Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1915, p. 2

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Va PAGE SIX A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOV IMBER 27, 1915. BB le pA sh ln A BA Al rf AA A ~ ~ y - i 4 C HURCt SERV IC ES ; FROM NEW YORK CLIPPER (AMERICA'S LEADING THEATRICAL JOURNAL), NOVEMBER 20TH IRD Sin Hall Re, Toi Mae orasion. | New York's Feature Songs Miracle Song. Over one million already g g of "So ngs For Me 1 y | : That's the Son en's kurs !| ty ee @ i ' My Little Girl, noWselling faster than a year ago Little Grey Mother, sung in 18 New York Theatres in one week Piney Ridge A Little Bit of Heaven Put Me to Sleep With an Old Fashioned Melody, Wake Me Up W Norway, th Church When It's Tulip Time in Holland. The Wedding of the Sunshine and the Rose Beatrice Fairfax Come Back Dixie Al the above on sale here [ 0 be thi t nt { 1D ald Hl a "EVERYTHING G IN MUSIC. Princess Street Methodist Church m Hunter to You x Pe | einesday, 8 pm | Rev. tae pha x | The Collese Book Store renuine Indian Tanned Buckskin Phone 919. OPEN NIGHTS. 160 Princess Street Chalmers Unlined $1.25 per Pair a \ eting " . . in a -- Eh Lined $1.75 per Pair i yen 3 ! j Moor Duving SE voir A " ar 8 1 one HE Popular Goods ! Our Stock for Be os Christmas Is complete in following line rl etait \ os hie g Missio nd Penman's Pen Angle Black Cashmere Hose This splendid Win urse tH spe a pe \ 8 12 9-9 1.8 10 also O. 8. at oid ter Coat; in Black Genuine Indian Tanned TY d to these s Rev. J : ' 25¢. 35¢ 50c Beaver or Grey - Firs hurch of Christ, Scientist ; ; : . Fr ede, with high Bu k kin Pullover El Shes et veo Dag i Brock Street Methodist Church re : : i . > \ ' iy service reer Ct Br Herr re Ladies' Glove Silk Hose in Evening Shades warm, durable Far Mitt $1.00 per Pair ent Rov. Gooreé Lis Beautiful for beautiful women $1.50 Collar, only $18.00 er Ie visi y Residenc ohns X : ; . Diamond Rings and Brooches Pearl Rings and Brooches Gentlemen's Tie Pins and Cuff Links Bracelets and Necklets and particularly Wrist Watches Make yom ectio while there | Sraith Bros. Jewelers and Optician Genuine French Kid Gloves 1 a ides ahd O n C a 5 Queen Street Methodist Church al ) : Long White Kid Gloves } $2.50 KINGSTON'S RELIABLE FUR HOUSE. 9:50, x ph i Crepe De Chene Waists--| \ Sos Hu a Mize { ments, at 3. of Congregational, Issuers of Marriage Licenses YP YP YP PU PY YY YY PUY YY YY YET YY Ladies' White Embroidered Handkerchiefs | { f 15¢ New Windows 20 Es ae me Ld a . an el ; rang SEEN en's Require New god FR : EER She | ter Monday [Coon Coats i i ! 500 yards best aalit Prints 1.i ground Fin ality Guoreh he tod Monday | $50 Up no 200 yards of Wool Cloakings oloiss aa full Chair Clas | poplar colors. and DICE i i ead ( : G di ' Ln iD 8 su. Suaibr Seas Monday Morning Special . our 1er S Bible School and Wes! Sydenham Street Methodist Church te fred Hrow: ALRALAALMSAS ADSSS Haptist Church enior Leagu PHONE 700 m prayer and prai A ry i : ro 5 i : = fn . a il Eh : : on we | Get in Touch With HR TanOmN co as v , " Y . \ HOCKEY ANNOUNCEMENT | AN IMPROVED QUINING Newman & Shaw, ; Mullin & Son br Honora re on ey eS The Always Busy Store » . or ape or ae Roni For Real Estate Bargains : ersity Journal I I Lppy ibination t pe Via Canadian Pacific Kingston te Ques niversity Journa | NZ ee RIN y . [ t f t its t NATIVE BROMO QUININ ve * C dil Ottawa Fetal Mn 3 ) es ¢ Quinine in tl : torn hav We have been instructed to offer ¥ } . reguar ng ap a ol . x 4 - ry Nr - id = for a shert time, a business pro ery 1 f rd he ff . ; place Off FECOFC. 