Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1915, p. 4

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DRE POLE y ; 3 BRITISH HI, FRILL Th o 0 Whi Ctilities' Cor and t t} shipload-of paetficists to Europe "to e British X 1g WReAREE . Se ; RI im MD! f M $ [stop the war" looks like another ra 82ND YEAR : oH t FUBLI ORIN M 1} mifcation of the Boy-ed conspiracy - ip would go butting HATS HATS AB BB ere BGG th ree t {INGSTON EVENTS | || =inesTon's oNLY casH AND ONE PRICE BOYS' AND MEN'S SEASONABLE GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES Scrapping The Winning Punch vam ANNUAL Sean, |, CoH Si acing drony. A BE) Ce Jan PISO, Th Bt rs ire ing Jane, ud Nelelye Sd iia | A ) Handsome ne s ought ne 3 ings, mm Grev and boys oul 'of. iN A Ry x ! 3 and Worsteds hey have beer Lf y 18in¢ n Pittsburgh Wl / - - I -------- » be I ed 16 I casior , y t ¢ y ngeles v 1 ~ . rr i" X 8G a 2 ' Vy mod | PPahifsbhed Daily and Seml-Weekly by . follow t + R10 = : N¢ NO THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | . .. ; i Who -- Neutrality Costs : { smart and very Fn oh, LIMITROS \ ul (razetie rhe Allied Bonds. more Montreal privates have missions as - louten Fo, row, York Dee. 3a good deal | The Claude $18.00 uncertainty is expressed over the 18 army he opportuni-f ;, ¢.ome of the offering of the Allied a 1 oldiers' advancement are nds Fhe syndicate will expire q The Recruit $15.00 m . 2 ly is war, and there are|,. \initation on December 15th, and : ¢ 881s. 1 LORD Boo Har h ie TANKS | telljze nl t expected that the large unsold The Monarch $18.00 - 7 } w @ vacancies hIgher |, .jance of the bonds will then be dis st Be RIPTION RATES are es am 1 betwi now and up a I tri te to the syndicate members The "Bud" $15.00 a ni S71 is the ord! » to this time sales are not permit $6.00 A Timely Tip ed under 98. but that restriction t The Hero $18.00 x I'he Whig r 1 that > $5.00 h \ i ( hi n sSOm« . Ma will no longer apply when the syndi CONSEquen unts t ] ' } $2.50 | of (he larger cities i fire Thsurance If Canada did a little less brag i t sand lees CAte expires, and it remains to be : . companies offer prizes for essays or | Bing about what it RAE dunes © and seen how the market for the bonds = 5% The Kenmore $22.50 anathema iz IAT 'od for « to Will act then The indifferent de more WOrK 1n i 1 forces 0 p 1a 11 « those bonds, however, ig regard to the best way of guarding sf os i decisively we would be mand for 1 $ | defeat him not a true reflex of investment sen | against fires Sometime a 'given farther ahead in the long run. This 3 * ' ) : what timeunt, for the $60,000,000 B. & O BOYS' REEFER COATS course of studie is prescribed 1 ountr could, do many times v oe has met. with a. good recep MEN'S OVERCOATS, $15.00 those who write upon these studies 1 Nas dont al seb an BIO 7 ot Special Value, $3.75. ire compensated out of a reward fund . Can" - TT ---------- The Gloster Gossip spends more time getting papers by the school children with 10 'which' the insuranee compan Montreal Her ; g ox v ' ! Hen Ford's. proposal to. take a itself repeated than history does Sizes 29 to 33: Blue ( hinehilla subscribe most generously In lke! _ ora. Spatial iL dats oslo kad rhe Stvle. three-quarter leneth. silk : Cloth, and Irish Friezes, a tb velvet collar: fabrics are Dark Grey and Black Vieunas; "izes 34 to 46 manner, though perhaps not in th me wa the people mav be induc 5 = . = 0 WaYsie certain importan . ers " Grist LE onal i vn i facts i regare 0 the. » SB Sleepytime Tales BOYS' OVERCOATS ales «Mose Whois oF 1 1 Sizes 28 to 33, $7.50. | MEN'S SLIP.ON OVERCOATS luring the winter season PHE LITTLE DEER'S ADVENTURE lowing carefully after so it wasn't | m y ( . ' , Quebec and British Columbia lead ff mueh frightened, but very soon | Handsome Tweed | Isters; two { New full backs: \ Seoten 1 hia lead : a time way 3 the mother began to get worried and wav collars: o00d] patterns; warm ! Cheviots: very classy garments $18. woods there ¢ € € a funny