liness in manufacture; a can be. THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT is that every garment washed with it bears the impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet, cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute clean- co-operation of workers united for the purpose; a purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee' which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. A substitute for Sunlight is wot as good and mever Insist upon the gemuine-- Sunlight Soap. The name Lever on Soap is 8 guarantee of Purity and Excellence purity exalted by the | Kingston's Electric Store. | Special Offer From Now to 1st December. If you will let us wire your we will give FREE a beautiful Electric Bread Toaster. Let us show you--Prices within reach of all. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO., Phone 441 . . ' This also applies to our Sydenham, Ont;. Customers, Gary Nm & Practical house from now to 1st December, - 79 PRINCESS ST. w Homé Dress Making Lerrons Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review FASHION'S LATEST WORD IN LINGERIE, This dainty combination in fine lawn or batiste is not an extravagance and is highly desirable for wear this sea- son. With the square-cut corset cover are combined envelope drawers. A combination that is pleasing both to matrons and maids is the design re- produced here, consisting of corset cover with square neck and envelope drawers. If made with embroidery bahd, medium size requirés 1% yards 45-inch material, with 1% yards em- brojdery Insertion 2% inches wide and 12 yards of edging. If the material is only 36 inches wide 2 yards will be needed The advantage of the wider goods, wgich 5 easy to obtain, is that it ob- viates the necessity of plecing. After folding carefully "the front section of the drawers (1) is first laid on a lengthwise thread of the material, about an inch from the edge. To the right-of th*+ and on a fold of the goods the back (I) of the drawers is placed, 80 that after it is cut there will be no seam. Following this "1s the back of the corset cover, after which comes the front of the cover, laid on a lengthwise thread-of material. The belt and band can be arranged opposite the front and back sections of drawers, near the sel- vidge edge of the goods, Dainty lingerie Is not an 'extrava- gance 'and really takes very little, if any more, time te make than some of the unsightly underwear that comes under the head of "lingerie." For very dressy wear it is worth the sacrifice to have a few combinations develcped in crepe de Chine, The material is un- excelled for the purpose, being so washable and pretty after it emerges from the tub, Hand embroidery in simple design is used freely in the decoration of fine underwear. A scalloped edge is al- ways effective, and it does not require a great deal of time to battonhole the edges of a narrow frill; A few French knots or clusters of evelvrd may be added if desired, but on the very best of French lingerie, which is most ex- tensively copied, plain scallops appears, 1 FRONT DRAWERS SECTION, # Review inches bust and 14, 16, qr : i Patented April 30, 1907 ombination No. 6212. Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 18 and 20 years. Price, 15 cents, Sa LE 2d & SHAW, Street. itliver and bowels, : sk THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1915, Egypt Seems To Expect Hostil London, 'Nov, 22---Events are moving swiftly towards a climax in the Allies' relations to Greege. Fol- lowing upon the temporary deten- tion of Greek steamers in British ports, as a hint to Greece to declare herself, came this morning a report that Greece had ordered all her steamers in Italian and French ports to leave. On the heels of this, came a story that the Allies had issued what was practically an ultimatum, which is backed up by the presence of British ships within "striki g d tance of Grecian cities. Last nikht a despatch sent frpm Athens at 7.2 p.m., 'London learns that Kitchener and the British Minister to Greece called .on King Constantine and put the issue squarely before him "The pro-German King of Greece, whose wife is a sister of the Kaiser, must say whether or not he will give posi tive guarantees that Greece will not