Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1915, p. 5

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BE -- Buttermilk Buttermilk | Having bought the whole:outfit of Eastern Dairy | School, I am now prepared to deliver Buttermilk in any Quantity Phone 845 :: Price's | ---------- Py ---------- D.D.D. In Hospitals; Standard Skin Remedy according to di [em wn | | A SUPERVISING NIL RSE { t DR, GEO, T. RICHARDSON D. D. D. Soap Keeps Your Skin Healthy oo New Business Announcement and Marble Shop will be George MeCallum & Son, Granite A first class shop will be erect- In the early Spring of 1916 a Granite opened at 391 Princess Street by and Marble Dealers, of Tweed, Ont ed on the premises and will be equipped with complete, air compressor, electric motor, and successful production of first modern ma- chinery, such as pneumatic tools, In fact everything for the goods polisher class Monument line are anything in the respectfully before Those wishing orders elsewhere already requested to get our placing their A large stock of the best Foreign on order for this shop. Our aim prices and Canadian Granite is EVERY CUSTOMER A SATISFIED CUSTOMER A FAIR DEAL TO ALL. Geo. McCallum & Son PRESENT ADDRESS, TWEED, ONT. RN Ss SS T.-L SAM BROWN BELTS AND LEGGINGS We make the dressiest and most serviceable goods on the market. We can save you money. Write us. : : : HUGH CARSON CO. OTTAWA Christmas Presents That are useful and a joy forever, Here are a few ideas: Easy Living Room Chairs 50 styles, $5.00, $7.50 uy. an Sopa Screens $1.75, $2.75, 1 $3.76 up--a large new «stock. Children's Chairs--65c¢, $1, $1.50--all kinds. Rugs, all sizes; Cur- tains, all varieties; Lin- oleum, all widths. Phone 90. Yours larmy has heen killed and that anoth {and Lieut NEWS ABOUT TROOPS ~ QUARTERED IN CITY WAS OPENED SATURDAY New Store For Drug Sundries Cone | ducted By Williams iturday ovember 27th Angus G mark the opening .nf-a new store in King ston, when Angu C Villiams, a Kingstonian, op 171 Wellington headquarter well-known ung ned h premises at street, which will be patent medicines, drug sun let goods and confe week now, this store ha tronery thorough iterations, in and in keeping 1 a nods | Mr. Williams is entering PO- ness for realize into busi mself, after an experience of twelve y r siX years he served | Wade, for many | leading druggists | milan Art with the lat enry years n Kingston nd for a si nu has liber of ygurs he 'was ldiers who wis! yme every 'B, M Wednetday night mn Wednesday With the best of week Capt. FitzGeratd assisted bY | pest of service, Mr ociatior 5 num employed a J Leod's drug store stock "and the' Williams will be mes to fill the wants of and « ready at all ti Kingstonians in this line, and his] he ass irranging a tea ind concert for the boys in khak w-- nrany Johnston J4th Ba after friends #yish him every suc t venture "ONE PACKET A WEEK FOR EVERY MAN IN THE SER. | VICE AT THE FRONT If You Have Not Already Contribut- At Once--It Is Really : Lieut I. M tei'y, has returned to duty sick leave at his | past two ess in his new ing beer Montrea yr the The Drydock Barra now nicely cleaned uj etter than ever | | Aberdeer nding the has ed Do So Lieut. Harold Snider street w y ha Provisional School of been appointed to the 93rd Peterboro Battalion I'he heen atte Infantry Work of National Importance : tobacco: from tHe Canada! but this | 240,000 packets of allows only three man at the front packet of cigarettes once in demand ront is still ver great Hamilton rd Battery, is in Peterboro Lieut on leave I has already sent. $60,006, , provides for only which packets for each during a whole year One tobacco and fifty every seventeen - tobacco, Capt. G, L. Ord, 34th Battery, is spending a few days with his family 1 Toronto j4th Bat- weeks is a injured Steacy from an Lieut. W. G. F meagre supply tery, is recovering in It is the ambition of the Overseas with which the British Whig to provide a packet! man at thel requires the | knee Club fund is affiliated "he practical exantinations for the Royal School of Ar- | each Saturday ron nd week. for to wo thi 20,000 per officers of the every tillery were completed on raising of $ Ma- | is a work of national importance, a 8 show by the letters who sit weak I'his| Lieut.