i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1915. =J|DANCE AT THE RM.C. THE COUNTY COUNCIL IN AID OF KINGSTON BRANCH OF GRANTS MADE TO THE CHARIT. RED CROSS. ABLE INSTITUTIONS I FROM NEW YORK CLIPPER (AMERICA'S LEADING THEATRICAL JOURNAL), NOVEMBER 20TH. New York's Feature Songs Norway, the Miracle Song. Qver one million already sold. That's the Song of Songs For Me. My Sweet Adair. My Little Girl, now selling faster than a year ago. Little Grey Mother, sung in 18 New York Theatres in one week. Piney Ridge. A Little Bit of Heaven. : Put Me to Sleep With an Old Fashioned Melody, Wake Me Up With When It's Tulip Time in Hoiland. The Wedding of the Sunshine and the Rose. ......... Beatrice Fairfax. Come Back Dixie. All the above on sale here. These songs will be the hits in the larger cities throughout the winter and featured by bands and orchestras next sum- mer. 'EVERYTHING IN MUSIC." Bridge Was Played In the North Children's Aid Society-~Was Given Building And Dancing Took Place 25 Extra As Result of Strong Ap- In the Gymnasium. peal of Deputation--Strong Ob- A very successful dance was given jection to Report of the Valuators. by Lt. Col. C. N. Perreau, staff, and The Frontenac County Council, at gentlemen cadets of the Royal Mil'! its session on Friday morniag was tary College on Thursday evening, in| potified of the Traffic Bills which are aid of the Kingston branch of the now before the Ontario Legislature, Red Cross, and the Daughters of thesgpd whi h it is intended will regu- Empire. {late the weight ©of loads to be tak- The cadets bad converted the! en over the reads. "gym," where the dancing was held,' Anthony Rankin, M P.P., address- into a vertable fairyland. A canapy| ed the Council, stating that the bills of evergreejs was stretched from | woud be.taken up by the Legisla- either side of the running track and ture, at its next session, . Circulars) the pink shaded lights which peeped had been sent out to the various' through, shed a soft light, giving a municipalities, in order that sugges- most artistic effect. . At one end AY-| tions might be. secured. Each con- buckle's orchestra was stationed be-| stituency kpew its own coaditions, hind a cleverly designed entrench- He believed that action would be ment--a grim reminder of more seri- taken which would' provide protec- ous things. tion for the roads. The idea is to In the north building where regulate the heavy . moter traffic From Hunter to You. "bridge" was played, the prizes were! which results in the cutting up of won by Mrs. James Cappon and Mrs. H. R. Duff, Col. and Mrs. the large mumber of guests, the lat. {ter wearing a handsome gown of soft Genuine Indian Tanned Buckskin Gloves. Perredu welcomed | Council will tape report. &7 ; Lorenzo Ruttan, through his soli the roads. . The Good Rogds Committee of the up the matter, and The College Book Store Phone 919. : OPEN NIGHTS. 160 Princess Street gray satin and carrying an armful citor, asked the of American beauty roses, the gift of the éadets. At 'he conclusion of the pro-| gramme supper was served and the dance came to a close about tw o'clock. The guests included Col. and Mrs Thompson, Professor and Mrs. Alex- ander Laird, Miss Hilda Laird, Mrs¢ J. B. Carruthers, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. James Cappon, Mr. and Mrs W. R. Givens, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. F. H. Macnee, Mrs. John Wad- { dell, Major and Mrs. James Hamil- ton, Major and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. W./F, Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sutherland, Captain and Mrs. McLaren, Captain and Mrs. A W. Winnett, Mrs. A. P. Christmas, Captain and Mrs. W. E. Steacy, Mr