[---------- | SEAL BRAND, (OFFEE = Coffee-- that will make vour household happys your guests grateful; vourself enthu- siastic. Have Youil Looking Their Clothes Best I H drench Dry Cleaning wd Pressing MONTGOMERY DYE WORKS, Harris, Prop. Phone 225 PRINCESS N1 I. B 11a BLADDER 24 HOURS MIDY LIT LoL LAV] 3Y Farm for Sale iles from plenty of $1,750 .H. GODWIN & SON hone 424. 39 Brock St Coal Kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO., Foot of West St. Christmas Gifts The Store for Practical Christmas Gifts Hockey Boot: Moccasins, Overshoes, Kub- bers, Overgaiters, Warm Felt Slip- pers, Evening Shp- pers. SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS The Sawyer Shoe Store THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915 BADD OD ODDS SSSSS SS 6A | Some General Information for Busy People became Know edited by sly he Westminster maupy, f had bes says the I'he t of de ns ub ontempora! journal 5 He the first of lis 1 a battie on "five Jost the Dnieper, w | ceived pired Kutusoff. Later he was drowned, once "while Mosqua" and again fn Moscow, he lost his aud fell into a During retreat from Mos suffocated in his tent and buried 5,000 fathoms Finally he mortal wound ex Prince twice the "where as he gave his sword to rossing WHY reser voir the cow he was a few days later deep in a fall of snow reached Paris exasperated subjects immediatly "Iynchéd him These were the many fables concerning Napoleon which found their the century where lig some of way into newspapers a REO, iniboia I'he name of Assiniboia was formes ly at different times applied to two dis Canada, but now belongs properly to mone. The first was the district formed in 1885 by the Hud son's Bay company, having {no it Fort Gary, at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, in Land It ceased to exist when Rupert's Band was transferred (o Canada in 1870 I'he second regions, known untH re- cently as Assiniboia, was a district of the Northwest territories, given defi. nite existence by an act of the Domin ion parliament in 18TH It extended from the western boundary of Mani toba to the Hne of 111 degrees west and the parallel of 49 degrees north to 52 degrees north, Saskatche lay to the of the district, | and in 1905 the two were united, with slightly different honndaries of Saskatche 4 trict in dupert's from wan north der the name wan A Curious Wedding Present. Among the Brass West Africa when river tribes of cotiple the get oldest to pre married is the member them a them Jrom In edding viriied by SYR E Ibis grewsome w thee one most fe, the favorite native saying be "When I other things remains Badly been lef Missed Hugh with parents his graud wother was called his father A rway the lit was where grandmother ssid, ad when his the fliness of after sald, 1 | away by few tle fellow mother is" His "Why. think, if rou were the you would be missing your school," to { which he replied: "Yes. Bnt don't you know it is a great deal worse to miss mother than your sejool ?'--Ex- chauge. oe days she went wish 1 your All Extra some mistake about sald the departing guest your rates were $5 a day So they said the genial hotel proprietor, "but that's just for having your name on the reg Rooms and board are extra.' this "You "There's bill told me are ister Often 'the Case Smith--Is your church supported hy voluntary coptributiotis, Brether Black? Elder Bladk (of, the colored eharch) --No, sah, by inveluntary contributions, sah! It's jes' like palin' teeth to get money outer that congregativu, yas, sah! - Excelienhce o attalu to any excellence speud life Tn some ove sin: for excellende ts pot often gained upon easieriterus --~Johuson The Word "Briddl Bridal, as meaning a feast to brate a wedding. is really "beide ale" ale" 'being the terms form used to indicate the festival iv Eugland. Easy to Take. Volce--Is this the weather bureau? tlo® about a shower tonight? Prophet. ~Don't ask me. If you need one take wh I Those common! s i gle pursuit, ote Tale of Theee Nations emen Were oie dining to hotel when the conversa the characiprist ne gent! cs of mal wea utifu beautif At times she is beantift euth She has Eighth Ninth. "1 st tifnl, but there are good looking Tenth, "For been trying to find has any beauty Well ves ™ bean vutifa wldn't she is say times when she is ten days 1 have whether she brains or not. I have decided that she has And I remember very weil the first time I met her 1 thought beautiful! the pas ont not ber The Original Wedding Cake wedding cake is thé remains of a custom whereby a Roman bride had inn ber left hand three wheat ears. and centuries later an English bride head a chaplet of wheat ittendant girls threw