. Much to the regret of | Kingston women who have been thor | oo4000% | {oughly enjoying. the British 'Whig -At a special session of | Better Foods Better Homes School, , Ithis 'céurse of lectures will be con- the British Whig Home cluded to-morrow. Among the Economics Sel in Hy dishes to be demonstrated are Eng- Hall Auditor owh-Low. lish tea cakes, Mrs, Brown-Lew- | night, Mrs. Bre : {ers' recipe for these cakes is one| » the domestic science | handed down in her family for many | turer. we iB been generations and is more than two | every afternoon + this hundred years old. interested WAFFLES a 1 cupful flour, 1-2 teaspoonful salt, men and women of Kingston, on|2 teaspoontuls of baking powder, 3 The Woman Who Spends." This 'eggs, 3-4 cupful milk, 2 tablespoon- lecture was entertaining and risco. finish and! Mix and sift the ingredients. Mrs. Brown-Lewers' ideas in regard Separate the egg yey from the to money matters were heartil aP- yolk; beat the white until stiff © Beat proved by her hearers. the yolk, add the milk and erisco. In connection with her work here|Add the dry ingredients to the li- quids. Mix thorsughly and fold in the white of the egg lightly. Fry on a hot waffle iron well-greased with crisco. ay EGGS A La GOLDEN ROD. 2 hard cooked eggs, 6 slices of toast, 1 cupful medium white sauce. Cut the egg whites into small pieces and add to Well Seasoncd white sauce, Pour over ces toas RECOMMENDS SALADS. sprinkle top with 'finely mashed The baked ice cream was much . Garnish with sprigs of pa marvelled at and thoroughly enjoy- Jotks \ - ed at the evening session Wednes- : day Indeed, at mary lasts, Me. CANDIED SWEET POTATOES. Brown-Lewers' food is sed by Twelve sweet potatoes, 1 cup boil- those He | taste it. Last night; in|ing water, brown sugar, 1-4 cup eris- ng of s.'she emphasized |eo, sult, pepper, and powdered cin- namon. Pare and parboil potatoes, { : i i 1 { vice to housekeepers, and her Bet- ter Fools Better Homes slogan has {0 be a very popular one. Your Step," might be an- of Mrs. Brown-Lewers' slo- gans, as again and again in her work "Wi WILL WIN IN THE END. Canadians Are Warned That Econ- omy Is Necessary. Montreal, Nov. 4 --In announcing that a domestic loan in instaliments would be issued at the end of the month, W. T. White, Federal Fi- nance Mifister, told the Canadian Club that the Duke of Connaught had expressed a desire to participate and that his name would, therefore, head the list of subscribers Mr. White said that he was abso- lutely confident that the Allies would win in the end and warned Canadians to produce as much as possible and to economize. He ex- plained how Canada's adverse trade balance of $300,000,000 in 1913 had been changed to an excess of ex- ports of $45,000,000 for the six months ended Septemher 30th "CAN WE HOLD our? BY TH Transports Arriving Strassburg Paper Fears Defeat Germany By Famine. London, Nov. 4.--The\Serbians in Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 4.--Ow- the last two days scored two suec- tug to the high prices of food in Ger-| cesses. The Bulgarian army march many, neutrals are leaving _ that|ing from Pirot has been forced to { country for Switzerland. retreat, Berlin officially admitting Under the heading, "Can We Hold that the Serbians have extricated Out?" the Neue Zeitung says: "Hard-| themselves from the net. ly had we crossed the threshold of] the second year of the war when the question of bread settled, anoth- er anxiety faced us, pamely, the dearness of the first necessities in the matter of food "Will our enemies succeed in-de- feating Germany hy famine?" LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN GREEK CABINET Has Been Passed by the Gree Parliament Likely Members of it Will Resign. (Special to the Whig.) Athens, Nov. -- The Greek parliament to-day passed a vote of lack of con:' fidence in the Zaimis' Cab- inet, which means it will re- sign. Pregnier Zaimis has been |, [the stron tinued Greek neutrality. He | succeeded Premier Venize- los because King Constan- tine thought the latter too! strongly pro-war in' his views. The {Zaimis' Cab-| inet overthrow presumably foreshadows Greece's en- trance into: the war on the Allies' side. of (Special to the Whig.) More Allied Troops Arriving. 