-Col. H. J. Dawson and jor W. H. Craig, 659th Bataltion, are in Brockville looking over the build. at the front We ings that the battalion 'will use as our own fireside, or winter quarters r of our business way from the men | nugly by| pursue the ten can have 1 yossible conception Of the condition under whieh the soldiers exist or the strain imposed upon them.| Obliged to sit in cold, wet under the heavy Bazet p just received French Pie Leon 59th Battalion, has word that a brother in the Company nervous trenches roar of explosive er has been wounded hells, and ie of long to try the dead Germans nerves of an iron! rlope one of human flesh therefore a little will 300th the over since receiv- enoug! man, let blood If Alan Stroud ha with his squadron for Hamilton on Tuesday, and ar- and angements will be made for the mo brlization of the Depot Regiment, ( wraught nerves and it M. R., in Hamilton on that day W. | dispel odors whieh are far from be M. 8S. Barnes and one cook and six ing fragrant, by al men are to leave on Monday gend the advance party for the squadron If vou -- your $1.00, or your 58ec, or your 25i¢ The men of "C" Squadron, C. M.| do it now The Whig will grate R., will be paid by Lieut R L. | fully acknowledge the gift Sparks on Monday Lieut. Sparks To-day we acknowledge- Me re Bradshaw), squadron quar- | ., pt the econd large contribu termaster, will likely remain over in| iq, employees of the Can the city for a couple of days after the to close Major W ed orders to leave tobacco Fagrance means let us as an tobacco have not already sent in ) from the adian Locomotive up the ac The Fund now stands a acknowledged Employees Canadian Emplovees Canadian motive Co Company squadron leaves, counts, et Previously Major W. Y. Mills, 14th Regiment, informed the Whig on Saturday that after the 69th Battalion leaves the Armouries the training class for civ- | ilians will be resumed The first «lass will be on the first Tuesday af {ter the troops vacate | -- The Governor-General will arrive here at 3.45 p.m. Wednesday next, and inspect the garrison troops on | the Cricket Field at 4 p.m. | Loco | Collections Made by Albert E. Gillespie, RMD, 1, | Wolfe Island: Edward Langdon, } Wolfe Island Zo Dr Buchanan, St Lawrence, Jefferson N'Y : 1.00 Robert Michea, Island | George Wolfe Island ai Rodney Pyke, Wolfe Island 500 Geo. Gillespie, Wolfe liana dogs, Major R.J. Gardiner, A DMS, an nounced that the Sir Sandford Flem- ing home in Ottawa would be taken | | aver by the Militia authorilies as a - Why Tolerate Catarrh? | You have noticed, no doubt, that any |g Islan 5 omins, St, cold aggravates nasal catarrth, and the | Lawrence, Jefferson flow of mucous amazes you that such Co., N objectionable matter could find lodg ment in your head. To ignore this fer Gillespie, catarth when the cold subsides is |. 1g1and wrong because it continues to slowly Sidney Ley, injure the delicate linings of the nasal | land passages and clog them up. [John Weir, To correct catarrh, cleanse the nos- land tri}s frequently with a solution of warm ! water and salt, insert vaseline on re- | tiring, and take a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion after meals for one month. Scott's acts through the blood to feed the tissues, and contains soothing glycerine to check the inflammation and heal the sensitive mifembranes Scott's is pleasant to take Scott & Bywie, Toronto, Ont. 15-30 Wolfe McDonald Wolfe Wolfe Is Wolfe Is- Total $1,332.99 Sends Greetings. Postmaster James Stewart has re- ceived a letter from Col. A. E. Ross. now at the front, in which he extends! greetings to