PACES 1-8 The Baily British Whig 12 PAGES rm - YEAR 82 --NO 271 KiNGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. eT LAST EDITION NS ------------ tory Over -------- (Special to the Rome, Nov. 22 The big Darda nelles offensive is regarded here Lord Kitchener's nesative answer to suggestions in England A hat the Gal lipoli campaign be aud Following Sir Ian Hamilton's re- call from command of the expedition, General Monro, who succeeded him is understood to have recommended that troops engaged in the Dardanel lles land campaigh be withdrawn, considering them engaged in a hope- less task. The London S€a}inet War Council decided, however, not to take so important a step without further advice, and -Lord Kitchener visited the peninsula in person a few days ago to look it oyer. Whig.) «. as olution. i Whig.) Rome, Nov, -Advices from Athens to-day indicate that the King and the Government fear a revolu- tionary outbreak as the result of in- definiteness in the Grecian war pol. icy. large bodies of troops are Fear a R Pr. a mn, Great Success of Canada's Big War Loa (Special to the Whig.) Ottawa, Novi '22. ~=Although the Canadian War loan was only thrown open to subscribers this morning, its complete sutcess is already assured.) The charteréd banks of Canada' will alone take up fifty per cent. of the loan. They have notified the Minis- er of Finance that they will sub- scribe twenty-five milli dollars. Life insurance companies will con- tribute about ten million dollars. When it comes to the allotment, however, the private investor small sums will be given the. first consideration. Fire swept the village of St. George, Beauce County, Que, de-| stroying some' seventy houses, ren-! dering several hundred persons home- less, causing ome child's death and doing property damage estimated at a total of $300,000, | SUBSCRIBE KITCHENER'S ANSWER ABOUT DARDANELLES Is a Big Offensive Against the Enemy--Ap- 'parent hat Gallipoli Expedition is Not to Be Abandoned---Serbian Vic: eee eee Ee -- EE -- SERBIAN ARTILLERY DRAWN BY OXEN. THE CANAD ¥ Bulgarians. patrolling the streets and guarding Royal Palace, and the King and the Cabinet are in session continuously. The impression prevails in many quarters that Constantine will be forced by his own people to submit to the British Allies] demands. Toronto, Nov, ~From the fin- terest already evinced in the $50.- 000,000 loan to be offered to the peo- ple of Canada by the Dominion Gov ernment its success assured. So far as is Known the largest com- mercial subscription to the first do- mestic loan in the history of Can- ada amounts to one million dollars, which is one-fiftieth of the total sue It is' understood that the ten der was sent to the Minister of Fin ance by the Imperial Oil Compan¥y, of Toronto, before the terms of th loan and the rate to be paid made known Mr. Teagie, President perial Oil Company, porter, said: "It is a fact we have asked for a million dollars' worth of bonds which the Finance Ministér is about to offer to the public. The company's officers in this subscription express- ed their opinion of the credit of this country. They feel that it is not on- ly their duty, but good business as well, to help out with 'this loan There could He no better security than the Domihion of Canada's pro- mise to pay, and the directors of the Imperial 'Oil Company feel that this should be taken up at once, even if the rate should be a little less than it is likely to be." "The rate, in fact," said Mr. Tea- gle, "is not the paramount consider 29 seems already Serbian Victory Confirmed. London, Nov. The report of the big Serbian victory over the Bul- gars at Lekovats, on the Nish-Salo- nika railway, has been confirmed by- messages from the Serbian legations at Athens and Geneva 29 is the were To Strike at Serb Centre. (Spectal the Whig.) Beriin, Nov --By forcing - an entrance into the Lab River valley, Sunday, the Kaiser's troops are now in position to strike direct for the Serb centre, midway between Mitor- vitza and Pristina, about twenty mi- les east of the Montenegrin f{ron.