Rev. John Davidson, of Thurso, Que. writes: have had considerable trou. ble with my throat, caused by public speaking in heated buildings and exposure to damp and chilly atmposphere. 1 find PEPs very effective in soothing the throat." Rev. Edward G. Heaven, Marksville, Ont., writes: "I have used PEPs and find they give considerable relief to the throat. [| have also found them very beneficial for colds." PEPs is the direct treat- ment for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hoarse- ness, Larnygitis, and other ailments of the throat, chest, and lungs. As PEPs dissolve onthe tongue, healing vapors are liberated which are breathed down direct to the sore places. Liquid cough mixtures, etc., cannot be inhaled, they go to the stomach not the lungs. PEPs get to the seat of the trouble direct, PEPs are sold only in tin boxes. All druggists and stores 50c. box, 3 boxes $1.25. FREE TRIAL Send this article, name of paper, and lc. stamp for post- age to PEPs Co., Toronto, Winnipeg, or Montreal, and we will send free package. « Peps Business Reopening I HAVE RE-OPENED A Furniture Refinishing Shop, where all kinds of work will be done. Mahogany and Antiq Furni- ture a Specialty An invitation is ex-| tended to all old friends .a also to the public, to call and inspect r Pat. Dn coll 23 JOHN STREET. ° ~~ IF EXPERIENCE COUNTS We Have It. Established 1862. MONTGOMERY DYE WORKS High Class French Cleaners, Dyers and Pressers. 225 Princess Street J. B, HARRIS, Prop. Phone 1114, See us about a Contract. ~---- SA A i [------------ NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing and Seats done. We make a special. ty of Ladies' Work. M. F. PATTON, Prop. 140 SYDENHAM ST. (Near Prin. cess St.) Phone 214, it ------------ta ! Miss Muriel | his parental home "Hillview DESERT LAKE. 8 The recent snowstorm made things very disagreeable. The many friends of George Babcock, Hartington, were very sorry to hear of his sad accident B. Abrams has been ill, but is recovering Mrs. W Babcock is having a new hen-house erected Miss Tressa Abrams had a severe atack: of appendicitis, but has recovered. Miss A. Snook has returned from a visit at Sydenham. Visitors Sunday were: Mrs, Alfred Page and daughter at J. N. Abrams'; Géorge Wilson at Mrs. Kemp's; Miss Mary Abrams at V. Abrams'; Miss Campsall spent the week-end at home Nov - ARDEN. Nov. 11.--Mrs. Mosier, wife of the , latg Peter Mosier, passed away at her home here, in her ninety-fifth year. Mrs. Mosier was an esteemed resident of this township where she had lived during the past sixty years. C. H. Payne and S. Jenkins visited at B. R. Newton's before going overseas and Detlor "has returned home from Campbellford. Quarter- ly service was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday Mrs. C. Loyst visited at A. Miller's. A. Steele, H. Steele and G. Baker returned from the western provinces: where they| spent a successful harvesting season. The Misses Detlor visited at Hillcrest Place B. R. Newton, J.P, took a trip to Kingston last week. WILBUR. Nov. 15 Samuel Jackson re- turned from the west last week. The Lavant Hunt Club members report a4 very poor season. Mrs. George Warner, Pembroke, and Mrs. R. Davis, visited at Joseph Moreau's last week. George Thurston and brother John have gdne to Schumac- her where they have secured posi- tions. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roche, spent Sunday at T. Lé®8's, Lavant. A number of the girls Tn this vicinity attended the Ladies Institute at La- vant on Saturday last. Gerald Tho- mas, Ottawa, present visiting Farm," and intends leaving for overseas in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. John Watt from Balderson visited at W W. Roche's last week. Frank Bart raw purchased a fine farm near Fish is at WESTBROOK. h The nd farmers are rash. Mrs. W. Shane tended the funer their sister, the Mrs. M t Napanee on Friday last. A , Kingston, preached a mission sermon in the Methodist Church on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E Bell, Collins Bay, were recent visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs. James Gates' Miss Katie Sheehan spent last week with her sister, Mrs. ) ville. Mrs. H Belg) dren, Watertown, N.Y., after spend- ing the past two Weeks with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. G. Gates, return- ed home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, Cataraqui, spent Friday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. 