Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1915, p. 7

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THE $5,000,600 $6, 102.810 BANK or TORONTO FOR S ALE ir $800 THE J, K. CARROLL AGENCY. 50 BROCK STREET PHONE 88 OR S74 That Needle Eye Is it Hore through it 7 If so, you get fitted with glasses that etting R. J Where the clock A YOU ARE ted in Fine Stat your war Interes onery can supply plete n every p ctilar, col Your inspection invited Hoag's Drug Stor Oovp. YMCA - KINGSTON, ON CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES AND SMOKED MIZEATS TAKEN FOR C( AND WOOD, JOS. AHEARN, JR, STREET COOKED ORDERS MONTREAL Phone 866. 279% RODGER . Our stoc indistinct every will do well to « will overcome thi In on the walk" We e Con Butter, vou try to put a thread onsult our ind trouble optician OPTICIAN 17 KING ST, KINGRION Butter 500 Lbs. Dairy Butter To-Morrow Only 28cLb Anderson Bros. PRINCESS AND IMVISION STS Kingston Motor Trans- tp esm ees] Crisco! Crisco! FOR FRYING FOR SHORTENING FOR CAKEMAKING Pure Fogd Product, st 2 es i M. Gordon's Grocery, 149 Montreal Pure Food Phone 88. Coal The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal 1s good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO., Foot of West St. St. port and Livery Co. 34-38 Princ ess Street. jip. Heintzman & Co. Art Pianos Are a true representation of their respective periods -- veritable gems 'of beauty, they must be seen to be ap- preciated. They are perfect in every 'detail and well de- serve the title. World's Best Piano C. W. Lindsay Co. Limited, 121 Princess St. J! FURNITURE before makes buying a sane our line Furniture gift Lea where lasting Cabinets, Parlor --BUY NOW. Music else- and Couches "in Velours Divenports, Chesterfields Tapestry, Leather Good selection and Cabinets and Kitchen Cabinets, R. J. Reid, Phone 577. @3 Lowing Undertaker. 33 and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ITEMS OF LOK 'WANTED | AND INI Al NOTES GENERAL LEST ty and ¥ nts Offer t SATURDAY, OPERA | HOUSE | RAN To-night At 8.15 IHADY, LTD ebm lish t "Brawt th Gifted the Success of Three England, American nud Famous British Wal Office Secret Service Drama PRESENTS ampan In The += White TURKEYS, ial Drv Pick AtltAgain| D. A. Weese. Frames and prices Wie whe Pictures al are DUCKS, GEESE, CHICKENS. ed and all fea thers removed PARKHILL & CO. You will find at 244 wre von will get fine reasonable getting busy, bring in your now, Man 4 Dig Princess St. work =F eather Worrall and k Harold Terry Year Vustenlie New York ny Lechmere Now in lis Second in London and Its Sixth Month in Solid Year in PRICES 75¢, $1.00, $1.50 NOW 4RN SALE 50¢, And Every After MON DA noon and Evening 2 Feature Vaudeville Acts 2 Reels 25¢, Famous Players Films, 5 Pauline Fredricks in "SOLD," And Other Photo Plays Ney Monday and Thursday Programme Prices Mat 10c¢ Any Sent Strand Theatre Mon., Tues. and Wed. "Harold Lockwood," hs Romance of Evening, 10¢; re- nerved Se extra in Harold Mach Mays tery u \idveRture, Len wi rH MASK Actin. Miso He Hawlin xon lw "HER PREY," in parts, nnd Ferry Ho r Arbuckle | n two el Keystone (0 Froocs FINTY ANGLE FOL R SHOWS DALI Y Al 2.10 T and SN Matinee, Be; FH rert edly opm Admission Fvenings " GRIFFIN'S FRIDAY & SATURDAY A Pathe I Heels WHO PAYS? of the Series in 2 SCOTTY WEED'S ALIBI A BEAM AND And Other Feature in us G Reels An episode fama BLD -- Interesting ORCHESTRA. PRICES MAT. Ge. EVE, NOTICE! ONE CARLOAD oF "EGG - 0" BAKING POWDER Arrived in the City Fvery Woman Ix Using If. COMEDY Subjects AUCTIONEER If you are golng to have a sale phone or write EE. 1 AMEN Verona he