| tier, an official statement announced to-day First picture from the Serbian front sinee the Teutonic offensive shows Serb artillery retreating in the Morava Valley. U. S. Germans May Strike At Canada (Special to the Whig.) Washington, D.C. Nov, Cleveland, Buffalo, Toledo, Detroit and other great lakes cities have been specified in the report to the] British Embassy as points from which an attack on (inada was to be launched by German roscrvists, Brit-| ish Embassy said to-day, so far, how. | ever, nothing has been discovered to warrant a protest by this Govern- | ment, it was Said. SITUATION IN THE WEST the by a of seen Im re- NAA A AA ANNA NNN BN, Trampled the Swedes Break Fingers of Their Word to Their Victims Great Britain Christiania, Nov. 22,4~The Norwe- London, Nov. Charges that j the German officers kicked drowning gian-American Line has been com- pelled to abandon transportation of men from their submarine after tor- 8] ) ) fréight from America to Sweden, on pedoing the French treoop-ship Cal . account of the fact that Sweden does vados near Gibraltar recently are A € contained in a report received Sat- not guarantee to Great Britain that goods brought in will not be export- urday from Officer H. Bacon, of the . British SS. Lady Plymouth, which | ed to Germany. ; atiot The liner Kristianiafjord has just Rt. saved 53 of those on the lost vessel, i dk ' . ) arrived at Bergen with a. cargo of 11 bis critical time Canada 'is able There were 800 on the transport 2 J Ninn at the time of the atfack and many | 6,000 cases of American pork, and) to do Pe a i usta gces Jp - OF ha swam to the U-boat. The gold-laced T:0U Bags of" coffee Press" pS hm nt officers He | undersea he 30 are de. must be returned to England on ac- | In an exceptionally favorable position clared to have trampled on their] | elingi ey Is. Comparatively Quiet -- Grenade | Clnging Angers until they let go and . Fighting In Artois, | td {Special to the Whig.) | Paris, Nov. 22.--"Grenade fight- ing i8 in progress in the Artois re- -- 141 REGIME Enough Men Enlisted to Make 200 Regiments. ° Ottawa, Nov. 22.---A list of battal- jons raised in Canada since the war began has been issued. It. shows | that there are now 141 Canadian | regiments raised for active service. As a matter of fact, the number is | much greater than this, owing to the | fact that drafts for reinforcements | | 2 22.- purposes have been sent forward | from various battalions now in Can- ada from time to time. If allow- | ance is made for these, it is estimated | that enough men have been enlisted | to form 200 regiments. ish authorities when the vessel was|a time. It is fortunate that she is detailed recently at Kirkwal, At/|Aable to do this as 'Well'as to do other that time two American passengers | things which we would have been apt to regard as extraordinary a short time- ago. Bacon sent his report from Algiers. | w-------- | were taken ashore for observation. War Tidings. The British authorities are partic- Oe E There are now 400,000 Ifiskmen | ularly anxious to ascertain the ulti- "The loan will be a good thing for | gion," stated to-day's oificiai <com- in Britain's armies . | mate destination of the pork on the the small investor, to whom the pur- | munique. An unofficial statement from Bu- | Kristianiafjord, as it has been prov-| chase of bonds will be a new experi- "In Lorraine there have been pa-!charest, via Paris, says Roumania | ed that Swedish importers have vio-| ence. It will not tie up any needed trol encounters. Otherwise the sit- |-will permit Russian troops to cross! lated promises not to sell pork to capital and the advantage of paying uation is unchanged and compara-| to the defense of Serbia. } Germany. even this small proportion. of our tively quiet." The Norwegian steamer Uurikene| ease annual interest charges at home will i ------ was doed by G ith | last much longer than the life of the Britain Send ne er a ine wae" | Turk Transport ritain dends : Sunk by Mine ries While Prisoner of War, London, Nov. A despatch to the Morning Post from Stockholm that Lieutenant-General Sam- | Si ff, who commanded the Russian troops in the battle of Tannenberg, died a prisoner of war in Germany. His body is now in Stockholf on the | way to Russia. An official communication from Petrograd dated September 1st,1914, announced that General Samsonoff | was among the officers killed in the | fighting in East Prussia. i 29 SPPbbbdb bbb ib bib bbb bbe | CAN STAY COLD, { ish cruiser and torpedo boat flotilla, A Zeppelin was destroyed while be- | convoyed the undersea craft ou their, jng inflate at Tondorn, Prussia. | voyage from the English coast. ! London, Nov. 22.