Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1915, p. 15

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i THE ADVICE A A OF HIS FRIEND oi AFTERNOON omach Tro uble and Rheumatis Relieved By "Fruit-a-tives FRIDAY MR. L. LABRIE n St., Mc me efforts of ation. Mr Hing the ne mer milk othe introduced Ik a rd Publow's Address I s--t---- w-- iblow cl € 1 onta 0 Wa Lie all 36 € of he nvention. He tol SOWARDS [if ime touts ef ~ ne on f heir milk, and that ed then Keeps Coal and op sentative to of the close to to elect a Board of Directors Coal Keeps rats SOWARDS. | i repre them the milk sent attended week at audiences were present care of the had taking Letoriy He meetings during the good year is the best in the hi of the dairy busines stated nspector, and | mainly due o there being so much gra He ould never remember the tune when the y 3 ull over the Was, green grass GIRL VERY SIOK Eas used ey mld make mo they could g 10 Tells How She Was Made ,., Well by LydiaE.Pinkham's | pound for cheese, but this year as much again. He stated Vegetable Compound. that the war had partially res et t or the increase in price on New Orleans, La.--*'1 take pleasure ( it of the great demand for in writing these lines chacse to be d to the men in the to express my grati- 1 tude to you. I am only 16 years old and jl work in a tobacco UCT S| factory. 1 have [2.006 PI x been a very sick girl Entrensen but I have improved sen wonderfully since cents been people are comme fe Vadus I cheese ducer said Mr. Publow production was about I'here about six thousand boxes of arket in eal 1 for that rea were ven hundred rican cheese on the n lid not sell Pinkham's Vegeta- .. . (ie ( : che ble Compound and cents. which it would am now looking fine n The Amer and feeling a thousand times better."' bLought cheaper He remarked that --Miss AMELIA JAQUILLARD, 3961 Te- 1! American which was houpitoulas St., New Orleans, La. anada, was not up to the Canadian standar( n Cz St. Clair, Pa. -- "My mother was ga al oa dla i. a bn " alarmed because I was troubled with ,¢ "second (pads suppression and had pains in my back Ao ({ cost the farmers more to and side, and severe headaches. Ihad quce the grade pimples on my face, my coraplexion was wondered they made it, and sallow, my sleep was distirbed, I had that it tended to nervous spells, was very tived and had reputation of CC no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- | cheese etable Compound has worked like a Fhe war charm in my case and has regulated me. | 8rade cheese We 1 worked in a mill among hundreds of Soldiers in the girls and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them."--Miss ESTELLA MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St., St. Clair, Pa. oF There is nothing that teaches more 4 ,. 1) he cheese than experience. Therefore, such let- gone to We wall but a ters from girls who have suffered and (ook place were restored to health by Lydia E. highest price in Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should this year be a lesson to others. The same remedy At this point is within reach of all. Publow took occasion to If you want special advice write to far bers the great m Lydia E. Fiokhem Medicine Co. (confi. "48INE In not dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil! Of the be opened, read and answered hy : IZ woman and held In strict coufidence He Men's $4.00 Boots We anad have cheese was cheese sold in ( nada toc turning however pro cheese, he cheese second why more than keep fown the anadian called fo should give the trenches the best in orders firat men who said Mr the country as they are the are defendir our rights it look business had great change resulted in the history paid which being address Mr show the istake they were taking proper care milk which they were 'send to the factory knew there farm- were some | have an eoxcep- tional ~~ good line of Men's Boots, in 'Gun Metal or Velour Calf. On four different lasts, all up-to-date; button or laced Blucher; Goodyea J Welted Sole, at $4.00. H. Jennings,King Street there . mellowed the roar of nocturnal traf- --3wiamie--Don't know, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, GAS, HEARTBURN, sloimna Foom For Tmprovement rovemer \ | { I ¢ { | he inspecto nepectors best art markey sent Ao His /ap E dd the following ts dairy cow as, prodRicer farmer has Treat the cow ag she should House her well, and give of fo on his eated ¢ address Mr he election of a Hited n Mr Mu en director 01 re-elected 1 ke inspector for] ngston distriet, reported that were 43 factories in his dis were 12.640 cows and milk was de There were was fined water milk ssistant agricultur for Frontenac, of taking eare of wing of corn et Meve 432,360 pounds of vered to the factories 244 patror for putting Hanlan One patron n the ng the fal During the he aim of the to encour Ww more corn AVIATION BECRUITS I'o England For Farther Schooling eeruited In received p ing school England leave mediately te inl authori 60 of over Some 1 before the year the Royal Flying January a dozen will the ving branch o Golden Precepts. The late Robert C. Ogden, mer- chant, philanthropist and