PAGE THREE THE DAIL: BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15 a SE : | Best's | The Store of a Thousand Gifts EE A A SA Toilet and Ma Setts: i I nicure hon from $2 1 Silve $25 specia MIL $10 Told In Twilight frre reery Pree rr rere SHOP EARLY AND LATE At Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. Lr NSN Te ---- bei | bel Ito | the tea hour Handicapped. The merchant who does not advertise is delil putt\ng a severe handicap on his own success. The "Shrinking Violet" methods will not attract trade. You may have the best that money can buy, and expert knowledge to assist you in stocking the very finest in your line, but unless you tell people what you have got, where to find you, and why yours is the best, the goods will remain on, your shelves People must KNOW, and this paper is at your Service for erately m {John | per and SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Made Easy { | Eon Every Egg | Guaranteed 36¢ | Arms i A The Wm. Davies Co. Ltd.,, Phone 597. Our Forethought and Plannings at Your Disposal. (ireat preparations made for Xmas shop- pers. Smoking Jackets, House Coats, Dressing (towns and Bath Robes. Very early buying en- ables vou to secure any of these lines at old prices. Thev are made ex- pressly for us«in Lon- don, England. They combine com- fort and durability. EERIE iE. P. Jenkins Clothing Company. 'A new programme for the improve- ment of the coast defences for the mobile artillery of the United Sta- tes to their maximum military effi- cieney at a cost of $100,000,000 has been completed by the war depart- ment. i Katharine | Monday at Miss Lettice | street | Monday {two | Brockville town, days with Mr. Sherron, phia, announce the marriage of their elder daughter, Sherron, to Wiliam Wendling An- glin, younger and Mrs. W. ton, home of ilton + and a num later » play v "growin up me n cup of tea The eluded Kathleen Carruthers Christmas, Betty Nickle gstocke, Jane Swift, Bet- Penge, Mary Frances and Harry Jones, Clare ¢, St. George Boyd, Jamie John Cunnin 2H. have a guest Margaret Rigney and Miss Dorothy and Miss Kathleen Carruthers entertained informally at it ""Annandale' on Tues of Miss Alixe Ottawa, when the other guests in cluded Mr W. KE. Steacy, Mrs, Lang le Mr Harold Lewl Miss Isabell Waldrox Miss Kirkpatrick Miss Marjorie Brownf Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Charlie and Miss Hart ' day in honor Garvii Lassie eld Short Club met Mandy's, King After the new year, the first meeting willgpe held at the home of Mrs. James Cappon, Barrie street . OL. The I. C. Reading last ven on af Mr sup A jolly driving evening party was gi he young people terwards going to the home of Donnelly, Earl street and an impromptu dance u » » for Acting.Commandant, staff lemen Cadets of Royal are entertaining at after t presen The Gent Military College, tea this afternoon tation of prizes . the he « = ave- Sat Miss Olive Chiown, University nue, entertained informally on urday evening in honor of Miss Dor othy Chown and Miss Grace McLel land aie. MacFarlane have and her returned Mrs. James grandehildren Montreal, where they went to meet Mrs, Kenny, who is from England Mrs, Kenny has heen iting her sister, Mrs, I. A. Hammond, from none vis {at present staying in Folkestone Major Sears spent Sunday in Miss street, to, after visiting her aunt Maclennan Mary Strange, Sydenham returned Monday from Toron Mrs. James Mrs. G. J. Mackay, Ottawa, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Crawford, Division street, Miss Alice McKinnon, Charlotte- P.E.1., attending Macdonald College, will spend Christmas with Miss Edith Fraser, Wesl street Mrs. James F Leslie, William street, has returned from Westfield, Mass. where she had been visiting her | daughter, Mrs. Ryckman. Miss Charlotte Macdonald College, come to Kingston to spend a few and Mrs. H. B. Mills, Bagot street, before going to Fulton, N.Y., where she will spend Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Mills will also go to Fulton for the Christmastide. - * - . wvcKay, attending St. Anne, will Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson Hamilton Court, Philadel- Josephine Eveline of Lieat.