You Pay Less Here----Out Qf The High Rent District O'CONNOR'S LADIES EXCLUSIVE SALE makes of three leading manufacturers, consisting ¥ : -------------- SPECIAL] A Lucky Pur-~ [SPECIAL chase on Sale| SALE For One Week Commencing Saturday 1 We have heen fortunate in securing the entire sample setts and over- of Stoles, Muffs, Neckpieces Etc. In Near Seal, Persiatex, White Bear and several fanév combina- tions in fur fabrics for Ladies, Girls and Children, also large stocks of Wool Overalls, Wool Jackets, Sleepers, Rompers, ete, Waists and Underskirts for Ladies. fore attempted in this city, together with for Children. Overall Aprons, The above mentioned lines were purchased for cash, at a fraction of their values, and will be offered for a quick turnover, at pricese never be- 130 Sample Winter Coats 150 Also the Balance of Our Millinery ON SALE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING SATURDAY. Don't miss this chance of securing useful gifts at less than wholesale prices--seeing 'is believing. So come early and get first choice. See Our Window For Prices You are welcome, whether buying or looking. Always pleased to show you--no obligation to buy. a tA PN Ht ati nl} BR ---------- I. I. O'CONNOR The Store with the Small Prices. BSC het Co og Christmas Presents That are useful and a joy forever. Here are a few ideas: Easy Living Room Chairs--50 styles, $56.00, $7.50 up. Screens -- $1.75, $2.75, $3.76 up--a large new stock. Children's Chairs--65c, $1, $1.50--all kinds. Rugs, all sizes; Cur- tains, all varieties; Lin- oleum, all widths. Phoue 90. Yours --- een Phone 800 gy | EVERY NUMBER CHOSEN For the Concert In City Hall night. With" youthful stars as Stanley Saunders, Australia's Champion Loy Iyrie tenor; Clive Borhwood, comed- ian of rare ability; Gordon Williams, the world's phenomenal boy bari- tone; Little Bobby Frew "The Harry Lauder Handful," Aubrey Melrose, soprano, the gymnastic team of six- teen lads and the Champion Boys all- Brass band of the Commonwealth, the Australian Cadets' initial pro- gramme in the City Hall should draw 4 packed house on Friday evening. Every number has been specially chosen and woven into a musical playlet entitled "Called to the Front." ! Every phrase breathes the words "Australia" and "Patriotism." = Be-| sides being an array of musical tal- ent it is of particular 'interest to all Imperialists. Appropriate selec- tions, fantasies and martial airs, in- cluding "Canada Fer Ever" the new march composed by Professor Har- old Betteridge, musical director of the Australians, and dedicated in the! presence 'of six thousand people, to! the 72nd Overseas Battalion, C.E.F.| will give the Cadets band an oppor- | tunity to all true lovers--and eri-| tics---of brass band features that the impressions it made at 'he two Expositions in California and in Bri- tish Columbia were merited. To- | NEWS ABOUT THE TROOPS l ae Battalion will-bé in the city and ! be chosen as far as possible from the QUARTERED IN THE CITY The authorization of the Overseas Battalion to be recruited the city of Kingston and the County of Frontenac importance to the city and county by officers. This means that the bat- tallion will be mobilized ton as soon as a sufficient of men can be secured. In the meantime all places recruiting over || twenty-five men will be allowed to keep the men they enlist until mo- || bilization is ordered. The headquarters of this Fronten- Major C. A. Low has been recom mended as officer commanding, though his name has not 'yet been announced. The antharization the 146th Battalion giyes the young men of Kingston and/Frontenac an opportunity to enlist in a unit made upentirely of men from their own dis- | trict and whom they know more or} less intimately. The officers will 14th and 47th Regiments. The 146th Battalion will take the place of the 59th Battalion, which will, in the opinion of_ officers, be overseas before Barriefield Camp opens next year, if the war is still raging at that time. It, will, even more than the 59th Battalion, be a Kingston battalion. In the case of the 21st and 59th Battalions the re- cruits have been obtained from all over the division so that they could be brought up to strength quickly. There are now battalions author- ized in almost every county in the province, and these will have to com- pete with each other even in their own, district for recruits. Ottawa contributed almost a company to the 21st Battalion and other parts of the division contributed all but 200 of the total strength, In the case of the 146th Battalion, if the resi- dents of the city and county do not enlist, there will be no battalion. As soon as possible the list of