noise to let the! baby ? a } mother le w Very iow she was near at hand and ) onscientious verseers and | much sma han | two brothe v again to come to her. The men Onee upor ir thelr protective legislation ir fabrics, providing forest guarding systems helped by an awakened! who had grown and had gor rg the deer something to eat and peopl ; Ti the Provinces referee nto the world to lool rt 1 troked its fur so that the little fel : : fi - = ) to safety lic 3 Ry ; i Fol Fred seives Fhe little deer al 3 K€ low began to be quite friendly and ) NEW ULSTERS al in Hi laws which make i mother and trotted ng rubbed his head against the hunter's SMALL BOYS OVERCOATS near Ss same Kind of work|gettlers secure i g t 11 In ttler 1 aid and he su beside he ry happy and « en it and seemed quite at home ty for 96.4c DPer|pervision of St rangers before|It was »a pretty baby ih : When it came time to go to sleep, Russian stvle, with military or {) gonal pattern Tweeds: Grev or Hoboken Commission getting out i learing fi 0 brown eyes and soft fine f 1 however, the deer wanted his mother 1 11 > q & > ' ' 1 . NRring Te n . aw ¥ ars: y : Greve y . 1Z0S 3 to ~ 1al . loved to follow its mother and =o he could snuggle close beside her ak I collars: Blue, Red, Greys and Brown: size 34 to 44 mS ecia $12. + nibble at the twigs and nk f nn The baby began to cry a funny little Brow Ns : lers accordingly It would suffer| the stream near cry and, although the man tried to IE coripany can supply |i more but for the regulations of the One day, as the mother and little comfort it, it cried harder when it The detec: of the Government.| Dominion allway Commisisoners | deer were drinkin Rey Were tas heard the answering call of its mo er a ------ {4 THE BROADWAY OVERCOAT, we r ed by a loud "bar and 8 ther close by howeve ) » political aspect of it-Iand the enforcement of these reels Of these regula-| 4 5 run for the mother knew by When the man heard the mother MANITOBA ULSTER, \ p t five commissioners are 1g Bt . oul : I party in Hons along the railways Manitoba | the sound at there were hunters call he décided that he would have { § $19.00 $iripe I'he par lost more than : millic ars ar '} ttle deer 8 i h let the 'baby & S sd the : tiated] ! 1 lion dollars near The leer wa n such a to le Lae baby £0, 50 he untied li Special $15.00. I never be ' | through the burning of its timber in | hurry that cau Lt Its Toot In the deer, lighted a piece of bark from the { root of a tree and, before it could get camp fire and held it up high. When xy. FH exs KC I 1 free. it felt something: orab it and is as deer saw et Leo fre Heavy Tweed, with strong wool § double breasted, silk elvet collar: 1 1 SOE 1 E i he i > sd rs J as 2 : ca station] and it could not wriggle free to go he bounded into the bushes and linings, double breasted, W 1th large fabrics, Brow n and Bl 1e ( hinehilda tion weuld adjust 1¢ 1 Himostly in the vicinity of the new It heard its mother calling it 3 soon beside his mother rubbing his two wav collar Sizes 36 to 46 Cloth 1 } an a 3 « ~ , x without any special upheaval in the! Hudson's Bay Railway in Alberta come to her but the strange thing head against her and whining with 4 * : " : . Covernment Vith the use of thejand Saskatchewan the fires were im which was a man, held it so tight i' happiness The 'next morning the Hare system 'every elector in thejited in their range because these gould hig oa . au en Rumery saw ihe ike deer: Slose by MEN' SHOES DENT'S WOLSEY Warren Guaran- community would have an opportun-|{ provinces are not noted for their where there were some other men. felt too friendly to the little deer and The Best $4.50 ENGLISH ENGLISH teed Pure Wool jty of expressing his opinion and of riches in timber The safety of the The baby could hear its mother fol- couldn't bear to harm him Shoe Values PURE WOOL SWEATER securing representation in the Coun-{whole country lies in education The abi aa oo 3 i i in Canada GLOVES UNDERWEAR COATS Two wav or shawl collars: dia