THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915 DGD (1D GEEND CD GEEED (D (IED (0D (HEED (D> GREED D GENED GD (ENED ¢ o < Yes-- nT ! The Good Old fashioned FE Washing Compound | Foo COMPOUND - THE GREAT INVENTION 1S now made In |FamteNes Canada I" you have never used Pearline because of your loyalty to home products you no longer need do without It Po made jn the P.&G. Use 1t and you PAGE TWELVE _ vee and considerable quantities of grain THE COOKE STUDIO AK didi ; Sing ge Reh e is\pr g 1c Moor preparing | grains grown are wheat, bariey and VET { 3 ml € Mg y vice. Corn is planted in small guanti- - | ties. but is used only for roasting ears o- ~ 1 : 0 : 159 Wellington Street, INSURE Frontenac Oats and rye are seldom sown. Ex One Door South of BAKING | | [emma aa Persian Agriculture. great arid, wastes of F R om THE COUN TRYSID:| pres sicker ar lation. Such, however, is not the case, WASHING { DONALDSON. Ww. J. Donaldson carioaua o to with a however, now new factories at. Hamilton double purpose of patronizing a Canadian industry and doing your rough best. achieve the leave and arr Johns street ¢ Kate Ferguson Mrs Golun West GERD (0D GED ( 0D (ED (0D GED (0D GED ¢D GED GO leaning The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. few men are of Canada, Ltd Hamilton, Canada Bells eville 6.58 p.m I ' ; par f¢ the oo y for th 5 cents chool house it frozen over Golug Lest Some OD GED (D GED 4D Mall 140 a.m Tam apy HE WHITEST . of t akes are Abe mm Fast Ex 58am r mre ov Richard Wilson and wife vis Doc. 4 ying Hoppins Aaron Hoppins : p.1 { fan t George Timmerman's OD (ED (D ED (D (ED (oD (ED (0D GEED ¢ 0D GED (0D GE) ( | D (ENED (1D (ND CD (HEED CD (RD (0D (ED (D GED CD (E> 4D Ga S-UNKI-ST: APRICOTS PEACHES a guest in the village Rev McFarlane exchanged, pulpits at Gan services missionary 10 UE for KEELERVILLE anoqu or Sleighs made their appearances on i I'he cept along the Caspian coast, Persian srinde Cpa igriculture is dependent almost entire Brock Street ly on Irrigation. The agricultural im plements used in Persia are of the most are sorry to note the prinitive kind. Plows are made from ! ) William Meé¢Kenzie, but YONGE MILLS. | forks of small trees, with the addition iT D i] N RAILW i Seu . 0 . } a § peedy recovery W i1- i Le § The young people are] of gy iron shaze, It is stated to be doubt Ss Li) | | \ ord and family have Moved | prepar pg for a Christmas entertain | whether the yield of Mrs, H. Morrow, sr.lment to be held in the Stone Church | ain would be greatly increased by le, spent Sunday at!iphe 21st Mrs, Fernival and son ¥ Local Branch Time <Table Robert Sargéant,| Syracuse, N.Y. paid a brief visit to usiog modern plows, as there is no sod r nade business [her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gib-| and this crude implement seems tostir IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1918 SUE e rec y S {son Miss Edith Duncan, Caintown, the soil fairly well t 5 8 spent the week-end the guest of Miss oe { Carpenter | Wonders of the World. Brockville, spent a few days with her Three groups of "wonders," each 19--Mall Re 20 bo GLENDOWER sister, Mrs. Burnham Miss Laura) containing seven are listed as seven ast ¥ 58 a.m e mail man has ade Ferguson returned home from Brock wonders of the ancient world, seven Bio] rH a 3 E i ; ps all ri Whe Free vi le » here She spemt 8 ta] wonders of the middle ages and seven Mai « ros work-| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Syrplus, Lans. | Yongers of the modery world. The mies Pra duvre, were Woek-ond ghests of Mr.) first group comprises pyramids of Christ-{ and Mrs I. Avery Egypt, pharos of Egypt, hanging gar- r | dens of Babylon. temple of Diana at | Ephesus, statue of Jupiter by Phidias, innipeg, was| mausoleum of Artemisia, colossus of Mr.