PAGE TVO sss sare r From Wearer ww egistered. Open To-Night To-Morrow Will Be November 7th The season is slipping along. Have you ordered your Furs yet ? Don't delay -- they are still 25 to 50 per cent. less than last FOX & WOLF FURS ! Are now in strong demand for both day and evening wear. This design is typical of our smart creations worn with the tailored cos- tume to see our Furs. You may select a Fur to match any color. Our specialty of Fur Trimming cut to order at popular prices, cut any width, any length desired real Furs, too-- We invite yon You are not pressed to buy in this store. John McKay, Limited, Kingston's Reliable Fur House. New Windows Require New Shades Let us estimate on vour Shades for those new windows. Made from a special cloth that is sun proof, and will net erack or wrinkle. \ Hung by expert woPk- men on the best quality of HARTSHORN ROLLERS. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Ware- house. $1,000 FIRE Protection on your dwelling or contents at a cost of less than One Cent Per Day Can you afford to do | withomt. this protection? | We represent first class | companies only. 1 THE POWER OF GOD. | To Lift i Holy Life. The Princess Street Methodist | Church was unable to accommodate { the number who came Sunday night {to hear Mrs. Asa Gordon relate an incident in real life which iNustrat- { ed the power of God to lift one who had sunk into the lowest depths of sin into a pure and hely life. Jim, the subject of her sketch, | was wanted in an important crimin- | al case. | and was dying in certain hospital. | The news ¢ame as a great shoek to his aged parents who persuaded the speaker to hasten to nis bedside and get him saved, if possible. As she journeyed a promise was given her. "Behold I will bring | health and cure; and I will cure | (him) and will reveal unto (him) | the abundance of peace and truth and {I wil] cleanse (him) from (his) in- iquity and whereby Me has sinned | against me and I will pardon all his { iniquities whereby he has sinned and | whereby he has transgressed aghinst me." ! The condition and environment in| Bifsed 8ity members to form the | which she found him, the almost un- surmountable difficulties | quently that the whole | wonderfully vivid After an operation had been 3 formed by a specialist brought from New York and when all her attempts lo secure his conversion to God seem- ed to have proved futile a message from Mr. Gordon quoting the same promise which unknown to him bad already been given the speaker led her to spend the night alone in in- tercession. Early the mext morning she found a radiant face awaiting her coming. Jesus Christ had become to Jim a living reality--the old life with its sin and shame had passed away-- all things had become new. At dhe close of the service many in the audience signified their inten- tion of seeking the Saviour. Beautiful New Stock to Choose. cheviots and serges depart order elothing ready-made clothing You should experience no fort in doing the finest kind of proidery or sewing if yon wear rect glasses on have From Depths of Sin To al It was ascertained that hes | had moved to the Southern States] i she was| able ta overcome before the rebel! he : against God and' His truth was led|2f Worship, until the present new to lay down his arms in full surren | DUIlding was entered two years ago. {der to Christ was described so elo-| PUTing these years scene was! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1915. VOCE OF THE PULPIT ONT., IN ST. ANDREW'S. { Anniversary Service in First Baptist --Chancellor McCrimmon, Me- | Master, Preached in the Evening. | At St. Andrew's Church. on Sun- day Rev. D. L. McCrea, London, Ont... i preached at both services 'to large | | congregations. In the morning he | | preached from Matthew vii, 2: ' And | { with what measure you mete, it {shall be measured to you again." In introduction he said that many peo- i ple could not reconcile the present {great war with the teachings of | Christianity After reading anil | studying everything written about its causes, he could endorse the | {opinion offered by the Archbishop of { Canterbury, that. the war is not of | iGod but of the Devil and hell. Though the war is a great calamity, | we must not forget the story of Ish- | | mael, who is personated in the pres- ent Kaiser, whose hand seems to be | against every man, and who will find what it means to have every man's hand against him In our {own lives we find that every act and | thought has its reward. The right- {eous, kind and charitable, get the | espect and confidence of their asso ciates, The hard-grasping man finds distrust and suspicion at his every { action, while the frivolous sooner or later are isolated and deserted. Just | p---------- er -------- | KING ALBERT OF BELGIUM, In aid of whose suffering subjects a concert will be hel in Grant Hall on as Turner, Newton and Wordsworth found the hidden beauties of nature everywhere, so will we find the best in life by opening our hearts to re- ceive God's mercies, . First Baptist Church Anniversary. 