offi- cers will be made up and submitted to Ottawa for formal approval, and immediately the officers are appoint- ed the recruiting campalgn will be commenced. Efforts will be made, that are to date unequalled, in this district to secure recruits, The of- ficers, both senior and junior, will be on the job of securing men for the battalion. It | planned to have big meetings addressed by returned sol- diers who know the conditions, and employers will be asked to co-oper- ate in every possible way to persuade 1,100 men of this city and country to volunteer for overseas service, Next week Kingston will lose the 59th Battalion which will go into winter quarters at Gananoque, Brockville and Cornwall. When the 59th Battalion was authorized to be formed, and Lieut..Col. HJ. Daw- son then Major Dawson, command. ant of Fort Henry, was appointed as officer commanding, people who were! acquainted with him said that there | would soon be one of the best bat talions in the country at Barriefield! Camp.: A nucleus of u few on, then | men from the Base Battalion, then under the command of Lieut Cel J J. H. Fee, was taken over and re cruits were all directed hore. Every Jnan that arrived medical examination and Wundreds were rejected, but Col. Dawses now reaping the fruits of Kix cure fulness in the appearance and havior of his men 7 i Over 1,100 men have been tikes away from the battalion and re oruits brought jn to fll thelr places but the officers, despite this discour aging order, kept at their work and trained other men to take thelr places, To-day the 59th Battalion is in a class by itself when compared to other overseas battalions The, men of the battalion have become expert riflemen and all have consti- tutions, due to their training, that will fit them for any work at the front.» The battalion has been a credit to Kingston and when it leaves next week Kingstonians will lose a splendid unit Norman Knight, the twenty-sev- enth Toronto cyclist! has donned the uniform as & member of the J4thy Battery. Knight says that every man in the battery is an oarsman, runner or a bicycle rider--he being the bieycle rider. He has suggest- ed that the Canadian Wheelmen's Association hold the next champion- ships here because there are a large number of bicycle fans and veteran riders in this city. The latter, in discussing matters with Knight, have declared a willingness to boost such a meet. An Ottawa despatch states that on December 15th, Sergt.-Major 146th |] inil is considered of great|| in Kings-} number i} al-H received a stip! Le Gypsy But Bronze--th Shoes for Women -We have just received a pretty Bronze and Midnight Blue T ton Boot to retail at $5.00. e Midnight Blue is a Navy. [Y For our nouncement just now we are showing new lines in Men's Hats for winter wear. Fine Fur Felts, in grey, Green and Brown, $2.00, $2.50, £3.00. every an- Men's Winter Caps, the good warm kinds with ftir bands, felt lin- ings, ete.,'50c to $1.50. Campbell Bros. HATS. FURS. n ne ontiniing to do a splendid service the woldines Day and night a ree number spend thelr spare time . * reams reading the periodic #riting wiiers or playing games, Y eh A great success. hee heed os recraits far OC" Friday Nattery wer & od on 4 orp Friday Nelaan, ROCHA, left on or -- sergeants and staff-sergeants RO H.A have secured a box The White Fegther," playing Saturday night n The of the for hore RC Sergt. Bolt sick list HA is on the Four orses, transferred from Nd Bb PCCE., sirength of "C" Battery. The officers, NC.O's and men of the R.CJS.A, entrenched the guns of "" Battery at . Barriefield. on Thursday afternoon. The guns were trained on Garden Island. All of the work of entrenching the guns ex- cept that of finally: covering the ex- catations, was completed. (Continued on Page 8.) General Sam's Honorary Army. The Ottawa Free Press contains the following query: "If there were a law insisting up- on all honorary ¢olonels wearing their uniforms at all hours, how many would resign as the result of the new regulations restricting the sale of intoxicants to soldiers, ex- cept between five and eight? Do have been taken on the his is the third lot of the ' s Fe ils Abernethy's Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. We deliver to all bricks. SA Farm for Sale 100 acres, 12 miles from city; good buildings, plenty of water, some wood, $4,750, easy terms. Farm 300 acres, | log house and barn, on shore of a beautiful lake; good fish- ing and hunting, $450, parts of the city in bulk or Next Opara House. Phone 640 | ~~ 1 W. H. GODWIN & SON || Phone 424. 39 Brock St "BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON, .