PAGE TEN TITRE TSE | Local Branch Time Table. IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915 Trains will leave and arrive at City | Depot, foot of Johnston street Gelng W 1--Intl Led. . T--Mall ...ox, $1--Local t Belleville Gulag > a pees « 258am Brockvilie S.15am. § ~Mafl 14--Intl. - pp ge « 108 p.m. 658 pm 1, 8, 7, 13, 14, 16, 15 19 s dally except Sunday. ct route to Toreate, Zeterboro, ton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Bay City, Sa on' Tr Ser Teroate Union Kilagsten 35.40 p. "FAKE ONTARIO SHORE all important hb, Smith's Falls, and Kempi- ville. CENTRAL STATION Sparks St, Chateau Laarier OTTAWA ve Foldérs from F. ay City Teket office, neess and Weillagton Phone 1197, THE "YORK" pam. Lv. Ottawa .1.5 Ar. Kingston 5.48 Ar. Toronte .0.30 Ya a Telephone 201 Auto Livery: (Bibby Garage | ee? | f Bros. RE ii a a a a ECO Tones invigorates Debaity, 2. ja od ama eT Some: oss of Energy, Palpit ii Sr Sp Ta ip Aer En mart lis vie Nook i THOMAS COPLEY Telephone. 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine street when wanting anything done in the carpens tery line. Estimates givea on all kinds of repairs and new work: alse hard- wood floors of all kinds. Al orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen Street. Some salt does not stay a be ed by the moisture in the air. To have table salt at its best, it must be put up in a moisture-proof A Bary & Practical Home Dress Making Lerrons RR ® = Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review A BLOUSE THAT IS VERY LIKEABLE used for the underfacing and the ma- terial cut away. The under-arin and shoulder seams ard nex{ closed. If col. lar is made of lace SW to neck edge as notched. If a flare effect of the same material, face before sewing to neck edge. Turh hem fn vest at notched and adjust vest to pesition, bringing the line of small "o" pefforations in front to line of small "0" perforations in vest, double "00™ perforations even: tack vest to position invisibly. Sew stahd- ing collar to neck edge as notched: large "O" perforations indicate cehter- front. Gather lower edge of at . tween double "TT" perforations - = separate walst_which any woman 'Whuld Uke to wekr more or throughout the Winter is shown . It has a collar that may be in turn-over effect. i \ collar seam and bring front edge to cehter. low in the t. The most practical blouses ls of crepe d8 Chine. foulard silk and chiffon taffeta in plain colors, byt to relieve the plain effects . there are delightful little bits of em- that may be worked in color on the revers collar or cuffs. For the design shown here 23 yards of 36- inch material are required. The first step to take to make the waist is to upderface the front edge of the front. Place underfacing about an foch inside line of small "0" perfor. tighs and roll back on small "0" per- forations to form rever. Lace may be two inches above. Adjust stay to posi- tion under gathers, center-Lacks even, small "o" perforation st under-arm front Next, gather the upper edge of the sleeve, also the r, between double TT" perforat Sew deep cuff to lower edges. notches and edges even, drawing gatheis to fit. Close seam as ubtched, Jeaving extension in' cuff free: turn under extension oh slot - tions, lap to small "0" perforations Face tirn-over and sew to cuff as notched. Sew slgeve in armhole' as notched A peplum, either circular or gathered may be. added to' the waist and the lower edge finished with fur. " Pletorial Review Waist No. 6456. Sizes 31 36. 38 40, 42 44, 48 and * inches bust. Price, 15 cents, commend to City Coumecil that the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1915. It Will Consider An Offer From the City. WILL PUT THROUGH CAMPBELL POWER OFFER. Hydro Commission Agrees To Han- dle It For Kingston--(ommission. er Toye Wants To Abolish the Wa- terworks Bath Rate. It was announced at the Utilities Commission meeting on Monday af- terngon that the Seymour Power Company, with which the city had dealings some years ago, and which were ended when the Hydro-Electric Commission drew a herring across the trial, to the city's sorrow, would consider an application to supply Kingston with water power. Commissioner, Birkett made the announcement. He said the Seymour company would not make an offer. It was up to the city to make one in order to have negotiations opened Something had to be done to get more power, as the Canadian Loco- motive Company wanted 500 horse- power for its works here. Chairman Rigney said he had been making enquiries through a repres- entative of the Seymour company and learned that the company would enter into negotiations with Kings- ton. He had no further informa- tion in the matter, The Commission decided to leave the matter in the Chairman's hands for further en- quiry.. Accept Campbell Power Offier. The Utilities Commission has ac- cepted the Kingston Mills power of- pay % cents a kilo-watt-hour for what is uses. Chairman Rigney said he was in communication with the Hydro-Electric Commission Chief Engineer who informed him that there were two ways for Kingston to get the Campbell power. One was to put the question to the people at the municipal elections; the other was 10 place the matter