Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1915, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Ladies WHITE FURS \n 111k $8. Ermine Ties, w $10 up Fanev Styles Grey Back or Brown and White Ermine, large Muff and Tie, Fur Set, $20.00 new models Beautiful Furs here in spection Hnvited Ho oh John McKay, Limite KINGSTON'S RELIABLE FUR HOUSE. ) AA mn NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Ne 1 Jos 2 N.3, THER RAPION : great saccess CL KIDNRY, BLADORK, | PILES. POUGERA Co HE BOYS OF ¥Y. M. Had Merry Time on Fhursday EITHER No. DK 0, KEERMAN Evening took M even mittee 2 80 soclal function with the Fhursday Com vable connection 'divis TRY NEW DraG RE AT aE) THER APIO SER THAT TH BRIT, GOVT. § [AMF ARERR aie Timely Sugges- |: tions for Christmas. A pretty one the most able gifts. We have received from the \ ion Work ¢ a month to en boys to come in and given by the Y. M were five groups of on wtunts lasting fif The Junior 1 mu il number appreciated. Jun gymnastic pyramids ga outside « benefit I'here who put mir bovs teen utes each s put on highly gave on the a by putting ; tntermediate 3 ball .exhibtion," Farmers while High School pin-ball Phere prize Lo the aoing its art ve, Clowns," put on given I'he school the hovs was a class best was rouj rug makes Yon for Of accept } nt sat down Just supper, which was greatly 1a I'he Mothers' Council pro ufacturers a large num- B70 he Dit Bor aieE Wha aii ber of Axminster and Mrs. MeDdnald and Mrs Wilton Rugs, bought at n o'clo Smerminmen a great price concession and coming as they do at such a time they are doubly welcome. High Pile Axminster Rugs, 27x54 inches, $2.50 each R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Ware- rwards all prese Beautiful New Stock I's Choose. Brock street, has this extra fine assortment of heviots and serges for his order 1ing.--department ready-made clothing and gents' nishing departments are well assort- ed with new goods. Does Sewing Tire Your Eyes 7 You should experience no discom- fort in doing the finest kind of em- proidery or sewing if you wear cer- rect glasses or have perfect vision. 1f you find difficulty in reading or sewing for any length of time | you should consult us at once. Our | skill and experience are at your service. | J. S. ASSELSTINE, D.D.S., , Registered Optometrist | vd Optician, 844 KING STRELT. ! Phone 1019. i an tweeds, | PURE SWEET CIDER 0c Gallon New Table Havor and juicy, per 1b. The finest Cotab Hone Voi the city, White Clover, 25¢ 3 per seetion. i Low Prices, Good Service rand Finest Quality of Goods EW. R. McRae & Co, : GOLDEN LION | GROCERY | jest Tip That any man can get isn't i tip on a gold mine, nor a tip iH on a horse race; it's his saved dollars on one side scales; HIS HOME on the other--the latter settling down to a glorious fact when the last dollar's paid off it. Let us point to ; Real Estate | of the Raising, fine] 25¢ and 30c In the shape of cosy homes at i} prices low and on tevms as ll easy as paying rent. Fathers lf of families and intending &i bridegrooms, get move on. CALL AT ONCE. 1: - | a year | valuable THE DAILY BRITISH WANT ELECTRIC POWER |, , or POWER THY BOARD OF COMMITTEE FRADE THI En Adopted Interview Possibilities For And in msidered the rg For Resolution---Will « ie Kingston N 1 thie Companies 3 aver Hydro:Ele Seymour freumstance ainly Intimat t to Kingston vdro-Commission was nor nt time, to supply source Eastern thearel« deem upon him Power presi r n was re, to call 01 7st at pre SM PAany ts disposal 1g to Kingston propos on ror s willy 1 e congiderati proposition rtures we ompany Hydro-Electr rvened an an earl en ove ; the came use the had jnte rance of 18 on its part st couple Seymour the ; over mate th d ower ( 1able shon I mn it Com whethe 4 in a the ty © term y 1 with to giv and that the Utilities requested to forward Board of Trade so may the public interest r considered "0 PUT REFERENDUM RAIL- TON. nd Further 1ssion be to the PEOPLE ON SNTREET WAY POWER QUE ro Utilities Commisison Will Renew Old Rate Ir Say Street President's S0-- Let- Ratepayers Railway ter. After a conference with the mem hers the Utilities Commisison on Fursday night the civie Finance Committee decided to submit to the ratepayers