PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1915 2 = SPLINMID PARADE BA DAA BANAL LBLALLBLLADLAD BALCOLALLDLLS BONDS ODALSD ADDON ANDS ELAS MOLLASOMSALLLLLLLSSSMASS THEATRICAL NEWS | ~ $ ; + + : + : \ EVENT ON SATURDAY : MORNING Bete tel ll lent AAA AA i i noe Barriefeld 1' & : bt » is in Honor f the TPT YY TYE TTT TT were 7 The white Feather At Grand nnounce VY YOTEETTw esting and attractive shopping il { 3) 't G9 30) ines just Dn weed irama I'he hero o e pla ung Engl :n in the employ nt of the War Office, to avex Q issumes the part of y (i 3 ha not even tl d a numbeg 3 I S shme list, and so well does he hat he deceives every El i ta 5 LAIDLAW'S WHERE GLOVES AND STOCKINGS ARE SOLD well portrayed by the als English We have nearly evervthing wanted in Stockings just now and yeu I vy that audience € V 3 EVV TY YET ewY hind ma makestnot to be had elsewhere in the eit WOMEN'S STOCKINGS 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 35¢, 49c. ofering' 3t the-Stand fo: WOMEN'S STOCKINGS --In Winter Weight Cotton. in Cashmere and f . Je raster ec in Silk ¢ the Mask a four t Bareia, acer GIRLS' STOCKINGS In pl a ioht Cot nP Ribbed urpa iT: ene Cashmere te S17 / ¢ BOYS' EXTRA STRONG RIBBED WOOL STOCKINGS AND RIB BED CASHMERE STOCKINGS. STOCKINGS FOR SMALL CHILDREN and Silk Mixed MEN'S SOX 20 Different Makes 111 Kn ; Mering, 20e, 2be, 35¢ and up You'll be in-- Thank you Ideal Theatre, id 1 an Livingston's, Brock .St | =! | Special To-Night greatest events Other good ree 1 A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. Har ¥ Lauder and brought dow if history 36 Zucd reels wil} a 4 Gok oe 120 Pairs Women's ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT EER wa pee Black Silk Stockings A Regretied Fareweil bseription lists for the Don 1 0 kK th Australiar ¢ i n Bonds close Tuesday mber 30t ROL 1 1 {11 4 1 i et araded and on t east side of t ane 0th Do 10 delay SHK Toot a ' vith ne black cotton top hese ai Ha played with exquisite 1 ! € dvantage of this great oppor , . . ' for gilt-edged" ifvestment Markers seconds amd some have slight flaw dre weaving ¢ da apd Hnis I'he. Maple Leaf Forev v I ot ind "Tipperary a great crowd Yielding 53% per cent. .guaranteed by ipplauding Col. Perreau, in sple on of Canada Apply to iid form, expressed appreciation ov--i10 rd S. Folger, broker, 44 ( 1 » " " er t visit I'heir presence called nce stree authorized by the Domin | | to MT 1 magnificent response 0 Ir rovernment to receive ubserip - air 1strali to the Empire's call and ns oped slackers of Kingston and Lanai to ey rate bod ed Entertained By Y.M.C.A men walking about He wished the A gh¥tea was given in the Y.M Cadets all good luck in their future iding Friday evening under f the Boys Work Com onor of the Australian! enjoyed t isit immensely Mayor Sutherland and Ma) g he Australian-Kangal I ' Gillespie were also pres served journeying. The Mayor said words o farewell Kingston | and a startling skyrocket for the I't lowing ladies One ear the ver Vi eorge Wright, Mrs, Waite KID GLOVES In Tans. \\ ie Hack. ; a He. $1.00 pr makes It 'was 3 landley Mr Donnelly, Mrs il revelation of the pos Newland and Mrs Richardson e human voice Speeches pp, g yen Lo Mayor Suth KID GLOVES In all anted § ch His RizeE special € ahd An ajor diespile - make i. $1.25 Impressive Memorials 1 It is impossible to find a more Md. R L.o i York is! di + A : atit po 1 | pressively beautiful mean { pending the week-end with his sis Hi KID GLOVES FOR GIRLS 2C al Over 600 White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, | petuating the names or deeds of (¢ ter, Mrs. W. V, Beaman | Toc pair with dainty, embroidered corners, each on a separ- fi {parted friends than thapugh the en Imported Bay Rum' at Gibson's fl j : card This 1 manufacturer's sample set ill | during medium of well-executed az Raat 18 i KID GLOVES FOR BOYS