25 heing : : . tal h ' RW PPLIES position, name tone ore, dws Kingston Carpet Ware- J: 45 Ko, 813, due players playing only hd it can. ya y | presenunnine . surrom ? ling and barn, with: 320 toes toni ¥ 1 H. connect-| iinjversit ean dues 3 v : : re of 1 i} { ' house. chborne v No, 38, arriv-| deavoring to ent ams in the Ser ' or the f ne CLOSING OF MAILS w M k | t rior Ee ha aed part n : : A ni non, LUiior, Intermediate and a British mall closes irregular | e d e Nn e figure This 1 he your chance to patronized, Train No decision of t executive 3 Son = ly. Information posted at P. O establish ood ving ne A full " dwell : No. 38 carries s wker coach, duffet- will be made 0 Ques ipplica d Look's Cotton Root Compound: i b ation, parlor car with tions until reir imual meeting ig ¢ ) 24 Lg I cnt cca om W d i in : , arty © | ooawor "ro Kent Dwelling on r 8 ch and every 1 ¢ 1 18 ¢ I ¢ ! United States dally 1.00 p.m Fo Rent Dw lin on W | is el ) Hiam A safe, reliable reguiating | | er Servic is train stops at | December medicine. Sold in thre ' Sh ; errickville!| hocks 1 n college grees of mtrergth--1 Fa Merrickville | hockey play in E vite | . Grand Trank, going t., below Barrie St JOBS nm at No. 2 3, $5 \ sy therefore take care not to be m . east 11.50 p.m Iso 't ! xr. . : I 3 i ance v180 0 storie OR £T¢ Sold by all druggists or feat Ie € ders and time tab- judged by any reports to the contrary | Do. (including Eastern | Rare woods of rich colorings, on v ar w ¥ ( Hall, prepa wn x th of Jrice, € n be 1d at uptown ticke f- at present being tirculated in the | States) . 11.60 a.m grain nnd han ) ree pumphilet. dd I ress; | STR Hat Store Grand Arunk olin THE COOK MEDICINE CC By orm 8 Fang ' joa Store aul B gall Ybtam. H . : TORONTO. ONT. (formar Wisdser. -- { D. : Mahogany, ed Jum, ---------- sauti New Stock to Choose. . 0. (Including Western Red Cednr, Cypress, Yel And Be Butiful Ne » rect' ba . Buy a New Dezvy Hat States) 11.50 pm Tow Pine, Whitewood, iC Sne we 'rovost, Bro treet, has Grand Trunk and all Quartered Onk, Walnut, I I] To nig t : A 230 p.m Ash, Birch, Maple, etc All Kinds of Ren "state Auxilig of Syglen- year an assortm west of city g 5 D1 Cor. Johnson and Divis, Streets, Reid a teh add) tveads hevie and serges | i h RR. 1601 m. a 0 p.m We . eller "Ort. © have an excellent sassor Phones 539 and 1458. room of the church order « ; epartment ? «us + 2.20 pm ment. Tell us your requirements After all expen- ready-made clothing and gents de Auxiliary will nishing partments are well assort- | . - » " ed with new goods BREWER'S MILLS WEDDING, S. Anglin & Co. : v 3 'n's ¥ ed. : er St. Pau 3. Y. PP. A Queen's Man Injure William V. Smith and Miss \ A Coal and Lumber Yards sale Wednesday, December Sixth Field Company Diyizional| : Roctietord Married Woodworking Factory, Ete. ol room to 6, concert: Enginee Wounded Lance-Corp 2 : Bay and Welllugton Streets. Admission, ie Geo, H. Raitt, Ottawa. This young - 3 A pretty wedding took pace i Bt Office one of Polished Steel Shaving Mir- man has many friends in Kingston : > Barnaby $ Burch, Bre or Hig Factory Phone 1415 tors for S00 ai Oi 03 Red Cross) He 1s a B.Sc. of Queen's uid wert i f on Wednesday, November 24th, when weseLumber, Coal and Woodeooe Drug Stor the front under Major Lindsay Mal William V. Smith, san of ( apt. and | rr rear eh i iis e ih sh ; Mrs. Edward Smith, Seeley's Bay, | | | - ee Sot | " was united in marriage to Miss Van nie E. Rochefort, second daughter of i 1 ( Credit Sale: ' \ \ 3 Mr. and Mrs Joseph Rochefort, 1 49 THE LUCKIEST TIP. D Of farm, stock and implements, in- | Brewer's Mills, by Rev. Father Tray s | oes Se cluding six fine cows, "will be held 2 BOF | wing in the township of Hinchinbrook, a "Five bride wis given. away by his | That any man can get isn't} { half mile