at the January elections a referendum asking them if they are in favor of the Commission renew ing the old power agreement with the Street Railway Company at 1 cents a killowatt hour The power question was thorough ly discussed by the Council commit tee and the Commisison, and it fagreed that this was the best ould be done That people will vote in favor of power rate being renewed, there whatever The Utilities meeting Monday afternoon asked the Street Railvav Company to it it would accept the proposition of submitting power question to the people [his 1s the answer ceived from H. W. Richardson, pre sident of the company, by General Manager Folger "Dear Sir Suggesting a contract Company and the City ued supply of power rate of 1.20 cents per to the approval of the duly received and noted "The financial condition Company, disclosed by the report of the auditor representing vour com mission, hag made manifest the fu tility of the Company further at tempting to profitably conduct oper- ation unless some scheme for in creasing earnings or lessening ex pense 18 devised "Those interested in taking do not think it unreasonable that, as the advantage is for all, the expensiveoperations should be appor- tioned among those who are served "If the City were prépared to buy, the Company would give careful! consideration to any offer made, or would, if desired, meet representa- tives of the City in the hope that a conference might tind & solution of the problem Yours truly, (Sgd.) Henry W. Richa®dson, President The Company's power bill at the 1.20 rate is $4,100 a year. Accord ing to its books it has lost $17,000 in five years, or an average of $3,400 a year, so that power for nothing would oily give it a surplus of $700 The Street Railway Com- pany's letter is taken to mean that the company witches to get rid of the railway. of 20 was that the old 18 no doubt the ol) Commission at its Say the the Yours Nov, 20th n a contin former subject ratepayers wee for at the K.w of the the under Pocket Diaries For 1916 The new Canadian Pocket Diaries for 1816 are now ready at Uglow's. It ig just as well to procure these pocket companions early, while the stoe k is complete. Te Attend Hockey Meeting. James T. Sutherand and John | Dayna, of Qpeen's University, lett; o-day, for Toronto, 'to attend the! | art of the O. HW. A. on Saturday ! | The grouping of the teams will ve! made at this meeting. From the Sunny South. Greet peppers, green spinach, green onions, te, al CHrnoysky's. 'De not megiert your cougty," Take! Gibson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, | 8c bottles, 28¢, at Gibson's Red} Cross Drug Store. Tight-fifting turbans are tasbions] | atest whim. WHIG, iN FARVIA AN O11 N« hen Board of Worl In a Mess Fina " wgainst refuses Some dy month ied the iod to pursue 1 put Was der nett tary down un provement was Work System not Coun $1.500 f the v Ove as al end o year Only [ One 0 get the genui LAXATIVE fgnature 1 Co "BROMO QUININE. call t BROMO of One Look for E id in Gift Nor a Man "The Sale of Winter '| Millinery Hat Store" We have had a splen- did trade in Ladies Hats since our "*Open- ing' in September and HOW 1g pol- " millin er trom one to another, every Hat and Mount in stock now can be had at a bargain. follow not to our I carry 1 ON sea- SO Trimmed Hats up to 79, for $1.49. Trimmed Hats up to $6 $2.98. ntrimimed 49c, have just put in lot of sample mostly all fur bought at a to he sold at a All these will display to-mor- in and look $4 ol Shapes Wo stock a Mounts trimmed bargain, bargain he Ol "ow them 1 COT over, WINTER COAT SALE Every Ladies' and M Is Se 3 Ww 1 I ¢ Cloth Coad 1s marked away down l now and the j# assortme § St large. Coats of Tweeds, Plush, Mat- alams, Zeb- elines, ete. are includ- ed. A won- derful variety in special lot, priced $7.50. < v ix ole at ei aap Children's Hats all on sale now at reduc- ed prices. Wateh our windows. GEORGE HILLS CO | FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, QUIN W I | "Just a Wearying For You," 1915. A song that simply on its own merit has sold ov onto in three weeks. Price 15¢c Per Phone 919. OPEN NIGHTS. The Biggest Song in Candda Today Good Luck To The Boys Of The The College Book Store Allies tr 10,000 