THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, WEDNE SDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1915. PAGE THREE ROYAL MADE IN Van TTS St pau &/ hve 7 M4 A TTI Mins S141 LEARN TO PLAY PIANO OR ORGAN IN A FEW HOURS iusician has invented a I new system which enables m or little child to learn to] + plano or in an hour | Detroit 1 organ name and address on card or in a letter, and we send you our gu and three hall musie, e of Address Numeral Method Music| A Trussed- Concrete Build- Detroit, Meh 932 ng, $1,000.0 REWARD or information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person "or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and 'Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder I'roubles, Special Ailments, und Chronic or Complicated ( omplaints who can not be cured at The Ontario Medi- cal Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited 0 J One large exercise book will be given to each child making a pur- chase of 10 cents or over. One thousand of these books will be given free. See them in the win- dows, Best's The Populat Drug Store. Open Sundays. i New iSplendid Coats Acknowledged by ex- perts to be much better than any coat any one man can possibly make. Prices same as last sea- son. Patterns new and styles always a little in advance of most all oth- ers. We cannot repeat a single coat in stock at less than $5 more than our present price. Be wise and buy now. ew | | ip | Major R. K. Kilborn, | Mrs . {| Prof. W. Morgan | Anohymous, per Miss E A 1 Miss Mabel Day oe: || Mrs, | Mrs, Norton-Taylor | +Mrs. Machar . . || Miss | Miss Norton Taylor ii Mrs, | Miss | Mrs. II 8. C CASH SUBSC ACKNOWLEDGED BY RED CROSS SOCIETY. Some Generous Contributions ceived--Balance on Hand, ever, is Not Large. The following cash to Red Cross have been veceived Previously acknowledged .$5,500.81 C.. Bermingham 100.00 G. Y. Chown, ship Mrs. NM Chown . "rontenac chapter, 1.0. D i., sale of home-made { dainties x Gentlemen cadets, R. M. C 96 gssociate member- ships" \ "Wilmur Re- How- member- and life the 100 Felping Hand,' "Maple Leaf Mission," "Perth Road Aid" Young people of Cataraqui sale of homemade candy Women's Institute, Spencer- ville ... . . Refund Toronto Red Cross Christ . Church, Red Cross social," (per. Miss M. Bourk), Vietory chapter I raffle of cakes Hiram Calvin membership Mrs. W. F membership Mrs Francis membership Miss M membership Mrs. W. J. Crothers, membership .. . Mrs H. T. Hughes, membership . Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, life membership ,e Mrs. H. W. Richardsow, life membership .. 3 Lieut.-Col. Perreau, membership Prof 1. E membership Prof A membership Prof JM membership Prof, F D membership Prof. R. O membership Lieut.-Col. H life membe Oso, 0.D BE & life Nickle, life King, life Lewis, life life . oil life life Martin, life life Laird, I li «NOS, fe Day, life Sweezy, life J. Dawson life membership Major M. V. Plummer, life membership || Macnee & Minnes Ven. Archdeacon Dobbs Mrs. Helen Duff . Mrs. Colin Macpherson Perreau Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick One half proceeds, -noon teas, .. after- Hunter ; Miss F. Sullivan W. Macnee Mrs. R. H. Toye .. J. H. Macnee .. .. .. .. J. A. Wilgon, R.M.D., No. 1 Mrs. Giles... ... .... Mrs. Fairlie vr Bonn School section No. 3, Wolfe Island Miss OOO EY ON en on ma 00 Ross . ie Mrs. J. Hamilton .. Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Carruthers . Duff... L. W. Gill MeGann- .. .. ...... William Newlands Dupuy Lavelle R. E. Kent. Arthur Ellis E. A. Stone .. MeNeill . . . Goodwin S. Calvin. . alvin OE ee C. E. Taylor .. W. C. Baker .. Third Mrs. Gummer . ... Mrs. Mulloy's song Total expenditures to date $6,702. Cash balance ....-.. .... 154. E. Macdonell, hon--treas, 28 Sydenham street. Nov. 16th, 1915. ET ETE ObeWelland --_ Sr Mrs, Mrs Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. 1010 00 10 BO BOD 10 19 10 13 10 1D 10 19 8 00 19 89 00 Ba ; : Two cases new coals received. this week, all at old: prices and all first class coats, New ... Underwear . for winter wear completi our stock. All makers goods and all at last year's prices. 