PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, EY ETRE LE Er A TC I LT TS ETT SC TEA TREO OTS Ors Tes ss SAS TO Overcoat Protection () $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 up to $22.00 AT LET. MUSRES | aT, hs | Fells How Pte V. T. Aikens Was At the grand hilled--The Kingston Young Man ! I nt « Asked Him To Write Home «t \ikens 2 r ' tevile , AS pia xd Oct. 231 re , ¥ ¢ re photo-play Grand Ope Fie a} ) 1 for WMq a » Marriage ol appears from eller Te t with the famous comedienne n the ¥ i roie a three-ree niversa : play comedy v, and the digging, Pathe films, showing war scenes in grena landed in (ye Balkans and the latest fashions group. of men. Two Th vaudeville includes Kathleer Killed and Alkens Kila-wah-3 the celebrated Indian the back, and legs. harpist, direct from a New York en to hospital where gagement, and Fox and Evans, black fron loss I face comedians, in singing and dan« 88 who rimselt stated that Pte "Shooting Of Dan McGrew," Coming ne of the best soldiers The first production of the Metrc any, and faced death like programe w h will be seen at the rand never murmured, Strand theatre. on Ded - him to write to his sis Kth s the picturization kens was not quite twen-' w Sarvice's great poem 1 He was buried in a "The Shooting o Dan MeGrew iveyard in Belgium where 80 with Edmund Breese the eminent of Canada's heroes lie dramatic star, in the leading role. It 8 a poem that has probably created Lyman MacCallum Writes more favorable comment than any Dr I ( D. MacCallum ha Ire other rhyme of the Alaskan wilds ceive the following letter dated Powerfully vivid, and written in-red Nov. 20th, from his nephew, Lyman blooded style, "The Shooting of Dan MacCallum, Queen's E 16er Who | MeGrew' is the best worK of the Am was wounded erican Kipling. Edmund Breese anc * . » . Military Tailoring We have in stock a complete range of Khaki, Meltons, Frieze. Whin Cord. Tweed, Bedford Cord, for British. Warms, Great Coats, Service Jackets and Breeches exact shade and eorrect naterials vhieh we will make to vour measure af rieht pric Prompt delivers LIVINGSTON'S, Brock St. A little out of the way, but it will pay you to whik. Special Sale of Arti clesSuitablefor Xmas Gifts Men's Silk Ties £5 dozen.--A special purchase of high class silk Four-in-Hand Ties, cach one 4n a pretty gift box; all the new patterns, stripes, Spots, brocades and plain colors! Ties worth 40¢ to Hi) To-Night for 25c Boxes Embroidered Handkerchiefs 100 boxes, each eOntaining six pretty em- broidered Handkerchiefs, all different patterns, worth 15¢ and 20¢ each, dpee ial To-Night Box of 6 for 50c 75 boxes, with three extra fine hemstitehed and embroidered | Handkerchiefs, different pat- terns: regular 25¢ and 30¢ quality. Special to- night oie Box of 3 for 50c |i the supervision of the new trench HH | | I'his is a left-handed letter I the company supporting him jour got a bullet across the back of my neved {o the Northwestern Canadian right fore-arm It didn't hurt | woods during the heavy snow sea much and nothing was broken I'ie | son, where all the big out deor wound is already nearly healed scenes were staged. "The Shooting of After two days travel 1 arrived Dan McGrew" is in five parts, and in here at the base hospital in France one f the real big productions of last night I had a hot bath and | the period | slept between sheets I'he nurses ---- are American and Canadian and are Sinews of War very nice I am still in France but Money he shave it men we may be scent to England Really I| want! So goes the ery of the Gov have had such a good time that I am | ernment to-day The Sinews of not the least bit sorry'the Germans | War a big three real story tells of the did get me mple farm hand who gives his strength to his country and nearly ves his life as well See it and NS : other good reels at the Idehl The atre Monday and Tuesday | ¢ OFFICER SPEAKS GALLANT WORK LIEUT. EDWIN