COAST TOC SERVICE BETWEEN TORONTO and VANCOUVER OPENS NOVEMBER 19TH CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Port Arthur, Fort William, Winni Calgary, Edmonton, Kaml . For Full Particulars, Through Tickets to All Poi | THE SPORT REVIEW Paddy Moran, the veteran goal keeper of the Quebec Bulldogs, has signed a contract with the team for the next season. The outlook for the Maritime Pro- vinces Pro. Hockey League this sea- son is discouraging to the promoters and the league will probably disband. Nick Bawlf, who played for Cana: diens towards the finish of last win- ter, will likely figure on the Ottawa hockey line. -- The Canadian Rugby Union for the final senior game have invited as their guests Lieut.-Governor J. Hen- drie, Mayor Church, and Col. Logie and his staff. A despatch from Simcoe says that town may not have any hockey this season, Toronto Mail and Empire: By the way, while you are talking about rough games this year, no doubt the O. R. F. U. takes the cake, but at the same time no 0. R. F. U. player hit an official, like happened in the Argo- Ottawa game at Ottawa. Buster Reid, McGill University Arts '15, was recently wounded in an engament in France, and is now in an English tal. He was hit in the arm and leg Reid was a line-plunger on the McGill football team of the past three seasons. He Winnipeg NOW is a lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion, and was also wounded early in the war, returning to the front not long ago. me Cornell leads all the older eastern football teams in the total of scoring points. The Ithaca eleven has roll- ed up 263 points. Syracuse is séc- ond with 252, Pittsburg third with 227, and Colgate fourth with 223. The Patricks have handed out a list of players for their four hockey teams at' the coast. They seem to have plenty of material, and, having succeeded in wrecking one whole club of their rivals, will likely be sat- isfied. Stratford hockey teams will play only in the O. H. A. this season. Last winter they also tackled the North- ern League, but decided that a club cannot play under two masters and do itself justice. ---- At a bowling match on-the Mont« real A. A. A. alleys, J. 8. Scriver, who has probably referred and umpired more bowling matches than anyone in America, was suddenly stricken with paralysis while acting as line Judge. The Ottawa Hockey Club will sup- port the move to transfer the Sham- rock franchise to Hamiltof, if such is made at the next meeting of the Nationak Hockey Association. Pre- sident Bate stated yesterday that he regarded Hamilton as one of the fin- est sporting towns on the continent, and thit the proposed transfer would have the support of the Ottiwa gies. le belloves thst Humilhon Service IN EFFECT Leave Toronto 10.45 P.M. Mon., 'Wed, Fri. A mira offers a fertile field for the profes: sional game, and thinks that it would mean a big arena for the ambitious city. ., The University of Pennsylvania séeks the services of "Joe" Wright, ¢oach of the Toronto Argonaut oars men, and widely known sportsman, to coach the crews of the famous Red and Blue at Philadelphia. The Pennsylvanians have - offered Mr. Wright a three-yéar contract at a salary of $4,000 per year. Having no ice a yet, Sarnia hock- eyists will introduce a new system of traudmie, which i Se A% near as ice ting ey. he club has se- cured skates with rubber tires THE peg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, North Battleford, oops, New Westminster, Vancouver-and All Western Points NEW ROUTE ELECTRIC LIGHTED SLEEPERS, DINING CARS AND nts and Berth Reservations, Apply to M. C. DUNN, City Passenger Agent, 68 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. TO ~N. - A Connecting at | Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver to and from all points. I ee grag me GLASS OF LIGHT BEER IN EVENING AT HOME 4 FIRST-CLASS COACHES. Agent; R. H. WARD, Station Agent, or Writeto R. L. FAIRBAIRN, General ---- a THE $No law to prohibit having a case of REGAL (Spell it backwards) in your home. No finer compliment to your casual ests than to offer them mild, AL is a mildly, refreshing, delicious REGAL. stimulating and healthful tenic. MADE FROM PURE WATER--NOT CHLORINATED REMEMBER. EARLY CLOSING ; AL a Di. for the players, and drills for a long | {winter season will commence very | | shortly. r Hamilton seems to be the ¢ity cho- sen upon which to unload the Sham- rock franchise of the N. H. A., but still there are hockey experts who ap- pear to think that the schedule when it is made out will be only for five clubs, and that the Shamrock fran- chise will not be operated this com- ing season. The Northwestern Baseball League will be composed next year of Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Butte and Helena, according to Pre- sident Blewett, of the league. No effort will be made tof place clubs in Victoria and Aberdeen, which were sit) -- Aw, 1 what - it ds. college. FOR SALE Splendid farm, 150 acres, 2. setts of buildings, 12 miles from Farm, 100 acres, good build- | Pies for you wi The highest awards possible for Columbia [f and Records at the Panains World's 2 is is our guarantee, backed by the World's {§ These Jong evenings will be bri and a Columbia