awd Mrs. E. L. Fortt, Mr. and Mrs W. Todd, (Ottawa), Mrs. D. M. Fra- | ser, Misses Isabell and Margot Fra- ser. . Mrs. H. R. Duff, Mrs. E. E. New- man, Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. Fred- erick Brownfield, Mrs. Jeremy Tay- lor, Mrs. K. M. Saunders, Mrs. C. W. Belton, Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hope, Misses Tait! Campbell and Wanklyn (Montreal): Mr. and Mrs Dale-Harris, Ruth Campbell, (Ottawa): garet McQuaig, Miss Muriel Miss Council to take steps to have a water course on the Yarker road, near Harrowsmith changed, as it damaged his property. The matter will be considered. On motion of Councillors Halliday and Spankie, the following ¥rants were made: Infants' Home, $175; Orphans' Home, $175! Mowat Mem- orial Hospital, $500; Children's Aid Society, $300. The on'y increase is that made t« the Children's Aid Society The So- ciety was formerly given a grant of $175. A deputation from the so-! ciety appeared before the Council on Wednesday afternoon, and appealed for more money to carry on the good work Unlined ....$1.25 per Pair Lined ..... $1.75 per Pair Motor Driving Gaunt- lets $2.00 per Pair . Our Stock for | Half P rice Christmas Is complete in following limes: A clean up in'hroken lines of high grade Lace Curtains--Feru or White--1, 2 and 3 pairs to a pattern--beautiful designs, priced from £3.00 to $6.50 a pair. Saturday to clear at exactly HALF This splendid Win- ter Coat, in Black Genuine Beaver or Grey Frieze, 'with high warm, durable Fur Collar, only ..$18.00 John McKay, * KINGSTON'S RELIABLE FUR HOUSE. Indian Tanned Buckskin Pullover Mitt $1.00 per Pair Diamond Rings and Brooches. Pearl Rings and Brooches. (Continued on Page 3.) Gentlemen's Tie Pins and Cuff Links, ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT To Subscribe for Dominion War Loan Bracelets and Necklets and particularly Wrist Watches. Make your selection while there fs a goca choice. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marviage Licenses. Bonds. Subscription lists for the Domin- ion War Loan Bonds cluse Ta ran taenor the goer, delay. 148 And look over our elegant stock--Silk Plush -- i 4 gres 0 - . Ce ) « tunity for gilt-edged investment, rich, lustrous black--54 inches wide--special yielding 5% per cent. guaranteed by | the Dominion of Canada Apply te { $5 | Monday Howard S. Folger, broker, 44 Clar- : iv . Ladies' Glove Silk Hose--Duintv shades, in Miss | once street, authorized by the Domin- Canary, Sky, Pink, Copen, Paddy, White, Black; Miss Mar-| jon Government to receive subscrip all sizes. tions, " --r eres Bargains on Saturday. The Lockett Shoe Store is offering special bargains for men who shop on Saturday. Miss Vivian Ross, Schofield (Toronto); Winifred Orde, Miss Dorothy Leet, Miss Marion O'Connor (Otta- - He Went Overse: " wa); Misses Flora, Edith and Hel- New Windows ) ye ae Wi Madar Mal-{ en Rees, Miss Violet Britton (Gan- Just the line for evening wear, L. D. McCALLUM WOUNDED Suiting Velveteens--Black and colors -- 27 75¢ and $1.00 inches wide 'Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Dress Goods in the very nobbiest creations. Wool is soaring in price. Our lines still selling at the old prices. Penman's Pen-Angle Black Cashmere Hose '--Saturday at the old prices .2b¢, 35¢, 50c iL E TE Ladies' Tweed Coats--A special = on sale Saturday at Gourdier's PHONE 700. Get in Touch With -- Underwear for all the Family -- Popular priced. