THE STANDARD ARTICLE SOLD EVERYWHERE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES One Dollar Hot | Water Bottles Others up to $2.00 All guaranteed from one to five years We repair leaky ties satisfactorily NIPPLES COMFORTS BUCK SYRINGES FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ELASTIC STOCKINGS ELASTIC SUPPORTS TRUSSES CRUTCH TIPS TUBING, ETC, A Complete Stock Best's The Popular Drug Store, ly Open Sundays, Water Bot tts aa tiara The kind you want--he kind most everybody wants ODEL glasses scientifically ground. MODEL adjustment Insuring perfect comfort, MOREL shapes that add dig- nity to the face. MODEL clips that don't slide, tilt or hurt the nose. N ODEL- methods lowest prices. KEELEY Jr., M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 238 Princess Street the Opera insuring 'THE CANADIAN FORCES | THAT ARE AT FRONT AND IN ENGLAND. Two. Divisions Complete And the Corps Troops Are At the Front-- ldeut.Col. Rathbun Commands 6th Reserve Brigade. Ottawa, Nov. 9. i tails have reached Ottawa regarding | the composition of the Canadian for- | ces at the front and in training in i England. The new Canadian army jeorps is composed at the first and { second divisions, which are - com- plete in themselves, and the corps troops, which consist of the Strath- cona Horse, the Royal Canadian { Dragoons, two Mounted Rifles, the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry, the Forty-Sec- | ond Montreal Battalion and the For-| ty-Ninth Edmonton Battalion. Genera] Alderson, as -already nouféed, commands the corps. an- Am= or C. HL. Beatty, D.S.G., a brother of « ral Sir David Beatty. luded in the Canadian train- division in England are the of thé cavalry depot, the re- brigade of field artillery, the on machine gun brigade, Canad- ian Engineers training depot, four brigades of infantry, the Army Ser- vice Corps training depot, varipus 1ospital and Canadian Army Medical iif! Corps units, army veterinary units, ordnance corps umits, a postal de- {| tachment and other small but im- portant, details. The cavalry depot is in command of Lieut.-Col. R. W. Paterson, 34th Fort Garry Horse. Lieut.-Col. E. W. Rathburn, 9th Canadian Field Artil- IM lery Brigade, is in command of the ili 6th Reserve Brigade of Field Artil- it lery, which forms the Canadian Ar- Ile tillery depot of the training divi iit sion. | The . Canadian Engineers training fil! aemor is in command of Lieut.-Col. | J. Houliston, Halifax, N.S. i For their more effective adminis- tration and training the reserve in- || tantry battalions of the Canadian training division haye been organised into four new reserve brigades. They are constituted as follows: 7th In- fantry Reserve Brigade, headquart- érs at St. Martin's Plain, Lieut.-Col. !S. Maynard Rogers, brigade com- | mander; Sth Infantry Reserve Bri- | gade, headquarters at Bast Sandling, { Col. J. P. Landry, brigade comimand- er; 9th Brigade, West Sandling, { Lieut.-Cel. E. C. Ashton, brigade | commander; 10th Brigade, Shorn- | eliffe, Lieut.-Cel. H. J. Brown, bri- | gade commander. | IF THE HUNS WON. | gr | A Panic Would Happen In United States. Boston, Nov. 9.--In reply to the query "What would be the signifi- cance to the United States if Ger- many won an overwhelming vie- | tory?" Prof. O. M. M. Sprague, of | Harvard University, said: "A panie¢, swift and certain; prob- | ably the greatest in our history. A | veritable financial chaos. "The United States," Prof. Sprague went on, 'would be in ex- 'actly the same position as any manun- i factuper who suddenly found himself unable to collect his bills, unable to raise the funds. to carry on his busi- ness, and with the resultant less of credit and confidence in the business. If Germany wins--, and of course I have no such expectation,--her first {act would be to demand an enorm- ous indemnity. "The Allies would be forced 0 either repudiate or defer indefinitely payment of their debts to the United | States." ii . New Splendid oats Acknowledged by ex- perts to be much better than any coat any one man can possibly make. "riees same as last sea- son. Patterns new and styles always a little in advance of most all oth- ers. We cannot repeat a single