---The British Press Bureau has published the re- 'ports of James W, Gerard, the Amer-| ican mémbers of the Berlin, relative Embassy staff in to the condition of British prisoners of war in the camp at Wittenberg, Prussia. Lithgow Osborne reported tha whole impression of the camp thorities was utterly unlike which he had received in every other camp he visited. Instead of re- garding their charges as honorable prisoners of war, he stated, they ap- his au- parently regarded them as criminals,' whom a regime of fear alone sufficed to keep in obedience. "All evidence of kindly, human feeling between the authorities and the prisoners was lacking," said Mr. | cases prisoners had had their clothes! Osborne, "and i no other camp have I found signs of fear on the part of the prisoners that what they might say to me would résult in suffering . for them afterwards." 4,000 Prisoners In Camp. The following extracts are taken from Ambassador Gerard's report: "I regret to state that after a care- ful examination of the camp and THE WHIG'S CONTENTS. Pa 12=<Kitchener's 'War Loan -=Present # Tamme Arranged. S---tavatided Soldiers Napanee Soldier Died. 4-- Editorial; Sleepytime Tales; Menus; Walt Mason's Ruiymes, Military 'News: Whig Tubac- co Fund or f--Eastern Ontario News T=dAmusements. Announce- nts; The People's Forum. SoMiltary . News: ead Notes. $--War Loan Reqrements. Kitchener Sees King I=City League Rugby; Sport Answer: The Day Evils; Pros Home; Ambassador to Germany, and | | overcoats. 2 that | recently was + > (r London, Nov. 21. The % Times' Petrograd correspondent | 4 describing conditions -in the German army in Courland, re- lates the following story: "When Hindenburg demand- ed warm clothing for troops, the Kaiser replied they were likely to take Riga or Dvinsk more quickly without them. If the™ request were granted, they + would ursloubtedly winter on % the Dvina." 4 Sea and is badly damaged. Two of the crew were injured. Private advices which reached Madrid late Saturday afternoon said the Italian liner Verona, which was (Special to the Whig.) The Montenegrins London, Nov. 22.---A Turkish Copenhagen, Nov. 22.--Britain has ey ron Sas. oo] transport carrying 500 Ottoman sol- : | added a big fleet of submarines to its| to Scutari, a Vienna despatch as-|diers has been sunk by a mine in the 4 E-boat forces in the Baltic. A Brit-| gapts, | Sea of Marmora, according to a Cen-| 4 tral News despatch to-day from Zut- |, loan. The United States steamer Martin | "As our business extends pretty struck a German mine in the North : . More Submarines | In Marmora Sea ¢ | lo the Baltic chased by a submarine escaped in a -------- thick fog. | (Special to the Whig.) ich. Nearly all on board were res- 4 cued, PPP peter rr Bombardment in the Goriza zone] continues. The Italians have gained 5 a footing on part of the fl : long conversations with the prison- | S+SSSESEMLELEItIttLttste | NT ig on Sart of the summit of| (Special to the Whiz.) ers my impression is even more un-| Eskaga y Vv | london, Nov. 22.--British steam- OT ad been lod to ex.|# SUBSCRIBES T0 LOAN, #| ioient artillery Ors Aas Tosaried 0% | snips Merganser and _Heallamsshire| yo 4 op ppsaesssss * pect. ; ant rs . -- = {lic Germans were forced to retreat. | "ave been sunk by German submar- sit "Upon my arrival at the camp | (Special to the Whig.) {On the left bank of the River Styr the | Des: Jhe crews were saved, it was Was not feceived by the Gengtal who; 4 De Er the Gear | Russians upeupled the town of Caedr- | Be da: 1,905 tons, was as i 3s commandant, bul bidder #"of-General, this morning for- a] 1oLYeR ang the Wilage of Ruzlinit- |. 