Pov You Pay Less Here---Out of the High Rent District. \ | O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive | Now is the time and this is the place to buy Your New Coat We can show you only the very latest models, three hundred to from. Priced $6.95 to $50.00. See Our Special Coat , In three different stvles® i $8.95 | Compare it with any at $12.50 to $13.50. choose at Alwavs pleased to show whether looking or buving any garment placed aside to suit your convenience. All Our Suits Clearing at HALF PRICE. T.J.O'Connor, The Store with the Small Prices 260 Princess 'St. Phone 800 Vortl ( | Buttermilk Buttermilk Having bought the whole outfit of Eastern Dairy School, I am now prepared to deliver Buttermilk in any Quantity. Phone 845 re ------ "ns "- - ane { Students and Citizens ) We have a variety of Desk, Table, and Piano] Lamps, from $2.00 up. Also a stock of Heaters and warm. Home Lighting our Specialty. H WANEWMAN ELECTRIC. CO., | Phone 441. 79 Princess Street. kai to make your room cozy ( Christmas Buyers Are selecting their presents-- we store these for you and de- liver as advised. Here are a few suggestions: Kitchen Cabinets--Just the thing to make the kitchen a place of joy, $8.50, $10.75, $15 up. * Morris Chairs--We have sold these for fifteen years and they are still general favorites, $6.50, $9 up. : Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Curtains, Draperies, etc. Phone 90. Yours T. F. HARRISON CO WHIG, WEDNESDAY, THE DAILY BRITISH QUARTERED IN CITY spite of the fact that the re- cruiting for the 93rd Jattalion in Peterboro is drawing a large num- ber of the men from that city into the infantry ranks, Lieut. E. D. Huy- cke, 33rd Battery, who is recruiting there, meeting with success and expects to bring down a large num- {| ber of men for his unit, | Peterboro has a large number of { men in Major Sears' Battery and for | this reasou the friends of these men are more anxious to enlist in. that unit than in others, even in the 93rd Peterboro Battalion There have] | been 125 Peterboro men in the 33rd : Battery, fifty-three of whom, under Lieut. Huycke's brother, went over with the last draft. Recruits are arriving for the three batteries so rapidly that it is almost impossible to segure quarters for them It is claimed by men who know the game that every branch of the service is equal as far as securing recruits is concerned and that it de- pends on the personality of the re- A A AA AAA In ig TE. RALPH is in Cap {i. T 2nd Canadian B McLEOD. | Richardson's | attalion Who Company, cruiting officer and the method used as to what success will come from recruiting efforts. This is undoubt- edly so, but it is a fact that it has been the case in the city that artil-| lery-men can be recruited much eas- | ier than Whose for other units. The three batteries -at the Dry-Dock bar- racks are up to or over strength and | "C" Battery, R. C. H. A., has 360 ac- cepted men, i The reputation of the battery! through advertising is also brought out particularly in the case of the! 34th Battery. This battery has been recruited in Toronto through the persomal efforts of Major Massie and his staff of clerks in the Domin- ion Insurance building who act as| recruiting agents. All last week an average of ten recruits a day arrived for the battery. On Saturday there were twelve, on Monday twenty-six and on Tuesday thirty-two men ar-| rived. If the number continués--tq| increase in this ratio, the whole of| a building as large as the Dry-Dock | Barracks will be needed for the 34th | Battery. Major Massie received] word on Tuesday from Mr. Renick of his office that the rugby game on Saturday was responsible for part of | the Tuesday number and he expected | that a higher average would be main- | tained from now on. The 33rd Battery is securing its! recruits from Kingston, Peterboro! and the western part of the division! and the 32nd Battery is securing men | from Ottawa and the eastern part| of the division. | For a time the Terongo authorities | objected to men being drafted from | the 2nd Division to the 3rd Division | but this objection had to be over-| come when the men continued to ask to be enlisted in the 34th Battery and would