THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1915. RAILROADS IN ARGENTINA. UP TO LEGISLATURE ~~ Run Under Rules Framed by a Strict | T0 RESTRICT cLugs | Government Commission. Provincial License Board Can Act PRINTERS > ; BOOK-BINDERS . | + LOOSE LEAF Devices! EMBOSSERS THE LATEST TIDINGS | PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. . Probs.: Rain or sleet to-night; Friday, cool and clearing. Argentiia bas a commission which | is In some respects even more power: ful than the interstate commerce com- TE RE -- [The Whig's Daily Condensation of ENGRAVERS ' nnn THE NEW THE RAPION great sucless, CURES CHRONIC Wi KIDNEY, BLADDER, { RINSE Y BI FIL EITHER | | | | 90, HERAPION : THAT TRADE MARKED WORD One Dollar Hot | Water Bottles Others up to $3.00. All guaranteed from one to five years: We repair leaky Water Bot tles satisfactorily NIPPLES COMFORTS BUCK SYRINGES FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ELASTIU STOCKINGS ELASTIC SUPPORTS TRUSSE! CRUTCH: TIPS TUBING, ETC. A Complete Stock Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. EYE GLASSES The kind you want----ihe kind most everybody wants M ODEL glasses scientifically "ground. MODEL adjustient insuring perfect comfort. MODEL shapes that add dig- nity to the face. ODEL clips that don't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. MODEL methods lowest prices. KEELEY Jr., M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Princess Street 3 doors above the Opera House Established Merit in Clothes ! Insuring 20th Century and Fashion -Craft have built'a rep- utation that does "not down in 'these strenuous times. Prices are as low as goods of merit will permit. They are built for the man who wants lo pay a reason- able price. Canada's Best © Workmanship and material. FRENCH REMEDY, N.1. NoZ. N. Used in Frenc Hospitals with BLOOD POISON, R No. DRUGGISTS or MAIL 81. POST 4 O18 BEEKMAN SI. NEW YORK Or LYMAN BROS WRITE POR PREE BOOK To Di. Lk CLERC HAVERSTOCK RD. HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, ENG, W DRAGER TASTELESS PORMOF EASY TO Take LASTING CURR, | HERAPION * 15 ON RIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS. | JI! "Cassie Chadwicked" ill; Straight fire and hate fire The News Of the World From Tele graph Service and Newspaper Ex. changes. King George is confined to bed i8olely because of muscular stiffness { following bruising. Louis David Whyte, one Bf the oldest GT. R, conductors, died in | Toronto on Wednesday * He was born 62 years ago in Scar- bore Township, and bad been '"'rail- roading' for forty-five years. Edward Walters, Toronto, for | stealing two cpats from an east end store in Woodstock. He was sen- tenced to serve five years in Peniten- tiary Rosanna eyed, buxom | i i Lajeunesse, the black- French woman who a number of {| Ottawa people pleaded guilty .to all the charges ' against her, and was sentenced to two years in Ports- mouth penitentiary. Edith Cavell. John O'Keefe, in New York World Sun glint and gun glint, and sweet | eyes clear with pain, And on the head of a woman dead the red cross made by Cain! O distant ones, all white of face, Who hear the rifle roll, Ill| See the real death, the true disgrace, The devil's perfect toll: A nation in the firing-place { Has murdered its own soul. with or- ders from the Crown; {lll But from the lips one oath outslips to blow an empire down! {| We saw the Tide of Terror sweep Across the Belgian plain, And women died like poisoned sheep That drop in a murrain. Then wherefore should we pause and | weep For one more slain? Clear soul and dear soul, white as | the clouds that fly: Bot on the cheeks the rose that, speaks, 'No pale girl coward nr | For onte she knew of mercy's knell { When, 'in a shuddering sea, The Lusitania's Afagile shell A scorpion stung in glee, "A thousand in the sea-deeps dwell: What is one here?" asks she. Proud head! Unbowed! Bl crest and dove's! | Where now you lie beneath the sky the wide world "weeps and loves! 