11 mix FR A great many Kingston women, who ee ABNRG of beautiful hair, now about a remarkable hair formula which every woman ought to know about. For a number of years King- ston druggists have been continually culled hes mix this formula. the use a ork henvist revent cansu) re- garding the efficacy of this mixture and they both say they know of noth- ax Deter to dest te hair 3 Rt Suger Ups dandruft, stimp- cae and Ivins uffy and give RPS | | FEN OF SICKNESS canseriprions. WOM Out, Thin and Miserable Until She Took "Fruif-a-tives" Piruestox, June 20th, 1914. "Stomach Trouble and Distressing 00, Headaches nearly drove me wild. Some time ago, ¥ got a box of ""Fruit-a-tives,'* your famous fruit medicine, and they completely relieved me. + ing or is the complaint from tho | his home town, 4 i To-day I am feeling fine and a physician, meeting me on the street, asked the reason for my improved appearance. Isaid, "Zam taking Fruit-a-ti He 'said, "If Fruit-a-tives make you look so well, go ahead and take them. 7hey are doing more for you than I can." Megs, II. S. WILLIAMS, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.30; trial size 20. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. WHO ARE COMPLAINING? NOT THE TEMPERANCE PEOPLE OF GRENVILLE COUNTY, Charles V. Fairbairn Gives His Views And Thinks The Complaint Comes From Mr. Wiser and His Dealers In Prescott. _Verona, Nov. 15 (To the Edi- tor) I always consider your paper one which wishes to put the truth before people and also desires to give a fair-minded view of current events, and orders of the day In you issue of November 8th you, on your front page, give place to a news itemr coming from Toronto headed "Crossing Over to Ogdens- burg to Obtain Liquor" or some such words This item quotes the opinion of Wiser, Prescott of the eight bar closing order and most take this, from a o'clock might | Prescott man as something with au thority behind it Now to be fair to all! When we wish to know the truth about a man, how unjust would we be if we took the biased and preju- diced judgment of his worst enemy Yet in this- article you quote the opinion of Mr. Wiser that for two towns Prescott and Windsor the eight o'clock bar closing opder is not anly an injury to the liquor trade but menace to other local trades as well. "Windsor," he says, "is complain- ing and Prescott is in the same posi- tion." Who is complaining? Tne two whole towns, are they complain- i quor dealers in those towns? It can't be from the temperance people. All honor to those who are temperance people in word and in deed, but let me say that they feel it an insult and an eyesore, down there, that in all Grenville county, Prescott a town of many churches and more church members, is the only rum sel- ling blot on that fair county. I speak as I do, since I come from Grenville. Are the consumers complaining? Apparently not, for Mr. Wiser says they still obtain it and that their supply is not stinted we gather from his words "instead of less drinking there is more." Who is this Mr. Wiser or W aiser, who, says Prescott is complainine who says the eight o'clock bar ¢las- ing order is a failuré and further- more an injury.? Is he a member or a relativ: of a member of the firm of J. P. Wisor which own and operates the large distillery in Prescott? Is he one of that-firm which supplies. 12 retail shops, hotels and saloons of Pres cott with the poison they sel!' Is the complaint from Mr. Wiser and his dealers instead of from P-es- cott? Does his wail "instead of less drinking there is more," mean he deplores the demoraliza'on of or does it mean "there is less drinking of my hrand {and larger consumption of the pro- duct from other breweries ana 4is- tilleries? Perhaps, it is a patrioti: ery of buy "Made in Canady," goods or better, those "Made in Presea'-.' We have no quarrel with Mr. Wis- er, but we have with his business, and we are sorry, that not only does the man, (if he is one of that firm) {carry on the business, but tha: in | this underhand way he seeks to de- { fend it, that by this appeal for fair | play and justice he seeks to bolt { up a trade$which deals out a | but fair play and justice. ny thin Let people know that the temper- | ance sentiment is so strong and the i liquor business so hard hit that a. | cording to J. Hargraft, Manager of { Gooderham & Wort's distillery, not | one, so far as he knows, of Ontario's distilleries, including, Gooderham's, Hiram