PEA ARR A Ay | PACES 9-12 fata PAGES ! The Daily British Whig 1915 SECOND 8S ECTION ED YEAR 82, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, NO, 281 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MEMBERS OF NEW CANADIAN MUNITIONS BOARD, HAD A BIG FUND FOR BOMB OUTRAGES { pt me Scheme to Destroy Plants. And Ships on Pa- cific Coast---Attempted to Get Explosive Bombs on Ships as Dried Fruit. a te PEMBROKE GERMANS WITHDREW DEPOSITS From Post Office---Pembroke People Think Pas- tors of German Churches Might Submit Case 'of German Residents Through ; the Press. { NEW Ottawa, Dec. 2. --A Journal rough I am doing all I can to re now in Pembroke, arrived old German depositor Dundas: Hon. Col Flavelle, Toronto (Chairman): Gen. Alex. Bertram, C. B. Gord. Montreal: J. A. Vaillancourt, Montreal: E. R. Wood, Toronto: David Carnegie and G, H. Dawson, Vietoria, B.C also me be I's ~-- A AAA A AA i, ~ Left to right: J. W, y &1'C be Providence 2.1.4 De 2 Thay transportation of this fruit from Tac Providence Journal Says, ota; Washington t V 'Kk ; 2 i es i a, ashingtor 0 ladivostock, NATIONAL PARTY . ADRIFT 36 HOURS. Two startli ng devalopments in thei and, as we are advised thal steam _nn case of C. C Crowley, arrested last i an Ps are y plying betwee to find the & my . A Bi Tra tod 2 hl ' Avjuame AD de " g piying elween ) fin 1 and Carson to Be Its Lead \ Tervible Story of Suffering Glori- ook roy illegal complicity in explo-{ Tacoma i ladivostock pon tied By Heroism. i the Pacific Coast, were laid | which govern: supplies are ship Bere tord air full of rumors and suspicion they are, returning very slowly in The older Germans, who want no-| deed Mr. Moffatt that the ing Members. sions: off thing better than to be left alone German savings account was London, Ds eet to be victims of the and the money with- lobby man activities and expre very thous-| meeting sonie of the more recent arr vr | yesterday which Lord Charles from the Fatherland I'o the r I'he funds withdrawn Beresford led, with the object Ce re submarine one the Jo an-Canadian who from and banks in the of founding the Naldonal party ir 1 from Candia The | within | straight course justice and sympathy neighborhood is variously Parliament With Sir Edward Car I] K Sa Bp d Bri- Captain, passengers and crew em- last two months nearly $400,000 tor! had with the ag s of these steams should be extended alway Here! from half a million dollars son as Subsequently Lord f. a ys Tou barked io five of the ship's boats. Work in connection with the destru | Sh ines at Tacoma-&hat immediate is the process suggested n Pen greater sum. Some weeks ago Beresford and © had a conver Four of these were picked up after tion of w harves ships and munition f shipment be made via whatever broke, by which. the air,might b as concerted run on the banks at sation wi two Liberals, Sir Henry (ain 1s Troubled. being thirty-six adrift The plants iu San Francisco, Tacoma and cleared: Kganville by Germans, and Mr. Mof-| Dalziel and Sir A. Markham Other) O pants of fifth boat were Seattle s the yf the Let, specific oming | fatt that the total withdrawn members on both sides were also ap adrift for days, buffeted by a I'he other ul and angry oc- Pears in a from factory managements that is believed to be in the neighborhood proached, but a majority of the mem bby ENEMIES OF GERMAN' twelve of Journaj to the Department of Jus-| intended for those for whom th f I was tended © are vines mars (recent arrivals some of them) | of $400,000 here ha bers as yet are unaware of this new tice, signed by Crowley, and el that the 1 il ine is mak are employed in the munitions plants. | small run on the Killaloe development Mme. Bakhimeteff, wife SAYS RECQGNIZE doutr brothers, three and two years ol age.