coat in stock at less than $5 more than our presenty price. Be wise and buy now. : . Two cases new coals réceived this week, all at old prices and all class coats. New -.. Underwear for winler. wear completing our stock.: All makers goods and all at last year's prices. first MAY INFLUENCE KING. | { Skouloudis Likely To Dissipate Con- | stantine's Hesitancy. ~ The Daily Chronicle's diplomatic correspondent {| writes: "Skouloudis is known to be || friendly disposed to the Allies, and London, Nov. 9. | particularly to England, . where he spent several years. He speaks Eug- { lish fluently, and, no doubt, will not | take any step whieh is not in confor- | mity with traditions in the best inter- | est to Greece, and will always tend- | er the best advice to his Sovereign. | There is every reason to believe that | the King will listen to Skouloudis with greater attention than any oth- {er G statesman. It is, therefore, | hoped that if the Allies continue pre parations and military operations in | the Balkans with vigor and speed, | the time is not distant when, under | the guidance of men like Skouloudis, {the hesitancy of King Constantine { will" disappear and Greece will join i the Alles ™ | SNOW IN BERLIN, Earliest Winter In Many Years -- Women Clean Streets. # Rotterdam, Nov. $9.--Berlin al- ready has had a heavy fall of snow. It is the earliest touch of wintry weather in many years. Women wit the snow from the streets. | liners, says the correspondent of the Rotterdam Courant, fear the troops in thé field are insufficiently equipped with warm clothing, 8 GERMAN SHIPS WRECKED Off Swedish Coast in Evading British ¥ Sabi Stockholm, Nov. 9---Marine ads vices state that six German ships {have been wrecked on the Swedish coast in the last three days, while trying to escape British submarines. All the crews were lost Additional de-| ong those attached to his staff is Maj | | Montreal Business Men Being Advis ed Of Opportunities, Ottawa, Nov. 9.--F. C, Just, spec- i ial Canadian trade | who has only recently returned from Russia, where he investigated trade possibilities for Sir George Foster, is pow in Montreal. After meeting | Montreal business men Mr. Just will | go east with a view to interesting Canadian manufacturers in the Rus- sian matgket. He has already tourasd | the Dominion from Victoria eastward cover the rest of the | TRADE WITH RUSSIA. | and will now ground with\special references to thé possibilities for the sale of eastern manufactured products in the Czar's | Empire. ! It is Mr. Just's opinion that the Canadian manufacturers { will study. it, there 'will Be a | strong against German trade for many years to come Slitles if as sentiment LABOR'S RALLY TO FLAG. | Remarkable Regruiting Demonstra- tion Held in London. London, Nov 9 demonstration in furtherance af { Lord Derby's recruiting campaign { was held in Trafalgar Square Sun- day by the unions of London | As a result, a large number of young | wien enlisted. With the exception of | thé Clapham branch of the Indensy- { dent Labor Party, which declined to participate, all the unions in Londen sent representatives, and an immense crowd gathered in the square. Resolutions adopted at the meet- ing reaffirmed labor's conviction that the voluntary system of enlistment would "meet the needs of the country and pledged devoted support of Lord Derby's campaign "in order to bring A, remarkable | the war to a successful, issue, and to prevent the establishment in the country of the comscriptionists mili- tary and naval system." ------------ THE SPORT REVIEW According to the Hamilton Spec tator the Tigers will not play off with the O. R. F. U. winners for the Ca- nadian finals unless the proceeds are donated to patriotic purposes, Any peace overtures will have to come from the National Hockey As- sociation, declared President Frank| Patrick, of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association. The executive committee of the Sarnia O. R. F. U. intermediate team has accepted the offer of the Ham- ilton Rowing Club intermediates for a sudden death game to be played at Sarnia on Saturday, Nov. 13th This is the semi-final game for the championship. Never before in the