| Rhodes. The second group comprises the coliseum of Rome, catacombs of Alexandria, Great wall of - China, Stonelenge, leaning tower of Pisa, por- : young peop + the Sth inst Mrs, Harold Mustard | celain tower of Nanking, mosque of St. MADE IN CANADA Reems TO aay BA Sey. | who has been the guest of relatives.) Sophia. The modern group comprises - wart preached here on Sun-| Das returned In Lot home ag Torom od wireless, telephone, aeroplame, radinm, % waiter com. Bo to a fairly large congrega Nise Goal JiLnen Pe seh antiseptics and antitoxins, speetrum OWDER TORONTO ONT tio A number of the farmers at-| her home al lgansvili a or] analysis, X ray. \ MONTREAL | the turkey fairs at Edgin, Dougall Fairfield, was the , RAISINS PRUNES Insist on "Sunkist" At All Grocers. | the Misses DeLongs S | Kingston last week = \ { | | | | | st and Seeley"s Bay Mrs Gananoque visit-! was at Frank M Emmons has returned from BAYIng Mapmaking. Mapmaking goes back to the earliest known time. It was a branch of the early picture writing practiced by sav- ages. In Tahiti, for instance, the na- tives were able to make fairly good . | : Dé tra belns maps for the guidance of explorers. : Tuesday mas entertainment Ihe remaius of | Maps with mised lines were in use in " < { ' -- - the late Jesse Delong, Watertown, |) Pern before the conquest. The oldest - GLENVALE N. ¥ were brought here for inter! gnown map is that of the Ethiopian Cc N DI N PACI IC | " 14, --Rev. Mr. Codling in-| ment Rev. Mr. McAlpine, baie} gold mines, dating from the time of CA A A nds preaching a special Christmas| conducted the funeral service on Sun-| gethoy I, the father of Rameses 1I., ermon ol Sunday afternoon next.|qazy afternoow in the Methodist} on papore the time of Aristagoras The The "TRANSCANADA" fi" © Ts 'widow, two married | 328 js bronze tablet. on which wate IDEAU" to Ottawa 5 From TORONTO Daily William Hammond | or bres. | inscribed the circuit of the earth and Aft T 6.10 P.M | had the sfortune to slip and give all the seas and rivers then known. 1 tternoon ral on Ontario | | | | | | his ankle severe sprain He is | | | | | Stanley Clark's Moore have re-| her eye Charle 1 Willian treated The sight wi home from the west A | saved Mr. and Mrs. E is from here attended the ba-| and family are moving into the vil Preparations Battersea on Friday night lage for the winter I'ruscott visited the school >» made for the annual Christ "KITCHENER" Is the name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian Geueral Electric Co. . Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. --FOR SALE AT-- Halliday's s Electric Shop, | Phone 94 - 345 og Btreet | CASTORIA valuable cow re couple Gibson lost a wallowed a Church having panied by his daughter x h PORT ARTHUR | under the doctor's care Briden Curiosity. FORT WILLIAM Leonard is unloading a carload of Little Virginia, aged five, J WINNIPEG | bran at the station A number from put to bed. but mot to sleep VANCOUVER here attended the sale of warm stock ennox in td | had been From her shore Cingston 5.40 pom. for Perth Smith's Falls, Merrlehville, Kempt ville Arrives OTTAWA 10 CENTRAL STATION Phrough Equipment and implements at Mrs. Harpell's bedroom came a little voice Burr Creek, on Friday last Mrs days last "Daddy, come here. you something." Daddy wasn't anxious to be disturb- Gar-| ed, so, thinking she was about to go to sleep, he said, "Well, wait till T eat this apple." He read for fifteen or twenty min- I want to tell Lighted Compartment Oh Standard and Tour- First-class Roddy, who spent a few week with Mrs. Hamilton to her home in Kingston Sparks ' nt Chateau Laurier Phe Frequent CR. Service pass- and Frank Emmons and John Reid YORK ing through the Husiness Centre ot have enlisted for overseas service, | rett Snider's on Tuesday morning, in Xolven diutYa San oo m PRL I City in ap asset to ne Travel which makes eight who have enlisted | which the house and contents were all burned, as was also the house- from thir village ATTRACTIVE WINTER TOURS hold effects of George Jackson, which proved the sleighing ; i To CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, ET( were stored in one of the rooms of utes, when again she called out, "Dad- f % i or . ove | dy, how big is that apple?" Limited Veal snneet nt Detrott with sch Sleepers to Florida; niso FORE a 3 the building : John Irish, reeve, thon vin Huffale, Wax nun tl Dec Drawing and cutting | who attended County ( ouncil at Nap- | A / Tmproved = . "1 nel MOR pnecis with all {wood the chief occupation here | ANE, ZO Liiealaphottiidie 0 [. lingaton, has - p------------------ service Chicago ie » i re > 3 3 ; 8C Ww returned home Sunday school was Wanted Results. . yr | Descriptive Folders from FF, Conway, Clty Ti t re, cor. Princess nud he cheese factory closed on the 3rd a . ' T™ y 3 Le 'h Wellington Streets. Phone 1197 linst.. after a successful season. The| held in the Free Methodist