millionaire, whose life wag notably successful from every point of view, left behind him in writing this set of good and tried rules Do not mistake a prejudice principle Be energetic, but be patient Use the book of guide in business Honor womanhood. Believe in yourself, ple will believe in you, A vigorous, healthy man has really only one right in the world, only one thing to demand, and, that is a chance to work. for a wide awake, pushing, Proverbs as a then other peo- Gladstone's Memory. (Gladstone's power of memory was always one of his greatest assets. In his last years he often lamented that it was not what it had been, but even 80 it came triumphantly out of some remarkable tests. In his eighty- third year he set himself to recall Manzoni's ode on the death of Na- poleon, which as a young man he had translated into English. He had en- tirely forgotten his own version, but by dint of hard 'diggin" or "fishing up," as he called it, he wrote down 104 of the 108 Italian lines. Two years later he essayed to write from memory a complete list of all the men who had been his cabinet col- leagues and enumerated sixty-eight of the seventy. Enchanted Valparaiso. <The night view of Valparaiso from the palconies of the cliff dwell- ers is one of the great sights of the world. The vast sickle of the shore lit for nearly 200,000 people, the scores of ocean vessels lying at an- chor, the harbor lights, the glow'ng avenues below, from which rises fic; the rippling water under the moonlight, and the far horizon of the illimitable Pacific produce an effect of enchantment. Ages of Birds. The average ages of some of the best known birds are: Blackbird, 12 years; blackeap, 15; canary, 24; crane, 24; crow, 100; eagle, 100; fowl, common, 10; goldfinch, 15; goose, 50; heron, 69; lark, 13; lin- net, 23; nightingale, 18; parrot, 60; partridge, 15; peacock, 24; pelican, 50; pheasant, 15; pigeon, 20; raven, 100; robin, 12; skylark, 30; spar- row hawk, 40; swan, 100; thrush, 10; wren, 3.--Lohdon Globe. nett He Hadn't Heard. Teacher--Where is the Dead Sea ma'am, Teacher--Don't know where th Dead Sea is? Tommis -- No. ma'am, [ didn' sick lably, cent case of Pape's Dia take a belehd stomach, na aches, INDIGESTION OR A SICK STOMACH .. Plapapiy® ends all ch distress in five ape's stom- minutes, Pape's Diapeps : € and gassy ot within five If you neals don't fit You eat lead in your stom id y rn, that ve hearth pharmacist pepsin jose just as soon as you will be mo sour risings, ng of indigested food mixed | with acid, no stomach gag or burn nese or heavy feeling in the usea debilitating head dizziness or. intestinal ing This will all go, and, besides there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breatl with nauseous odors Pape's Diapepsin is a certain for out-of-order stomachs it takes hold of your food an gests it just the same as stomach wasn't there Relief in five minutes stomach misery is waiting for at any drug store These large fifty-cent tain enough "Pape's Diapepsin' to] keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months It belongs vour home from your I'here because from cases con LISTS CASUALTY Much Care Taken in port Of Battle Preparing peeial for Eve 0 seriously wounds ve details f him no difficulty from the Lors have ng then and badge each soldier carries badges that and for from ti fro these names of the dead are noted headquarters of time igglers to they are missing and the then cabled warded to amount 1 o return mp before reported a completed I'hey are to England and checked again at the War Office from the regimental rolls which are there, for untold misery might be lists kept caused | to the relatives of a mar ported dead who may be ali well I'ben and not till dead, wounded and then the missing "Pay." soldier is trenches he is paid nm ne dollar a day When he prisoner and taken f(« only 2 Prisoners' Canadian Ger receives cents a comes the calling out that men who are in : enemy's toils He that the from Can sane remuneration a8 the the trenches IH it is dis Paris, France 1 Londoner e¢ be dope the asks risoners should receive wda the men rimination to pay ( the pri from the anadians 50Ners lians in the trenches more than British regiments has but the injustice Canadian in F rance| write long letter protesting against . ana hose of the The objection heen omes home when a impelled to he Advertiser A woman dressed as a masquerade ball very makes a good appearance CR0SS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Louk, Mother! If tongue is coated give "California Syrup of Figs." Benson Every mother realizes, after giv ng her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is their ideal laxa tive, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bow els without griping When cross, irritable, feverish or yreath is bad, stomach sour, look at he tongue, mother! If coated, give \ teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile ind undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, olayful <hild again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, 1as stomach-ache, diarrho¢a, indi- gestion, colic -- remember, a good 'Inside cleansing' should