pon a fifteen years mainten-|iario has not such laws, and t7 suf strong pav Sizes 34 to 38. Form fitting, until ands In power f that beli19is Fhe fires raged over 800, possible Proportional representa 400 acres during May and June ¢il or Commission according to the press has heen helping in its way number of his party Proportional|and now an appeal has been made representation in England has been for advanced legislation, and legisla = 8 i De kh n found a cure for every political in-|tion that will be enfor ed by zealous ow 0S i vin enu I ar. as a 8 8 forest r ors . ; equality, so far as the parties Be ranger An annual loss of | - - " - - concerned, and a fair test of it 1njs 000,000 is simply appalling and anada is looked for and desired at|this loss should be curtailed by di early date. , rect and forceful means - by spoonfuls in deep boiling fat and I'he legislature of Ontario is to t---- = fry until brown -------- a he asked for options with regard to EDITORIAL NOTES. Menu for Saturday = Sy I'he Soldiers' Aid Commision will DINNER elactions and Municipal Govern BREAKFAST : Vhys should there not be the| need to "be in session every week, if Prunes Beef Soup--Cover the bones and t 3 ment. Why shou . not every-day, in order to deal Cod all small pieces of the roast beef : ECHOES OF THE PRESS | ' ; | option of resorting to proportional Potatoes with cold water Add half an - { i : t tl nu 1 r poli-| Promptly" with all the cases that call Corn Mufing mion and simmer two hou Drain New Seeder Raisins presents as » eure fo . " oni 1 ) rs ai } . : ( ; epresentation a le cure I for atieniion Coffee en a New Seedless Raisins KINGSTON, + Xu v i and serve cles ? ' y : be tleal partizanship in Canada \ WRERNaE LUNGCHPBON 3 New Valencia Raisins party that gets in aun election rep There is no spirit so vindictive as Apple Fritters Haricot Chops--A cheap piece of A Great Cut in Prices. New Sultana Raisins resentation according to its number (he German spirit The evidence of} ry Jus Ntir= mutton may be used Have it cut Hamilton Herald : New Muscatel Raisins ' in slices to look like chops. Cover It is taking a long time for war ew Currants | cannot have a grievance against the] 5 . i 3 GEE ; oy h nno gE this is supplied in the case of the. DINNER with cold water, add a sliced carrot, | profits to come to a reasonable level, | New Peels ¢ Po 7 | 1 ' - ectorate or the elect; and the PAILY | Germans interned in Kingston, who Beef Soup a turnip cut in small pieces and half |but they are getting there. New Prunes 3 4 > i . eo « 7 y : | ( that can depend upon absolute jus-|would injure the American Consul, Haart Mutton Chops an onion Simmer for two hours News comes that the munitions au-| New Dates ! NVELOI} ES tice when it appeals to the people and he has been their best friend Pens Lettuce Salad Add a teaspoon of chopped parsley |thorities at Ottawa have just made a New Sweet Cider EE re rire mm vo on BTR nd inn HEA TAT | ne beat la "or | Ra Sagar for Coritmas Cooing, [ES ET AR I | inch 18-pounder shells. Early in| -------- Gy der all circumstances. The Ancient Order of Hibernians in | Boil 'until thick. Just before serv- \ : 4 7 4 A itehe the war Can n ifacturers i -. -- p------ | Canada desire to secede from the An-| BREAKFAST ing add a teaspoon of kitchen bou- were rere re) a he Rg oda 6 : : : id Cor Th Tia sd . - : quet : oY] | - CHEAP POWER AVAILABLE, |cient Order of Hibernians in Amer-| Corn Muffins Mix half a cup of ment $3.80 each for these shells, ma Jas. Redden & Co. "The City, so far as its mind Can jca Why? Because of the anti-|cornmeal, one cup of flour, four level Apple Pot Pie Fill a deep dish |there is documentary official evidence | ! he reflected through its business! British and pro-German attitude of teaspoons of baking powder, three with sour apples, which have heen |0f the fact that on every shell made | on 20 and 990 tablespoons of melted sugar, one cup pared and sliced. Add a little boil- there was a clear profit of $2. In