turn on tha Allied troops which her own Premier, Venizelos invited to land at Salonika The Allies want Greece to join them, but their more immediate demand is for a guarantee of continued neutrality An attack from Greece at this time, after she has peacefully allowed the Allies to land, and even welcomed their troops THE GERMAN AGENT OF PRESI- DENT WILSON'S FIANUEE, Association Headed By Paul Poirét To Issue Money Orders For Greece---What Will Be Demanded of Constantine. ties---Post Offices Refusing would be treachery so base as to war- rant a terrific coastal bombardment from the British fleet. In the mean- time, however, an interesting situa- tion arises if Greece sees fit to hold Kitchener as a hostage. Indications that Egypt expects War are seen in a despatch from Alexandria, dated 6 p.m., Saturday It says that Egyptian post offices are refusing to: issue money orders for Greece, | insurers are refusing tc write policies on Greek Steamers, while banks there are refusing to accept bills of lading for such ves- sels. Greece has been making tremen- dous profits out of her shipping since the, war began, and hostilities against the Allies would mean the loss not only of this trade, but of the ships themselves What Greece Must Do, New York, Nov. 22 A news ag- ency despatch from London, Says: A Reuter despateh from Malta says that it ig understood that the Allies have demanded on (reece that she either intervene immedia- tely on the side of the quadruple en- tente, or demobliize her army. EGG SPECULATORS CAUGHT. New York, Nov. 22.--Egg kings in the United States, who planned to reap huge profits by selling shiploads of eggs to the Allies, are wig-wag- Directs Should Not Be Delivered To Naturalized Ameri. can. Dresses Nov. 22.--The Paris dress- syndicate has blacklistéd two Paris maker gin, one of them a man named Kurz- mann, reputed to have been com- missioned to buy goods for Mrs. Nor- man Galt, who is to be the bride of President Wilson It is stated Kurzmann has threat ened to raise a diplomatic question because of the modiste's refusal to accept orders from him Rue de la Paix and other leading houses refuse to state whether or not they have had orders for gowns for the President's . fiancee. Some of them say, however, that they have had orders from Kurzmann which they are unable to fill in consequence of the decision of the syndicate. They are endeavoring to dispose of the matter without too much pub- licity, but declare that they cannot overturn the decision of their repre- sentative body. The Dressmakers' Association met to-day at a session presided over by Paul Poiret, the organization's presi- dent, and took official action regard- ing the dresses ordered for Mrs Galt. It was directed that no mem- ber of the association should deliver the dresses to a certain house in Am- erica, whose proprietor was a Ger- man, . naturalized in the United States. It appears that only this and one other proprietor of German origin had been blacklisted by the aetion of the association. Some time ago it was found that a large number of dress importers in New York and elsewhere were of the Teutonic race. The associatien decided, it was ex plained, as a matter of principle, on- ly. to refuse to sell to two houses, whose names were drawn by lot, and that one of these names was that of the person ordering gowns for Mrs. Galt. Montreal Mail Sued. Montreal, Nov. 22. Mayor Mar- tin has entered suit against the Mon- treal Daily Mail for $10,000 damages for, alleged slander. This action is in connection. with the mayor's pro- secution of Jules Fournier, editor of L'Action, for alleged criminal libel, the article complained of in the Daily Mail having been' struck from the court reerds as part of Mr. Four- nier's defence plea. IF CONSTIPATED cross, feverish and give "California Syrup «of Figs," When Children love this 'fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanses the tender | stomach, tiver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop play- ing to empty the bowels, and the re- sult is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stom-~ ach sours, then your little one be- comes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, mom inach-ache or diarrhoea. sten, rl See if to e is