8, MeCormack, Kings- ton, spent Sunday at Mrs. Kenny's. Invitations have been received for a variety shower to be held at the home of L. Wartman, Collins Bay, on Friday evening, November 19th, in honour of Mrs. R. L. Delong of Rossmore. Mr. and Mrs. English, Dufferin, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Ander- son, Kingston, spent ~ Saturday at James A. Sproule's. Leeds SAND BAY. Nov. 11.--Rain is needed badly, as it is getting very hard to plough Mrs. T. Deir visited at hér home in Shea Town. J. J. Lappan, Lyn, made a business trip to Sand Bay re- cently. Charles Deryaw, Berryton, and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Lappan, Melcombe, visited at E. Rogers' on Sunday. Miss Lena Burnash, Kil- burnie, is at William McDonald's. Miss Mamie McDonald is spending a few days at J. Burnash's, Kilburnie. Raymond McDonald and Frank Lap- pan and Misses Vera and Sadie Mec- Donald motored to Cushendall to at- tend the Hogan-Burnash wedding. weadher still Yat late Shaw ary here FRANKVILLE. Nov. 13. --Rev. A. E. Hagar will take for his topic on Sunday evening "Enlistment Percy Whitmore, who conducted a blacksmith shop here for the past vear, is moving to Ath- ens, having purchased a shop and business there, Mrs. W. D. Living- Creek JOYOEVILLE. i Nov, 12.---Leo Murphy was taken| to the Hotel Dieu to-day suffering from blood poisoning in his face. Mr. | Maiilie who has been overseas has] been invalided home, F. Cunning- ham, Boston, Mass, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs, lL. Woods, has returned to his heme. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy, a son. On Wednesday morning Miss Nellie Striden, Brewer's Mills, was united in marriage to Charles Todd of the same p.ace in Zion Church by Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth. The pie social at A. Franklin's was well attended on Wednesday evening. Miss Kirk, Frankville, visiting at the Rectory has returned home. George Brewer, Battersea, is visiting at T. Hamil- ton's; William Phillips spent Friday evening renewing old acquaintances in Joyceville. WAGARVILLE. Nov. 15.--The farmers have fin- ished plowing, and are cutting pulp- wood. George Paterson, who has been in Western Canada, has return- ed "home. Byard McCumber, who has been absent from this place for four years, has returned home with his bride. Roy Wagar and party motor- ed to Deseronto recently. Mrs. Geo. H. Bearn Is ill. John Goodberry, who i' has been in the General Hospital, for { the past three months is home again. DOCTORS DID NOT HELP HER But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg: 'etable Compound Restored Mrs. Bradley's Health -- Her Own Statement. Wianipeg, Canada. -- ** Eleven years | ago I went to the Victoria Hospital, Montreal, suffering with a growth. The | doctors said it was a tumor and could | not be removed as it would cause instant | death. They found that my organs were affected, ald said I could not livesnore than'six months in the condition I was in. | 'After I came home I saw youradver- | tisement in the hy commenced | taking Lydia PRA eh Vegetable | Compound. I tool it constantly for two | years, and still take it at times, and | both my husband and myself claim that | it was the means of saving my life. 1° highly recommend it to suffering | women." --Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, i Johnson A ve., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can. | Why will women take chances or drag | outasickly, half-hearted existence, miss- ing three-fourths of the joy of living | when they can find health in Lydia EB Pinkham's Vegeta- ble C 1 For thirty years it bas been the stan- dard remedy for fe- male ills, and has re- Lare spending a few . ments as displacements, irflammation, WISSratiot, tutots irregularities, otc. | f you want special ice | write to Lydia E. Po nei ice dine Co. (coutidentinl) Lynn. ened. | | Lake. His condition is somewhat improved. Visitors: William Reid and Miss Laura Peters at C. F. Goodberry's; Misses Orpha and Viola Wagar at Titus Wagar's; George Goodberry and family spent Sunday under the parental roof. PINE GROVE, Nov. 12.-=The farmers are plough= ing. Anglin's mines have closed and the people have gone to Syden- ham to work in the mine there. The | young people are enjoying themsel- | ves, attending raffles and cabbage- cats. As two school children werd {ny, ston is visiting her niece, Mrs. J. Ken- Morristown, N.J Miss Hunt, Athens, spent 'week with Reva Mr. and Mrs. Hagar C.