| This The German pastors should pub Altogether half a 3 licly announce their to Cana garded as a cor ative esti Russian ambassador in Was ARE INVINCIBLE communication which nade mr a The crew of this boat, in charge ot ceived by aie loth last, dian institutions through the mate of the totals withdrawn, Where and Ottawa press has all this gone? was the Mme. Bakhmetell on . Firs Mfticer Carr > ache as 8 ect att " 6 wl l On the Battlefield, and Cling To F rst Officer Carreni which reached Vas a direct attempt to ob who | Th ed \ iraeu say the cor 3d the ' Their Hope to Conquer the Kal- Gu 52 e conupander of 'the nd Certain individual ap question raised by the Journal proving and enthusing Some local men hold that it is hid Se : tbmarive promised to tow the boats and it ser's Empire By Hunger. to' land Five were made fast the pay all tania and Cavell murders den away in old sock One bank, pudiate the charge made n manager be that much of it is gossip in eir German together in readiness for towing on aven If the report that Pembroke t ettlemer euntons I'he commander of the submarine, oma and prepared centre of German secret service (spy) 0 their his promise, disappeared It Is alleged angements activity, is mere suspicion, let denia seen again. The Cap- contain red cross be made through that will Bosnia ultimately gave Quantities ol [ organization for forwarding the same be recognized as authoritative to cast off and the five boats the proper destination All this is due to the great major company. As night descend-, 1 will appreciate fifth boat was in difficulties, reply nearly swamped by a heavy ity of German-Canadians who have remained true to the land of their adoption under very whith carried away three cars ditions the rudder The leavily-laden| ping fares, several tons of dried] San F neisco, California Pembroke residents could hardy 'make steerage] fruit to the Russian Red and no better mediuni could be way, the provisions, consisting of} asked for some recognition from ler voice the local attitude than bread and water, being damaged Vy in connection with the shipments in cellent little German weekly the | across the border by the German set salt water orde rio facilitate their being receiv Deutsche Post, published n that! tlers was a contributory cause of the To add to the horrors of the sit fod without question by the agents of | nection town big discount at which. Canadign vation, a young Italian suddenly, the Blue Funne,line, the agents of | barge of powder on Puget Sound, money was accepted early in the went mad. He attempted to commit| which company are carrying- large | Owned by the Hercules Powder Com- | war at many American cities \ suicide, and drawing a knife he| quantities of munitions of war from | Pany, for which company, it. has bee: | German paper is published in Pem slased an artery in his arm He | this country to Vladivostock { discovered, worked for son broke which tells its readers all then sought to attack his compan tite A connection has also been about the Teuton histories It car ions After a desperate struggle, established between Crowley and ried.the gdvertising of the Dominion € during which the {frail craft was Offer He Made. | German officials in both Seattle and war lgan last week, but the local invincible on the battlefield, so the toesed like a cork in the mountain-| The the Russian ambas- | Tacoma, as well as in the office of bank manager says that not a ringle| more eagerly. d9 they cling to their | ,,q sea; the madmag "was overpower- | sudo yrominent member | the Consul-General at an Francis- hope to destroy us economically, to ed C "a y , " exrpmnndes. 100 if the Red Cross organiza C states Justice Athens, Dec. 3 A terrible story! before the Department of Jus n.d ped, we shoul of suffering, glorified hy sublime Washington by the Providence Jour-| ments made il : heroism, was recounted by the crew Ual yesterday. One of these concern; they might of the Italian steamer Bosnia, sunk the German consul-general at San, ly consigned who orwarded arrange Truits have The orrespondent fo the Daily News says that Unionists was held LVETag pro-Ger- | some $300 ons drawn runs into many and over 108g steamers Francisco, F depp f woud be has received NeCessary, understanding be German niles total of pres enty by a post offices steers the indred nal asserts thie! therefore, that an placed at to a far there leader arson nours steamer might ) saliing fonors that shipments benefits the four phase of the case ap & be no delay 1 the tenials be fort t denials be for state Ger sea. The letter presented by the as delays wou ¢ nthe the passengers including women and three children, TEUTONS the eldest a girl of eight, and two pants comprised been a sent Oy of dhe hington.