com, either in gmall bits of hiscoit or cake, up the heads of the newly married couple, and the guests picked up the pieces and ate them. Soch wae the begioning of the wedding cake which did not come into general' use until the eighteenth century and was then co solid blocks lald to iced all gover with sugar when the outer c¢rust was the bride's head the cakes the and they were then distributed among the « any wore The in grains or on her ymposged of gether and so that 'oken over side fe I floor qupany Travels of a Sapphire A sapphire of good quality which was cut into a gem weighing one and three. eighths carats discovered in the gravel along the shore of Lake Okoboji Dickinson county, la, in 1011 It is described as resembling a pleco of bine bottle glass worn round avd smooth by attrition and is stated to _be the blue variety and to have a uste I'l sen Wily transported to the was corn flower good velvety was prob Okaboii lake n by ice dnring the 1 g with Ifge Variet f other mix WEE, and its origina surmised His Own Estimate the qualiicatior Mrs t's hard asked I'rumpit casaally to se replied I thoughtfull A man of at cunning hier nust amd have digposition Oh, Frank exciaimed his wife in tones I should think you like to play with shocked woulda t cards such horrid people The husband answered proudly at's all right I Answers nearly always Londo Fortunate "1 wish to thank you for great forbearance," said the departing guest, "Oh--ér--don't mention it." answered the proprietor, with a slightly puzzied look. "I'm glad you're pleased." "Yes," continued the d. g., "cousider- ing the rapacity of the attendants in this hotel, I deem myself fortunate In not being locked in my room and held for ransom.' your a A Case of Hang Oneself. Proprietor of a Concert Party (en- gaging a soprano)--Now,'] want yon to understand, Miss Deerly, that | ike my boys and girls to be one big family no quarteling, no jealofisy. Mjss Deerly -- Oh, that's qoite all right! I've never heard anything in the work of any other singer to giv" ms the slightest cause for jealousy. The Hiding Place. 'My dear, I don't think the guests liked your caviar sandwiches." "Why, they are all gone from thy ta bie." "Yes, but I found most of 'em inside the grand plane." --" Your Opportunity. Life is merely an opportunity, and wasting ft or miking the most of it is merely a matter of personal choice Proved It Jinks--Shie's decidedly agamst viv) section Jenks-! found it cat the min: nte {| tried to open my lLicart te her Club Fellow. When all Is holiday {here are, fio hall days. -- Charles Lami 1 » Fighting Moles were walking Adirondacks bat titar toward a Generosity that Honey uel their ith ' heart bey wi f dollars t not spare a k itd to their YO th ma vi cot s A man good eds aud huodreds hurel charity, 1 ind next doo vio generous ralizes his en he is gronchy, peevish ing or fnsulting. We often hear a tninted money I'iere is such ¢ and in r Toaniifos: thin where a spleentu good cause will do no serpent is mderstand over up the reason so furn out influence for causes nent gent wi o instance more mean, snarly im of me 10 he re he track People ie gift cann man gives a s mey to a fused It f the should ight over that thelr ures his is without the good Angora Kabbits long haired Angora rabbit is a native of Asia Mino: Its name {8 de rived from the f Angora where almost all the animals of what have loug fine silky bair Over a hundred years ago the of the Angora rabbit attracted atten tion, and it was introduced to Europe The peasants of Swikeerland, Savoy and Flanders han hem bred the-aul ma and io Augora yahbits are a considerable profit. Soft forry "Angora" caps and mittens and other articles of clothing » koit from yarn spun from the bair i) the Angora rabbit. The bair is sheared periodically. like the fleece of sheep. but is combed off every few months. In the course of a three-quarters of a pound of obfained from a single animal I'he province « ever species beauty those countries source of not year some hair is Children's Pets Burbank vor of children's pets Luther voices his went in Eystem f 1 Mant "Ey alning the ery child should hav grasshoppers, wils I 8, frogs, mud strawberries, u ples vi 1 turtles, elderberries wild I'ees 10 « Orns hestanis mb, brooks to wade in, wa {e ites, woodchucks, hats ees bart rifles, various sunimals to 10K ild who hese has been depri rt of his education iequainted with an to the most infim nature. whose lessons naturdl and wholesome." Odors In the Arctic I'Sere is nothing like tion for to swells. Dr yalar explora increasing one's susceptibility Nansen told how approaching Franz Josef Land knew when he the mleghbor hood of a friend whom