0. eagle's { There is hawk that hunts on high, | On town-bred geese to dine, | A thousand slays he from the sky, { With ne'er a warning sign. | "Be hold!" I har the martyr erv: "What is one death like mine?" » the trembling flowers beneath! Your white hands sow, row upon | TOW, a crop of dragon's teeth! ------------------ | SIGNIFIOANT MOVEMENTS. | German Envoy to Sofia Suddenly Re- { turns To Athens. | Rome, Nov. 4.---Colonel Falken- { heim, thé German military attache {at Athens, who went to Sofia imme- diately before Bulgaria's mobiliza- | tion as bearer of an autograph letter | from the Kaiser to King Ferdinand, | has unexpectedly retured to Athens, { accompanied by two members of the | Staff of the German legation and sev- {eral German officers. 'They are re- { ported to be entrusted with a secret | mission. | The arrival of Colonel Falkgn- { helm is comsidersd more significant and probably heralds important de- | cislons, since, if Greece's neutrality lis to be maintained throughout' the war, as is now hinted, demobiliza- tion is bound to follow. It is only delayed with' the object for justify- ing Greece's demand for payment of the second instalment of the Fremch loan, a sum of £1,000,000, half of which has been already advanced. . Dies in 99th Year. St. Catharines, Nov, 4.--Mrs. Mar- garet Hare, who was in her ninety- ninth year, is dead at Grimsby. She was a daughter of the late Col. Pe- ter Hare, at one time paymaster for the Indians under the British Gov- ernment, and was born in the town- ship of Clinton, where is 'now lo- cated Jordan Harbor, on a farm adja- cent to the present Government BEx- perimental Farm. OLD FOLKS NEED "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER, BOWELS Salts, calomel, pills act on bowels like pepper acts in nostrils, Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy and ---- Get a 10-cent box now. Most old mission The, direceion «general 'de ferrocarriles, as it is named, prescribes | the number of trains to be run and in sists on the numler of coaches. Ev. lov riew ery night train mst carry a certain | Toronto, NY rin id pi number of sleeping cars, and dining members of certain clubs in the city Cars. or restaurant cars, as they are | as to the move set on foot for eight kndwn in Argentina. are obligatory on | o'clock closing, it. is worth pointing runs of certain distance. . Every trainjout that, under the legislation pass- is obliged to carry a letter box, and re-| ed last session, the Ontario Licens: cently the railroads have beed squeez- | Board has no power to reduce the ny a the wail fot nothing. | Bours of these fusdiiutions. "Tis ¥ way such bi ig Cheat, 2 Stretcher aad brought into operation would be by | legislation when the Legislature communication with the nearest gta. | meets. The present movement for | tion in case of an accident--are com. | early closing arose through a Sig- pulsory on every passenger train. | gestion from the Chairman of the Every passenger coach i8 disinfected | Licénse Board that the clubs might each mouth, and the precautions for | make the sacrifice at a time like this preserving the cleanliness of sleeping | and voluntarily close their bars at 3 cars are probably the most thorough | o'clock. It is understood that tue in the world, | Cabinet 'has not so far considered {wy what action might be taken next ses- | No time table can be alfered with- | sion if the clubs refuse of their own | out the sanction of the director gen- | prea will to come into line with the eral'and at least two months in ad- | hotels $n the matter of closing. vance of their taking effect. If trains | eninge ----" stop at stations not scheduled a heavy | drt teb ddd ddd dol deb db fine is imposed, and all late trains | & * must be reported to the government, | + with thé reason for being delayed.-- New York Tribune. ------ GERMS ON SALADS. { A Simple Method by Which All Dan. 13 ger May Be Avoided. | Set | Russians have opened a gen- Dra. Lolr and Legagneux of Paris i eral offensive on a front of ogre tested vinegar as a destroyer of the [4 than 750 miles, capturing 5,000 germs of typhoid fever. That they are | Germans on the Semikovtze killed by a mixture of wine and water | 4 front. in equal parts has long been known. |® These investigators prove now that |% "twenty gaha of vinegar to a liter of | # water kill the typhoid bacillys in an i: hour and five minutes. | 3 '#® warned the Persian Government "From this," writes thie Paris corre- % against an alliance with the spondent of the London Lancet, "a |g enemy. practical inference may be drawn con- | cerning salads. After washing the sal- | ad as usual, detaching each leaf, it | should be put into water acidulated® t With ten grams of vinegar to the liter | & 3 { and remain immessed in this Hquid for | Inventor Se ore Mas Submited about an hour and a quafter. Al veg- | vee ta es etables ordinarily eaten uncooked may London, Nov. 4.