| ing ps regu | ( no was ire. | s rrangen uld be { ste Alash p PANY representative at Ta banks at rew, two officers, seven million dollar him to loyalty local Sept with this money | accused of | have a oma over the L he re urrent from the Russian] can be in touch wit € agent Red Cross for, facilitate matters. We underst Tac-| tra i n or tain redentials Embassy and from the shipment of trading Viadivostock, which really meant to wired to be lieves boats cases of dried fru steamers belween ilation among he C4 Ses divostc hich Are Berlin, Dec. 2 In the Reichstag Secretary of- tiie Imperial Treasury, Dr. Karl Heiffetich, introduced a bill arranging the preliminaries for the taxation of war profits I'he primary object of the measure was parted to raise revenue toward conveying ed the colossal expepditures of the war, and for this purpose a considerable percentage of war profits must and should pass inte the Government coffers The bLIII was referred to a committee The President, Dr. Kempt, compli mented Germany on the highly sat isfactory military situatiem in the west and east, apd the successful conclusion ,of the Serbian campaign, ) 3 ' #4 afd added it gE : "Proud Britain is troubled about the key t@gher supremacy. All our enemies hi recognized that we are' oaning cash neighbors at a low and n Lt ari forgetful of were and tain of orders poor explosive bomb made by you or the dynamite was not hem from institu 1s that rate of interest to prevent borrowing from Canadian tions Still another theory the money is making its way to Ger | many by an underground railway via the Les §i $s going over in cash Canadian 4s neither post | office nor express companies have isf suggest that| sued an unusual number of orders used tor The suggestion has been made that that ex-! the number of Canadian notes sent channels the himself as| 1° Crowley representing an agent for several fruit growers in| California, declared to Mme Bakh-| ear and = suggestion or metell that they | direction as you may desire to offer had decided to Ke | 1 8 sent, free of charge, paying all ship. | . A A Lrowiey very greatly ap the being Sed and craft o it distressing con bills Kvidence in the the Department of Justice in connection | with Crowley is said to be conclus | regards hb with the blowing up of a Cross possession of ve 80 far as direct con Withdrew Savings. Pembroke, Ont., Dec, 2 I firm ly believe that the Germans in Pem broke have been advised to take toel savings out of banks, particularly that bank run hy the Government,' sald Postiungier W. A. Moffatt to the Crowley wife of who i8 a German has subscribed for a nickel Rifssinn Journal The majority of the Ger man accounts in the Post Office Sav ings Bank have been taken out, and Pr SAW BABY CORPSES NAILED TO BARN DOORS | Says Mons. Paul Rochet in Letter Urging Toronto Boys to Pre- pare. Toronto, Dec. 2 I have baby corpses nalled at barn doors in the country, and other still worse things," writes Mons. Paul Rochat a French reservist and former teach er at Harbord Collegiate Institute, in a letter to the boys of that school M. Rochat has been wounded, but Is now back in the firing line He strongly urges the doctrine of pre paredness "If more even had been prepared at the outbreak of the war things which I have seen myself would not have been," he adds "There would have been men enough to keep women and poor innocent habies from being tortured and killed. "It is seen duty to start immedi ately to train, though you may be very young, and the best way is to enlist in the Cadet Company of your school To be prepared will be the hest way to prevent the return of the atrocities we are witnessing now and which may happen to our beautiful land of Canada." [t's too bad that people who "toil not" have to eat and be fed by other people. No honest debt was ever settled by the statute of limitation and without money. Don't withhold vour charity cause someone has abused it Returning good for evil is gener- ally done by theory only your be- salary of $10,000 and the ary of salaries of also policemen and firemen, to raise civie ard district. ago. South Bay. of it, although the rest of the town has come forward handsomely MONTREAL SALARIES CUT. Move to Help Make Up the City's De- ficit. | Dec. 3.