lat- | Phones 20 and 990. l J pik, Sos eg xd pee tablespoon ing ue and ok in a hot oven bs RS he Jiice was ut oO class or his opinion is not considered | of melted butter ake in gem pans until tender Make a crust as you |*~-?". : . | deserving of attention power Sir Adam Beck having in| elie a half an hour would for making baking powder |Shells have been notified that in all] Among the incalculable losses re-! ; ig : ras not| The feeling of resentment towards i ina '| future contracts the price to be paid i x i i timated that his Commission was n HN . biseuit Roll it out an inch thick ill b 1.85 J sulting from this great war there] Kingston |' iss Brrer, the prima donna, as seen LUNCHEON and lay over the apples. Return to we ot Boye tH It stands out prominently one benefit: «id does not expect to do so for|iM WOVIng pictures, is not without| Apple Fritters--Mix a cup and a the oven and bake about thirty min ABLE S score or More o ami on it has brought to all the countries : ; once | reason She was »o pro-Germian ag (half of flour, two-thirds of a cup of utes longer. Serve with a sauce ing eT Io 12 "i Ten a ke engaged in it--and to others--a re- : ! * | milk, one egg, and one and a half made by boiling two tablespoons of it is reported has declined to accep: | Llization such as they never had be-| mare to the Seymour. Company, the Allies. The desire to cut her.|io SPOONS of baking powder Fo butter and a cup of yuaple SYFrup in loraarene 3. an ened to as ma. | [OTe Of the relation bebween alcohol power on the "River|!he 4 5, : e * NET, {this batter add two apples that have which a tablespoon of flour has heen ehinery h b eli ifistalled os the | and efficiency. Something, and per- leven in pictures, is very natural. been pared and cut in sclices. Drop dissolved Serve hog. : as hee = ed. ane 3 haps much, of that new knowledge is | Trent I'wite it made overtures toj ind ry re re | --_---------- a ar se AA Ars ti ustry organized, «nere is no doubt sure to remain after peace returns, for, of course, it is not only with the City, through-a Committee off A gigruption of the Austrian Gov- i that the shells can be made profitably : { p is 36 1 the City Council and through' thé ernment immediately followed the % [al the new price, although it is. 36 success in fighting that strong drink interferes, or only in war that men men, is not disposed to walt for an-jcertain officers in the United States other ten years for cheaper electric This is surprising a position to serve ars, attention has turned It} to use offensive language towards controls the per cent. less than the price which Commission, without result. On each yisit of Wilhelm to Joseph No - " the shell-makers have been y Joseph. ) - getting. ita occasion the Hydro-Electric Commis-| wonder they wept when they real- | in mes We don't think that the manufactur- eed todare all their wits about them Every Ton of sion rendered the application in-|jzed how futile had been their efforts ers 3ffecteq- have any just cause'for EE io3 Ye Eg iminBol ak Ming ; Complaint : OUR COAL effective by promising an early ser-|/to subjugate the world. It is true Doubtless the prices of other and Best of All Gifts, vice --and failing in its plans that Serbia has been erushed, and to b | 1a Plondon Advertiser + . chask . rger shells will also be cut soon. rads han at made a great is a cheek on the Now the Seymour Company will|that end the war was declared. 1 Reasonable profits no reasonable per- : : 3 " '" re 5: negotiations for' a civie ton a To SUNSHINE : son will object to: but there will be| Christmas contribution to the Em- Bank of Comfort resume neggtiations - : 5 Oh, Jet us wear the cheerful grin, and mugs that pire, given almost twice what was ' . tol . . it| Russiansacting as inspectors at the . ih } , gs that|no general regret at the ending of the : (Cash in now act, if given the assurance that it ~ Stine like new made tin, when we are paying taxes; | profiteering orgie { asked, it is said. But the intimate, ses TL . Will be. considerpd upon. its merits. Leeqmites Works, in Kingelon. aad 'tis customary then to seowl, and lean against a fence i Ttiendly sin to the soldiers in the You get full value for : of work that is being done for the and howl, and brandish battle-axes But all j cities and towns and in the trenches : The Company has the power, an , Yi : ? 