Walker's, Seagram's, Wiser's, and Corby's will be in operation this fall and winter. Let them know this and find out who Mr. Wiser is, amd let us then see if we can take bis Judgment of the eight o'clock bar closing order which curtails the con- sumption of liquor. ~ The order bined effort of five powerful brains, (the Commissioners) to prevent an evil and defeat a worse foe than hordes of Teutons and Huns. The criticism of the order is "y one who upholds the evil and whe is 4 general on this hostile army which attacks the nation's vitals. Let us consider it as such. Yours for fair play, ~CHARLES V. PAIRBAIRN. World Production A Record, Washington, Nov. 17.--Wheat production in: 20 countries which or- dinacily Jrodies 0 per world's crop wacel 000 bushels, by the Agriculture from preliminary official estimates. That is increase of 550,600,000 bushels, over the 1314 Srp jn those countries and 233,000 - 000 bushels more wisn in 1813. the previous high record. The staiistits include the American 1,002,029.000 bushels crop. There is mueh training of children Th She WAS Shey ought not to go, is the effort, the com- Pe a Told In | hh / Mrs. T. H. Cooke, Earl street, has 4 returned home after visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. William Harrower, Baltimore, and Mrs. E. E. Wilson, Toronto Miss Fenwick, Earl street, has re- turned after spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Mrs. R. H. Toye has returned from | Montreal, and' accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Lingham and | her wee baby : W. Waldron returned home to-day | from the west. Miss Ethel Kent, King stret, will £0 to Napanee to-morrow, where she { will be the guest of Miss Jean Daly. | The Annual Medical Dance has | been arranged to take place in Grant | Hall on Friday, November 26th. Miss Kathleen Sanderson returned | to Montreal on Monday after spend- ing several weeks with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs George Sanderson, Bar- | rie street. . | Dr. James W. Robertson, LL.D. D.Sc, C.M.G., Montreal, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, | Earl street, when he comes to town to speak Miss Nan Skinner, King street, went to Ottawa yesterday to spend a couple of weeks with Miss Evans Miss Florence Richmiond, visiting her mother, Mrs. James Richmond, | Union street, left vesterday for Clif- | ton Springs | - - Miss Du Vernot, Toronto, is visit ing Mis Hilda Hague, University ave- | nue, and was guest of honor at a | delightful tea given yesterday after noon by Mrs. Straubenzee and the | Misses Straubenzee, Beverly street A Red Cross Dance will be given at the Royal Military College on | Wednesday, November 24th | Miss Beatrice Driver,George street, | spemt the week-end in Napanee, the | guest of Mrs. Gibson. | Mrs. James A. Macdonald, Toron- to, and Mrs. A. M. Russell, Montreal, | will arrive next Monday to visit their | sister, Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Princess | street Mrs. Dennistoun, Winnipeg, | who has been in Montreal, the guest | of her daughter, Mrs. Russell, will return to town with her. (Continued on Page 10.) CAPTIVES IN SIBERIA TEMPLE WANTS DR. BLACK | -- Now of the Union Theological Sem- : 3 inary, New York. Russia Scattered Them Over Tans: London, Nov. 17.--At a church | i inp meeting of the City Temple for pur-| Siberian Line Haven For Pose of electing a successor to Rev | Refugees. | R. J. Campbell, it was unanimously | | decided amid much enthusiasm to in-| Vladivostok, Nov. 17.--More than| Vite Prof. Hugh Black, D.D., form- half a million German-Austrian pris- | erly of Edinburgh, and now of the oners of war and interned ecivilians| UBion Theological Seminary of New | are being cared for in Siberia. Rus-| York. Rev. Mr. Black, who is 47] Sia has scattered its prisoners the Years of age, became famous as a length of the trans-Siberian line, colleague of Alexander Whyte at St. from the eastern border of European | (George's, Edinburgh, pulpit. As an Russia to Lake Baikal. None of the | orator of the front rank he is aj prisoners has been sent into the re-|Scholar of eminence and has been | gion of Vladivostok, as this is a fort: | known as Lord Roseberry's favor- ress, and all adjacent territory is re-| ite preacher. When he