Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1915, p. 13

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Km ---- nS -------- | The Newest Notes of Science | se A cellyloid wind shield for baby carriages is a recent Invention The importation of silencers for firearms has been prohibited by Aus< tralia. Electric drills have for surgical man skull 7 An electrically propelled tugboat has been built in Holland for use in India. A patent has been issued for an adjustable muzzle to fit a dog of al- most any size, Losses estimated from $20,000, 000. to $30,000,000 are caused by hail in France each year, The average man's heart weighs from ten to twelve ounces; the aver- age woman's from eight to ten. The first American llmotype mach- ine in Tripoli recently was installed by an Italian newspaper. It takes but one twentieth of a second for a wireless signal to pass from Washington to San Francisco Spain has opened an aviation school near Madrid in which the gov ernment alds those receiving instruc tion. A gas wall radiator which resemb les one of the usual hot air type has been designed for heating small rooms. Paper automobile tires, made ex perimentally in Europe, seem to have the strength of metal and the resiliency of rubber. A metal holder to permit paper drinking cups to be passed from one person to another without collaps ing has been patented An aeroplane propeller invented in Germany is built up of leather on a nickel steel frame and is said to be indestructible. For signalling a pocket flash light has been invented with interchange- able colored lenses mounted on one end of a movable arm. Experiments are being carried on in Cuba with a fibre of a native plant that is said to make excellent fabric for sugar bags, In a book for children invented by a Minneapolis man pictures of ani- mals jump out in a lifelike manner as the pages are turned. A pavement in London made of wooden blocks surfaced with rubber has given excellent service 'under heavy traffic for more than a year There were 763,185 men employ- ed in the coal mines of the United States last year, the greatest num- ber in the history of the industry By feeding silk worms with mul- berry leaves saturated with non-poi- sonous dyes two French scientists succeeded in getting red and blue raw silk. On .the principle of the stop watch is a clock invented to enable persons using telephones to tell exactly the amount of time consumed in calls, Two English sclentis:s have de- cided that the sense of smnc!l in man is .weéak when compared with ani- mals bessuse of the humua practice of ym been invented operations on the hu- a Water thal icues Tom an aftesian well in California if accomplished by call for j paralysis and bodily weakness. you meet. . The business man, the factory hand, the professional man, the woman in the home, all find their nervous systems giving way before the ter- rible strain of modern life and keen competition. Nervous foree is con- sumed at a terrible rate, and the blood which must make good this loss becomes thin and watery.. lacking in quality as well as quantity. 'The whole secret.of preserving health and curing disease in all such Satie is to supply au abundance of rich, red blood. Stimulants may drive the heart at a more rapid pace for a Hane, but the breakdown will come with greater force. The blood demands nourishment, the nerves ery for sustenance. They such help as is supplied by Dr. Chase's Nerve 'Food, the great blood builder and perve restorative. ! In many, many thousands of eases of this kind Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has proven exactly what was needed. perimenting, but are supplying to the system the very ingredients from which Nature reconstruets the wasted nervous system. For this , reason its cures are both thorough and lasting. S0c a bos, 6 for $2.50, Edmanson, Bates & enough naturgl gas to supply power to pump it a"gonsiderable distance Neandy 90 per cent. of Norway's 450 dentis are graduates of Aue rican dental colleges or have taken post graduate courses in the United States. The lid ¢f a new teaksttie is ar one side of the top and can be raised by pressing a knob witL the thumb of the hand that is holding tic ket- tle. Sound proof telephone booihs being built in Germany of five lay- ers of thin wood, with the grain crossed each time and the layers glued together. One of the newer incandescent lamps has two' filaments, either or both of which can be switchea injo circuit according to the da2mand for illumination. are One of the world's greatest rail-' road tunnels, more than three m.los long, recently was completed through mountains on the border of Asia Minor and Syria. A torch fitted with a tube to tak: gas from any convenient - jet been invented for starting fires in stoves or furnaces without the use of kindling wood. A French system phy by which it is 50,000 words an hour has worked successfully for - distances of 900 miles in that country. To save firemen carrying hoses high into buildings a standpipe has bee invented from which Water can be turged on at any floor by valves at the Street level. A Swedish scientist has advanced the theory that bearded grain, such as wheat, draws electricity from the air and that the plant is aided in its growth thereby. By pressing a button on the steer- ing wheel a new.antomobile fender drops a rod carrying a sheet of canp- vas that serves as a pocket to pick up a person if struck. Breeding cattle and horses from South Africa have been sent to Cuba by an English ranch owner there who will experiment with crossing them with American stock For use in cities which forbid gar- bage, waste paper and ashes to be mixed a Cincinnati inventor has brought out a ventilated, three com- partment rubbish receptable. There are ants in Dalmatia that make bread by