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store HARTSHORN ROLLERS. R. McFaul tn. . | anoque); Miss Jessie Dale Har- : Re . N Ww Lyman D. McCallum, wa3 was of-| ris. (Ottawa); Miss Norton-Tay- {ate to the University. He went Ov-| Marjorie Uglow. Mis F - | {erseas under Major 1. Malcolm. ome Slaw: Misses Ferm, Halli lic Works Department at Ottawa. | Miss Kathleex Cri Miss by James MacGillivray, of Kingston, is Be omg a a of cheviots and serges for his| Wotherspoon, Captain Ringwood, | order clothing department. His| Major Prideaux, Messrs. R. O. Swee- | ficially reported wounded in Thurs-| Miss Mary Hora, Miss E. Macdon- { day's A list, is wellknown Jin! nell, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Els the city having attended Queen Si peth Shortt (Ottawa); Miss Agnew University last year. He was born} (Toronto); Misses Savage (Mont in Turkey, his parents being mission. | real) : i Let us estimate on | day, Misses Doris and Ethel Kent, " ro She VS Foy 2 i a In i is i Ki i your Shades for those § Late Duncon MacGillivray, Ottawa. | MiStes Diaris and Lassie Jirnyaurichy new windows, { The death of Duncan MacGillivray, | Gwenneth Merrick, Miss Beth Small, Made from a special lan aged and highly respected citizen | Miss Katherine Hart, Miss Isabel cloth that is sun proof, | brother. Surviving sisters are | (Pembroke), Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Mrs. McArthur and Miss Ann Mac- | Ruth Hubbell, Miss Laura Kilborn | Gillivray, of Washburn. The fune- | Misses Mamie and Ruth Anglin, Mis {ral was held Thursday afternoon. | Eva Richardson, Miss Goodwin (Ot- ! itawa), Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Al-| Mullin & Son ForReal Estate Bargains ready-made clothing and gents' fur-| zy, Neil Black, Mathie Kent, | i nishing departments are well assort- | Dowling, Shortt, Quatn, Allmer | FZ I \ i | We have been instructed to qffer ed with new goods. | MacGillivray, J. Smythe, Webster, | / Zl » |2or a short time, a business pro- LaForest, and other- officers from the | : poe BUILDER® SUPPLIESaaaey POSItion, namely. stone store, dwel- Weather Notes. | different units stationed in town. ke ; ;, Miss Sybbald Hamilton, Miss! jaries in that country and came here! Lucy and Gwendolyn Waddell, Miss { When quite young to receive an edu-| Jean Duff, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Ottawa, occurred at his home, Waldron, Mis N Pate | 308 Lisgar street, on Tuesday even- | Misses Doris oy Ta SAeraon, : i last. i Fy { and will not erack or § ng las For many years the de- wrinkle. Hung by expert work- ~riee Goodwin; Miss Marjorie Gamsby, | i ] Si 3 Beuvkitu) New Stock to Choose. | aryey Hihaiwin sotvun. Nos Son: rovost,- Brock street, has this|riet Gardiner, Miss Phyllis Knight, | {year an extra fine assortment ! ( {ling and barn; with 340 feet front- ; ; | age of land, in a thickly settled part some, depression : now . stretching | CLOSING OF MAILS of the ecily, at a surprisingly low 0 Lake Superior re- oses irreg: developed during last night, indicat- 2 Ari BrrmBonendyi a - y. nfor v ! ny | i] Lobby from time to time. Rov Dieadonne, of the 53th Bai. | 4 y United States, dally .. 1.00 pam. REPAIRES talion, and a member of the military | . police, had the misfortune on Thurs- | rand unk, AI, vn. By expert workmen who Do. (including Eastern States) cation, graduating from the Collegi- | Miss Lily Murray, Misses Helen and ceased was an employee of the Pub- | Gildersleeve men on the best quality of | ¥ y adi Mr. O'Connor (Ottawa), Captain SWALLOWED FALSE TEETH. | A BT {figure. This may be your chance to ivg increasing winds and rain over | Havieh Yond sarin a the Great Lakes. Rain has fallen {farms building lots at "office Ee in C ape Breton and showers have oc- | Te "Rent Dwelling on William curre over Lake Superior. |St., below Barrie. St.; possession at ionce; also two stories Congress Hall, jon King St. E W.Mulli & Son iture in & modern