PAGE TEN Sp gtr DATLY RRITISH News From Eastern Ontario Points THE DISTRICT NEWS, From WH. S 1HE EXCHANGES ULIPPED MANY BRIGHT la Brief Form the Events In the Country About Kingston Are fold Full Mary if Interest to e in Wilno,w ietor of an hots Mr Augusta about 1 Maitland, passed aw day Deceased wa third vear, and resided ship all her life GANANOQUE GETS POWER From J. M Campbell's Mills Tower House Ga I \ two year between Nearly was made nanogque and The G trie Light Co in regard t« lighting fuct price of electrie current consumer Otie of the of the contract wa mount of be brought in here from King Mills, where the latter conipan have 1 hydro-electric tation Affe the contract had bee a vote of the pec company imi lia to place a large lights on our stree Increasing and improv on King and Mair tree sult was that G lay claim to lighted towns vince The company busy on ty. built a large steel flume commenced {} fron into the montl I'owr LAN Oe also as to a re that a cep LIA NOG being one of it plant | plant | $5000 $2000 IN PRIZES FOR THE BEST P.S. $3000 IN PRIZES FOR THE BEST 0.C. my b Kingston | | tain Lleetrical energy wa to ton | Hl deserter \ HAD ARM FRACTURED serious Time For a Lanark Party WORKED UF FROM BASEMENT Fred. Hepburn's Residence Was Damaged By Fire RE-ENTERED SERVIC] He Is Willing to Go Back For Coun- try's Defence, Peterboro, "Nov 27 Corp, P as re-entered service in the enlisting in the 93rd Batts on Corporal Fiaytend was a re servist in the Army Service Corps of the Imperial army when war broke and rejoined his unit in Eng ind soon after the opening of hos tilitfes He wounded, and lau his time dis harged ford 1 out was expiring, he was and came home He only a few days ago Farms Change Hands Spencer Fred $8,500 od the farn from h broth itt, for the sug of War Souvenir of the llam Hold says he Germany Army I from the Unit ial' board of in Friday. Ow Heinle Schul who Irom the was ordered exclude ed States by Klis Island on to the fact a spe juir ing, however returned ould be imprisoned by the ordered Kurope at prese | 16 Was interned on Kl Is land until the end of the that if he Bri itish,| - Gananoque te str od. MALT, PON Soldier Of Fourt Now of < pring with Major ad to we stenallir was impressed lcome on as meanor and qu wtters military n young Renfrew was theref Secured twenty-five met crits necessary wn du Airth ted in fo Have Watt, of rox h Gener i J hin MISSING v Lieutenant battalion nto the 1g lieutenant He the modest de ntelligence of ved by this I'he lieutenancy, surprising gether ratulates deserved Roy the Quota quot the nidnber y Rave ring. the enlisted soldier winter twenty and + Hockey Team at itv dird Bat dent fron offi probably although | The WHIG. SATURDAY, An Impartial Opinion ourt Brevetie yment of both ne to a settlement Keenan was fine me month, for Magistrate sa ip before the « eal Major Taylor Returning ondon y 27 Maj . I has eturned expects to 1 The year's 1 and Canada next week eave granted him by tion ut St Paul's Montreal, anxiety to Major the 42nd much geen of the his congrega Presbyterian expired, and resume his Taylor left early in impressed Cana-~ Churet has he expresses pastoral duties Shorneliffe with October He was with what he has dians in action BORN, MARRIED. CHOOT of £ In the enter a hog IN GOLD COIN TOBE GIVEN TO CANADI- AN PATRONS OF NOVEMBER 27, 1915 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY After Childbirth The depression and nery fatigue suffered by women blot out interest in everything ed ro Asaya Neurall oe RE " Nervous Exhaustion which contains Lecithin centrated from of phiosy eggs repair italning treatment for Z YEN ~53¢ OLDE" Yeaog| [INS 17 It takes longer to build a Heintzman & Co. Piano Than it does an ordinary piano, hut itis so thoroughly built that when once com- pleted it will last a life time. Every piano is built as though for a special order. | C. W. Lindsay Co. Limited, 121 Princess St. PAGS G. WILLIAMS AALRAAALABSLANASLLLSLDLLSSSAMLL NADAS OLAS ALLS MSADLAISS, Established Buying Raw Furs For 57 Years McKay Wants Raw Furs! WE WILL PAY FOR NO. 1 EXTRA LARGE RED FOX NO. 1 BLACK SKUNK NO. 1 EXTRA LARGE WINTER RATS 1859 BBALLLLMLDSSOOS Asssssan $8.00 $4.00 4(0¢ Highest cash pric Ja Fy ( W for Raw JOHN McKAY, LIMITED KINGSTON'S RELIABLL Jon HOUSY BROCK STREEM KINGSTON, ONT 119.157 EW YY YP Vy oe rr VY ee swe were w, Vaasa asd Ad Add dd dd dd dd adda ad dd add ad dd Aa a add SAAS LALAALAAAMLLLALAALALLAARADAAROADAL ALODMSSLNSLSS SA "RITCHENER" Is the name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co. Under the new power rates, it will cost ouly | 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. , FOR SALE AT Halliday' s Electric Shop, Phone 94 -1- 3 345 op Street | BS POT TT ETE ETT YYW TTY E we { Opened for Business I Candy, « a tage Stang, Phone 40 Waldron' 71 WELLINGTON OAMALALAAAANALALAAALAALLALAAALALAAARALARAADSDALLLANMSS # Elevator For Sale In first class working order. Hardwood platform, [10 ft. x 15 ft., tc be bought cheap. Apply | Porritt Garage Co. - Limited WELLINGTON STREET. AALLAAAAAAASLLLAALASDAASASAS Any "Headache --Sick =N ervous yspeptic Mr Cured by Zutoo rR mn ie SH i, THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. ard to ine 1 8 noth srpen stim ies given on all kinds and new work; also ard of all kinds All orders prompt attention Bho mn The Great English Remed, Tones and 1avigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blooq in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Menial and Brain Worry, De dency, Toss of Energy, Palpitation 0, Th Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, si for $5. One will please, mix will cure. Sold by al druggiste or mailed 10 plain pkg on ( weipe Cs New pamphlet mailed free. THE WO | MEDIC CO..TORON? 0. ONT. (Fors och Wind" Hay's Flowers ForChristmas Christmas Gift Givers town or of Floral Gifts for ery by Parcel Post mn guaranteed FOR GIFTS FOR GIFTS FOR GIFTS FOR GIFTS or Express to any in th Beautiful Plants in Bloom Rich and Desirable Palms and Ferns Superb Christmas Roses Spicy Carnations t i SWel fart MISTLETOE, BOWLS OF GOLD FISH ations in com NEW AND NOV EI] ns nsonl XMAS GIFTS ARE plete supply THE HAY FLORAL AND SEED CO. FLORISTS BROCKVILLE, ONTARIO ASSL AASAS VOY YY T YOUVE VYYY METRO Full Information At" Any Theatre. Showing The Famous Metro Star Films ? These Prizes Are ABSOLUTELY FREE! METRO Is Coming To Kingston. Watch For It! CHASES SRG