---Lee de Forest, | the inventor, leaves London to-mor- be subjected without any inconven- {Tow for the Continent after submit | only in An Advi Capacity. WAR BULLETINS, * -- * Germans have been with- # drawn from every front for the Serbian invasion, +P The next year of war will cost Canada $250,000,000. The food crisis in Germany is reaching alarming. proportions. The Russian minister has E PEPER R EPL RPI rr g hte A liter 18 equivalent to about a quart and ten grams are equivalent to about a third of an ounce. So if lettuce or other greens for salad be placed in Water to which about one-third of an ounce of vinegar has been added and be left for about an hour and a quar ter all danger of typhoid fever will be removed. The Centipede. The centipedé was formerly a resi- dent of the southern part of this coun- Ary, but it has gradually worked its Way to the north, so that now it is quite common in nearly every portion of the country. It thrives best in damp and warm places and has its re- deeming feature in that it catches and ys many of the domestic pests We are well rid of. Its method of catching an insect seems to be to spring over it, inclosing and caging it with its many legs. The belief occasionally clothing is without foundation. On \Sonous, the effect depending .on the Susceptibility of the patient.--St. Louis Post-Dispatch. ' "A Man Is as Old as He Feels." The well known saying, "A man is as old as he feels, a woman as old as she looks," it seems, is'ipure Liver ptdiian, and legal arose some argument as to the desira- bility of a man of forty-nine marrying a girl of twenty, whereupon the judige delivered the famous épigram. He €ven went one better, for, when coun- scl for the defense argued that the marrying such & man as his ¢lent, the witty judge observed, "What the wo- Man loses is the man to be."--Liverpool Post. -------------- The Proof Conclusive. They had They had disagreed about her cook- ing. He bad sprung the bromide about Ber not being able to cook even as his ala. Whereupon she asked him, "If that be so how is it that you baven't chron. fe dyspepsia. as your father had?" Whereupon they disagreed more thor. oughly than ever.--Fhiludeiphia Ledger. Letter For Letter, "Why does a poet begin so many of his sentences with OY" said the politician. 3 "There's no answer," replied Mr. Penwiggle. "Why does a speechmak- gin 'so many of his sentences ~Wasbington Star. ---- is A Fine Marksman. : night watchman at the col some one using the Just then a star refl. said the watchman, "that a crack shot" ---------- In Both Ways. is a very authoritative gossip." and what she American. £ # f safs goes." Bal thy Lie i 1 fence to"the same process." | Wet with that the centipede feeds on ] household goods and woolens or other | the other hand, the bite of this crea: | ture is undoubtedly more or less poi- | lady had had a lucky escape from. she thinks him | ting to the British Government his invention of an audion amplifier, | {which he maintains would be of use |in detecting the approach lof Zeppe- lins. | In a talk with a correspondent to- night, Mr. de Forest was careful to say he did not know what the au- | thorities intended to do with his in- vention, as he has had no definite | word that they consider adopting it. | Mr. de Forest intends to stay a few {days in Paris to arrange prelimina- | ries for the ultimate installation of | a wireless telephone outfit across the | | Atlantic Ocean to New York. | Until the war is over no definite | {steps will be taken to inaugurate a | { trans-atlantic wireless telephone. ' {Any day telephoning across the' ocean is bound to come," he said. "We have demonstrated that it can | | be done, and now it is only neces- | | sary to wait until the war is through | before we will set up a plant that will be put on a practical working | | basis." { | I | CHURCH BELLS FOR GUNS. Hungary Primate Talks : Church's Sacrifice. Budapest, Nov. 4.