«P. Church has purchased the barber business from T. Godkin, and will conduct it in the future Thomas Dowsley, ill for some time, is improvif®. Mr and Mrs. Bert. Soper, Smith's Falls, speyt last Sunday at his father's, Eno Soper's The Ladies' Aid meeting ws held at the home of Mrs. Munroe last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill have gone to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Cardiff, near the Redan. Frank Eaton is home from his factory. LANSDOWNE. Nov Mr. and Mrs. J. Shep- pard returned on Monday from their honeymoon trip. Miss Rachel Mitch- ell is very ill, with very little hope of her ' recovery. William Tedford, Singleton's Corners, was removed to Kingston General Hospital on Thurs- day, where he was successfulyy oper- ated upon for appendicitis. The la- dies of the Woman's Institute here are sending a large consignment of Christmas cheer to the soldiers in Europe. Rev. D. F. Woodcock, rec- tor of Trinity Church, Brockville, will conduct services in St. John's Church here on Sunday, A special meeting of the town council is being held on | Friday in the village hall. Mrs. J. Arthur Bradley is in charge of the Red Cross Society work, taking the place of Miss Nunn. _ Miss Lettie Goodall gave a farewell party Wed- nesday night in honor of Guy Gains- by, teller in the Merchants Bank, who leaves shortly for Barriefield Camp, having been accepted for over seas service. A shower, was held Wednesday and Thursday at the home of Mrs. Isbester for contribu- tions for soldiers' Christmas treats. Mr. Erchman and family are moving into the house recently purchased by George McKay. Mr. Erchman has taken a position as clerk with E. BE, Johnston. Mrs. Charles Horton leaves on Monday for Toronto to spend the winter. Mrs. Harry Nunn going to school one morning they happened upon a wild-cat. It was ceding along the shore of Buck J. O. Hutton has returned to his home in Kingston after spend- ing the past week at B. Darling's: Harry Blair, Westport, spent Satur- day at George McComish's. Bower Junes dnd Arthur Sears spent Sun- day at Perth Road. T. Darling and sons, Sydenham, spent Sunday with F. Darling. Misses D, Jones and M. Vrooman visited friends at Clear Lake en Sunday. Mrs. J. Jones and Bower Jones spent Wednesday at Westport. B. Demarsh had a plough- ing bee on Thursday. Wi diam Lee traded horses with S.. Alport, Syden- ham. PARHAM, Nov. 15.--The hunters are return- ing daily. J. Lowery's threshing outfit has finished for this season. It was in charge of B. Charlton Mrs (Dr.) Barker acted as organist at the evening service in the M. E. chyrch {in the absence of Miss Evelyn Topp- ing. J. Lowery has his new saw wil nearly completed. A cement grist mill is ander construction. A number from this place ' attended court at Vergda on Friday-last. The Misses Jand® G. Weese, Sydenham, days ab their home here. Miss Maybelle Killins spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Fora Griffith, is visiting her sister, | Mrs Wo Do Black: EP Bertrim bas taken possession of the house vacat- od by F. W. Collins. Mrs. N.B. Top- ping is visiting in Perth, Mrs. E J Wagar is spending a few days with answered by a hn her sister, : = Nol ip confidenen. | sister, Mrs. GC. Raymond, Syden is enjoying a visit from her mother. > i Some people are constant! , from one year's end to the other with a Jersistent bronchial cough, which is whol- ¥ unupecessary. Here is a home-made remedy i "at the cause and 1 Ke ) der-what became of it. fret 3% vances Pinex (50 cents worth | any a nto a l6-oun Dottie and fill gh boils with bikin xranu. sugar svrup, § i it once. Gradually but surely You will notice. the phlegm thin out and thea | disappear Mtoether, thus saling a cough NE never t we { end. i oonens: the ¥, -- | tight cough and heals the in- | lmmmation in & painful cough ith remarkable rapidity. 'Ovdinary coughs | are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. | Nothing better for hitis, winter } hs and bronchial asthms. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup mixture makes 1 oumees--e ta last 3 family 'a time---at a of only MM cents. ! Keeps perfectly and tastes pleasant. Fasi- ly Srepared. Full rections with Pinex. i inex iw a special and hi concen- | tra compound of genuine r pine extract, rich Suginedt. nd is orld aver | Als certainty and the worl chest and inetd Sta, @ Get the bai. Mrs. R. Wagar and daughter, Lo. Rev. Mr. Wilson and family are leay ing here this week, an® after | ing friends will proceed to their néw | home in Quebec Prince Edward BONGARD'S. Nov. 12 The November quarter ly service will be held next Sunday, | The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper | will be administered A patriotic | "| entertainment will be the | teachers and pupils of 8. 