THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY; SHARP ATTACK REPULSEL Dangerous Condition Relieved Just Ia Time By "Fruit-a-tives" R. F. J. CAVEEN 632 Gerrard St. Fast, Toronto, For two years, I was a victis Acute Iudigestion and Gas Slomach. 1% afterwards att Heart, and I had pains a body, so I could hardly move 1 tried all kinds of medicine of them did phe any ge acting on the advite of 3 decided to try 'Fruit-a-tives' bought the first box last June, and now I am well, after using only three boxes 1 recommend 'Fruit-a-tives® to an) suffering from Indigestion, no matter how acute". FRED J. CAVEEN. Simple Indigestion often leads to Heart Attacks, Calarrk of the Stomach and constant distress of mind J ne 1f you are bothered with any Stomach | Trouble, and especially if Constipation troubles you, take 'Fruit-a-tives'. Se. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e, | At all dealers postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. nv Rn or sent A ---- ~~ -- Telephone 201 Auto Livery Bibby Garage) imine? Agents for Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Need a Laxative? Don't take a violent purgative. Right . the sluggish condition with the safe, vegetable remedy which has held pub- lic confidence for over sixty years. BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest Sais ¢f Ary Medicine In the World. Sold aver whore, Ir havee -------- A -------- ~------ A a ROYAL SALAD DRESSING ROYAL MINT SAUCE ROYAL CHILI SAUCE ROYAL TABLE MUSTARD SELECTED PAPRIKA CLUB HOUSE OLIVE OIL D. COUPER. Phoie 76. 841-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. MRS. MABEN WAS MADE WELL . By Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. table Compound wanted to write to you for a long time to tell you what your wonderful remedies oasis weaknesy and displacemént and I would have Such ited, Ne at i | ARMY. About Four Thousand Canines 00GS TAKE A PART IN THE WORK IN THE GERMAN | Are | Said To Be On the Register--The | German Sheep Dogs Are Much in Evidence. The following | been taken i in the Bull Club de { Humbert nen in ch { = Ever team of « information le appearing Saint Hubert ritten by Dr. ber of the club, now hospital at Bussang: mans attached a to each Jager (rifle) battalion, the employment of dogs in | the German army has steadily in- | creased, thanks to the close co-opera- { tion of the authorities with | practical dog men. Foremost in this | respec the Verein fur Deutsche | Sehaferhund (German Sheepdog | Club), founded in 1889, and now hasing more than 4,000 members. | This society, whose studbooks con- tain up to now about 45,000 entries, { also keeps a special register "in view of mobilization." While already in the studbooks the entry of each dog is accompanied by an abbreviated in- dication whether the sheepdog in question h been trained for police duty, ambulance work, patrol work, or domestic duties, this special . war register gives a more detailed infor mation on the same points. About 4,000 dogs are said to be on the register, which is carefully kept up to date. Side by side with the German Sheepdog Club exists the | German Club for Ambulance Dogs, specializing, as its name indicates, in the breeding and training of dogs suitable for retrieving wounded sol- diers. The dogs kept by mémbers of an artic of e Ger since military tis the twu societies form the reserve of | the canine units of the German army, and their owners were warned shortly { before the mobilization to hold them in readiness for requisition by the army. \ While the Jager battalions special- | ize in the employment of dogs for i patrol and sentry duty, they are em- ployed by other regiments as well, up to ten cogs being attached to each battalion. The ambulance detachments, which { Torm part of each German regiment, ! have generally four ambulance 'dogs that are taken out at the same time as the stretcher-bearers go out. The breeds chiefly employed are the so- called German sheepdog--they act- ually come from Alsace and Switzer- land--the Doberman Pinscher, the Airedale terrier, and more rarely the Rottweiler, a kind of cattle dog, and | the boxer, which latter has a long | strain of bulldog in him. Photographs on the Wing. Germany has employed many in- genious devices in the Great War, and ! surely one of the most unique is that ! of employing carrier pigeons for tak- | ing military photographs. Some years | ago the camera employed for this purpose was exhibited in Germany. | It was invented by Dr. Neubronna, | and was a wonderfully light instru- ment, weighing only 2% oz. The lens was only 2in. focus, and the photo- graph produced measured 1%in. | square. One of the models could take eight pictures in succession on a filmi, while another consisted of two ! distinct cameras. The lens of one ; pointed forwards and the other back- T wards When the "carrier" was in flight. In each case the exposure mechanism consisted of a bulb containing compressed air, by the slow escape of which through a ay aperture a lever was operated to release the shutter at the end of an interval of time which could be deter- | mined in advance. A Joke That Recoiled. Professor Ikeno of Tokio univer-! his absent- | i | 8ity is well known for | mindedness. One evening on his way from school, says the East and West News, he struck his head against a telegraph post, "Pardon me, pardon me," he said, and quiekened his gait, A certain colleague of the same uni- versity happened to see this from the other side of the street, and