BAKER Addressed on Friday Atternoon By \ Mrs, H. A. Lavell, I'he Students' Volunteer Band met . Friday afternoon at Queen's Mrs Showed Extreme Courage In His gy 4 " [001] read an interesting pa Work. per on "The Broad Culture Demand father ed of Missionaries Mrs Lavell STUDENTS VOLUNTEER BAND Fook Over Supervision of Trench Work, At a Most Critical Stage-- lohn Baker, Collins Bay of Lieut. Kdwin A. Baker, the young opened her discourse by defining Queen's graduate, who lost the sight| "Culture," apart from the German of both his eyes as a result of doing view, and showed how the mission his "bit" at the front, has received a ary must be developed in all lines ol letter from Major Charles R, Hill, culture She showed that it was officer commanding nD" Company, not the slow, inter! one that was fit | 28th Battalion, 2nd Canadian Divis- for the mission field but the man ion, inc which particulars are given of With the greatest energy As the the fighting in which Lieut. Baker heathen, though d.%cient in Chris | was engaged ISeut. Baker is now tian Knowledge, are very intelligeni {in hospital in England: The letter In their own religion, therefore it re | was written in the trenches in Bel- Quires much power on the part of jum, was dated Nov. 14th, and reads the missionary to beé able to con as follows "As officer commanding "I" Com. Wust show it in experiments such as pany, of the 28th Battalion, I had in agriculture, architecture, and in Baker almost any other ways Hence the suc | cessful missionary is the one who is clever and versed in all lines of the higher ideals of mankind Mrs. La vell gave a very clear idea to those who are pursuing missionary work as to what their aim should be, occasion to meet Lieut daily, whie we were in the trench- l es, and he was always as cheerful as sunshine On the night of Oct | 8th, my company was in a salient, | close to the German lines when they | blew up our trenches with two huge | mines This was followed by a fire fight which lasted pretty well throughout the night, Lieut. Baker rushed up to jour trenches, as soon as the trouble started, and immediately took over Princess Street Methodist Evert, The members of Princess Street Methodist Church held their annual sale and tea on Friday afternoon in the school The sale provided a great success The tollowing mem bers had charge of the tables Apron table Mrs Clark, ., Mrs Gwatkins Home-made table--Mrs. J. Prin gle Mrs. Darling Fancy work table Mrs. W. Gard iner, Mrs. Caverly Tea table, Mrs. (Rev.) Pierce, Mrs. Ainsley, Miss A. Brebner, Miss | L. Mcllqubane, Mrs. Baker, and Mrs Horne work This was a serious matter as the ground was in an awful state land the reconstruction had to be {done in dark and under fire. How { ever, your dauntless son tacked the job, with characteristic energy and { skill, and before daybreak he had the Huns shut off again Following the explosion we were {bombarded for several days by high | explosive shells which did more * S I | damage to our trenches, one blow Mrs. M. Gardiner received at the ling a big bole in the front. Unfortun- door and Mrs H. E. Curry had lately, your son, in the course of his charge of the plate A good sum [work at night, got to the exploded Was realized from the Sele { place and was shot across the eves as [you know He was brought to my | dugout and attended by our doctor, ap { a us 's and it would have made your heart {swell with pride to see the supreme d courage with which he bore pain." 0 y oun The writer added that Lieut. Bak > fr was quite cheerful and energetl At Ww ll t { cally taking up the touch sys e ng on 'He should get.a military cross, Ae > | seid The body of Capt. La Rush, who lost his life when the tug Frank C.