4 by the Cork Steamship Com- Has Joined Forces With the camp, of whom 278 are British. | % warded a big subscription to + A Constantinople official statement | Pany and sailed from Cork, Ireland. Montenegro. \Among these I found only sixteen|® the Canadian Government war #|indicates heavy artillery and bomb | The Hallamshiré was of 4,420 tons. (8peciai to the Whig.) British Ships Sunk. PART OF SERBIAN ARMY Army of The men, on the whole, : loan. 3 fighting near Seddul Bahr. Its home port was Glasgow. ol Nov. eal SHiial Se are insufficiently clothed, t | Tr ; a "agalion "The men told Me that one of the SHPESEEEELIEIELItb ES | Will Allow Chinese to Work. says part of the Serbiah army has re- British medical officers in the camp wp = 1 f th t | Petrograd; Nov. 22.----The Ministry | reece ay treated into Momtenegre. joining struck by a German | The peaple brid eo. are LOL | of Trade and Industry has suspended | owing io fierce attacks along the 11 non-commissioned officer, and this| {BIKINE politics these days, nor are |,.,yisionally the regulation forbid- | A t 1 Swing io fen e attacks along the Ilim "Many prisoners complain that | Biving their undivided attention to | ding the employment of Chinese la- | ccep erms A A 3 {the war," said Dr. Michael Clarke, | " ! dugs were brought in by German sol- | yr" ps "sol pod Deer, who is in Otta- {ihe Ministry will + facilitate the . Greek Ports ers at night, and that in certain|.. . Uanspartation of Chinamen to the e es } go ggings. { < torn by these dogs. I asked the au-| | thorities whether they considered | dogs necessary for the preservation! {of order, saying that at no other camps had I seen dogs used for this purpose, and they informed me that! they considered it absolutely neces-| | sary, and that dogs were needed to! protect the German soldiers on duty. I was shown half a dozen of these | dogs, which were of the usual police] type, * } forces with the Montenegrin army, fact proved to be true. ther thinking; of politics; they are borers in the mines of East Siberia. -* (Special to the Whig.) | Paris, Nov. 22.---King Constantine and Premier Skguloudis, according to the latest accounts received here froin Athens, are still for aa attitude] of "benevolent neutrality' towards; | the Allies, ex-Premier Venizelos con-| (Special to She Whig) i tinues to demand that Greek aid be London, Nov. ?2.---Reuter's Ath- i sent to Serbia, and ex-Premier Gou- ens correspondent says Lord Kitch- | naris is said to be doing his Utmost ener left Athens Saturday night after : ™ YOUR LITTLE HUNDRED You think, perhaps, that vou are not called upon to help Hon. Mr. White finance Canada's part in the war. If so, voll are wrong. ! Mr. White wants vour little hundred dollars. i (Canada has eight million citizens--men, women '} and children. : : A least half a miliion of these citizens have bank aceounts. If that half million pgople each subscribed for £100 of Mr. White's loan, they would take up $30, £00,000 of Government bonds. : : : These bonds are as safe as the Post Office Sav- ings Bank or the savings departments of the charter- ed banks. pS : And they will pay a higher rate of interest. Have vou patriotism enough to loan your coun- try $100 for five years at a fair rate of interest 1 Let Men Die Of Fever. "Two prisoners informed me that! the conditions in the camp had un-| eld as the allies of the Germans. lasting more than an hour. London advices to-day say there Athens newspapers publish a com- are prospects that the Greeks 'are munication issued by the British le- | dbout to accept the Allies' terms, gation stating the Entente Powers pledging themselves not to interfere! have declared an economic and com- | with either French, British or Serbs mercial blockade of Greece, the even though they should be driven Gree binet afterwards sitting back from Serbia or Bulgaria into! from \J/p.m. Saturday until 3 a.m. | Greek territory. Sunday. | An Athens despatch to the Frank i furter Zeftung says the Greek Minis- ' v # ter of State informed the chiefs of TREMENDOUS OFFENSIVE (Special to the Whig.) © 4 decided to disarm and imprison all Rotterdam. Nov. 22.