not consent to be sent to any other unit. Major Massie has done wonderful work and deserves all kinds "of praise, He is a hard worker and constantly on the job. Both Major McKenzie and Mgjor Sears ha¥e also been hard at werk since their batter- ies Were organized, and owing to the" fact that Major Massie recruited his men in Toronto they have been able to secure enough men from this divi- | sion through the regular source. | All the men of the 32nd Battery | | STYISH FOOTWEAR FOR AUTUMN The prevailing fashion" in gowns make shoes con- spicuous, _ It is quite im- portant that vour choice of Footwear is becoming and fashionable. Distinguished style and beauty are apparent in every pair-of our new Fall Shoes; and 'meet every de- mand of Quality and Ser- vice. have been paid. The system now in vogue is to pay men by cheque and then parade them to the bank whers the cheques are cashed if the men prefer the money that way. Major McKenzie, 32nd Battery, returned on Tuesday from Montre: 0 Capt. Gill, took the men of the 32nd Battery on their ride on Tues- | day. i -- { Capt. D._E. Bell, Medical Officer| for the batteries, is very busy exam-! ~The Cause of Anaemia. It is universally known that iron is a very important element of the! blood, and lack of it is the direct! cause of run-down conditions and) anaemia. It may interest our read- | ers to khow that Druggisf Geo. W.! Mahood, of this town, has in Vinol a reliable, constitutional remedy for! such conditions. Vinol supplies iron! to the blood in its most soluble state, | pal curative extractives of fresh dod livers, pure itive - tonic wine. That's { day morning. | noon. | tion, Kingston, will take $100,000 of then there's the nourishing proper-| ties of beef peptone and the medicin-| tthout oil, all dissolved in a. ining and inoculating men who have just joined. There were 167 men in the Battery on Tuesday. 32nd Lieut. King, 32nd Battery, gave the men a lecture on elementary gunnery on Tuesday. Capt. J. A. Stewart, Sanitary offi- cer, is constantly engaged in looking after the sanitary condition of the , garrison. Lieut. M. M. Johnston, 34th Bat- tery, who is'confined to his home in Montreal through an injury to his leg, will likely be ready for duty again in ten days. He was able to be up on Tuesday for the first time. Of the 34th Batterymen only ten per cent. smoke and only six per cent. touch liquor at all--a remark- ably high standard--alike a tribute to the cleanness of sport and the high class of young men joining the battery. The forty men under Sergt.-Major Parker of No. 3 Company C.A.S.C.,| are again quartered in the old quar- ters at 247 Brock street. They take | physical exercise work every morning in the St. Mary's school yard. In conversation Capt. Steacy, Battery, R. C with the commander H. A, Whig, | of "C" stated that he | would be pleased to accept 100 men from Kingston for a draft from the battery for overseas service. i Battery has a wonderful reputation in Toronto and the men who are in the battery are constantly writing to their friends urging them to _ join. Kingstonians have not been enlisting | in the R.C.H.A. very rapidly, how- ever, and Capt. Steacy wants to give them an opportunity. { Since June last 320 men have left | the ranks of ""C" Battery for the| front, and besides another draft of! 100 ready to go, there are over 300 men. Thirty-four men were examined by | Major Mylks, A. M. C., on Wednes- | The remainder of the fourth draft are being inoculated. | Retreat is being week at 4.45 p. m. sounded this] Great coats have been taken into] wear between revielle and retreat. Lieut.-Col. J. E. de Hertel, 0, C.! 130th Battalion, Smith's Falls, was| in the city on Wednesday morning | working wjth Col. T. D. R. Hemming | on the selection of officers for his! | unit, | Lieut.