| Barnes, Toronto, went down near) Salmon Point, some few weeks ago,| Sale of Water Color Sketches by W found on Fi 7 elli | ; riday near Welling- | | Mrs. Joseph Power and Miss Drum- iy ound body he be taken. For the Red Cross Frnd . | | mond, at the residence of Mrs. Pow-' mor nie The deceased was for-| er, 712 Sydenham Place, on Wednes- merly of Wolfe Island. | day and Thursday the 8th and 9th, It will be rememue: ed that the tug | [from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. * Barnes, which belonged to the Can-| i | | Thursday afternoon, 10 cent tea ada Steamship Company, was on her jane sale of fancy work, etc., for mis- way from Port Dalhousie, to Montre- | j sons | al, when she ran into a terrible gale! | on the lake and foundered. There | vince them his way is the better. He | 3 Police Court Brevities. were six people on board, but only |f§ William Simons, for vagrancy, was two bodies have as yet been found, | a fined $10 and costs or one month. that of Capt. LaRush and the Japan- | A Kingstonian, charged by his wife | ese cook. | with nen-support and using abusive X New Stock | language, was bound over to keep | Beautiful New Stock To Choose. | the peace. I Provost, Brock 'street, has this |i | Michael Hart, for being drunk, | year an extra fine assortment of {i Home Nursing Course, Y.W.C.A. | ready-made clothing and gents' fur-| Dr. E. C. D.- MacCallurng will give | nishing departments are well assort- | the lecture Tuesday evening, Dec. | ed with new goods. Tth., subject: "Contagion and Disin- em son's Red Cross Drug Store. Smallest Penkaife Known. " The smallest penknife jin the] world is the handiwork of Dr. John 3 : H. Temple of Marshaliton, Pa. The| Announcements bandle, made of gold, is three six- 'teepths of an inch in length and the! 3 i Noti haracter re- blade is two-sixteenths of an inch A re 2s long. Its weight somewhat lesa '] admission fee is charged, than one-half gral { inser' e in the a ian . a3 { $2 huang t 10c a Jae jor orn nsertion wand 5 ne for eac Chosen Friends. {] consecutive insertion: or 10¢ { Council 121 meets Moudar even-|| Lne each insertion. If reading | ing, 6th. Business of importance | Anneuncements for societies. iis to be brought up. All members | §luby, or other SEgAnizstions of - { u are or Lt - re NO p- jare Fequested to be present. If sloa al er a _-- it ve OF To this fond at one cent "Week-end Sweets," from 25¢ | » word, with s minimum of box up to $2, at Gibson's Red Crossi} °F one insertion. i Drug Store. : i RE ERC | was fined $1 and costs. tweeds, cheviots and serges for his || (order clothing department. His | § fection." Hour, 8 o'clock. { "A 50c Emulsion for 25c¢.," at Gib- | H 1915. _ BOOALMAALS AAAALALALAAMAADLLANALAAMLSAASCNALAAASALMLALAALAAAASALALABANSSS To-Night =. You may share with us the saving on ¢ particularly good purchase just received. 300 Children'sand Young Girls' Night- gowns in White Fannelette 100 g1zes 6, S, 10 vears. worth Hie, ton 00 sizes 6, 8, 10 vears, worth 7ae, for L ~ 150 sizes 12, 14, 16 vears, worth Toe. for TOP VOU VOY TUYTY 200 Men's Flannelette Nightgowns . Made from a good quality English flannelette, in neat stripes, full sizes and sworth regularly #1. Yours To-Night 50c Each Men's Warm Underwear The soft, comfortable makes that are unshrinkable and not too heavy. A munmber of makes to select from See these to-night. o-Night Your opportunity to choose a Winter Coat from over 300 we Stylish 72 Winter Coats All the new cloths. Also in Seal, Plush and Sealette, with a number of stylish models in Furtex and Matalam. i We have a number of New Coats at special prices, --At $10.00 -At $15.00 f -- At $20.00 § You may choose anv coat vou wish and have it ready when wanted if vou pick them out to-night. AnotherDrop inPrices of Men's Fine Boots at The Lockett Shoe Store After the big Agana Sale, we find about 70 pairs left, hick 83. 00 we now put into ene lot. Your choice. These are splendid bargains, nearly all of them £35.00 quality, in Regal and other makes, and include all sizes, from 5 1-2 to 10. This ig an unusual chance om mar The Lockett Shoe Store