--The Primate! jof Hungary, having offered to the! { military authorities all of the bells! | of the Catholic churches of the coun-| try, the 'process of collection by the! | jlitary guthorities has now begun | with great diligence. | His Eminence, in an | said that a conference | had decided to sacrifice all of The! | interview, | of bishops bells with | at that. During the | the exception of one small bell in| trial of a breach of proinise case thete'| each tower, and thus enable the mili- | tary authorities to overcome any | difficulty they may have encountered | in securing material for guns. In| clerical circles, it is asserted, the| | Devical of bells 'to be collected will | exceed 27,000, and that Austria will | | supply about the same. ------------------ | School Greatly Improved. : | Cape Vincént, N. Y., Nov. 4. | Many improvements at the Cape Vin- |cent High School have been made | | which have added greatly to the con- { | venience and comfort of the students | this fall. Hardwood floors were | placed in the study rooms and ad- | Justable seats and desks were install- ed. Drinking fohntains, paper tow- els and liquid soap instruments have also been placed In the school for the convenience of the children. Netherlands Muy Demobilize, London, Nev, 4.--A despatch to Reuter's from the Hague says: "Ma- | jor-General C. J. Snijders, comecand- | er-in-chief of the Netherlands', land and sea forces, attended a council of ministers to-day, from which fact it is deduced that he discussed the proposals for the eventual demobil- ization of the Netherlands' forces as contained in the report of the con chamber on the {but this time, while | plish nothing permanent, may be a UNDERWEAR! {| For Men For Women For Children The greatest and most complete Underwear ! Featuring Hygiene, Watson and Penman Brand Underwear. Il Every Style Every Size | At Lowest in the City Prices We stack of quality All-Wool and Fleeced wd invite your inspection and comparison, Steacy's | Great Special Sale Announcement To-morrow | | BI ( 4 oy D AVIES' This Week We Offer Finest Quality of Beef Shoulder Roasts, 14¢ 1b 'Thick Rib Roasts, 16¢ Stewing Beef, 12% ¢ Round Steaks, 20c Beef Dripping, 15¢ Whistle Cords, Whistles. Spurs, Leggings, Shirts, 'Caps, N.C.O. Badges & Lanyards--White and Khaki Crawford & Walsh The Wm. Davies Co. Civil and Military Tailors Ltd., Phone 597. G. E. MARRISON, her. (Successor to Mrs. M. Henderson) NN sity HIGH CLASS POR- TRAITS AT NIGHT Our' powerful un 000 c. Nitrogen Magda Penton Syl you first tem enables us to | San service at it or dark 8. € Bonob0G pm. Welk wd Sh tng" U8 for enlarging and copy- Phone 1318, Match Specialties Wa have been miking matches for 64 years now-- domestic matches and every other kind. Some of our specialties are "The Gaslighter," with a 4 1-4 inch stick--The "Eddystone Torch" for outdoor use (burn: 35 seconds in any weather)--Wax Vestas for the smoker, and many other variet.és, F r home uke the most popular mateh fs "The Silent 5" But for every use ask your grocer for - Eddy's Matches & AUSTRIA AT OLD GAME. Stirring Up Trouble In Albania Dis- quietens Rome, Rome,, Nov, 4.--As the Balkan conflict shows signs of<Pointing to- ward Albania, interest and anxiety here are intensified. The news from Albania is most disquieting, as Austria is trying fo. stir up trouble by arming and inciting Albanian bands to attack the Italians at Va- lona and the Montenegrins at Scu- tari, giving them plenty of money and munitions. 3 This is an old game of Austria's, it will accom- serious matter for the Entente Al- Mes, especially Italy. Evidently it Is the wish of the Central Empires to help Bulgaria to reach her nation- x al 'aspirations of reaching the Adri- atic. x J H CANNOT FEED OFFICERS, a : Paris, Nov. ihe Germins now Students and Citizens We have i variety of Desk, Table, and Pine | | Also a stock of Heaters to make your room sosy "Home Lighting our Specialty.