always be he first treatment given Millions of mothers keep "'Califor- iin Syrup of Figs" handy; they mow a teaspoonful to-day saves a dek child "to-morrow. Ask your iruggist for a 560 cent bottle of *'Ca- 'tfornia' Syrup of Figs," which has lirections for babies, children of ail 'ges and grown-ups printed on the ottle Bewy re of counterfeits sold ere, so don't be fooled. Get the nun at a naturally know any of the seas were ma'am. -- Yonkers Statesman, I | Australia was [told jdren; he is| four | | | { more | ritigh | Britis IBY it is also discrimination to pay | | | registered! | | | 1915 'AUSTRALIAN CADETS, ALLY STON HEY HAD rainir after it it. Simons s the first commande f the fore Bridges M. ( graduat was Ki the Dardanelles His first funeral in the monwealth was to he national Com and his was to be t dug by the nation at and his life would ever first grave glorious death link uj new capital ind noble stralia and Canada's great college at Kingston 1d iquor they attri ilthfuiness, hardiness pleudidly the Whig Simor high plendid day a coming mar speaker conversant plendid catching es for every occasion tall and very thin amused the R M. ( them that the »f the British army was oined the infantry arlet coat At on With seriousness he of universal very cadets when he thin red line ted created lded that when ade is the splendid Military eg times its size The Heutenant is a carried the Mayor's from the City Hall to the Institute and showed looked into the Kingston way will grow to lover of chil gon on knee eat joy as he shit faces of schog! hildren on the I'his morning the exchanged at the City were loathe them go lads sald they had never had time than afforded them iu They go to Ottawa for then to Montreal, Quebed Halifax, Boston and New Maybe they will go on tu Eng. THE PASSING OF By A Virg ( € In far ages gor When men were children st Then Strong Arm seized on powe fast farewells were Hall The citizens 10 see ind the better Kingston lays St John York London, HE KINGS days of BGC and len named him King pald And served on 1 when he il claimed their bended knee died kis weaklir At length the kings Ir power Declaimed of "rights Trod down the weak lands And spilled red I'ill now a cry of Around the whole earth r A tocsin that Is sounding for The passing of the blood U agony Kings The mind of man Majestically slow Half grasp the ing moves ever on fears to tried, To let the old things go; 'et in his mighty onward This, this ig sure alone, That not forever will he keep The things he has outgrown march The power they abdicted once Shall be resumed by men THE PEOPLE, sane and sovereigr grown, Shall take it back again, Above the cries of agony A hopeful note out rings A peal that sounds the promi The passing of the kings Urge Removal Of Duty. Montreal, Nov. 27 The Montreal Chamber of Commerce is consider- ing taking action with other such bodies in Canada to appeal to the Federal Government to remove from the tariff the duties on butter and eggs imported into Canada with a view of having cheaper prices for the consumer Tha recent entistment of Don, Jim and Marry MacLaren, along with Captains H. J. and J' M. Ajfrth, ac Renfrew, now bring the total of the Ailrth clan who are serving King and country up to fifteen. The marriage occurred at Renfrew on Tuesday of Miss Katherine Prince, daughter of Mr and Mrs I. Prince, to Mr. Arthur Nolin. It's absurd to worry about things! genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Comparny you cau help, or the things you cau't. PAGE NINETEEN 0X0 CUBES at the War The value of 0X0 CUBES to all branches of His Majesty's Forces has received remark- able endorsement in numerous letters received by 0X0, Ltd.,, and the Press, from those on active service and in training. 0X0 CUBES exactly meet their needs. They take up little space; are easily carried and can be converted quickly into a hot nourishing drink which, with bread or biscuits, will sustain for hours. In the home, 0X0 CUBES are handy and good for many purposes ready in a moment as a warming, strengthening and sustaining beverage. For Soups, Stews and Gravies they are an economical substitute for fresh beef. 0X0 CUBES save time, trouble and expense. "Oxo i mfort OXO in the Trenches. John N.B.), by 1916. From No. Field Ambulance, ily Contingent, Canadian Expeditionary Force. "During r it night manceuvres EB ry lain we found UXO a very sus eptember Gib, 3 A CUBE TO A CUP. Tins of 4, 10, 50 and 100 Cubes. Gan't Do Witheut Them £ood that il 1 am oul of Gin Pills, the Ls suse seems Lo be all wrong sochow ndly send pills wai x ¥ Gin Pilis b Qu wel eF of a near lex Gin | Pills. Always we tou y ouy 1 dealer will not supply Ginpilts As itis important that you get the gen substitute said tu be J Pills Gin Pills and Just as gad r just t a1 world that act + Back, curing ontinence of and driving Rheumatism out of stem We fully guarantee Gin 'Pits and will pr money if they fail to g relief : Sample box free if you write us, meu! paper National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited 5 + Toronto ae rs lA am a A PA SEL 5 NS A SEPA TI

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