Chur A Service was] 5 lady in a town in Scotland sent p.m Fileelric seryvntion Cnr Dining Car returned Ist Sleepers Byron Conches h | Dec. 14 A fire occurred at Stops COucHS™ ¢ bot les by « n de SHERBRO( KE, Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neurz!1ia, and feverish colds, "For Bale by: --J. B. Bunt & Co., 351-338 King street. SYrUP OF TAR Cob Liver Oil Sold in generous THE J. L. MATHIEU CO, Props, Makers also of Mathieu' EASY ¢o LIGHT SOFT and BRIGHT Lamps Botsford & Nicol, 83 Princess street. Hopkinson Bros. 37 ek street. Mahood Bros., 113 Princess street. Simmons Bros, 169-171 Princess street. many friends of Mrs. Clark will be pleased to hear she has returned | heme from the General iospital much improved in health Mr Fitzgerald and son are shipping a number of cattle to Toronto { Miss Gertrude Kelly is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. O'Brien, Wolfe Island Mr. and Mrs. George Guess, recent guests of Mrs. Nichols Miss Nellie Scanlon Sharpton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Nefsey Mr. and Mrs B Clark, Harrowsmith, are at her fa-| ther's, A. Kavanner's Miss KE. May| Patterson and brother were recent | guests of Mrs. Earl Moon, Sydenham Miss Mabel Harrigan is training her| pupils for an entertainment before school closes William Conway is visiting friends in New York large Sydenham, were HARTINGTON | Dec. 14 Milton Cloakey met with a painfdl accident on Saturday He | fell, cracking one rib and breaking his arm Dr Wilkins Harrow smith, is in attendance Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson, on Wed | nesday, a son The Ladies' Aid is holding its monthly tea at the home of Mrs. Edward Whitty to-night Harold Boyce and Melbourne Moore Queen's, spent the week-end at home Robert Gooderham and Harold Wartman have enlisted for overseas service Mrs Morley | Brown is visiting her parents at Verona Mrs. Brown, Moscow, at M. Trousdale's. Mrs. Thomas Trous- | dale is visiting her daughter in Stir-| ling Mrs: Ross Freeman is in Pe terboro Mr. and Mrs Arthur | Lovelock have sailed for their home in England Mr. and Mrs. Athol] Hill have returned home after visit-| ing at Harry Campsall's Mrs Milligan, Sharbot Lake, ig at Harry Watson's Miss Meta Campsall, Desert lake, spent Sunday at home Miss Caverly, Harrowsmith, is at Ar chie Goslin's MOUNTAIN GROVE. «| Dec. 13 Howard Abbott is at home after spemding the summer near Peterboro William Moore Fleming, Man. and Mrs. BH. Ewens, Napanee, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J AR. Moore Miss Ma- bel Price has returned from Napanee Mr. Wood, Switzerville, and P.Cronk, Long Lake, were recent guests at A. Crozier's. Mrs. Webster forwarded a box from Mountain Grove and Long Lake, containing 24 day shirts, 45 pairs sox, 1 pair wristlets and a number of handkerchiefs to the Red Cross Society. F. Cronk and sons have caught a number of foxes this fall The Council is having the township shed repaired. Miss Rosa Card, Tamworth, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. J. Johnstone. The teach- ers are practising their pupils for voncerts at the different schools on the afternoon of the 22nd. Damon Hartwick and family have moved to their new home on Mountain avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cox and children "I have returned from visiting the for- mer's sister, Mrs. A. Stewart, Belle- ville. Mr. Stewart is overseas. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coulter visited friends at Belleville and other points, Miss Mabel Cox has returned homé aher spending some time in the village. G | Church by Rev. Mr | rope by his description of their gigan | tic leaves and flowers. Almost half a | century elapsed { old world when ia 1849 the first fower | stands outside all is dark. but to him as usual on Sunday also conducted in the Methodist Samson at 2.30 in the afternoon R. W. Connors made a business trip to Lavant on Wednesday, returning Friday, and reports sleighing better than wheel ing William Gilmour was a week end visitor of some friends in Den bigh He returned on Monday, and reports a small attendance at nomi nation, and resulted in no one tak ing the field, councillors and reeve resuming office by acclamation. Ev erton Flake was at John Ball's on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Gil mour at Mr. Ross', Denbigh, on Sun day last