accepted, in| stricted very carefully. | 1906, a chair of practical theology | Dr. Paul H. Zinkham of the Am-|in the Union Theological Seminary, | erican Red Cross and other travellers | it was Scotland who had lost the from Southern Russia say the Rus-| Most brilliant personality among its| siaif newspapers estimate that 25,-| Younger generation of preachers. As JU0.000 persons in all have left their | ® Professor lie had added n honors homes in Galicia, Poland, and Rus-| !0 his name. His book otably | sia proper. Many of these persops| Friendship," are universally popu- | lived great distances from the fight-| far. : i ing lines. Kiev, which is probably| Rev. Mr. Black is well known to 150 miles from the front, has been|london congregations, as for some | almost comp.etely evacuated. The|Months this year he acted as col. horrors of war have been so viviaiy | league to Mr. Campbell, and he has presented to districts that parmic has| been repeatedly nanied his succes- seized the phblic in many cities, and | sor. transportgtion facilities are quite in-4 adequate to, accommodate the crowds | anxious to get further away from the| front. War Tidings. Prince Max of Baden arrived at | for the Kaiser. King Gustav receiv- | {ed him. ¢ | FIENDISH PEACE PLAN | -------- | Constantinople despatches report: | German Editor Would Starve People a heavy increase in the hombardiaent ™ {by the ! es" monitors of the Turks' of Invaded itory | Gallipoli positions. Lid Rome, Nav. 17.--All the moves oti Qoritz has suffered heavily by the | the Central Empires proposed here-|yajian bombardment, the Vienna | tofore are outdistanced by hel war Office admits. Many soldiers | scheme of Rudolf Keller, editor of were killed; most buildings dame | the Prager Tageblatt. . Keller seri-iagaq After the artillery fire, the | ously suggests to force the Ententalitalians broke the Austrian line .in | Allies to sue for peace by deliberate- the mountain region. { ly starving the popusations of Bel-| Berlin War Office claims the cap- | glum, France, Poland, Russia - and |ture of 1,000 Serbians while pursu- | Serbia now under Teuton dominas ing the enemy vigorously west of tion. The comments are that this¢s Nish. : the project of "a fiend," but never- theless it is possible that it may be carried into effect, as the Central Empires are capable of anything to gain their ends. Such a proposal, it is held here, is a. clear indication that they are - ve near the end, and that their for- 'es ardently desire peace. It is said | here that should such a project be attempted it would not force the Al- | lies in any way, but would only be| the worst crime, wherefore the Cen- tral Empires would have to pay heavily when the day of reckoning comes. 3 > Interviewed in Berlin, Gen. Von ! Kluck said the war would last as long as England is able to fight and as long as America sends ammuni- tion. "The Unsuccessful French and English offensive last month was a question of ammunition," he said, This war has developed into an am- It 1% expected that a third i munition contest. » + Canadian division will be placed The B h censor has suppressed ® in the field of war. the new rnard Shaw play "O'Flab- ---- erty, V. C." announced for produc- Germany has called to the tion at the Abbey Theatre in Dub-/# colors its 17-year-old boys. lin. - The play is a skit on recruit ing. Two boats from the Norwegian i steamer W } ---------------- FPP PEPPe WAR BULLETINS. * Italian torpedo boats sunk an Austrian submarine off the Sar- dinian coast. | | -- i It is reported that Von Hin- | denburg has been shifted. to the western front. POPP LIP LPP IP SL GSS he by It is rumored that King Con- stantine will ask the Allies to quit the Greek harbor of Salo- nika, which is full of Allied warships. London despatches indicat that Italian troops are march: ing with a new British army to aid the Serbia i CEP IEBER PF F0 SEP 0 2 FP Babb gy | ng usta, which was sunk "of th Capt. Teensen and twen- ty-five sailors. Te Sana Probs.: Fair and cold to-day and on Thursday. tof firm, ,| Stockholm on Tuesday on business k severely taxed hi F § | Practical Gifts ! For Our Soldier Boys Canada's big heart is throbbing with plans to send Christmas cheer to the soldiers who have gone across the sea to fight, and to help in the matter, to