--A tre- 4 Serb troops retreating into Greek ter- | 4 mendous offensive has been be 4 ritory: . . G # gun Dy the Allies at the Darfun- 4 '4 élles, said a Constantinople des. 4 1 # patch to the Koelnische Zeitung ; # day. One of his first callers was | a | last few months; that last year, whe an epidemic of spotted typhus exist.) ed, the camp conditions had been in-| describably bad. They said that] they then jmplored the German au-| thorities to put the British soldiers in barracks by themselves, as this} was the only way to preyeant an out-| break of the epidemic, which had! heen brought to the camp by Rus-, i slaps. This fequest was refused, on {the ground that the British should {learn to know their allies better.! | Largely because of this, '50 British | military we & order to maintain her neuirality, has 3 i i i #| celebrated his seventy-fourth bi . Review, ig--dverseds Page i - The advertisement appears on page 9. } hatch : the SHEPIE PIP EEEIEI PO P000444 | Robert Borden. - i prizoners and nine civilinns | |" died of disease. \ " It is the demonstration that | count of an order issued by the Brit-|10 finance its own requirements for To be Blockaded by the Allies {to throw the Greek forces into the an audience with King Constantine | # the foreign legations that Greece, in! O Saturda Sir Wilfrid Laurier b y rv Canada's exports in € Siri the first time in her im Pi O WAR LOAN; ENLIST IN 59TH IAN LOAN RAPIDLY TAKEN UP It Laoks As if the Canadia Tolts Support---The Investment is Sure And of Splendid Interest Value. Ri ---------- Ya ns Will Rally Strong well over the country us, as well as to every othe# indus- try, a beneficent influence." There are plenty of indica that there will be 4 generous throughout Canada and that fifty million dollars will aot on!) subscribed but that the fotac.un will be over-subscribed Most of the Ca- nadian banks, loan companies and big financial institutions hav: al ready intimated their iatencon of subscribing and the subscribtions from the general public, it ed, will be heavy - A number of the;Canadian cipalities are planning to inves: sinking funds in the Domini ernment debentures and have ade inquiries at Ottawa as to the mode of procedure. The Ottawa board of control has decided to invest a half million dollars of its sinking fund in the loan Industrial con.- panies which have idle funds wil al s0 invest in the loah. The Canzidian Ford Motor Car Company has al- ready intimated that it will invest a million dollars in this patriotic flota tion. it will be to ons pon the Be se z baliey wuki- thair Li0V What London Will Take Up. Longon, Ont., Nov. It is un- derstood that local financial imstitu- tions will subseribe to $750,000 of the new Canadian war loan. It is | not expected that the city will take any portion of the loan. It is re- | ported that the Huron and Lake Erie Loan and Mortgage Ceorpora- 29 | tion will take $300,000; the Outar- {io Loan and ture Company, $200,000, and the Northern Life As- surance Company and the London Life, $100,000 each. | N.Y. Banks Will Subscribe, New York, Nov With six months loans being made at three per cent. it is expected that some New York banks will subscribe to the Canadian Government loan. It lis too early vet to estimate the anrount of bonds that will be sold here, but the amount will probably be not less than $10,000,000, Their interest rate is considered attractive \ to investors on this side of the line. A 22 ~~ DAILY MEMORANDUM City Council, 8 pm County Council, { pm See top of page 3, right for probabilities Tuesday hand corner, BORN. Nov. 19th, Vv. N J Norris, NORRIS-~On and Mrs a son 1815, to Capt. 16 Clergy St, 3S on Nov. 21st 1315 Paul Rees, 441741 In 'Kingston Mr. and Mrs MARRIED, $<dn Kingston, on the Rev. Canen Margaret, young Mr and Mr» Collins Bay, to key, of the Sird CORKEY- Nov, 20th FitzGerald dang les 'Annie hier of est + ! DIED. ACTON-In K ngston 1915, Bertha Victoria ter of Frank years Funeral! from Upper York noun at tery. FERGUSON 19th, 1%15, of A J Kingston. ROBERT J . REID 230 Princess Street. ry on = Nov 21st, Acton. daugh- Acton, aged nine residence, 59 Tuesday after. Cataraqul ceme- her late street 0 te -In Maoutreal, on Nov Eleda M., beloved wife Ferguson, formerly of Phone B73. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. and 2564 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 147 for Ambulance. IN MISSION OAK Large Buffet Massive Table, rush-bottom Chairs: { tor $65. Turk's, phone New Sweet Cider 30c Per Gal. 0H ' eight | | | ports,