Mrs. M. Ball and Mr. L Gendron week-end visitors at J Hunter's, Matawatchen, returned on Sunday The snowstorm in the fore part of the week has greatly im Victoria Water Lilies. The giant wafer lilies which are known now as Victorias, after the late queen of England, are natives of the warmer portions of South America, where they thrive in lagoons and in the quieter portions of rivers. Haeunke, a German botanist, first reported their discovery in 1801 and startied all En in fruitiess experi ments to introduce the plant into the opened on the Duke of Devonshire's estate at Chatsworth, England. She Knew Without Mis Asking. Tramp--Its needless to ask the question, mum. You kmow what I want. Mrs. Workhard--Oh, yes, | know what you want. but I've only got one piece of soap in the house. and we're using it. Come agals to morrow.--Stray Stories. Truth Is Light. Truth is a cave To him who enly who boldly enters in and looks out into the sunlight all is clear~~Duscas Macgregor. Very Leoverlile. "John. we have been married twelve years today." "Oh, forget itl What's the wea, of trying to start a quarrel "~Pittsburgh Post. '- Knew Better. Rube Hay--An article's worth what the owner kin git fer it . Hiram Whiffle--| guess yew never bought a gold brick, did yew Puck What Makes the Difference. Wiltie--Paw. what is an tmperial? Paw--An fmperial is a goatee on the chin of a great man, my son.--(lacin- mati Enquirer. ------ seinem me. a-- A man seldom realizes the worth- 'lessness of his earthly possessions until he tries to pawn them. Youth is going to do things to- morrow that old age didn't do y®s- B. Mills has secured a position at Port MeNicoll. Mrs. J. Godfrey is able to be out again after her receat terday. It takes a wise man to pick a fool whose money be cav agepd. her servant over to the house of a sick neighbor. "Mrs. Smith," said she, "sent me ower tae speir hoo yer hus- band was this morning." "Very bad, indeed. The doctor says he may die any minute," was the reply. "Ah, weel," said the woman, "I'll better wait a wee while. I've nae ither thing tae dae the noo." eh Philosophy, por " i v "He's a philosopher "So? "Yes, indeed. It doesn't worry him at all to see other people getting things that he doesn't avant himself." "Your hair wants cutting badly, sir," said a barber, insinuatingly, to 'a cus- tomer "No, it doesn't replied the map in the chair, "it wants cutting nicely. You cut it badly last time." Logical, but Incorrect. "Nora," said the mistress to the new servant, "we always want our meals promptly on the hour." "Yis, mum. Ap' if I miss th' first hour shall I wait for th' next?" Nothing Gained. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria : Cn ilatin ling the Se Ras Bears the Signature Promoeles Digestion Cheerfid ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiunt Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Sree of Old Dr SAMUELITTTEER Aperiect Remedy for (onshpa lion. Sour Stomach, Dsarrheea Worms. Convulsions feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Fac Sime Stgnature of st Folio. Tae Cen TAUR COMPANY "What was the result of your petition to the landlady for ber to serve fewer prunes?" "Negligible. You see, it simply got | us more rhubarb." The Explanation. "How is it that big. determined man stuck to that timid little wowan till be gut her?" "I suppose she has a magnetic attrac. tion for his iron will" Easy. . Customer--You have a sign tu your window, "A suit of clothes made while you wait" Do you really 'do that? Tailor--Yes, sir You leave your order, with a deposit, and then go home and wait until the garments are @nished.--London Telegraph. -------------- An Opening. "There goes the chap who broke the world's record for the hundred yard dash." "I wonder if we could get him 'to come out to our sutwrb and coach us tn sprinting for trains" Quite True. Wife~cMrs. Brooks says socitty is bollow--that there isn't anything in anything nowadays. my dear, if you don't put something in it He's a peevish man wito doesn't let his wife know the size of hig in- come. \ Nothing jolts a smart man so hard as being beaten at his own game. MONTREALANEW YORK Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUM COMPANY. BA mi o- wivy STR b Ladies' Cloth Top Boots In Patent, Colt or Gun Metal. Button or Laced High and Low Heels. $3.50 and $4. H. Jennings, King Street