coated, then give a toaspiontil of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the system, and = you have a well, playful child again. ~~ | Millions of mothers give "Califor nia Syrup of Pigs" because if is per- fecly harmless; children love it, and lit never fails to act on the stomach, Gil est for a 50- t tle of "Califothia Syrup of Figs." American customers of German ori-| '| seas it is hoped. | has beén conducting the Militia: De- ging the public for help. The Allies failed to make the | heavy purchase of eggs expected and | the speculators are caught with a | surplus of K eggs and prospects of a | mild winter, In twenty-four big | cold storage warehouses are more | than 1,000,000,000 eggs, or more than ten apiece for every man, wo man and child in the country The price wholesale of cold stor- age eggs to-day was two cents lower than on the same day last year A few weeks of mild weather may force millions of dozens of .eold storage eggs on the market and send retail prices down with a crash. It is pos- sible, wholesale men said, that cold storage eggs may be selling at retail at less than 20 cents a dozen. The price here now ranges from 29 to 36 cents, Strictly fresh eggs were selling at about 60 cents retail in New York to-day, with the blue blooded *'white fancies" quoted at 72 cents a dozen. But several commission men said they believe the price for fresh eggs will go little, if any higher, and that the first sharp break in the storage egg market will bring fresh egg pri- ces tumbling. CAN HELP OUT. United States "Turns To Beer For More Revenue, Washington, Nov, "22. Whenever the Government gets pinched for mo- ney it turns to beer for more revenue. The present tax on beer is $1.50 a barrel, an increase of fifty cent hav- ing been authorized in the Emergen- cy Revenue Act passed at the last session of Congress. There is talk now .that when Congress comes to repass this Aet, which will expire on December 31st, the rate on beer will be raised to $2 a barrel. That was the rate levied at the time of the Spanish War. Beer produced $36,- 000,000 revenue in the Jast fiscal year. It is estimated that an in- crease to $2 a barrel would augu- ment the yield to nearly $50,000,000, STEAMERS ON HUDSON BAY. Government Will Operate Connec. tion With New Railway. Ottawa, Noy. 22.-----A Government- owned line of steamers out of Hud- son Bay will be established, it is un- derstood; on (he completion of the. line and terminals of .Canada's new Northern port and will he in opera- tion, in time to carry part of the 1917 wheat crop to its destination over- Work on the construction of the line is being expedited with a view to completing the laying of steel by the Fall of next year. If this is dons asstated, the route will be in a posi- tion to compete for the movement of the Canadian grain crop of 1917, Will Need Standing Army, London, Ont., Nov, 2.--Brig- { Gen. Henry Smith, of Ottawa, who | pariment's investigation into "the 33rd battalion graft cases. to-day ex- pressed the.opinion that Canada will require a standing army for at least four years'yet, even though the war Jay be over considerably before tha: me, : 35-Pound Gobhler P¢ Wilson. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 2% A 35 pound turkey, which will grace the Thanksgiving dinner at the White House, will be shipped to Washing- ton to-day frow: Lexington as the gift % South Trimble, clerk of the Nations House of Representatives and for- er congressman from the Ashland, Ky., district, Embargo On Stecl, Washington, Nov. 22.---Congress Bax be asked to. place temporary e I80 on exports of structural 4tgel to the European igerents in order to. afford a su t supply o! the metal for nse in the construction 'of the two battieships, bids for which Wea opened at the navy department 1 LH p sther, Lieuténant-Commandd r Layton of the British submarine E-11 escaped. from maval barracks in Germany. a mining tober 28th, ed, "ac land.' By the Failure Of the Allies To Buy. next U. 3 KITCHENER IS RECENWED | ~BY THE KING OF GREECE ANRRICE 1s coast ~_ Alady's comment 'Tastes With Abetting Foe By Helping Ger. man Woman. i 32 Edward Hodg and Lucy Wuyn- p German, both Orts, were re Court Satur- charged with as an alien, giv- and being in pos- session