copies in Tor Copy 160 Princess Street CLEARING DECKS holiday d in order Saturday Finds Many Prices Clipped: nist meh of yo fol 11 every Space N mas ] dit [£01 bi Lhe to make ri goods HZ VEY OYTO VOY SOW trinmuned with embrdider a4 to 40 counter bargains fi shop to clean 69c to clear $1.49 Neat Princess Slips and Lace T > 1 Priced shght Naturda 708 wo big 18 Ip to $2.70 soiled to $1.54 pers: Pri ed KD from nee of Ladies' Tweed Coats this season's newest sty les Saturday snap SIZES TO 4 10 A big 1H) £16 i up priced up 50 $10.00 2,000 yards of Torchon and Valenciennes Inser- tions Py iced up to Te a yard. Saturday 2c Wi $1.25 up Flannelette Blankets hite and: Grey Heavy Wool Coatings at Special Prices. Wool Dress Goods at less than present wholesale prices. Pret ty 10c a yard 5 Inch Flannelette- Stripe Ss Wool Underwear for all the family Prices right Penman's Black Cashmere Hose at Old Priecees Get supplied now, at .25¢, 35¢, 50c Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store SUPPLIES soeeoky Have You a Roof On Your Silo ? Save p-oeseeBUILDERS rr------ CLOSING OF MAILS irregular- 0. British mall closes ly. Information posted at P, Lobby from time to time. United Btates dally .. 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk, golug east a .s Do. (including States) Grand west Do. Shcivding Western States) .. Grand Trunk west of city P~ R., 10.13 am N. R. 11.50 p.m. tune, trouble and hy All put together, S. Anglin & Co. Coal and Lumber Yards Woodworking Factory, Ete. Bay and Wellington Streets, Office Phone 68. Factory Phone 1415 oooeLumber, Coal and Wooleoee 1.49 Just received, large consignment of Brass Jardinieres, regularly worth $2.50 and $3.00, now on sale for $1.49. worry getting one HOW cut readv to c C. and 530 pm . 2200p m - I. 0. K\ elected 9, 1. O Court Frontenac These officers Court Frontenac, last evening Chief Ranger, J Vice Chief Ranger, George Wiltkin- gon, Rec. Sec'y., J. 8. R. McCann; Fin. See'y, R. 8. Graham: physician, A R. B: Williamson ; Ct. Deputy, Joseph Hipwson; Orator, William Wil- son; S. Woodward, William Cater- moje; J. Woodward, William Good; ! 8. Beadle, W. Crawford: J. Beadle, J. B. Ash; Trustees, R. W. Alen, T. i Smeaton; Finance Com, R. W. Al- (len, T. M. Sharman; Hoepital Board, Thomas Smeaton and Joseph Wil- gon, were No by F A McQueen a Home For Aged. The following programme was rendered at the above home on Wed. All Jardinleres have special satin nesday evening, Dec. 1st: Chorus, finish, requires no 'When You Wore a Tulip;" 'sold, good size and of the best possible Mist CAmake, That | | Truesdell.' Sole, "The Lips ! Pouch Liquor Must Never Toweh Mine; Mise Fva. Duet, "Gliding { Through the Meadow," Misses V. and 1 €. Truesdell. Chorus, "Tipperary." | Solo, "We'll Never Let the Old Flag { Fall," Miss C. Truesdell. Solo, "Keen the Home Fires Burning" Miss Eva. Solo, "Tip Top Tipperary, | Mary," Miss V. Truesdell. God Save the King i flowers most attractive for the win- ter months. Se# our window dis 'play and be convinced. We also stock full line of Fern Pots Flower Baskets. i Pants free with Suit or Overcoat, | Saturday, Dee. #th. Harry Warwick. Tobler's Chovolate is sold in Kings- fran at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. cleaning, also | Just the Jardiniere to make your [f and i BUILDERS !! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time P. WALSH. Barrack St. J 1 ROYAL SALAD DRESSING ROYAL MINT SAUCE ROYAL CHILI SAUCE ROYAL TABI! MUSTARD SELECTED PAPRIKA CLUB HOUSE OLIVE OIL D. COUPER. Phone 76. 3141-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. - Coon Coats 1 $50 Up Gourdier's PHONE IF EXPERIENCE COUNTS We Have It. Established 1862. MONTGOMERY DYE WORKS High Class French Cleaners, Dyers and Pressers. 225 Princess Street J. B. HARRIS, Prop. Phone 1114. See us about a Contract. BE Oysters 700, * Dominion Fish Co. PHONE 826. Can Do High Class Work No contradiction can wash out that facc It is as clear as the water we use, as in- effable as the snowy white- ness, we mpart to linens, and as unyielding as the starch in our cellars and cuffs, WE DO BIGH CLASS WORK Kingston Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts

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