the fol- lowing day said to the professor: "I was surprised last night by your care- lessness, Mr. lkeno. You dashed against me in the street and I feel the pain still." "Oh, was it you?" was the reply. "Please excuse me. I did not know it was you. Jt felt wooden." Then a roar of laughter went round the pro- fessor's room, but at the expense of the colleague. . Amazing Appetites, If a baby had the appetite of a young potato beetle it would eat from fifty to one hundred pounds of food every twenty-four hours. If a horse ate as much as a caterpillar, ia pro- portion to its size, it would consume a ton of hay every twenty-four hours. A caterpillar eats twice its weight of leaves every day; but 4 potato beetle devours every day at least five times its weight in foliage, every bit of which represents just so much money to the farmer. The most destructive of all insects, ho! , is the grasshopper, which, whtn in good health, consumes in a { day mes its weight of vegeta- | tion. No Wonder that whele districts | are devastated by its multitudinous SWArms. Never a Spare Leg. cabby and the chauff~ur had a slight altercation, and the former, in approved sarcastic style, inquired: "And what's that pretty thing stuck up on the side?" "Way, that's a spare rim and tyre "in case any of the wheels go wrong-- a8 any sensible man knows." "Well, I've drove 'osses for nigh on twenty years, an' I ever carried a spare leg for one of "em yet!™ 4 Amber. Amber is belleved by the Turks to be an infallible guard against the in- Jurious effects of nicotine; hence its extensive use for mouthpieces of pipes. Greater London has more than doubled its population in the last 50 years, the figures in 1861 being 2.- 232.720, while uow they are 7,252, SE "ie - rubber | | Very | has ber 18th, GIRLS ! BEAUTIFY STOP DANDRUFF becomes charming, lustrous and thick iw few moments. Hair Wavy, Every bit of dandruff disappears and hair stops coming out. For 25 cents you can save your { hair In de than ten minutes you | can double beauty. Your hair be- light, wavy, fluffy, indant and ft, lustrous and charm ing as a young girl's after applying { some Danderine Also try this | moisten a cloth with a little Dander- and carefully draw it through hair, taking one small strand at a time This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or . excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin Besides beautifying the, hair, Dag- derine dissolves every particle of dandruff; purifies and in- vigorates the scalp, forever topping itching and falling hair, hut what will please you most will be after a few week's use, when you see new hair----fine and downy at first---yes but really new hair growing all ove: the scalp. If you care for pretty soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan_ derine from any drug store or toilet counter and just try it. jeames { appears {iné | your cleanses, Delayed Her Appearance. Amateur theatrical companies are proverbially courageous, and perhaps that is the reason why the Puddle- combe Thespians selected "lolanthe" as the means by which they would astonish the natives. As every lover of Gilbert and Sullivan is, aware, one of the most effective scenés in the opera is the rising of lolanthe from the bed of a beautiful river, and it seemed that this scene would go par- ticularly well. The queen and fairies had sung their welcome well, the limelight was full on. "lolanthe! Come, Iolanthe!" sang the fairies, But lolanthe did not appear. The queen waved her wand franti- cally, and the fairies anxiogsly re- peated: "Iolanthe! Come, Iolanthe!" It was a tense moment, and the ex- citement had communicated itself to the audience. Again the invitation was repeated, and then a petulant voice from beneath the water's sil- very surfade was heard: . "Oh, do be quiet!" it said. you see I'm caught on a nail?" "Can't The Emblem He Selected. Lord Saye and Sele is a very strong opponent of "votes for women," apro- pos of which fact he has told an amusing story. He once attended a book dinner, at which all the guests were expected to appear with an emblem denoting the j ile uf & buot Lord Saye and Sele went in an ordinary evening dress, but be carried a lady's petticoat over his arm. No oné could guess what book he represented, but when he told them every one was greatly amused. g His lordship's emblem represented Kipling's famous book 'Life's Handi- cap." His lordship won the first prize. Submarine Position-Finder, submarine to find her own position under water, and will do away with | the dangerous necessity of coming to | the surface for that purpose, is an- | nounced by Mr. Hudson Maxim, the | inventor. Mr. Maxim says that the i implement permits the commander of | a submarine to find his position on a | map at any time, within a hundred | feet oF so. A position indicator, of a | cruiser design, Mr. Maxim claims, is now in use in practically all the navies of the world. Its installation on a submarine costs about $17,000, installed for enly $1,000. = The Vory First Time. The amateur theatrical perform- ance was being discussed. play "here the mau seizes the wo- wan forces bor lato (he cupboard aad turns the key oa her?" "Yeu Ls , lasl night a fellow in the they bad to put him out." wpdlanr. aon. WY . "Yeu, ther "was that ¥ fellow wax fe actrerar-and How ad ver soon any! HT Naas Lhe sual Tupi. the i ty Don't use 'vour erateh, © Go it alone YOUR HAIR AND A new device, which will enable a whereas Mr! Maxim's device could be "You know that partsof