north of Piccadilly, on Tues father, and wore her traveling suit ------ : tip on a gold mine, nor a tip day, Noy. 30th Wm. 8. Carroll, of Copenhagen blue with hat to 0 D H h Cl on & horse race; it's his saved ire our Godtrey, Ont., owner match She was assisted by her sis- Just received, large congignment al 0 Ig - ass dollars on one side of the No Man Can Afford To ter, Miss Josie Rochefort, who wore | ¢ Brass Jardinieres, regularly worth a suit of dark green broadcloth with |g2 59 and $3.00, now on sale for Work scales 3 ALE a Happily Located. i ales; HIS. HOME on th E 2? pp iy Be Careless large black hat Thomas Smith as- (gg 49, Eyes ? hould | other----the latter settling | Rural Dean J. W. Jones, Tam 5 down to a glorious fact when Pion. wae of ered the recess of Om About his dress thie J} sisted the groom After the cere the last dollar' aid off it | faragui by the Bishop of King but . \ mony the Bridal party repaired to the All Jardinieres have special sati 4 pe aragui by the Bishop of Kingston bu value of a good mipres home of the bride's parents, where a finish," requires no cleaning, 3 vo contradiction can wash Let us point to ! Youn should experience no discom- he h declined as he is happily lo kf ! oy as red as he RAppiiy Son 18 too great. Your wedding breakfast was served good size and of the best possible out that fact It is as clear R v 3 fort in doing the finest kind of em- cated and has no desire for a change The groom's gift to the bride was [make 3 the water we use a n eal state p Proidery er sewing if you wear cor EE ---------- hat is the kevnote of 1 pearl pendant, to the bridesmaid a 4 effable as the snowy white- rect glasses or have perfect vision. Attention! vour attire and on many | pearl ring. and to the groowsman a Just the Jardinlere to make y ness, we impart to linens, and i In the shape of cosy homes at A 3 The Church Woman's Aid of St {diamond ti ir The ide wa¥ she [flowers mos ttractive for the i as i ielding as the gt prices low and on term as t { 4 a lh . € pin he Bride as S most attractive for 1€ i as unyielding a he starch in A. as paying Ss has or ha Aad HB reds George's Cathedral will hold their oceasons it must be a recipient of many handsome and use- ter. months. See our window 8 our ovedlars. and cuffs, Aion i be j ful gifts, including a large mantle play und be convinced Wea albe of f3 a intending vou should consult us at oace. Our w~ fu 8 g E En onvineed, 2.80 . Ee Hall on Thursday afternoon Dec {clock from the choi f St. Barnab tock a > ¢ bridegroons. .. ge wm Skil : 3 . v . ad re choir of § arnaby's [stock full Hee of Fern Pos and HIGH degroc move on kill and experisfice are at your Ind New Derbies of the | Church, of which she was a mem-|Flower Baskets. % bo Hi CALL AT NCE service, ber CLASS WORK Mr. and Mrs. Smith left on a short annual tea and sale in St. George's Perby best makes at any price ] S A Gift For the Mayor. : Cl { . . SSELSTINE, Bb.Ss. The visting Australians presented 3 oh care to pay. Special ! « Mayor Sutherland with a fine souve- yates a Registered Optometrist and Optician," nir before leaving for Ottawa It $2, $2.50 and $3 82 Brock Street. 344 RING § ; is a shield made out of myall wood GEO. LIS & co. oth Rraxie "Hat Specialists." trip to Ottawa and other eastern points On thelr return they will - take up residence in Kingston W A M t hell ingston un ry { Don't § i hit ® . | C 9 | Cor. '¥rincess & Sydenham Nts, Dgn't invest your money in a ar miss" proposition uy a lot or house from McCann. HARDWARE, 85-87 PRINCESS, Phone 22, "New Tooth Brushes" at Gibson's » 30 . > Phone 326 or 621 Pho 101 -- Red Cross Drug Store

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