history of Rugby will so many well known and popular athletes he gathered togeth- er on one field as will be seen in ac- tion when the teams from Kingston and Toronto encampments get tageth- er in the"military match next Satur-: day. Arrayed alongside of Maynard will be the ex-Queen's star, "Tout" | Leckie, who also performed with! Hamilton Tigers and the Argos in many a famous gridiron contest. Lee-| kie is a star punter, and was always rated as one of the best in the game. Toronto News: They have cham-! pions galore in all branches of sport in the Kingston battery, and they are making good at the rughy game "Bob™ Dibble, the big husky rowing. champion played a fair game for the rugby ball as he did with the paddle This evening in Montreal the dir ciation will meet in conference for consideration of legal measures. to prevent the Patricks from using the services of six players of the Toron- to hockey club, who have been, aec- cording to Patrick's announcement in Vancouver, signed by the western magnates. Coach Alf. Smith of the Ottawa hockey team has announced that football team, had both consented to a trial with the Senators on the ice this winter. Smithy thinks both boys are good prospects. Boucher is a wing player with a shot froin the left side and should be able to fill Broadbent's shoes in a year or two. He is fast and carrier alow shot from the boards as well as a good Snap in close. Nagle is very fast and a plugger in centre ice. The Toronto Riversides have again decided to enter the senior O. H. A. series, and their prospects bright for a strong team, as they have several new men in line along with Eugene Dopp, last year's cap- tain; Gordon Applegath, Ken Crane, Pete Reesor, and Cecil Hill Out of a club membership of 142, over 60 per cent. have enlisted for active service, but are still in the ring and a very aec- tive sporting organization. It is announced that the Thous- and Islands Yacht Club has effered a perpetual challenge cup which will be raced for each summer on the St. conditions to govern the races for this trophy will be the Hi pe to com- 1d : £ commissioner, Argos last year, and is no. novice, of while Knowlson, the champion pad-| dler, is also doing as well with i | THE WHOLE BODY ectors of the National Hockey Asso-| George Boucher and "Eddie" Nagle! the crack youngsters of the Ottawa ap, look! - the . Riversides Lawrence River by motor boats. The me =o) i | | § Go Challenge | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1915. EE THE JAPANESE WATCH PASSING OF THE EMPEROR TO! BE CROWNED { The Narrow Streets of Kyoto, the | Ancient Capital of Japan, Throng- | ed With People. Kyoto, Japan, Nov. § Through RArrow streets packed to suffocation with eager crowds, who had stood wedged in uncomfortable positions for many heurs, the Emperor of Ja- pan passed in _ful¥ state yesterday morning to the ancient capital .of Nippon in this city, where the cere- | monies of the coronation will take! place. LSet As the Imperig! shrine was car- i \ ian | Hussis 8 it presents gre: ossi- 'Filed by, the immense throngs pros- brigades of Canadian! 'tussian market presents great p trated themselves and worshipped. The people were quiet and orderly. The Emperor's face was extremely serious, He had spent the night | at Nagoya in order to avoid the { fatigue of a twelve-hour railroad journey. An interesting ceremony was per- formed in conmection with the tem: porary reception of the Imperial treasures These were at once borne to a shrine which had been erected to house them during the coronation, and were enshrined with full Shinto ritual, including the of- fering of food and wine. The Master of Rituals recited an ancient prayer, and representatives of the Emperor and Empress attend- ed and made obeisance to the relies. The Emperor himself was not pres- ent, He will rest in the palace un- til the coronation takes place on Wednesday. One result of the unprecedented influx is that it is impossible to ob- tain a vehicle of any description. All the rickshaws and carriages were engaged months ago by Japanese, and those who neglected to make special provision have to walk or take the street car for long dis- tances. Magnificent uniforms are in evidence everywhere, and streets are a continual pageant gold lace and color. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Held In Winnipeg For Late Sir Charles Tupper. Winnipeg, Nov. 9. --Memorial ser vices for the late Sir Charles Tupper were held here Sunday night in All} Saint's Church, Rey. Walter Loucke officiating and preaching. He made reference to the life and werk of Canada's former premier and former high commissioner at London. The present Sir Charles Tupper and Lady Tupper, W. J. Tupper, wife and fam- | ily were in attendance. Hon. Robert Rogers represented the Dominion Government, and others present were Premier Norris, Hon. Edward Brown Hon. A. B. Hudson, of the Provincial Government, - Mayor Waugh, Lady | § Cameron and W. J. Christie and E.| L. Taylor, representing the Canser- vative Association of Manitoba. , i ------ TO SEND MORE MEN. Island Of Jamaica: Heeds The King's Kingston, J#maiéa, Nov. 9.--'The } members of the legislature had a con-| ference yesterday, when they met | §i Governor Manning, and submitted J proposals for increasing the Jamai-| J cam contingent at 'the front, and ex- pressed their willingness to bear in- creased taxation for that purpose. They sent a eablegram to King George, expressing the people's re- gret of his illness and assuring him} Jamaica wounid give hearty response to his appeal for men. The people are enthusiastic the recruiting movement Bryan qmay be sued for libel for saying Navy League are paid agents the shipbuilders. NEEDS PURE BLOOD | The bones, the muscles, and all the organs oi the bedy depend for their | | strength and tone and healthy action | | on pure blood. . { If the blood is very impure, the | i | bones become diseased; the muscles |} | become enféebled, the step loses its '§ elasticity, and there is inability to | Jitforn the usual amount of labor. ; e skin loses its clearness, and | pimples, blotches and other eruptions | ar. jood's Sarsaparilla makes pure | the treatment of scrofula and other catarrh, rheamatism, dys ng. get it: todav. All demegiat« FREI blood. It is positively noequaled in J humors, - b 1 pepsia, loss of appetite, that tired J i Be sure to get Hood's and | Ji DAVIES' | Foe Specials Tomorrow ! These values are absolutely unbeatable --- values that cannot be duplicated again at the prices we are now offering them at--see them ! ct tata ot Towels On 25 dozen pure linen: Huck Towels -- Hringed SlZe 17 1-2x32: worth to-dav 18¢ each. To-morrow et at tat ttt tat tt ARE at ends 1 Oc 15 doz. fancy Bath Towels colors -- reg. 35¢. To-morrow finished in * Towelling 300 yards 'Old Bleach" 37 1-2¢ to 45¢ a vard. To-morrow quality Guest Towelling -- reg. 440 yards Old Bleach" fancy Huck Towelling--22 wide, a very special value at Toe To-morrow inches 500 yards pure linen brown striped Towelling -- can't be bought wholesale at less than 15¢ a vard. To-morrow French Model Corsets 90 doz. heavy coutil and medium weight batiste Corsets, all the latest models--a special with us at £1.50. To-morrow "Fashion Brand" Waists 8 doz. more of the beautiful Lingerie Waists that caused such a furore on Saturday--sizes 36 to 44-- regularly priced from $2.00 to £3.75. To-morrow New Underskirts 15 doz. silkine smart new Skirts, in colors Brown and Green---regular $1.25. To-morrow ny I 'A Charming Array of New York Dresses pe pr TT i 25 only of the smartest Serge, Taffeta and Serge and Taffeta Com- | bination Dresses--new and exclusive designs, that cannot be duplicated elsewhere in town--splendid value at $17.50 to $37.50. Jo To-Morrow Less 20 Sams This whole store is full to overflowing with the finest stocks for your fall and winter neéds--at prices that mean a distinct saving ! | WE INVITE COMPARISON. ~ Steacy's "The Woman's Store of Kingston" is the slogan of every good cook who uses "Davies Peerless Shortening We have a variety of Desk, Table, and Piano i Lamps, from $200 up. Also a stock of Heaters and warm. Home Lighting to make your room cozy ony Specialty. -------- : > be measured. One of the characteristics of envy! = Dia gpeor th ; rs Hurry and worry make a reckless 53a to drive. : . é \ . RE le BLL Words, as well as actions, need 3 /