the mew | "1 doa't tink there is anything to i R turned out | busband of | shut Ler a_i } best friend for a! 4 eo One of the war scenes in "The Birth of a Nation," at the Grand Opera House, for three nights and two matinees, commencing Thursday, Novem- te ttt Att tna COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS, Who Is Opposed to Asph) xiating The Incurables, A--Asphyxiation cure for incurables. B--Bfvo ! C--Considerate way of removing pain, choking the patient D--Desist," friends. and taking belongs you. E--Example of Kaiser usurping the Almighty's power not good F--Falling leaves, then snow G--Governments may come and governments may go, but proud Al- bion and La Belle France are here to stay. H--Heroic nurse, Edith Cavell, is to have street named her in Paris. Tres-bienjy I--In New York, they tell of mov- ing pictures, brass bands and gym nasia to draw people to church Where is Billy Sunday ? J--Just think of Woodrow, the meek, the bland, the suave, pressing on his peaceful besom Caranza, the most calamitous canaille that ever afflicted a nation K---Kaiser, bold and barbarous a he is, has not yet declared against Divine worship | berty! yes, to crush . turn earth into hade M---Madne at its worst N--Nero, Attila, Herold were saints compared to some of our mod ern monsters O--One thing is sure, God will not be mocked forever ! P--Pro aris et foefs tinue to lay down their lives Q--"Quebec doing her full share,' £0 have said the Duke of Connaught Premier Borden, Sir Sam, and other supposed to know R-- Real S----Sclace their words stings of snakes in the grass | T--The King, our noble King, met i with accident while reviewing troops fF at the front. . | U---Universal was the anxiety and | sympathy. V---Voice of the people went up in supplication for loved menarch's | prompt recovery. | W---War has brought all parts of | the Empire closer to the throne, | X~--Xtreme pain often folldwed by | extreme pleasure. ! ---Yes; and when the clouds which | wraps the present hour shall hive | lifted, a brighter sky than ever will | amile upon recenguered liberty, con-| cord and peace ! suggested as a Life giving to Ged, not te after con scien » OUT men con for the ~--ZACCHEUS. ey | | p T | Only fools mortgage their oppor-| tunities. il f audisnee appizivded i ro mved that™ * x Se » A PAGE NINETEEN ---- ® \ anama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Francisco; 1915 San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality is just right It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process: without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure and wholesome, conforming to the Canadian Pure Food Laws. All of our goods sold in Canada are made in Canada. Booklet of Choice Recipes scat free on request. Walter Baker & Co. Limited MONTREAL, CAN. Ectablichel 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. REGHRTERE RADE MARK and you will arise feeling Refreshed, Bright & Vigorous. When you feel gloomy and depressed and cannot sleep, suspect your nerves. When you shrink from company and would rather be alone you are losing confidence in yourself, and that can only mean weak nerves. It is not natural to be solitary and unsociable, it shows clearly that vitality has become reduced, and the nervous system correspondingly weakened. But take Dr. Cassell's Tablets for such a cendition and you will be astonished at the results, astonished at the bright new health you will gain, at the splendid vigour and vitality they will give you. ® } Mr. Poole, a business man of 60 Infirmary Road, Sheffield, England, says :--* I had lost all confidence in myself, and was actually afraid to meet people. The alertness and activity I had ormerly pe My digestion was feeble, and sleeplessness was terrible. But when | commen ed taking Dr. Cassell's Tablets ! soon felt better. Now I am as well and fit as any man of my age." Dr. Cas:ell's Tablets aze Nutritive, Restorative, Alterative, and Anti-Spasmodic, and of great Therapeutic value in all derangements of the Nerve and Functional Systems in old or young. They are the recogaised remedy | Nervous Breakdown, Nerve and Spinal Paralysis, Infantile Paralysis, Rickets, Dan e, Anemia eplessness, Kidney Disease, Dyspepsia, Stomach Catarrh, Brain Fag, Headache, Wasting Diseases, Vital Exhaustion, Loss of Flesh, and Premature Decay. Specially valuable Nursing Mothers and dunng the Catical Periods of Life ses.ed were gone wlern home st. Vita ipitaton Druggists cad to x tuo and Dealers throughout Canada sell Dr. Cassell's Tablets. If not procurable in your city * agents, Harold F. Ritchie & Co, Ltd, 10, McCaul Street, Toronto; one tube 50 ceats, the pice oi ve War Tax Extra, 2 cents per tube, So'e Piprictors ir Cassell's Co., Ltd., Manchester, Eng. et and § conts for © Harold F. Rickie & Co., Lud. Street, Tovonts. and & gemerous Ar marled vou tree of charge. Fablets Britains:sGreatest kemedy (Oo IA A kd II I IC CITC ON WIND WAVE King George's Navy Plug CHEWING TOBACCO 1s just right for Jack Tar and the King's Air-Scouts in thei ydroplanes watching the enemy. TASTE THE LINGERING FLAVOR The quintessence of choice tobacco | Fine, full aroma-- fresh and fragrant. Fim asd ¢€ elastic, not being dried by age nor artificial heat, KING GEORGE'S NAVY PLUG keeps all its original richness. Fall in line and try it! ' MADE IN CANADA. SOLD EVERYWHERE : 10c A PLUG.' ROCK CITY TOBACCO CO. LIMITED. Muanuracrunens QUEBEC, CANADA 3 J pt AS en 383° 110 sug oie aE Ls -- -m SE SE SC ST Ct eS i ----