'Yesterday was anniversary day in thie First Baptist Church. The twenty-sixth anniversary of the pas- tor's settlement was observed at the morning service when the pastor preached. He chose his text from I Samuel, vii : 12; "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." After dealing briefly with the text and its application to the experiences of the First Church during the time! of his twenty-six years' pastorate, he noted some of the main steps which indicate progress. Among the items mentioned were the following: In December, 1889, the Young People's Society was organized. It has had an unbroken existence, with varying experiences, but for years past has not failed for gratifying activity. The next step was the organization of a mission Sunday school on Colling- wood street, in November 1891.| From it the Union street Baptist | church sprang. On the 30th of April 1893, Union street building Was opened. The Rev. Dr. Hooper | conducted the opening service. In j Jauary, 1897, the First Church dis- Union Street Church. In December, 1904, the new Sunday school hall was opened, and was used as a place 358 members were received into fellowship. | 'AL the evening serviee the second | anniversary of the opening of the | present mew "building was observed. | Dr. A, L. MeCrimmeon, Chancellor of | McMaster University, Toronto, was | the preacher and delivered a very | strong and inspiring sermon before a | very large congregation. | He chose as text Isaiah lili, 52. His | theme was, "The sufferings of Christ in relation to the redemption of men, His line of reasoning that of cause and effect. Seience' teaches that you cannot have an! effect without a cause. You must | back: to first principles. You do not; reach the full explanation until you! reach the infinite. | Naturalistic philosophy cannot ex- | plain spiritual things. These are; {in a realm beyond its reach, buf the' facts are there. Paul met Christ| and ceased to be a persecutor of! Chliristians, - His whole attitude was changed. He came the great 'apostle of Christ in the first century. rations such as Paul's cage' furnishes, are numerous, What has brought about such u revolution of life and conduct? Meeting Christ in 'experimental jouch. "By His stripes we are healed. The sin-ruled soul is freed. He rises into new life and is made strong, being healed by Christ. We may not be able to ex-| j route Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. was | ~ DEPARTURE OF 80TH FOR BELLEVILLE, PICTON AND NAPANEE, Battalion Bade Kingston Good Bye Sorry To Leave the Limestone City to Winter Elsewhere. i At 9.15 a.m. Monday the streets of Kingston were filled with citizens whe watched the 80th Battalion on its farewell march through the eity. The battglion left the camp grounds at 8.45 alm. and came through the city by Ontario to Princess to King, to Brock, to Clergy, to Princess and | to the Tete de Pont Barfacks and the | C { aded tocheavy marching order head- P. R. station. The battalion par-| ed by Lieut.-Col. Ketcheson and the 59th Battalion band. The men nev- ér marched better and all along the were cheered. At St. Mary's school the pupils lined the side-walk | and cheered the soldiers. At the foot of Princess street, "D" Company, which is going to Pic- ton, branched off and marched to the C. P.'R. station to take a Canadian Northern train to its destination. « The main body marched to the G. T. R. grounds at the east end of King street and there entrained. There were also thirty-seven loads of baggage on the traim that had Remick's Star Dance F olio, No. 15 We edn truthfully sav that this is positively the Greatest Folio ever put on the market. Contains nothing but late Hits, arranged in the newest dance forms, viz.: One Steps, Fox Trots and Hesitation Waltzes. » Look over the contents and prove for yourself that this Folio i: we claim for it. Special 40c each; mail" 5c extra. STAR DANCE FOLIO NO. 15 --CONTENTS. ONE STEPS Davis Fox Trot, The riel Davis At the Mississippi Cabaret---Albert Gumbile Dee tor Brown--Fred Irvin Chinatown, My Chinstown--Jean Sehwarts Silver Fox--Henry Lodge : Come Over to Dover--licorge Botsford Pm On My Way to Dublin Bay--Stauley Murphy Everybody Rag With Me--Grace La Boy . Oh! What a Heautitul Haby--A\. Seymour Brown HESITATION WALTZES When It's Night Time Down in Burguady--glerman Love's Kiss--Anlta Owen Wonderful Thing, A--Clare Kummer When § Was a Breamer-- Egbert \ AL "eraldine--Henrv Ledge a hs yu Valse Maurice--Syivester Belmonte Just a Moment--Eghert Van Alstyne ALL Paley I'm On My Way to Dublin Bay---Staniey Murphy Back te Dixieland---Jack Yellen When the Roses Blobm in Avalon--Jack Wells Alabama Jubllee--George LL. Cobb FUGX TROTS I Want to Linger--Henry 1. Marshall On the S.10~--Henry I. Marshall Over the Hills te Mary--Jack Wells Wrap Me in a Bundlie--Egbert Van Alstyne The College Phone 919. MISCELLANEOUS Buenos Dias (Good Morning) Maxixe- Widmer Operatic Rag--Julins Lenwheryg Rag Baby Minei-George Borsfora Book OPEN NIGHTS. Kathryn IL. Store 