----Mayor Martin's | $7.500 sal- each olf the members of the of Control will be cut by 265 temporarily, as well as the| heads of civic depart clerks, foremen and engineers, in order SIL JOHN NIXON meet the Tiatest to take tion reached Amara leader of the British Colonial fe vancing on Bagdad Montreal Board per cent ments, $826,428 to help deficit of $2,266,756 Death Of Richard Jenkin, The death is Jenkin, aged GERMAN AUTHORITIES Get Money Somehow; Enemy Robs Belgians. N announced of ind sevenly years, old resident of South Bay ni] was born in England, and came to Canada when nine years of age, with Amsterdam, Dec A ~~When the hig father He settled in Prince Ed- | year covered by the origimal war levy ward County, and lived there up till| on Belgium exXpired-last month, it the time of his death. He was one| was reported here that the German of the best-known farmers in the! Administration would continue. to His wife died three years gollect at the rate of 40,000,000 He is survived by feur sons, Freire monthly without stating the Burgess, father of Police Constable tatal sumadesirgd or the period of its Ear! Jenkin, of Kingston; Reuben, collection. Richard and John, all of South Bay,| Later, according to prominent Bel- and two daughters, Mrs. F. Hinaman gians who recently left their country, and Mrs, Samuel Painard, also. of the Germafh 'authorities announced ' that they would require the sum of 480,000,000 francs, collectible as pre- viously in monthly sums of 40,000,- Forl! 000 francs each, but that security for the sum total was to be provided im- mediately Unless such securities were voluntarily produced, the Bel- gian travelers reported, private banking accounts and safe deposits were to be seized by the German ad- ministrators as collateral for the levy. Ford Did Not Subscribe, Ottawa, Dec 3.--Henry made no subscription to the Cana- dian war loan. On the first day that subscriptions were received a story came from Detroit or somewhere that the peace advocate or his Cana- dian company was taking a million of it. The Ford Company, or Mr Ford personally, has done nothing of the kind i rr ---- agri. FLOOD OF PROSPERITY. lose a argu- would rather the best of an Some men friend than ment, Merchants Re-stocking Stores And Settlers Are Buying Land. Ottawa, Dec, 3.--J. G. Turriff, M: P. for AsSiniboia, who returmed | BRITISH LEAVE SALONIKA FOR THE FRONT. 7 no Hor Picture shows British. teupe Jess. te Sirus por mf 4. | from a trip to the west. gives a 'glow- ing account of conditions in the iree: prairie . previnces. Business men who during the period of hard times, Swed their stocks béco! deplet: are now buyin heavily, wihtieh , efiplains the big - crease in customs receipts. A great deal of land is being sold to new set- tiers, some of it for as high ap $40 per sce. The crop," Mm. Turriff more per acre than they exp 'An lmmense load of debt is 'being nu . In many cases farmers aie paving both principal! and interest on their mortgages. ¥ SENT TO WAR ZONE. VU. F. Exported This Year 500,000 Horedf, < Npw York, Dec. 3.--~Records of the Department of Commerce show that 44,345 horses and 9.094 worth upward of $10,000,000. were | exported from the United States in HH ember. More than 21,000 went to Canada, whence toy were slipped The total num "now more than | financially and economically, conquer us by hunger. As they allow themselves to be deceived regard- ing our financial strength, which has been proved by the astonishing re- sults of our war loags, so they have also been deceived in their estimate! of our economic strength. "We have corn for bread toes, the most important food of the; people, are abundant. If in other! things there may be a scarcity, as cannot be disputed, yet the hard- ships thus caused to a majority of the poorer population will be sur mounted by the organization of the provision market We "therefore, have very reason to contemplate the future with firm determination and unshaken confidence." The Reichstag adopted the bill, modifying certain features of mar- tial law, giving the option of a fine instead of imprisonment for