chewing seeds into pulp; forming it into loaves and bak- ing them in the sun and then stor- ing them away for future use. A combined truck and elevator, operated by electricity, has been in vented for transporting baggage in railroad stations_and lifting it into cars with higher floors. Work has been begun in Peru on a railroad which will cross the An- des and form a connecting link be- tween the headwaters ofthe Amazon river and the. Pacific ocean. A Baltimore inventor has provid- of rapid telegra- possible to send ed a bootblack's chair intefided for] women's use with curtains that can be moved from the arms to prevent! an undue display of hoisery. The gr@nite statue of King Bd-! Read it in the Faces of the People You Meet The Irritability, the Worry, the Gloom, the Despair of Nerve and Brain Troubles. The Blood is Watery, the Nerves Are Starved. This is the age of nervous troubles, of bain Tag, of heart failure; of You cau read it in the faces of the people all dealers, or Toronto. {ward VII, has | | aporation In using it vou are not ex- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1915. recently dedicated at Ab- erdeen is believed to be the first granite statue of a ruler erected since the days of the Pharaohs For paring potatoes in quantities a carborundum-lined metal cylinder has been invented, against the sides of which the tubers, are whirled by a revolving bottom plate, A telephone which is claimed to be explosion-proof and Slame-proof has been invented in England for use in minesfor anywhere that explosive gases or liquids are present. The entire body of a new automo- bile headlight is made of glass, a vacuum between the reflector and the outside protecting the finish of the exterior and keeping it cool.' The change to electric power on Sweden's most northerly railroad in the world. has increased the train ca- pacity 40 per cent. d the speed 50 per cent. over steam operation. A novel pocket: electric light is supplied with current by a dynamo enclosed in the handle, which is dri- ven by a spring that is wound occas- ionally with pressure by the hand. French experimenters are freez- ing fish into blocks of ice for trans- portation for long distances, they claim being claimed that they can be revived by slow thawing and-sold alive, Afte. a lengthy investigation the United States bureau «of standards has decided that the lightning rod, when properly installed, is a trust- worthy means of protecting proper- ty. - " More than 4,000,000 tons of orea year are expected -to be exported from iron mines in° Algeria by French capitalists who have obtained concessions after more than ten years of effort. High temperature and the rapid passage of a current of air through it feature a California igvVeutor's®et- device with which he claims to preserve food perfectly for long periods. After ten years' experimenting a Liverpool man has perfected a prod- uct from seawood for the manufac- ture of non-inflammable motion-pic- ture films and paper claimed to be water, flame and germ proof. Machinery to sort oranges and lemons witj.running water, the idea being thatBound fruit will sink and frostbitten float, has been patented and dedicated to the public by a California inventor: Electricity generated by a windmill so successfully at a Ger- man technical school that it is esti- mated that a similar plant could sup- ply light and water for 100 persons at a cost of $125 a year. A new device to prevent an auto- mobile headlight throwing rays that dazzle consists of a series of concen- tric metal rings, to be mounted be- hind the lens to reflect all the light along parallel lines. An ice cream freezer of English invention in which ices and salt are packed in a cylinder that revolves in- side the cream delivers its product in a continuous stream half a minu- te after a crank is turned. Automobile apparatus has been perfected to enable trains running at, high speed to pick up any num- ber. of mail bags without injuring their cortents. and to deposit others gently in troughs beside the track. 18 ~~ THE COLOR OF BAIR. Red Locks: Are No Proof of Inherent : Genius. red-héadedness denotes quick-temper and ready wit, it appears that few great geniuses have had red bair. Alone among the poets of the world was perhaps Swinburne, whose hair was distinctly reddish, and among the great reformers only John Bun- yan's hair was really red. man whose hair when an adult is a true yellow also appears to remain marked apart as being unlikely to possess geniue, There is always one to be remembered, however, the great Thackeray, whose hair is de- scribed as yellow. Dark brown to black is the pre- vailing hfie on the heads of great men. A list of fifty names has been compiled in which the color of the hair is given by biographers, and 90 per cent. are dark brown or black. There is not, strange to say, a single mention of premature grayness, nor a single case of that ashen brown hair known as "singed" or "mouse color." But it is dangerous to gener- alize and mo infallibility is claimed for these statements. The structure of the hair--whether straight or curly---is given in twenty- six lists of geniuses, and of these all but four possessed curly or wavy hair. It is extremely notable that of the remaining four Napoleon and Presi- dent Jackson were the two remark- able for "wiry hair," and that James Russell Lowell and Greig were those having lank straight bair. The poet's "ringlets" and the musician's shock of hair are by this list seen not to be mere accidents, but in some strange way are co-ordinated to their powers, and the general popular in- stinct is not at fault. The color of beards also arouses many points of interest. Most of the ancient tapestries show Cain and Judas Iscariot with yellow or red beards, and Pontius Pilate in ancient art always was