8, Ne. 2 and No. 3 at the school room, No. 2, on Friday evening. The proceeds are for the Red Cross fund. W. J. Mec- | Cornock and wife, Picton, were at D. T. McCornock's recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison and son were recent guests at A. Kerr's, Waupoos. Miss Flossie Ackerman is at James Bradley's PICTON. Nov. 5.--NMr, and Mrs. J. H. Eng- lish have-retugned home after visit- ing friends on Big Island. Ray Sayers has joined the Yorces, ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Mulligan spent Sunday at the old home in the country. Sam- uel Martin is making his last trip for the season with his threshing out- fit J. L. English was appointed col- lector for the Patriotic Fund. Ir- vin Vincent is going to move out on his farm, while G. L. Collier will go to town to reside. Little Albert Head, who has been very sick, is somewhat better. Mrs. J. H. Pal mer, Hillier, spent a couple of days in town last week. Union Vale cheese factory closes on the 12th inst. George L. Collier has sold his cows to Rolston, and will move to town in the near future. Edward Vance was a town visitor on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ellis and son, H. E. Ellis, have moved from Athol to Picton, and are residing in McDonald's Terrace on Ferguson street. Simon McCoy is building a new cistern, J..H. English's corn husking was well attended. a | Lennox & Addington STORMS' CORNERS. Nov.11 Farmers are pretty near-4 ly all through threshing and are] ploughing. The Red Cross Society met at the home of Mrs. M. Storms and the meeting was well attended The Union hall is nearing completion Rain is greatly needed as the farmers complain of hard ploughing. W. Grif- fith and family have moved into H. Snider's tenant house. J. E. Storms 10], | 3]] Ih 10) a "* My personal opinion of Zam-Buk is that I know of nothing Lke it! Moving amongst sick. pebple of my « I have proved it an and a din diseases, Zam-Buk is seally marvellous. "--Rev. A, es MacLEOD, Harcourt, N.B. * - Eczema was my fr The Ls ¥ absolute { that for old wounds, cuts, eczema --. -- and | suffered for years. Tric practically everything, in vain | Zam-Buk cured me ; and from ; the day the last sore was healed there has been no trace of return of the disease."--J. E. ARSENAULT, J.P, Wellington, P.E.I. I would apply Zam-Buk to all cases of ec zema, abscesses and allied have proved Zam-Buk able to cure the "--NURSE KEITH, Olds, Alta, '* Speaking professionally, ulcers, diseases. | worst cases "Give me Zam- Buk! It is the finest all-round. healer known. ' It'cured me of a poisoned hand, my 3 children of bad ; scalp sores, and my husband of a badly crushed finger. No home should be without it. "MRS, VILLIERS, Stadacona St., Montreal. Zwn-Buk is purely herbal piles, ccsema, cuts, bures, And Babe's sores, ulcers, and all skin diseases and injuries is the best Shc. box, all druggists and stoves. In the i mothers nee known and cuickest cure. he opinion of the majority of the Sunkist Seeded and Seedless Raisins First car of new goods just arrived. Insist on SUNKIST and have the best. At All Grocers. has reshingled R. N. Lapum's car- riage house. Mrs. N. Hicks formerly of this place, now of St. Catherines, is visiting friends here. Mrs. J. E. Storms spent last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. N. Holmes, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown expects to move into their beautiful new resi- dence in the near future. Miss M. J Ward has moved to her brother Frank's home to spend the remaind- er 'of her days. Rev. Mr. and Mrs Wilson," Belleville, Mr." and Mrs. R. Metzler and daughter, Odessa, at R. Asselstine's; Miss S. Scott, Harlowe, at F. Cole's. Austrian In Bombs Kill Thirty Streets of Verona. Rome, Nov. 15.--Thirty persons are dead in Verona as a result of three Austrian aeroplanes dropping bombs on the city. Thirty other per- sons were seriously and nineteen slightly injured. . The bombs of the aircraft found most of their victims in the principal square of the city, where ¢itizens and | peasants from the outlying district were attending the market. Nineteen persons were killed by one bomb. The aeroplanes visited various parts of the city, hut mone of the missiles dropped by thiem fell near any of the military buildings. To Add To the Hall. Cape Vincent, N.Y., Nov. 15.