minor offences. Dr. Heifferich them introduced bill required companies, Th ations, and juridicial persons to set agide 50 per cent. of their extra pro- fits during the war years to cover their nitimate taxation. There was no public reference to the subject of peace terms during the day's session. The Social Democrats will next! week demand the setting aside of two hundred million marks for the purpose of caring for the widows, or- phans, and other war victims, The same amount was previously grant- ed The Government will also in- crease the pay of non-commissioned officers apd men by fifty per cent. It was stated that Dr. Liebnecht, will ask ten questions. The Socialist faction declares questions should first be submitted to their commit tee, according to the rules of ih] Liebnecht himself helped to trame. | It was stated, however, that Dr.| Liebnecht's health would not mit his attendance at the session. ' SEEK SIMPLE MUSIC, Pota- | Presbyterian Committee i Session, Few Changes Ma i Torney Dee, 3.--After a test] lasting for seventeen or eighteen | years the tw contained in (Ge Presbyterian Hymn Book, with. only a few exceptions, have proved satis- factory. The music section of the General Commit on the -revision | of the ean Hymn Book was' in 'session Ramen and at the conclusion the gy cris meeting. | Rev. Alex. Macmillan, Secretary, said: "The people will miss scarce- | ly any tumes which has syng them- selves into use. The Committee sat again to-day in Oid 8t Andrew's Church, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Herridge, ex-| "Moderator of the Genéral Assembly.' They are endeavoring to have the congregations use simple and pepre- sensative music. The Géneral Com- mittee will meet next April, when the recommendations of the Music Com-, mittee will be passed oun. The umbrella fold skirt is beinzl featured amoung extensive models. It has deep iobps. from the waistiine | She Sees Lost Brother Die in London, 3. , Canadian Red Cross, writes that | while doing duty plying between the Dardanelles and. Malta she learned that private named Alway was lying in a Malta hospital tient, and discovered that he was her brother, six years of pneumonia. sister, and was just able to murmur her name in greeting before he passed away -t "1 I: tion detecting the possibilities of ' mischief in responding in any way to Phere are a request of this kind, did not ac.| Miserable if knowledge the ietter, The communi invalids cation in full tollows Sister Edith Al- San Francisco, Sept 19105 | Madame J. Bakhameteff | Imperial Russian Embassy | Newport, R.1 Madame, -- By the Imperial Russian Consul-Gener al of San Francisco, I beg to submit | the following on behalf of whom she had not seen for | fruit growers of the State California Private Alway was dying | As it is the wish of certain growers He recognized hig] to contribute several tons of] dried fruits to the Russian | Red Cross they desire to have ar rangements made to facilitate the wouhlt be be chronie women who they couldn't WAS AT BEDSIDE, Malta Carelessness with few fires and Give sbme people a they'll take an unfair men parlor matches many divorces fair start ana advantage CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bearu the Bignature of , Coats Coats Coats Ladies' Coats & Children's Coats A BIG COAT SALE TILL ALL ARE CLEARED Jy New Styles at Mendels Prices ! f 40 Ladies' Hospital. Dec Sth causes on a hospital ship n Australian Dear direction of] She visited the pa- several | We have just received a clearing line Coats, wnaranteed newest styles: regular $16 to 18; To Be Sold Saturday at 20 Children's Coats, all lined and warm: reeula sizes from 8 to 14 years. To Be Sold Saturday at $4.19 50 other Coats, te., all sold ar Half Their Value. > " All Suits, Millinery, Waists, Collars, Underskirts, selling at Mendels' rices. Note--Mendels' Prices Mean Lower Than Elsewhere CALL AND INSPECT OUR XMAS GOODS -- OUR XMAS SUGGES. 'TIONS WILL BE OF VALUE TO YOU. Cor. of Brock. | Mendels LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BEADY.TO WEAR, all sizes x= 00) Tweeds, latest styles, curs, rr ------------------ 237 Bagot 8t., Nr. Ae ae tl A tlh {rut found cnr. afound cor- ner of Princess Ror ot peincem 8