8 ' » the Whig.) New fleets of Al lied transports are arriving off Sal- onika British cavalry has joined the Ser Wy-French forces in southern Serbia. No Change in Situation. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, Nov 4.---Troops for the Bal kan campaign continue to land at Salonika. In the region of Krivo- lak. and Rabrovo, in southern Ser- k bia, where the French repulsed the ulgarians on Nov. 1st, there has i been no change in the situation. King At the Frit. (Special to the Whig.) Amsterdam, Nov. 4.--An official Bulgarian statement from Sofia says | King Peter of Serbia has gone to the front to encourage his soldiers, and: take them the news that the French and Brildsh forces are hastening to their assistance. Huge Losses. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, Nov. 4.--Huge losses by the vaders, as the price of every foot] galne® Th Ser: CANADA'S LATEST CALL. | Bonar Law Expresses Appreciation Of 'British Government. Ottawa, Nov. #---Acknowledge-| ment by the Imperial Government of! Canada's call for 'a further 100,000 troops in response to the King's ap- peal for more men was received to-| day from Bonar Law, Colonial Secre- tary. It is worded as follows: "With reference to your telegram, 31st October, please convey to your ministers expression of the warm ap- preciation of His Majesty's Govern- ment of their patriotic response to] His Majesty the King's appeal in pro- | viding this most welcome and mater- | ial reinforcement of the Canadian Premier to Resign. (Special to the Whig.) London, Nov. 4.--The Athens cor- respondent of the Exchange Tele- graph Company asserts that, follow- ing his defeat in the Chamber of | Deputies, Premier Zaimis will re- i n. so gallantly in the common cause. ---------- NEAR COMPLETE ROUT. PEACE TALK. joow reer mi TENT contingents which have been fighting | Allied Teoops Are Pouring Into Salonika VICTORIES SCORED E SERBIANS 'Bulgarians Forced to Retreat at_Pirot---Allied at Salonika---British Cavalry Joins Serbo-French Forces in Southern Serbia. | bia, were claimed in port to-day from Nish "On our northern front the enemy (Austro-Germans), have attacked us," sald the statement, "in great force, especially on our right wing, where fighting is in progress Our Morova River positions have been as- saulted without result The efiemy advanced on Kraguevac and we took up positions south of the city "In the Nisava River valley, our left wing has been forced to fall back, but our"centre repulsed the Bulgars, driving them in disorderly retreat toward Bola Palanka. "In the Timok River region the enemy has attacked us in the vicin- ity of Boljevac." an official re War Tidings. Four Allied destrovers hombarded the Turkish port of Tchesme, de- stroying forts, civic buildings and barracks It is forty miles north- west of Smyrna Berlin War Office admits further retirement on the Dvinsk front be- fore Russian attacks; four other at- | tacks repulsed. At the south end of the front, Russian attack was also repulsed. Berlin official denial is made of re- ports that Germany inclines to peace negotiations. Montenegro War Office reports the repulse of Austrian attacks in Bos- nia, where they took 500 prisoners. According to authoritative state- ments there are only 150,000 Ger- mans invading Serbia. The Aus- 'trians admit the apture a only 6, - 'Servs. Shinn 1 Two Kill 1,000,000 Flies. Peapack, N.J., Nov. 4.