simplify the choosing and the packing--this soldier gift department has been opened. We have sptten up two packages, one at $1.00 and » With enough space left in each box for the other at $1.50 tobacco, ete. Ae et ttt $1.00 Package $1.50 Package pr. Heavy Woolen Socks 1 pr. Scotch Knit Gloves pr. Army Suspenders 1 pr. Penman Socks pkg. Bachelor Buttons 1 Sewing Kit Khaki Handkerchiefs 1 Army Braces pr. Heavy Beokiiece 2 Khaki Handkerchiefs pkgs. Spearmi 2 pkgs. Spearmint 1 1 1 2 2 2 Khaki Handkerchiefs 10c., 12 1-2¢, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35¢ and 50c and up. =: Steacy's :-: Thin Men and Women Here's a Safe and Easy Way by Which | You May Ga 10 Pounds or More of Solid, Healthy, Permanent Flesh. ---~ DAVIES' um Puddings Suggestion: Include Plum Pudding in vour OVERSEAS CONTRIBUTION. Our Puddings are the choicest, put up in seal- ed tins, encased in card- board, all ready for the address, Cost of puddings, 25¢ The Wm. Davies Co. Ltd.,, Phone 597. Thin, nervous, undeveloped men and everywhere are heard to say, understand why I do not get fat I eat plenty of good nourishing food The reason is jus You , cannot get fat, much Your eat, unless vy grgans" assimj- ate the king eler ts of your food inst them out through ti What is needed a means of gently | urging the assimilative fugctions of the | stomach and intestines to absorb the | oils and fats and hand them over to the blood, where they may reach the] starved, shrunken, run-down tissues | and build them up. [The thin person's! body is like a dry sponge---eager and hungry for the fatty materials of which | it is being deprived by the failure of | the alimentary canal to take them | from the food A splendid way of working to overcome this sinful waste o esh building elements and to stop the leakage of fats is to try Sargol. | the - famous flesh building agent that has been so widely sold in America in recent years. Take a little Sargol tab- | let with every meal and see if your] cheeks won't quickly fill out and rolls healthy flesh form over your | body, covering each ony angle and | projecting point X11 good druggists have Sargol or can get it from their wholesaler, and will refund your money ir You are not satisfied with the gain in weight it produces 4s stated on the guarantee in each large package I it inexpensive, easy to take and highly efficient. | NOTE: --Sargol is recommended only | as a flesh builder and While excellent | results in cases of nervous indigestion, | ete, have been reported, care should | taken about using it unless a gain | weight is desired { w ca » of Combing Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff | { 2 | The only sure way dandruff is to dissolve destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liguid | arvon; apply it at night when retir- ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger ps. i Do this to-night, and by morning, | host if not all, of your dandruff will f be gone, and three or four more ap- plications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single Sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itehing and digging of the sealp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy; lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better, You ean get liquid arvon at any drug sore. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. to get rid of | it, then you The Marrison RR Studio "Our BABY PICTURES, like all portraits that we make, are natural in pose, proper lighted and beautifully finis! A High class equipment and ti less tact are the reasons for © remarkable success in baby traiture, Come in some morning and let us get acquainted with the baby. Phone 1318, 90 PRINCESS ST. NEW YORK MAYOR ILL. pier Duties Of Office Have Taxed His 8 Strength. New York, Nov, 17.--John Purroy Mitchell, Mayor of Greater New ork, was taken from his home to elt Hospital to undergo an op- eration for appendicitis. Mr. Mitchell is still a young man, being in his thirty-seventh yer. He Is of slender physique, and his ardy. | ous duties in connection with direct- ing the affairs of the metropolis have Some men say they will be gov- erned by your advice--but you know § strength. what King David said all men were, FALL SHOES Sce our Special Box Calf, Leather Lined, Viscoused FH rer aN