of a false passnort, and Hodg- son with aiding and adetting s Mr. Hodgson, who is described a engineer, has a pagspo issued in Washington, on Ma 1915. Lucy issued in Be were vised ster information her her lin on July 10th. Both] ig Amsterdam on Oe-| the woman being endors- | ompanying husband to Eng- EVLGENE Will ne DEBS ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER Pure -- PALATABLE -- NutrITIOUS --- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE anp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE LOCAL OPTION --Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this. brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. JOHN LABATT, Lmareo, Lonpon, CANADA better--goes farther.' DARA A A A EY SATA A YA Write to ; sburg, Nov. Sinister aga- te , twinkling malevolently from | under the head wrappings of an | Egyptian Queen of 3,000 years ago SYSTEM HB | Local Branch Time Table. IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915, Trains will leave and arrive at City { Depot, foot of Johnston street. Golng West. of the dead for the violation of her | tomb, have lead to the sending to Carnegie Museum of the blackened skull of Queen Hatshephutt, or Hat asu, of the line of Thothmes. The donor, Mrs. Jere Bauman, of No. 466 Neshannuck avenue, New Castle, whosé husband brought the head from Egypt seven years ago, No declared to-day that she had sent the gruesome relic of the Nile to th museum to break a spell which she says she believes had some bearing !s on the death of her son, J. Howard | Bauman, four years ago, and more recently that of her husband, Jere : . Ltd. . 1.08pm, Bauman, October 21st, : | No. Brockville 6.58pm Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 Ministerialist members of thesMa-|other trains daily except Sunday. nitoba Legislature in caucus unani- Ban Batre] Lo, mously approved of woman suffrage. | Chie: Ottawa hotelmen lost their appeal Ottawa," Quebec, Portland, St. John, to have the population of the city He fa ston and ow Yon, HAN declared under 100,000 so that their 4 ANG Shy , license fees would be reduced. What They Do DavisviLig, Or, "Thad trouble with m: Kidneys and Bladder so I ot a sample of Gin Pills and followed direc: 1 felt better after the first dose and 1 kept taking them for a month. One day, Mr. Ee of this town, told | me about the trouble he had with his kidneys, and I recommended him to GIN PILLS, and gave hin» one to take, ne next day, | he bought some. for himself, and both he | and his wife have derived great benefit from them. HERBERT H. BAUER. Gin Pills are soc. a box or six boxes for | $2.50 at all druggists. Sample sent free if requested. 17 | National Drug & Chemical Co. | of Canada Limited, Toronto. | No. N 18--Mall 16--Fast Exp. .. 2.5 No. 32--Local to Biobicville 8.15 a.m. cor. Johnson and Ontario streets w. Toronto 10.455 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ar. Winnipeg 3.507 Thursday, Satn and Monday Connecting at inn}; with G. T. P. train leaving 6.00 pam. daily for Regina, Saskatoon, Bd- monton and intermediate polnts, Timetables and all information [J from- any Grand Trunk, Gort. Rys, or T. & N. Rallway Agents. [% THis .) Pe NNIP VANCOUV eo [WR | ER vr $0 . NZ NN 9] { \[} 3 * W\ A | PORT ARTHUR ~ SASKATOON WITH CONNECTIONS TO AND FROM 0 Ld ALL MOD®RN EQUIPMENTS A ; LL LEE ET ETT FRILL EH EHETTTTTTTIT ITO, 2eterboro, | Detroit, | 0, Bay. City, Saginaw, Montreal | LEY, Rallroad and Steamship Agent, | - LEAVE TORONTO X 1045 p.m, Mon., Wed., Fri. * FORT WILLIAM EDMONTON ALL POINTS LEAVES KINGSTON 230 P.M. or write mm 2a Smoker, Conch and Buffet Library ~ Obseypvation-Par- lor Car, with Rroller Ser- vice, leaves Toronto Union LAS pom, Kingston 05,40 p. » vin AKE ONTARIO SHORE stopping all important points, Perth, Smith's Falls, Merrickville, and Kempt- ville, CENTRAL STATION Sparks St, Chateau Laurier OTTAWA Descriptive Folders from ¥, Conway, City Ticket office, cor. Princess and Wellington Sts. Phone 1197. THE "YORK" Lv, Ottawa } Ar. Kingston RAS Ar. Toronto .9.30 CHRISTMAS SAILINGS, From ST. JOHN. To Corsican. Dec. 4. Liverpool Al liver "es » a] Fretorian » 20 NL For full information apply local agents or to THE ALLAN LINE 55 King St. West. Toronto: ~~ ULL TT TL CI MC RL HHH HH HHT