8. ut all our A Precious Lesson of the War. v ; Oar abundance of it, without u further Russian Government. Wii Dot svadk $ howling doesn't help, vor dose our. protest, groan or New York Times. jis ok tu, he made. oa 1 1 development of its plant. The Hy- German, though they know the lan- yelp, we myst dig up the roubles; the treasurer rakes ] : 4 ¥ : o in the dusthand doesn't notice our disgust, or care Surprise Is, expressed in the de-|or your friend in this case is going . \ guage, and will not use tools made in § 8 ' spatches from London that the sud-|o give you anything in return He dro-Electric Commission may buy], 4 ? - About our troubles. And since it doesn't pay to roar, den and severe limitation of the hours p ; i the property, as it essayed to do a Germany. Russians take the mis-|§ WEE What is the use of acting sore, as though bereft of |in which intoxicants ean be bought hae airgady ousted his gl i Yous Steady Burning : i conduct of the Germans very serious- \ 3 . senses ? Why itt 2 m wi © a sma ng by i couple of years ago, but, this is a : } HE it ie Wn Rot use our NHS Tone is say there has hot causéd anything Uke comparison. But be sure to give if. Heat Producing proceeding that present circumstan-| 2 , penses 7 'Twere better far to sing and te as we Ee phouRL | rote resistance It will "help to sustain ur nlite The Kind You Need ces do not justify. Aside from a pur-| The subsistence pay of the soldiers cough up our meagre pile, to keep the wheels a-turn- the apparent cheerfulness with which | arms Ind any su Bag nein fo vie Offord ux ine privilege to de. chase, and possession in that way,|in Toronto, while unattached, has DE lL help us os 2 future da}. when, in ths good [the new rules have been received | : : there is : 4 2 way, for Public Trusts we're yearning, | and obeyed is not, after all, very sur-| . . there is very little probability of 'the! been Tesreagel by Woe aay, or 70e Some day, to.make your store increase, you'll run oe: prising. | Kitchener Still War Minister, | rent power passing into the con.|{per week. In other words, the pay NTL MASON, justice of the péace, or something of that nature, or There would naturally be some re-, london, Dec. 3.-- Premier Asquith) ra or trol of a Hydro-Electric Commiss- [of the unmarried man has been in-{ you may higher yet aspire, and through the press voice your desire to join |luctance on the part of anybody with | yesterday finally disposed of rumors "p ion, and. the Seymour Company| creased from 50c to 60e per day, andthe legislature. Then, if you always raised a bawl, when in es in|8 Teputation worth saving to confess| that Lord Kitchener had withdrawn oot of Queen Street, ¥ ¥ the fall, the story will conf i your Paying tazes in | : Phone 9. would, therefore, appear to be (he|of the married man from 75¢ to 80¢ * ory will confound you. you'll see true patriots arise to dot |that the daily periods of permitted! from the Cabinet. Answering a lv organigati hich per day. Does this rule apply to all You one between the eyes, and flash their knives around you. sales were not long enough for him to | query addressed to him in the House ORl¥ organization which can. serve a; : get all he needy or even wants tof of Commons, the Prime Minister "=-- ee ee The negotaitions for power must, recruiting stations, or to Toronto's ow . |drink. And almost everybody else] stated that Ritchener has resumed Men who live on tick are of course, be conducted through theionly?, greens TA TT ee Masog, either belongs to the - imarticulate' his 'duties as War Minister." as regular as clockwork. v

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