Auctioneer who seis the pace 17th = == 1 || The Belvidere IE sn mise mn f APARTMENT HOTEL 141 King Street. Phone 1743. and Peyma Rates. Trans rent nent I JF. LCCHHEAD N ADVAN INPRICE Is Children A'Specialty ¥ Mount extra inets from now 241 4 1 Good ones. quick sale. taking the Photos that also giving a with every dozen till Xmas. fe is PRINCESS STREET, SYDENHAM STREET, for Sale Four Shorthorn to ten months old. Cheap for | Nine JACOB x SHIBLEY " ' Hd Ont. please beantiful cab- NEAR ZIG- ZAG SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents Equalled by few Excelled by none FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. tt tA Pt i aang {|| Home Lunch& CAFE NOW OPEN 91 Princess Street Meals and Lunches Served at All Hours. Home Lunch Company, Phone 544. NOVEMBER 27, 1915. PAGE FLEVEN 1 2&| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM 1%) | ra I CONDENSED Firat insertion, - ADVERTISING RATES fe a word. Each cos- fusertion theresfrer, hnif Mintrasm charge for lowertion, three Imsertious one month, $2 secutive cent a word one ne; Boe: six, 81: HELP WANTED. WANTED MEN FOR PACKING HOL SI Jag -»l SALESMENY WANTED FOR CHOICE COOK OR GOOD KITCHEN WOMAN FOUND LADYK HL VOR SUEDE GLOVE < BLACK AND WHITE AND HOLLAND GNF AN LADIES SATCHEL v HAHGVINS GOODS FoR IN AGENTS M WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY HANDS SIXTEEN YEAR MACHINISTS WANTED -- LATHE BORING MILL a FIRST CLASS LATHE, EXPERIENCED SALESLADY ¥ "4 PERSON INTELLIGE NP A $100 newspa s no A 1ssing ars. Press y 369, Lockport, N. Y MAY Ying AGENT S--100 PIKCE XMAS PACKAGE : 60c ad $4 MAN WITH WANTED A RELIABLE ) 0 oe & ee-------------------------------- POSITION WANTED YOUNG WIDOW WANTS POSITION AS WANTED GENERAL, WE WANT TO BUY SECOND-HAND ¥ r CE SE it Apr K g Matt Com $:-} PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, GRAINS k g, gla g \ € FULRNISHED HOUSE, SEVEN ROOMS L PHOL STERING. GAVINE, UPHOINTERING, RK- FRONTENAC LOAN AND nent oclety incorpor 186 Henry Smith farm yuntry hased d and erest al § McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE gurance Compa Avail assets $61,187.21 In addition t¢ Wis h the polleyhe have for irity the inlimited liability of perty ins 1 at rates I re rene ol r glving new busi oir ange & 1d lders possible ess Strange DENTAL. B.A, LDS, DDN, 68 Princess street A. E. KNAPP, moved to 2 HE ORS. SPARKS AND S#ARKS, DEN- thts 159 Wellington street: J Leonard Walsh, DDS, LDS, as = stant Phone 346 LEGAL sss BARRISTER 70 Clar- CUNNINGHAM, solicitor. Law office 8t., Kingston SHES To ANNOT NOK purchased the tallor run by Thos. Gallo. all kinds of re GAY that he has shop formerly way and will do pairing and pressiog Also make up sults from your own cloth Workmanship gnaranteed. 131 Brock gireet. Administrator's Sale. There will be offered for sale Friday, the third day of December, 1915, at twelve o'clock moom, hy Wil Ham Murray, at his Auction Rooms on Market Street, in the City of King ollowing property 1--Lot Fifteen, par the south side of Prir and except the part ed to Danlel Fitzgib wily is situate build uplied by the estate of the late W. (Bruce as a livery, and a Juiilding occupied as a harber"s shop i Farcel No. 2--8aid livery. consisting y go carriages' and sleighs and used fn connection with the save heretofore conv bon On this | ings now ocr well appointed INR Rouse, on th " sfreet and AMred ir 8 gi k street, ing to the Kingston City Directory, aud the land apporténawt thereto Each par e} will be offered nubject | vid ms Ten er cent be pald ale; the thirty days farther particulars and tions Gf sale apply to NOKLE & FARRELL, 174 Ontario