-Col. G. Anglin, Kings- took place at the the bride's parents, Ham- Court, at noon on December Mr. and Mrs. Anglin have friends in Kingston, who ex- congratulations. The bride son which 11th. many tend has several times been the guest of Mrs. F. 8. S. Johnston, King. street. ----------_ . - . ® William Skinner, Clergy left to-day for Baldwinsville, . to spend a mouth with her daughter, Mrs. E. H Marvin. Miss Olivé Woodman, Earl street, has returned from Ontario Ladies' College to spend Christmas with her parents. Miss Edith Wpeenshall, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. H. Betts, Albert street. A. A. Simmons, Wilton, and Miss, Ruby Thompson, Odessa, spent Sun- Mrs street, N little Seb P rtrd bps { Probs i : ea a a aan TE winds; fair and cold Thursday :: DESIRES TO INCREASE BUT MUST LAND PLANT MORE Irs HAVE yoks Wharf ompany Is the Canadian Locomotive ( Permission To Extend 200 Feet Further Into Harbor m1 Board of lay afternoon I Engineer i's expendit reported 11 1h yropriation. If rebuilding aid tl ) ippropria to provide against snow tween 1 yan he end of Me Hon W} ft the Infant latm $50 damage stained by falling defective sidewalk and for loss wages white out of work. The Board adopted the Selicitor's recommenda- § tion | The Board meeting on Engines on on th oper for or injuries on an alleged |g) ¢ 1 of 1 will Monday to 3 reports ) and regarding during tt have 1] » 1 have I Boxes--regulay Nicely boxe Braces and Armlets an Separate no¥tl that the of the Graham, had passed away In attendance at the meeting Alds. Richadson, Couper, Peters O'Connor Arm ts Bax (i wile whre ! Hi and doled dob dob dob ddd dob dof dh dd + WAR BULLETINS IB ge ye 1 + Official statements + fierce fight is raging a the + RE Yor * Dardanelles $1.00 200 of the very new up to $2.50 admits that n urred The enemy ing new igri has oo long The likely territory next big Balkan fight is to be fought on Greek and aero Toronto airmen chased troyed a large German de Special price Royal Society Needlework 8, et Men' s Gift Ties Dc Garters ntiest, stvle Dai And Reminding You That There Are But Eight More _ Shopping Days To Xmas hede-best., hy active the 1th Xmas Sale Prices ! Boudoir Caps charming N¢ York Caps 25¢. 50c, Te, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $ Camisoles the filmiest CS at $2.25, $2.75 1p 1 and washable $3.75. riced [RG Are a hbrassieres o1 5c Tea Aprons * Tea-Apror tty priced up te c--speclal 1 French Muslins, at 26¢, 39¢ & 59c. Dresser Covers," Bath Setts, Towels, from irl ped 12 Price "An He Quality' --all Sale Price new shapes, Men's Sus penders 50¢ and 7bc 50c to $1.26 50c ko $1.50 .25¢ 25c¢, oxo From = boxed, I and Armlet Om Women's Christmas Neckwear dal direct from New at 25¢, 35¢, 50c, 75c¢, art novelties sinartest plenty, giving newest and price d nere a Ht feature 1s tily boxed fer BOUNTIFUL STOCKS OF WONDROUS XMAS NOVELTIES AND PRACTICAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS ABOUND HERE AT MODERATE PRICES!!! WON'T YOU PLEASE SHOP EARLY ? plane off the Belgian coast A French squadron, compris- ing forty machines, bombed and destroyed enemy works in the Vosges. ter retrertorat dedrierlepdodedeb ddl blob bb ddd pd donded The Republics ationa] Conven-| next year will be held on June 7th, but did not mention any | of the four cities which want the convention. Middlesex County Council present-| ed Warden John Morgan with a gold tion "The Store STEACY'S With The Christmas Spirit' watch. Suggestions from the Jeweler for Christmas | A Cabinet of Sterling Silver for the Home, $73.00. {1 Pearl Handled Dessert Knives and Forkes, in Cases, from $12 up. fl Manicure Setts in Silver, Ebony, and White Ivory. f Gentlethien's Signet and Stone Rings, Tie Pins and Retainers, Cuff Links, Safety Razors, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Waldemar Chains, Travelling Setts, Military Brushes, Lockets, etc. Ladies' Card Cases in Sterling, and cheaper: Necklets im profu- sion; Bracelet Watches, expanding from £12.00 up. with guaran- tee; Diamond Rings and i Pearl Beads and Rosaries. SMITH BROS. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. New York I Fr ruit Store NEW ORANGES i : 20¢ and up to 50¢ a dozen NEW GRAPE FRUIT 3, 4 and 5 for 25¢ NEW DATES rin ad ' 10¢ a Ib. NEW MIXED NUTS 20¢ a Ib. CALIFORNIA PEARS 30¢ a dozen BANANAS .... 13¢ and 20¢ a dozen Fruits delivered to all parts of the city. 314 PRINCESS STREET. ~~ WARM FEET ! By wearing our Rubbers, Overshoes, and Felt Boots. Granby Biend wear like ron. LR 1 LN EY TIS OTT 70 Brock Street Phone 1405 Ae ni,