he had left in charge of a base. "I smelled scented long before 1 and afterward as we his but I believe I could bave given a sort of inventory of everything it contained without cutering. The odors of the petroleum, coffee, cheese, tea, etc, reached me quite separately and distinctly when he was in there Lis him soap saw approached To Cook Bacon. In a dripping pan place a wire cake and on this Jay your slices of bacon. Bake iu a hot oven fifteen min utes, when ba roy will be brown, erigh sud Try and the fat in Pan as cleat as crystal. This prevents smoke and spat- tering which come from frying bacen, cooler To Bring It Out '1 know I've got a vein of poetry 1a te, sir" confidently assérted the young man fo the editor, "snd al I want is a chance to bring it out. What would you suggest, sir?" "I think yon haQ better see a doctor | and have It landed." Qualified. "We wan! some one to play Samsop," explained the movie manager. "Do rou think you could wreck the tem- ple 7 Well, "Cam 1? man for eleven years' V'ra Leen n haggage The Hovden The word lhovden. now applied ex- clusively to ® poisy young woman, for- imerly degoted a person of like char- - | meter, but of either sex. Think well over your important steps in life and, baring made up yor mind, sever look Lehdnd 4 » + Hon | 0 t { -- jectrie Te n und up eauntiful Chandelic 85.00 Phone 441 Dr J. Collis Browne's Kingston's Electric Store. Christmas Suggestions © HW NEWMAN ELECTRIC 0, 79 PRINCESS ST. MP WE EEE WEE EWE ECCWEEE WEEE EE CE ECE EWCEEUC COTTE P4GE FELEVER MAS sSSANAN RNAS LSHM, of 83.00; Table Lamp TTY TYP Y VV V YY EYEE YY YEE TEE TOES THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE The Most Valuable Mens The best known ine ev er discovered or COUGHS, CoLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. attacks of SFASMS. Ch diseases ~ FEVER, CROUP in NEURALGIA Effectually cuts short al' often fala The only palliative GOUT Chlorodyne ad ef INSIST ON HAVING Dr COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Nile the districts near the swamps prs success of The immense tas Remedy has given rise woods, where sn squirrel g ind guine fow wild and more i col I » the | B north there are rhin to many imitations Every boitle of Chiorodyae Be bears on the the name of ughout the countr; > inventor, Dr. 3 1 kites abour Collis Be Genuin bes 1nd Hamp id thro many va the ywne A Giant the Sun Canopus ystem, i ace Sidnt of 1 tellar rding to ent wlation of W 1 A\ I times as 40 000 | Wholesale Agents J yman Bros. Co, '1} » bright as the ae large as fhe times or IR time 1 MODAN BABDBODAMRLAILOONMADOANLLODM me 1 AEDICAL TY DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY & CHOLERA ecks and arrests those toc and AGUE RHEUMATISM CONVINCING STIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE iby all Chemisin in England yn le 4/8 vie Manulacturers I 1. DAVENPORT Lid, LONDON tmited, Toronto De Just Arrived VALALAAALLALRLAALALALLAAALDANDAASNALSMASASD ifter years Npanisi aguiust ended enjoying the society ren where, however, he "* peace | nd other grea Tatler Ligie Lomdor { ( Perplexing Plurals Elsie had just tied Little grade iu school the where (he dy ¢ ¥ grammar is a part of the day's work § 3. rea EE Ew 7 n nd of the singular a ~ The e L ig EE Cu form of words. She kKultted her little BE R 0 N C H things she was brow and looked puzzled when she asked her mother "As thre plaral of bird burdeu™" "Why, dear, how that?' the mother answered "Well," explained the said Willie Blank bird heard you say that he and his brothers and sisters were such a mother." --Exc¢hauge could you think child father was a and 1 burden to thei ; Toil's Victim Interested Friend -- 1: Willie doing well at college this year Fond Moth er--Oh, very! 1 kmow he must be why 18 - i studying dreadfully hard because only the other day the president told Mm he thust either change hig ways or go somewhere else for his health Health Fxhibition, Poris, w» Fete 20 ig 1t Was Beth "What do yon thiwk of old Une! fer devising all his moter for of a wausoleum mains 7' said the first neds relat "Awful replied just a willful waste Huh! Tanita wasteful e Pe the ere Conghs and Cold Bronchizl Trouzbles Nazal Catarrh Bos raspoas his ro OT er the second Kindrssd Bpirita | \#You and Girump seem t | pretty well" "Yen You ser he never borrows snythog but trouble and that's all 1 | ever hid to lend." | | Genthe Ands fa nwn road and carries its own lamp. -- Whimott, 7 Puttees! BRIER. re TE Crawford & Walsh Tailors, Bagot and Princess Sts. re for IAL UGHS t Awaroed Grand Prix and Gold Medal, International 1210 Bifltcutt Breathing Whooping Cough Blood Spitiing Asthma ho Peeiemni al eg ea Cae Ss