given a beard. A reddish-beard, however, does not carry the significance that goes with red hair, for a large number of em- inent men with dark-brown hair have had reddish beards. Sometimes the eyelashes alone have been ruddy, Savonarola, the Florentine reformer, who had almost black hair, having startlingly red eyebrows and eyelashes. But as a general rule, here also a silky brown beard, when accompanied by fine curling dark-brown hair is the most usual characteristic show in the biographies of men whose, names bhave been handed down to fame. Would Work Both Ways. It would be difficult te find a re- gion where the ups and downs of for- tune have been so sudden and ex- treme as in California. . . In its early days, before its production of grain was equal to the demand, wages of farm hands were high, but as produc- tion increased the prices slowered faster than the rale of wages, A farmer employed an ' industrious Irishman for five years, at the rate of $50 a month "and found'--board, lodging, washing, and mending. At the end of the term he said to his man: "I can't afford to pay you the wages I have been paying. You have saved money, and I have saved no- thing. At this rate you will soon own my farm." "Then I'll hire you to work for me, "said the other, "and you can get your farm back again.' Where She Differed From Paul. A Scotch clergyman called upon a parishioner, an old woman who was not possessed with many virtues, but who possessed a very varied assort- ment of vices. He took the latter as a text for a sermon and spoke to her at considerable length upon the sub- ject, concluding with some extracts from one of St. Paul's epistles which he felt to be apropos. She didn't speak for several min- utes after he had finished, and he thought that he had made an impres- sion upon her at last. He was mis- taken, however, for she suddenly turned round with the remark: "Humph! That's just where Paul and I have differed these ten years." The argument was not continued. . Coagulen. Coagulen is the invention of the great Swiss surgeon, Professor Koch- er. It is in the form of a powder which, before use, is mixed with water. Applied to a wound, it al- most instantly coagulates the blood and stops the bleeding, whether ex- ternal or internal. ' It shortens surgi- cal operations and makes them less dangerous, The French medical headquarters speak most hij of coagullen, It will, no doubt, come into general use in al surgical opera- tions. - One German King in the Field. Of the four German kings, the one actively assisting in the field, the kings of Bavaria, Wurtemberg, and Saxony remaining at home. a number of princes and dukes und been wounded; one is a prison- prince of Nn, who was on the i: z EI Though It is generally thought that The flaxen-haired blosde or the Kaiser (king of Prussia) is the only" MEGISTERED TRADEMARK MONTREAL, CAN. ® Grand Prize; Panama Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality BAKER'S COCOA is just right It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans: it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter... It is pure and wholesome, conforming te the Canadian Pure Food Laws. All of our goods sold in Canada are made in Canada. Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free on request. Walter Baker & Co. Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Its fragrance 1s pleasant but the great value of Baby's Own Soap is its creamy softening lather which cleanses and beautifies the skin sabie" b 1 {rou Doctors and Nurses recommend Baby's | Own Soap Albert Soaps, Limited, Mirs., Moutreal Sold everywhere None of its many imitations has all its merits =n A Baby's Own Soap Baby is not only * suffers from chafing or other : Do you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? Reliable persons will be furnished with profitable, all-year-round employment on Auto. Knitting Machines, $10 per week readily earn- ed. We teach you at home, distance is ro hindrance. Write for particu- lars, retes of pay, send 2c. stamp. UTO-KNITTER HOSIERY CO. Den 115 257 College St. - Toroate (Also at Leicester, g Here's Proof That Cures Headache cook, Que. proves it. remedy for headache" Leader-Mail" "Your Zutoo ly known as a care that will cure." roves it, the Hussars, very satisfactory cure for Headache." 25 cents per box--at all dealers, Sunkist Seeded and Seedless Raisins | First car of new goods just arrived. Insist on SUNKIST and have the best. At All Grocers. ZUT OO + Mr. E, F. Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coati- | "Your Tablets are a safe and effective | Mr. Geo. Legge, Editor of the "Granby ablets deserve tobe wide- | A.C. Hanson, B. A, K. C., Colonel of | proves it. i "I use Zytoo Tablets and find them a | Po Kingston's Electric Store. Special Offer From Now to lst December. If you will let us wire your house from now to 1st December, we will give FREE a beautiful Electric Bread Toaster. Let us show you--Prices within reach of all. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO., Phone 441 . : 79 PRINCESS ST. This also applies to our Sydenham, Ont,. Customers. the wool on ald peices, but el OPE FokavEnk Buy now and save money. You can buy CEETEE UNDERWEAR this Fall, about one-third 'cheaper than you will /probably have to pay for it next Fall. Hrd Wal ne fram 50 to 75 to 759% bin price since war was 'declared, yet the same at present because io to place their rer for JL ve remen I ont So aba, heir odors for fall therefore made .up in the future we hall be compel led to according to the market. price of way and CELIA * mecessity, cost much more. In all Sizes, for Men, Women and Children. what we could out at wahad eR Made in Caneda from all British meterial by HE C. TURNBULL CO. OF GALT, LIMITED

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