--The addition to the Firemen's building which the directors of.that organiza- tion voted to build several years ago, is at last to be constructed. A num- ber of years ago the lot west of the building was purchased, with the in- tention that ah 'opera house would be built. . Thi hung fire for some time, but a ¥ ago excavation for the foundation was made, and it was intended to rush the work aloug as fast as possible. However, the fail- ure of the Bank of Cape Vincent tied up the funds of the department, and it was not until now that a ments could be made for the build- ing. The addition be built this fall, the work of wifich commenced yesterday, will be ut 15 feet in width the entire length of the build- ing. and will be for the stairs to the present hall. It is quite likely that another year will see the new opera house go up. A Canadian Casualties. 5 Second Battalion-- Wounded, Pte. James Alexander Carmichael, Sthith- dale, Ont., Pe. Robert J. McKeown, Mowtreal. Died of John Hector Neil McMillan, England. Twenty - First Battalion-- Dan- gerously wounded, Corp. Roy Mit- chell, Smith's Falls. Ont. Two More Papert Banned. ; Ottawa, Nov. 16. -- Two. more newspapers printed 1§ the United Suites, Der Buffalo DeBiocrat, a Ger- man daily, and Sza a Hungarian daily paper published in Cleveland, have been dden from the Canadian. mails of five years' imprisonment of 000 finn, re : EE as Eight hundred wounded Canadian soldiers returned om the SS Meta-, Sama which arrived at Queber day morning. og Lithia ni, for the things they have no earthly use for. Wounds Lance-Corp. ¥ WELLINGTON STREET. Last winter nearly 20 of the best cars in King- ston were stored with us. Fifteen of these cars are already back for the winter of 1915-16. More of them are booked with us for storage. Any one of i the owners who are storing with us again this winter | will explain why they are back at "Porritt Garage." - A AALLLLLLASA Some people spend a lot 'of money When a man asks for a woman's sympathy he really doesn't care very much about it. _ PLGE ELEVEN AR Sa ne BUILDERS !! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time P. WALSH. Barrack St. AAA ANA i FORD Motor Oil, Cup Grease and Fiber Grease for sale at H. MILNE Phone 542. 272 Bagot St. All oils delivered on short- est notice. Coal The kind you are looking for is the Kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, Foot of West St. -------------- KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCT Can supply Cement Blocks, Sills, Lintles, Brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cappier Blocks, ete. We also mann facture Cement Grave Vaults. Esti- mates given for all kinds.of Cement Work. Office and Factory Cor. of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phone 7 MGR. H. ¥. NORMAN, fmm FOR SALE Splendid farm, 150 acres, setts of buildings, 12 miles from Kingston. Farm, 100 acres, good build- ings, 12 miles from Kingston, Prices $1. 750. Easy terms ofi both farms, W. H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 39 Brock St ---- Dominion Fish Co. Vy Resloralives. Valuable ' Strengthen, Build up, and Nourish the Children, incalculable benefits on the country. well-being and success of future breadv Dr. Cassell's Land striking, owes its popularity in great medicinal activity. : continents than many mothers realise. _ A powerfully nstritive food-medicine which can infant, Dr. Cassell's create healthy flesh, They are the inners and Anemia, Slee Fag, Headache, Palpitation, Wastin Flesh, and Premature Decay. during the Critical Periods of Life. Druggists and Dealers throughout who will see that you get them. One tube 50 cents, six tubes for : 2 cents per tube extra. 1 Canada sell Dr. Cassell's Tablets your city send to the sole agents, Harold F. Ritchie & Co, Ltd NIT ONS . DR. CASSELL'S TABLETS. and you are conferring You are also ensuring the physical mothers. TaRlets, whose success in Canada has been both immediate : ] part to its safety and unquestionable It is now doing more for the little ones of three 1 be given to tlic youngest Tablets feed the entire system, vitalise the nerves, and blood, and muscle ina manner truly remark . y are the recognised modern home remedy: for Nervous Breakdown Nerve and Spinal Paralysis, - Infantile Paralysis, Rickets, : lessness, Kidney Disease, Dyspepsia, Stomac able. St. Vitus' Dance, h Catarrh, Brain ng Diseases, Vital Exhaustion, Loss of Specially valuable for Nursing Mothers and If not procurable in , MW), McCaul Street. Toronto, the price of five. War Tax, Sale Propriviors Dv. Camel's Co, lid, Manchester, Bus