-Col. H. J. Dawson gave . lecture to the officers of the 59th Bat-| talion on "Trench Defence" on Tues- | day evening, | Lieut. Godson, 59th Battalion, was | thrown from his horse on Tuesday afternoon and is confined room. | to his| -- | The 59th Battalion field-kitchens | are being used as auxiliaries to the | regular cooking equipment at the | Armouries, and the men are receiv-| Ing as good meals as when at Barrie- | is | | oe { Major S. B. Scobell of the 19th | Lincoln Regiment, St. Catharines, has been appointed as | field. Capt. A. W. Winnett, ADDS, in Ottawa, 1 | officer com- | | manding the 138th Oversas Battal- joa to be organized in Durham Coun- | y. i The men of "C" Squadron, Depot | Regiment, C. M, R., were engaged in | troop and squadron - drill on the | Cricket Field on Wednesday after-| , Lieuts. Stevens and Carey, C.M.R., are spending the week-end in Mon- treal on important business. There are now seventy-eight cadet | corps in this Division with a total of about 4,000 cadets, Jt is understood that there are forty men from this district waiting' at Quebec to be examined by a medi- cal board, : ----e ce it SUBSCRIBES $100,000. a--e Oddfellows' Relief Participates In New Canadian Loan. The Oddfellows' Relief Associa- the new Canadian loan. The secur- ity will run for ten years at five per cent., but will be sold in all cases without underwriting, and. will yield to the investor about five and a half per cent. The order of the Odd- fellows' Relief Association has been placed with the Finance Department at Ottawa through W. F. Nickle, M.P., who is a director of the Asso- ciation. . Red Cross Concert. At the concert to be given under the auspices of the Ladies' Musical Club in aid of the local Red Cross So- ciety in Grant Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, Kinston people will have the opportunity of hearing Mme. Bea- trice La Palme, the famous French- Canadian soprano. She is one of thie most accomplished of concert singers, possessing not only an ex- quisite voice, but a ; was eat such a singer a very enthusiastic re- ception in recognition NOVEMBER 17, 1915. Bedroom Slippers Every lady wants a pair of Beautiful Bedroom Slippers we have them in the following colors--ranging from $1.00 to $1.50: White, Pink, Blue, Purple, Mauve, Tango, j Old Rose, Grey-- { . WE ALSO HAVE THE NEW CRETON SLIPPERS, IN BLACK, BLUE, MAUVE, --THE NEWEST FROM NEW YORK AT 85c¢. Abernethy's We Do Sentry Duty On your behalf, adher- ing to a policy of giving vou value received al- ways. Women's Furs. Prices are exceeding- Tv moderate this season; the chic little neck- pieces, the new style muffs, will probably cost vou less than you expected to pay, and this without sacrificing one bit of style, quality: or workmanship. Campbell Bros. Makers of Fine Furs. WON V.C. MANY TIMES SO SAYS CAPT. PONTON ABOUT CAPT. G. RICHARDSON. He Is loved By His Men--Capt. "Dick" Ponton In Kingston Hospi- tal Praises the Staft For Care and Attention. Capt. R. the General comfortable. D. Ponton is resting in Hospital, feeling quite He will have to re- main quietly in bed for several weeks while, the healing process goes on. "Then I am hoping I will have two good legs to walk with," remarked; the sturdy young officer. He is greatly pleased with the atten- tion given him by the doctors and nurses, He occupies Room 16 in the Empire Wing. "I have been through French and English hospi- tals," he said, "and they have noth- | ing on you for care and attention in the Kingston Hospital." Capt. Ponton was revelling in choice flowers sent him By friends)' when the reporter called. He looked | vary cheery and sald he hoped soon to be fit again. On Monday night Mrs. Dayigson, mother of the late Allan (Scotty) Davidson was a cal- ler and Capt. Ponton went over the details of her boy's sad ending for he was right at hand when the fat- ality occurred. He remarked on the fearlessness and courage of Allan, his bravery in the face of death, his gentleness and gentlemanliness at all times, They marked his last rest- ing place and 4enderly, though sor- rowfully, turned away to let him sleep until the blessed awakening in another sphere. Capt. Ponton is a great admirer of Capt. George Richardson with whom he spent really ing days in France. "I don't ow if the peo- ple of Kingston know it, bat 1 do, that he is one of the bravest, cool- est and best man in the fight. His men love him and he lives for them. At Langemarcke he showed the real- ly heroic character. He has won a V. C. many times." Capt. Ponton spoke of the bravery ofthe Canadians who at Langemarcke met and