160 Princess Street been brought down .by the Army Ser-: vice Corps. F Col, T. D. R. Hemming and sev-| eral members of the headquarters! staff were at the train, and when at 10 o'clock it pulled out, there was great cheering, whole the band play- ¢d, "Rule Britannia." As Major Starr, staff chaplain, said to the men at their last church service at the camp on Sunday morn-| ing, the 80th Battalion has progress- | ed splendidly, and is composed of as( file a body of men as in any unit of! the Canadian overseas force. Col. | Ketcheson has a right to be proud of) his splendid battalion and ir it con-| tinues to progress as well as it has done at Barriefield camp when its unites in the spring, possibly for ov-| ersea service as a anit, it will oe/ second to none. | 4 The Whig has a great deal for] which to thank the officers, particu-| lar.y Col. Keteheson and Capt. Wat-| son, his adjutant, while the battal- | ion was at camp. The officers al-| ways did all they could to assist in! giving the public, through the press, | news of interest. | The Kingston officers of the 80th | Battalion are Major C. A. Low, Capt. | L. C. Lockett, Capt. K. Kane and| Lieuts. G. 8S. Coward, F. Pilley and| L. Birkett. | : Made Presentation. | On Friday evening last, Ernest| Harris, who is leaving for England| to join the aviation corps, was pre-| sented with a suit case by the teach-! ers of the Sunday School and choir! of St. James' Church. The presen-| tation was made by Rev. T. W. Sav- ary who expressed the best wishes | of all the members and for the safe! return of Mr. Harris. Scarce Goods | | Christmas - Wanted Shades ||==inm= drop this year spread neckince, ll The prices fo H ( I ats ener 3m, "ome. of "shes ) » irise you, ranging from $5.00 up. /* Black, Brown, Green, Purple, Old Rose, Car- : Y or: 7 . / dinal, Navy, Taupe; 27 inches wide; a yard Silk Finish Suiting Velvets 4 + GH 30 and 36 inches wide--Black, Myrtle, Brown, Helio, Navy, Russian Green, Belgian Blue--an ideal material for a Fall Suit or Costume--special at the price $1.00, $1.25 the rather pendant than =» We bave these pendants (with or without) chains at prices that will bear any comparison. They come In Gold with Dia mokds, or Platigum and Gold with Diamonds, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. To Cure a Cold In One Day. | Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN | INE Tablets. Druggists refund mon- | ey if it fails to cure. EK. W. irove's | signature is on each box. 25c. | Given Purse of Gold. | Herbert Moore, assistant city pay- | master of Toronto, was presented | with a purse of gold on Saturday | by his colleagues in the Treasurer's | Department, on the eve of his de-| parture 'for Kingston, where he will | take a military course preparatory | to going 'to the fromt. { ---- Phone 230 for Drug Store wants. | Kingston's Famous Fur = The tremendous de- mand for Furs this sea- son undoubtedly means much higher prices for next vear. Already most raw furs have advanced J}! 50 per cent, in the past' | few sonths, and the present low 'prices can only last as long as the present stoek holds out. Wise fur buyers will } not delay. This is your Opportunity to buy. Come to the big store with the big stock and t¢ your selection now. HE ; New Fur Catalogue on TT Fars, Grand Trunk and a Canadian Northern Railway tablish through passenger train ser- vice between Other makes at 50c, 60c, 75¢ a yard 4 -.Woolens | | Our large stocks are melting away at a rapid rate, owing to ouY prices being less than present You do well to buy early. | REMODELLED. y Gourdier s Phone 700. - NN AANA AMAA ltt, COME TO OUR OFFICE AND INVESTIGATE OUR Real Estate Bargai A Few from the List: | $8,100--Collingwood, new | -- brick wholesale prices. 3 Newman & Shaw, . The Always Busy Store we vow S| ~~ CLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes irregular ly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. United States. dally .. 1.00pm. BUILDERS SUPPLIES waaay | THRESHING TIME REQUIRES STEAM COAL. solid $3,250 Bungalow and garage, {$1,100--Small new frame; improve- | ments; lot 50x83. | $1,500---Collingwood #8t., detached; gas, improvements, $4,300 William "St. suitable for boarding house, $6,000-- William St.; double. $3,500 Division St., new brick. ; Building Lots. ¥ to Loan. Houses to rent and rents collected, 1.50 p.m. R * ANGLIN'S have a y dice large lump grade-- Do. Sucking Western try it. 11.60 am, Grand vunk, going west west of city . 330 p.m. . i -------- C. P. R, 10.15 a.m. and 530 pam. on Cot nme or wi Factory, Ete, Ba Wi treets, 7 "Sies Phine 00. ective November 1st, 1915, the will es- S os Let us show you our Full Line of Domestic Vacuum Sweepers, Bis- || prev | No coatradiction can wash out that fact. It is as clear as the water'we use, as in- house work light and | . i : a Tow: effable as the snowy white- {ll Dess, we impart to linens, and Mo nid Veneer . Dustiess Dustery as unyielding as the starch in our' collars and cuffs, Weighted Brushes 'erything that can | easy. O'Cedar WE DO HIGH