wood- §| An Kinds of Ren state. { Cor. Johnson and Divis.. Streets, -------- Only One "BROMO QUININE." To get the genuine, call for full | name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN- INE. Look for sighaturé ot BE. W.! GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. day to swallow his false teeth while | eating his dinner. His plate was a little loose, having on it only two | teeth. He was in the act of taking | a drink of tea when tisey lodged in | | bis throat. After much choking he | = managed to swallow them, as it was 1 | impossible to reach them. He is | The availed. in Detroit, {in the Hotel Dieu at present, and suf- J ol occurred in Detroit on | sored much Th rede: b Nov. 19th of Gertrude M. Walters, | f® at arsdny hight, but feel. | EE ae, | daughter a Charles and Marie Ed- | It Is expocied oy morning, . : A ward. Ss i } i oodrull and Maron rcs | be necessary to remove the plate. [COUNTY COUNCIL ENTERTAINED children, Woodruff and Marvin, and | {an infant child, Shirley F. Walters. | i Time | Spent Pleasant Time With Officers of 59th Battalion: | Deceased was twenty-five years of. A number of the wembers of the | age. .. Hl Front County Council attended CAll our newest Win- a concert gd the City Hail on] ter Cloth ~ Coats are |i Tpurrdar night, under phe auspices marked down. There ji are about a hundred 'to choose from and prices run from $7.50 to $20. Every Tgimmed Hat and shape in our millin- ery department has been greatly reduced in price. : . $2.50 to $5.50 Untrimmed Hats, $1.25 to $3.00. sey > repair and rebuild furn- C. P. R, 10.15 am. and 5.30 pm. GC RRs savennnse sees 3.230 pan. working factory. iS Pa Sh! S815 3 | tT AY 1 1} F \WAUADY NL v fr. 4.8 Se P "Sha + Pttation tells the Gananoque Jour- 1] 75¢ Polished Steel Shaving Mir h ie \ananoque Jour-1{ i rors for 50c at Gibson's Red Cross| Bal the following incident: Drug Store. "One night we were out to dig an- other trench, and were all given new shovels. 1 looked for the maker's name and was surprised to find that they came from Gananoque and were made at the Jomes factory." To Address Women's Club. Women's Canadian Club meeting §i next Monday, Nov. 29th, at 8 p.m, in J} Convocation Hall. Prof. R EI Welch, Montreal, will give an itlus-(} trated address om 'Punch and His] Men (by permission of the proprie- || tor of Funsh). Admission for non- That any man can get isn't tip on a gold mine, nor a tip on a horse race; it's his saved dollars on one side of the | Scales; WIS HOME en the Sther--the latter settling f own to a glorious fact when £ : the last dollar's paid off it. |p! members, Let us point to i 3 Real Estate In the shape of cosy homes a | prices low and on terms. as | lf easy as paying rent. { | of families and bridegrooms, get » | CALL AT ONCE. Just received, large consignment! ardinieres, regularly worth Jot Brass J Sveraas, fo fight tor Rn and $3.00, now on sale for! A9, $ i wy. A ---- ----_ i ---- . { To Look "After Entertainments. All Jardinieres have special satin The Young Men's Cabinet of th finish, requires no cleaning, also! Y. M. C. A: has decided to become|good size and of the best possible responsible for two entértainments a{make. Pi . ! week at the Soldiers' Convelescent| 'best ery member of the Council to the officers of the 'Battalion an thelr trip Ro contradiction can wash out that facet. It is a= clemr as the water we use, as in- effable as the snowy white ness, we impart to linens, and as unyielding as the starch ia our collars and cuffs. WE DO HIGH CLASS WORK Just the Jardiniere to make your! ers most attractive for the win-| * See our window dis-! and be convinced. We a stock full line of Fern Flower Bask intending |] move on. |