St. Andrew's Society, of Ross also sent a photograph of a sol 'dier in Framee. with a piece of hea- (ther on his shoulder. {Movements of 1915 PAGE Two New Shoes for Women £5.00 N Ice Cream Sakell I's P Pure Qur Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the city bricks. bulk or EEm=s "SAKELL Ss Next Opara House. Phone 648 nouncenient we are [ine WITT Fine Fur Felts, Green and Brown. | R200. £2.50. £3.00 grey, Men's Winter Caps, the good warm with fur bands, felt lin ings, ete, 50¢ to $1.50. EERIE Campbell Bros. HATS. FURS. <inds For Sore Joints Pilex, Stings Salt Rheum Inflamed Skin in tine, 280. Davis & Lawrence Oo. Montreal IN MARINE CIRCLES. Vessels Along the Harbor I'he teamkr Wahcondah pas jown on Saturday morning I'rude Reported | i | I'he Government tug 11 clear d for Ottawa The steamer Jex cleared for O wego with the hoo ; : the discovery or whereabout tow ind is di iargin 1 {grain; tug rive to gava and from steamer M. 1 Bulleti I'he teamor ft-times upon the bod ( F yston ved from Fort Villian full cargo ol due to ar wight, with the barges 11 Hamilton Port Colborne Wind to-day teamer sor is due to arrive in port 0 go into winter quarters the Simla cleared for Charlotte to load coal for the C. P. R ( NOTE |v Kingston Lodge, No. 59 LOO} At the ton Lodge No i] lay eve eleqed for the ensn tern regular meeting of King 1.O.O.} Iu ning t following nil N. (i. 8. Reynolds; V.G and Wm B. 3 13828.65; Mrs | fessor Wolfe | 1 00 | Ranours | months ago conducted a {in Pembroke Primean, | | | | I'rea R {R. D rton; Rec.-Secy., W Fir oy R I vfford, PG Hoan. P.G R. J. Diack MeCur P.G Phys Ais a stat ttt, pat $1,000.00 on For inf person or pe Mouth and I hro ood grain-laden Special Ailments, ai Chr ( Has Conrplicated C ot be cur cal Institute, 263-265 Yonge Foronto Furniture Makes ~The Best of Gifts F arm for Sale 100 acre 1 nil city good building ple wood £1 easy terms Farm water SOMME log house and barn, of a beautiful b g ing and hunting, $450 W.H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 39 Brock St PRINTERS » BOOK-BINDERS x LOOSE LEAF DEVICES EMBOSSERS It i o ENGRAVERS fff cXprossed by a For a Lady thin a Music Bench, Fancy Rattan or ers selected from our haliday gift roor how much car be wonderful well-chosen gift what more in keeping Cabinet or a Piano Mahogany Rodgk- well assorged sone Pine James Reid With the Christmas Spirit, Phone 147, pp ot PHOTOS! THE COOKE STUDIO REWARD rmation that will lead to 1 sufferin rvous Debility, seases of xin Iiseases, Bladder 'T'ro Removed to ymplainis who car Ontario Med t 159 Wellington Street, One Door South of Brock Street. d at The Correspondence invited Beauty's Skin Needs DYLCIA TOILET CREAM . bottles. A sample to any lady for Sc. Write Davis & Lawrence Co., Moutreal Bell, M.D Ross Horse Previously Ambulance Fund: acknowledged, $1,086, Friends, Roeciety, Klugh, $1; Humane Hamilvon, $2; Pro-; Macgillivray, 3% Mary total, $1.922.2 Mrs A. B £2.50; Hamilton Tohn 5 Maguire, $1, 8 who until a few barber shop when he sold out to A is to Ipcate in Renfrew Martin Enright, RHEUMATISM GOES IF HOOD'S IS USED The genuine old reliable Hood's Sarsaparilla eorrects the aeid eondi- tion of the blood and builds up the | whole system. It drives out rheuma- tism because it cleanses the blood. It bas been suecessfully used for forty years in many thohsands of | | cases the world over. which he is a former president. Col. | There is no better remedy for skin | and bldod diseases, for loss of appe- tite, rheumatism, stomach and ed. | nev troubles, general debility and all | ills arising from impure, impover.- | ished, devitalized blood. It 15 unnecessary to suffer. Start treatment at onee. let a bottle of | Hood's Sarsaparilla from yor uear- | est drugist. You will be pleased | i with the resulta Fall Stock is Now Complete Inspection Invited Crawford &W alsh | Tailors, Bagot apd Princess Sts. i SOE

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