in the hands of the Hydro Commission, which would make the contract for Kingston. The Chairman said he was assured by the Hydro Chief Engineer that if the Utilities Commission accepted the agreement proposition of Mr. Camp- bell 'the Hydro would put through the terms agreed upon. Commissioner Birkett remarked that the Hydro Commission had not done what it promised to in regard to the former Campbell proposition which Utilities accepted. They went back on it, he said, and kept things in the air ever since. Commissioner Toye said the other proposition was different from this one as the city had pow no machin- ery to install. Mr® Campbell did all that. All the local Commission had to do was to take what power it /wanted at 3-4 cents a K. W. H. It was decided to get Mr. Camp- and have the Hydro Commission put it through so that the city can have the power next month. Oppose Abolishing Bath Rate. Commissioner Toye moved that the waterworks bath rate be abolish- ed. He said that the water plant could well afford to stand for this reduction. than ever and raw materials were costing it less. Commissioner Chown held that it would better to let the water rates stand. He had opposed the last re- and for better distribution. Queen's | University, Iie said had not been well treated in' ie to fire protection. It had a million and a half dollars! worth of buildings, and the univer-' sity authorities had for years been | asking for better protection from re. h Mayor Sutherland remarked that the Fire Chief had recommended more hydrants to be placed around Queen's, but the Fite! Committee had not granted all he asked for. Conitissloner Toye intimated that he Had discussed the matter. with ex-Si t Hewitt of the Wa- terworks ahd Be had told Him the plant could easily afford to have the bath rate ack off, A Mie request of the Chairman, Commissioner Tove withdrew his uiotion until next meeting. Other Business. The Commission ed to re- work in connection with a gas and water Bg streep west near : done under Manager Folger 1s formed the Mi- YOF RAE SAY oat By ! [3 i The Mayor said be was surprised that there were 400 prepay gas met- ers installed in the city .He had no idea there were such a number as that. The fer of J. M. Campbell, the city to] bell to sent forward the agreement, Its profits were larger duction, because the surpluses of wa- u ter works were needed for renewals | Commission decided to pur-; SEYMOUR POWER COMPANY chase an adding machine treasury staff. has a two-thirds-interest in the pre- sent adding machine in the treasury office, the City Council will be asked new machine and take the old mach to pay one third of the cost of t line as its own for present--T. J. Rigney, G. Y, Chown Sutherland. Female slave fic's, Monday, Ty INSANE IN A CHURCH German Chemist and His Wife Tried | to Disrobe. ' New York, Nov. 15.--Willy G. Haildorf, who was chief chemist of a delusion last June that Claus A. Spreckels, the president, had designs agdinst his life, became violently in- sage in the church on Sunday morn- ing after his wife had lost her reas- on the moment congregation of St. John's Lutheran Church, Yonkers in confusion occupied one of the rear seats, denly Mrs. Halldorf arose and said: "God has given me a special mess- age to deliver. Stop the sermon and hear my confession." The pastor stopped his Mrs. Halldorf. Then her jumped up screaming, He also start- ed to disrobe, but was quickly taken in charge by two of the trustees. An ambulance was summoned and Mrs, Halldorf was removed to the hospit- husband, as they considered him too violent. Under order of a health offi- cer, Halldorf was locked up in the palice_station pending an examina- tion as to his sanity. A year ago Halldorf applied to St. Joseph's Hospital for treatment, say- ing he had a delusion which he could not get out of his mind, that Mr. Spreckels meant to kill him by elec- tricity. He remained a week at the hospital. He was dismissed from the refinery at the time, but later he ap- plied for his old position, but his su- periors would not reinstate him. Both Halldorf and his wife were horn in Germany and have relatives in the army. Recently word was re- ceived' of the death of a near rela tive in action. It is' thought that brooding over this' resulted in the unbalancing of their minds. © It is feared that the steamer Ohar- les A. Luck, formerly the City of Borin, has becn lost, with all hands, ou Lake Superior. The freighter P. Tn. Armour sapk in Lake Erie, but the crew were saved A wise woman never tries to em- tertain her husband by singing to him in order to keep him home. v | As the Commission All the Commission members were J. H. Birkett, R. H. 'Toye and Mayor | the Federal Sugar Refinery in Yonk- ers for many years, and who suffered before, setting the Accompanied by his wife, Halldort Sud- She began to disrobe in the aisle. | discourse, | while the members took charge of | husband al, but the doctor refused to take her! ! STOCK RIGHTS WORTH $340. pe ! Guaranty Trust Offers Shareholders New Stock At Par. New York, Nov. 15 The. Gua Trust Co., of New York has capital 000,000 offered de fron The o share- iy te $2 stock will be iers at par tigl to the new quoted immediately after nouncement at $215 bid asked, and the stock $760 bi $775 asked. | new s were an- $340 and stock d €| $4,000,000 Profits For One in Mid- vale. New York, Nov. 15.