T5¢ pair * wl | : ; ; ' Stained Glass Memorial Windows ry { Vorth Troi 2) TO Me Eek 1 Special to Their value too, 48 a church en rE richment ensures constant protec night tiomegrhile age but adds to their Announcements i beauty - 10c Each or Three for 25¢c A request to the well-known Stu ties t character re- dios of Robert MeCausland, Limited ti ire events, where an 141-143 S fing Avenue Toronto harged, are raping . iy : ed 1 advertising will bring to you an nteresting ot at 10c a line for first hooklet on the subject Copyright yn and 5c a Hne for each 015.) ive 'insertion; or 108 a White Aprons [| on | Hane . ) f iehotas 1 LOT garbage in organizations o Nicholas Timmerman a Bt tir where no admis . i . | Y¥pector, received a complaint Irom ol foo herged. may be in- 10 dozen Pretty Muslin Tea Aprons, » ith Hill | 2 citizen that his garbage had not serted in this column at one cent Lace and Insertion Trimming and Pockets, and fill veen coilected. The men on the | 8 word. with a minimum of 28 variety of patterns 8 dozen White Morning fll route was notified, and he took 1 M Yih 3} 3 ll special pains to get the garbage He ) Aprons, made from English linen finished lawn, lll visitea the house twice, bit the door A fp ee . s 17 : 2 ' ex ole } T5H¢ s locked and there was no garbage cducationa niversary at Syvden- Ni hi 4 ula prices oe, th and Toe. Hi left ur him Then Inspector Tim- ham Street Methodist Church to-mor- merman went {0 investigate, and he Tow Special sermons by Rev. Dr at Ll . ¢ { lock caver, Smyth, of Montreal, and Rev. Dr. I Ht (00 found the dwor locked. However, © ' A . : o-Night 359¢c Each HH ho soon got in touch with the citizen, Graham, of Toronto See regular and explained that the garbaje church notice, 9 could not be removed when it was % y . " 4 not there for the men to get Sunday at YM.C.A--9.15 am 8 boys' meeting," speaker, Rev. Mr A large Market. Curry; 4 to 8 pm. open to soldiers | 2 and strangers; 8.15 p.m., song ser- Bed Comforters ii There was a large market on Sal- yieca for men. Monday, 6.30 p.m, ® fll .rday morning with the following genjor Bible Class, address "War || prices prevailing: Beef, 9¢ 10 11¢ & a04 [is Relations to Religion," Dr ine O S 18 only extra large size Bed Comforters, well Will jsuna; pork, 12¢ to 14c a pound: Aw. Richardson filled, good weight, covered ¢hintz, Guar- {lif mutton, 12¢ to 14c a pound; lamb, EIS . Han Ly OR !14¢ to 16c a pound; turkey, 17¢ to Y. W. C. A.--The first of the doc- / anteed fast colors; worth regular $2.25, i 20c a pound; geese, $1.25 each; yor's Jectures in connection with the fi THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ducks, $1.25 a pair; fowl, $1.25 a Home Nursing Course will be given pair; chickens, 75¢ to 31.25 a Pair: Tuesday evening, Nov. 30th. by Dr To benefit men who can only shop on Saturday, we have reserved some . ' N 3 butter, 33c to 35¢ a pound; eggs, > James Third." Subject: "Nerves; i i To- ight for $1.48 ill to 40c a dozen; potatoes, $1.2° the Wear and Tear of the Nervous splendid bargains. $1.49 a bag. System." The class is open for Gun Metal Calf Blucher, wat¢ rproof sole, in everv sense a splendid ps mo rr = those who care to take one or mere , SE - recilar 25 Tn -- En i To Address Womeg's (lub. lectures winter boot; re gular $5.00 £4 .w a . Now $3.75 Women's Canadian Club open -------- Another line Veal Calf Blucher, leather lined and heavy sole: regular meeting next Monday, Nov. 29th, at Home For Friendiess. i £45 8 p.m.. in Convocation Hall. Prof, R Annval meeting of the Home for J} Now $3.25 | BE. Welch, Montreal, will give an illus- Friendless Women and Infants will trated address on "Punch and His be/ held at the home, Union street, | Merry Men" (by permission of the on Tuesday, November 20th, at 3 | proprietor of Punch). Admission for ¢'c¥ock. Public are cordially in- ' non-members, 25. { vited. J