held a fos forty times as strong as they were. "We all ghve up hope of coming oat alive but we held on by our teeth and though attacked seven time; we did not flinch. And this in face of the fact that reinforcements 'wera not within forty miles of us. My but the Canadians fought with ae- termination and were the admiration of all the forces British and French who were near at hand. They never expected the foe could have be:n so splendidly held at bay." t A Coming Address. Owing to the prolonged dis Tuesday ah on the power guestion on 'mighty Ald H. W. Newman did have an opportunity of addressing the members of thé Board of Ti on resolution asking for a reduction in the membershop of the City Com- cil. His gddress will be given lat ron a ms oe Sakell's Pure Ice Cream | -_--s------ Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or bricks. SAKELL' Phone 640 i Next Opera House. 'Prime Western Beef, Fresh Pork and Lamb. The best Sausage, Pickles and Relishes af all kinds at ithe Unique Grocery and {Meat Market. 490 Princess Street. Phone 530. SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS. DARKEN GRAY HAIR, LOOK YOUNE, PRETTY Naturally That No- body Can Tell, Almost everyone Fnows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compoun- ded, brings back the natural color and lustre fo the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandriff, itching scalp and stops falling hair Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot- tle of this famous 1 recipe for I'ry it! No one about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears; and after an- other application or two, your hair wecomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Drug Clerk Tells How To Cure Indigestion Recommends to Sufferers the Hest Stom- ach Remedy in Kingston To-day. "It is a wonder somé of us have stomachs left," remarked a well-known drug clerk recently. "While all drug stores sell @ score or more of stomach remedies for which there is a wide de- mand, most -of them are just pepsin pills which aids digestion of she food that Is In the stomach at the present time. They have no curative or ;Strengthening effect on the stomach at iall, and of course do not reach or cure jthe cause. 'So the same people keep on coming here and buying and using them until they are real chronic dys- | pepries. When anyone really asks my jadvice, I swear by and recommend or- jdinary bisurated magnesia, which oesn't digest the food at all but acts "ek 1A C. H. PICKERING, Prop. Ss an antacid and sweetens.ihe sour, | Re ------------ Select Your Xmas Gift Now We Deliver Later Doll Carriages--In rattan or wood polished bodies. Toy Furniture Dressers, White Something that pleasing effect White Enamel has a with the AT James Reid The Busy Store With Large Stock. Phone 147, Enamel Bedsteads. lasting and children, wy asin ---- THE GOOD THING S oF LIFE COME TO THE | SQUARE J gaa---- MAN 1 2 / the good things make life worth while meal. Be fair with yourself--dsn't jt to your advantage to buy your food- stuffs at a store where you are sure of getting the very best? If you buy your groceries here all your meals will be good, We invite you to trade here, knowing that we can please you EMPIRE GROCERY, BW, LEE, Prop. Phone 340. that help 18 a square oye of Ll KINGSTON, ONT. LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES fermenting contents {That stops the pain, heart-burn, sour rising, wind, bloating, fullness, etc. {just a few minutes, and the stomach digests its food without help or trop- ble, which is the proper way." "Doctors make mnristakes sometimes, 100," he continued. "My own aunt had (all kinds of trouble with her stomach for yeard She bought znd used sever- 'al styles of digestive pills but got jworse right along, as naturally she would. nally she went to a doctor, who nearly soared her to death by tell- ing her she had cancer of the stomach. came to me with ha prescription 'and told me what he 1 thonght it was «I sem her to another Jostor hom I i ery well and he n't te er anything, but just gave this same thing, Pearated magne sia. She took it two weeks and never trouble of the has had any storeach that's three v aunt a Jot of bis ingetan: on