--One of Wall Street's "War brides' Midvale Steel and Ordnance Company stoek--- | brought Marcellus H. Dodge presi- dent of the Remington Arms and { Ammunition Company, about §4.- 000,000 clear profits, it was repofed { in financial eircles. Canners' Merger. Toronto, Nov. 15 The arrange- | ment between the British-Canadian | Canners bondholders and Dominion Canners stockholders is almost com- pleted. The bonds and stocks will be exchanged on a par basis. When a few details have been looked after Dominion Canners will own B.C Canners. Dominion Canners is als offering one share of its stock for each ten shares of B. C. common 0 Bethlehem Steel. New York, Nov. 15.--It is under- stood that the net earnings of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation are now running at the rate of between $40,000,000 and $50,000,000 annu- ally, the highest ever reached. For the year ended December 31st, Beth- lehem will show a surplus equal to more than $100 a share on the com mon stock, this after unusually li- beral charges for deprecjation It is expected that depreciation charges will be double what they were in the preceding year. Bethle- hem's big earnings will come in the year 1916. Profits did not begin to reach large figures until the third quarter of the current year. C. P. R. Holdings Are Large. Montreal, Nov. 15.--An interest- ing item in the "special income" ac- count of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way annual statenient was dividends on the Consolidated Mining & Smelt- ing Co., stock amounting to $299 - 520. In another place, under "ac- tive assets," the report shows that the company holds 26,190 shares, valued at $712, or at $27 'per share, As a matter of fact, on the basis of the current market value of the stock, C. P. R holdings of Smelters are worth $3,588,000. This fact has more significance for Smel ters than for C. P, R. The railway is more or less behind the smelting pro- ject s No Windsor Dividend. Montreal, Nov. 15.--It is semi-offi- cially stated that the Windsor Hotel Company wil mot pay any dividend for the fiscal year lately closed. The | hotel business generally has had a ; bad year, and the Windsor has not escaped, so that the shareholders will have to wait. A year ago a divi- dend of 4 per cent, was declared. This compared with a 5 per cent payment for the preceding year, prior to which the company had paid 10 per cent, fol some years preced- ing. Back To Grain. Winnipeg, Nov. 15 Kenneth Campbel has resigned as manager of the Brandon, Man., branch of the Royal Bank, and will go into the grain business again. New Member Elected. Toronto, Nov. 15.--Homer L. Gib- son, broker, Timmins and South Por- cupine, was to-day elected a member of the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. Another "War Bride." New York, Nov. 15.--It is report ed that the Armstrong-Whitworth Co., of Canada, will go in for the manufacture of heavy guns on an ex- tensive. scale The company has a! plant at Longueil, across the river! from Montreal. The parent company in England is now one of the world's great arsenals. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO A General Banking Busipess Transacted. Special facilities for conducting business sccounts ; Drafts and Money Orders issued, payable at any Banking town [or City in Canada and Foreign Countries. EST'D 1873 Savings Department at all Branches. KINGSTON BRANCH, a -------- --------F me Mm Three Grand Prizes The highest awards possible for Columbia Graphophones and Records at the Panama World's Fair. - This is our guarantee, backed by the World's Judges. These long evenings will be brighter and hap- pier for you with a Columbia Grafonhola or a few new Records. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co., 88 Princess Street, Kingston. Three Score and F our G1 years is a long time, a product that can hold the popularity of an entire Dominion for 64 years must be meritorious----dependable. Eddy's Matches Have been the same good matches since 1851. Like Eddy's Fibreware and Eddy's Washboards, they are con- sidered standard by all loyal Canadians under the "Made-in-Canada" banner, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 yea:s, has borne the signatube of and has been made under his pere ; sonal supervision since its infancy. le Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterieits, Imitations and *" Just-as-good *' are but Experiments that trifle with and the health of Infants and robe hig Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless sabstitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. [It is pleasant. Ig contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is ifs guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles Diarrhoea. Jt regulates' the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Aways Bears the Signature of RL In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought LYM TAUR COMBAMY MEW YORK CITY, TOP BOOTS Plain Toe; in Black, Brown and Tan. Also Gun Metal, with Black Cloth Top. $3.00 a Pair