street, Kingston, Ostarie. Solfettors for he Sdministratris. Kingston, Nev. 22nd, 1915, accord- of the down at balance to be ROSARY, \ YOUNG BLACK WHITE TERRIER FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. A GOLD NECRLACE WITH PEARLS LADY'S BLACK PURSE, CONTAINING OPEN FACE GOLD WATCH, MONO ----------p ---------------------------- STRAYED HORSE » STOLEN OR ONE BLACK CLIPPED, FIN ) 2 \i ee TO LET HOUSE, 1260 BARRIE FURNISHED FURNITURE, ET FOR uy McCann, 82 Brock and dry STORAGE clean Street DWELL INGS, 5 Real wk Street STORES, Me- Agency, 52 OFFICES, Estate OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. ber Aj to inningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence S BAGOT ' A FURNISHUD MWMOUSE, 100 Vode AW da rE GARAGE WILLIAM STREET, NEAR Wh A GROCERY STORE, WITH OR WITH N4 GORE STHREET--HHRICK, NING STORAGE FOR x RNITURE, CLEAN, Ary, airy r your own lock and Key Pros City Btorage, 299 Queen 8 't 16 5265 <1 ve ¥ ROOMED NEW HOUSE, ON t. with ba 1 ta HOUSE, #1 LIVING er T CON, TOWN ( t Fae BARRIE STREET---82500 QUEEN STREET--825.00 RIDEAL STREET--X14.00 CENTIUY STREFET--£20.00, PORTSMOUTH -- TWO ACRES OF 1 kK 3% APPLY J CARROLL, 56 BROCK EE ------------------------------------------------ PERSONAL. MARRY, | Wi HAVE A LARGE Habis Dakla Mrs. Wrube : 6 A-6nt HAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTHM A RKS and all growths gnd skin blem Ishes 'remove nehnlty, with out scar *xperience Dr Elmer 7 Ear. Nose Throat and Bpe fallet, 25¢ Bagot Bireet Skin MARRY IV you ARE « 21k LONELY MANY age . FOR SALE, FHEESE FEPECTIVE ADVTS $1.00 SEVERAL TONS OF MANGED FWO GOOD COUNTERS, WITH BLACK SOME GOOD SQUARES, ROUNDS AND MANU HE SPREADER RUFFALO OVERCOAT FHHEE HORSES, FROM SIX YEARS M ALTOMOBILE SKATES COST ALITY AND WELLE SELKC- VICTROLA s $28.50 T 5 0 1 and $1.00 a week W. Lindsay ( Ltd I st { MRICK CHOSE M IN'S FACTORY, \ \f SHETLAND PONY AND OUTEPI FOR HRICK COPrAGE INO RIDEAU ST f Wo OR THREE SLIGHTLY USED JEST TO GET ACQUAINTED; 100 PAGE M Shas A LARGE AND SEX loth ® 1601 Bt it ¥ £ i : € Poa t # hap 46 STOCK OF NEW 1 siture, s $300 CASH, PLAYER PIANO, SS NOTES Bi JOCK CF NEW AND SEC. toves, furniture, oda We also second ¢ son, 333 Prix phone 1600. ( PANY AN, 1un riaulins, foldin and ence TUNTIERS surrLies IN CHOICE DWELLINGS IN ALL I {he t { 1,600 PARTS $2,000, $2 600 2,500, $2,900, $3,000, $ 00, % 100, $4,000, $4,600, $5,600 ) $4,000 LARGE FARM, WITH OR k a 0 wirnouvnr $5.000 TWOUSE AND BARN, WITH 5 ACHES Bat inted fr ro RENT -- FURNISHED £15.00 -- A ements ARCHITECT NE WIL ANDS & SON, ARCH Office 2568 Bagot Bt Www SON, AR« HUTROTS, 1 " Hank iding, Br k and We aaa Drop ard MICR- corner slreets POWER & oha MEDICAL, MD, CM, SURGERY 0. A, COON, thd residence, 188 B Kk tres A. BOYCE, M.D,, C.M., cal Buperint al Hospital WwW LATE MED. :ndent Kingston Gener- Surgery and residence ellington street Phone 964 DRESSMAKING., PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN Ire akir iting by measure, des ng f NE et threa 1 rs y stem Madame rk Dressmaking EES sireel, corner Sydenham BU S8 CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STARRY a mall order business at home; me Canvassing be Your own boss Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock. 2 989 Lockpart, N.Y DANCING. HY, PROF Monta) to lances Broadway Baitd- Sample Order MR. COAL CONSUMER, BAR 1 1 EIE STREET. Ton Stove Coal Ton Nut Coal ; 1-2 Ton Cannell Coal 1-4 Cord Kindling Wood Substitute vour name and 4d- dress and use the telephone---our number 135. James Swift & Co omepes IY JO 35D I A 53550 TL Shere

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