--Thus far two youngsters in the fly killing con- | test started by Mrs. C. Ledyard Blair have killed more than 1,000,000 flies. Dorothy Johgson and Du- mont Huyler each have killed about 1 500,000 and are tied for the cup-of- fered by Mrs. Blair. | C. P. R. traffic returns for the last | ten days of October show an increase of $1,727,000 over the same time last year. This makes a total in- créase for the month of $4,159,000 Eighteen lives were lost when a | steamer grounded on the = Pacific coast . DAILY MEMORANDUM St. Andrew's Society, § fim. Civic, Finance Committee, 8 pm Tom,' Jacks Co., Grand, 8.15 p.m. See top of page 3, right Rand corner, | tor Brobabilith es. | { Germans Were Near Total Di in Champagne. Copenhagen, via London, Nov. 4. {--The Ribe Stifts Tidende, the lead- {ing newspaper on the German fron- | tier; publishes a letter from a Ger- | (man officer who was present during {the French offensive in Champagne | from September 25th to 27th. The | {officer writes that the Germans came {within an ace of total disaster, and | had fully prepared to leave their sec- {ond line. Their artillery had been h | prepared and the infantry was ready | _ | to march off, when the bombardment {suddenly ceased. Had it lasted an- | other two hours the situation, which | {was then | would, the officer says, have develop- jed into a complete rout. It is Said There Will Be a Meeting in Lucerne. -------- HAS REACHED GALLIPOLI. { ---------- [stig Ready For the Landing of Troops. Special to the Whi, Rotterdam, Nov, Sout. -Gen. Hd Charles ©: + Great Brit- n's new commander-in-chief on the | lipoli peninsula, has arrived at post, according to the Vossi indescribably evitieal)" ul THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Is on Sale at the Following City Stores; | Bueknell's Yea Repo. Clarke. J. W. ..353 [College Book Ay §3 {Coulter's Grocery {Cullen's Grocery, "cor. Princes | Frontenac Hotel Gibson's Drug Store .. ket Square [C.V.F. Southvott's Grocery, Portsmouth iMcAuley's Book Store ....93 | McGall's Cigar Store, Cor. i MoLeod's Grocery ....51 Medley's Drug Store, | Paul' I's tore | Prouse Tug Store | Ivaliea arovery . «295 King St Princess vss 318 Princess ..308 Montreal BORN ou THERFORD---AL 318 Collingwowed street, Kini un. Ont, on Novem- ber 4th, 1515, to Mr. and Mrs Fred H. Rutherford, a son DIED, 7 MeFPADDEN AL St Lawrence, Wolle Island, on Novenibér Sed, William, MoFadden, aged $5 ROBERY J. REID REID none B77. "Ting Ry WARY | Gal his Zeitung's Sofia correspondent, made great preparations for' nding of troops. Hebish Stonmpr Sunk. the Whig.) Rome, Nov. 4. Peace talk is sul | Middleboro, Eng. Nov: {The British steams! in the air here. Despite denials | Friargate has been and | te i {la PRINSE VON BUELOW. ' their importance and said they were cut in halves, boil ten minutes, drain not used largely enpugh. "men in greased baking dish. sometimes compare being fed on sa- Jay in . Serend lads to having ruffles sewed on their 'clothing. - Nevertheless, salads con- [tain many valuable elements and should 4 SOUTHERN CROSS PUDDING. 12 ears (or 1 can) of corn, 2 cup- fuls milk, 3 eggs. 1 teaspoonful salt, 1-4 teaspoonful white pepper, tablesgo uls erisco. Attractive school are This afternoon the cookery pro- | gramme' includes creamed chicken in patty eases and timbales and a ! [try lesson. Quring from the capitals of all the belliger- | Sunk by a German submarine. Five ent European countries, to-day it is ©f the crew landed here to-day. | asserted that representatives of the : { Entente powers will a DOING GOOD WORK. Nov. Aaa api 4 Paris, i SEPP LPB 0b abba - Granted Leave of Absence. = : | E23 Greet tt beds a i BE if | the | IN MISSION OAK Lar, Buffel a for $865. re We Sell a

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