-. ONT. Montreal | Vn mn, Overcoat Weather ! Are you prepared for the cold wea. {ther ? If not, come in and le you out with one of our {Overcoats Tailor-made, storm collars Tweeds, Chinchilla or Beaver, special good one for Men . "seas JBI500 Boys' Costs, extra good ...... ..810.00 Suits . 510.00, $12.50, $13.00 and $18.60 Also Mitts, Gloves, tx and Shoes. Isaac Zacks, 271 Princess Street. ENCH REMEDY. Not. a2. Melt Used in F/ Hospitals with AKNESS, ISG DISEASES. BLOOD POI EITHER No. DRUGGISTS of MALL $1. POST 4 gaucaA Co, WB. eros FREE foe YORK SELMAN Rng WRITE BOOK T0 Dk. L& CLs BD Co Hava. RO. HAMPSTEAD, vo. ¥ NEW LRAGEE (TASTELESS) FORMOP pasy TO oO N LASTING CURR, TRADE MARKED WORD 'THRERAPION' IS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS CURES CHRONIC WE NEY, BLADDER, URINARY TAKER SAFE AXD + Underwear, Sox, It 2 wondertul how much ear be expressed by a well-chosen gift! For a Lady, what more in keeping than a Music Cabinet or a Piano | Bench, | Fancy Rattan or Mahogany Rock- ers selected from our well assorted haliday gift room. Ri | James Reid |The Store With the Christmas Spirit. Phone 147. --- (NONE OF THE LATEST DANCES HAVE TAREN AWAY "Rom THE POPULARITY § . 7 TE Divine Room | FAIR AND SQUARE { PANCE-MAD feet are always pleased to trot to the happy masic of the {dinner bell. The manner. in which a inner is" served means much; the man- per in which you are served in our Fair and Squars Shop With Tightly priced eatables will add a lot of pleasantness to your shppping satisfaction Large, Consignment of Winter Appled. EMPIRE GROCERY, B. W. LEE, Prep. Phone 349, you know any men whom you would Huglies, W. 0... of the Barrack'lo® "io 1 10 General Sam for hon- Glenburnie Red Cross . a asston, Wilby Bregented orary colonelcies, if such a law were | A successful meeting of the Glen-| guet medal Sergt Major Hughes Passed?" burule Red Cross Bociety was held at onlisted with the R. C. A. at Quebec] the home of Mrs. R. H. Fair on Wed- i, 1899 and transferred in 1303 to! nesday evening. Mrs, R, J. Vair pre- the Army Service Corps, ; Siding. Twelve Sew members were -- . nd oF the Wi a to the list, bringing the total tobacco fund. ran rs. George Up to forty. The sum of $11 was| a 'D. of 5. mod 1 bereramilton. "McNeil, Theresa, N, Y.. In send: taken in from the sale of tea and that seven men for the jeal ing in a contribution of $1, wrote: from outisde subscriptions. A large Tragsport branch of ti BF i We enclose one dollan for the Can- amount of >agk Was completed, and| were needed at once and oven meg POIAn find, hoping. it Lwill| later several ladies dropped in for who offered their verve heed Med cheer # few of the gallant Canadian sent to Toronto te report. boys. b A a In Marine Circles, H. Billings, 223 Montreal \ » : At MT. Co's Blevator: tea. | treet, YESIT IS POSSIBLE .. is a rap nn y | Who Has c i, Selby, on St Barer Bronson cleared for Montreal, with TO STOP RHEUMATISH 52% hos', 0.2m a5 Bt 0 n,m Sonu : enlisted in t neer Battalion at! ns 1 Rheumatism is a tormenting and through the office of i from Port Col 8, and stubborn' malady. In some cases it! A Bb of 8. and TT. %a + | cleared light for Port Dalhousie, to yields to treatment which is without | . --- bring down the barges Hamilton and avail in other cases. . fap dent, iieGrae, he is axamining Ungava. : The darting pains, lame muscles or | the app o vision for po- stiffened joints only disappear by grad- sitions with She bmgeniak Amy met. ually expelling the uric acid, and $0 | Friday morning and examized many thousands have been relieved by ty recruits. J. Hawflton, A, the biood-enriching oil-food in Scott's Dives id Toasetoris Wat the Seg Shall, 151 Que spread Emulsion that you should give i a n wi surpass ev. a fine 8 faithful rial. Scott's Emiulsi ier other division in number of + 3 2 volunteers accepted. A a powerful blood purifier by increasing | when asked 'as to the possibility the red corpuscles and it st t the ns to carry off the acids which |: cause the trouble. | nay Suits Rmulsion. Sianvetharm, i helped thousands may ex Hize. X Sr, T. F. HARRISON CO Gave Twenty Dollars, The Watertown, N. Y., Times got $20 from B. L, Taylor for the Whig's Fall ock is Now omplete Inspection Invited The prevailing fashion in gowns make shoes eon- spienoud. It is quite im- portant that your choice of Footwear is becoming | and fashipnable, Distinguished style and beauty are apparent in every pair of our new Fall _ Shoes, and meet every de- mand of Quality and Ser-' . vice. £ - Clothesline Thief. Some time during Thursday night a clothesline thief paid a visit to the back yard at the home of John Mar- shall, 101 Queen street, and made off | » 5 Bagot and Princess Sts.