EE lS | KINGSTON EVENTS | | -- Bib ¥S General Manager en Limited 78-80-82 Princess Street, Kingston Major Morgans 14s been - ---- - ~ - ~~ - ary i nn ippointed instructor at the gymmnas- 1.2 British Whig ..:' 8ZND YEAR. PAGE FOUR . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915. nd the ( TT |ant Euphrates came Tho 1st erred until ve spring. They had 26 YEARS ACO | H. D. Bibby, nded President. an neémbers of F Com 14th Regiment ose Men's and Boys' £2 00 Somebody's Birthday, { Advocate and Guardian | This hod) irt av Just as i & {a 2 de from t} . Pacifi Companies cannot Wake Some little boy is six years esemblas more than - . i TRAGIA ia. WO! wa hells in their shops advantageous Nome little boy is threes or e Aborigines of Centr Te ttle is ais i Y . NT a Iy how is the private corporation to Some little girl is eight Phe other day a lady said she would like to buy her boy's PPablished Dally and Semi-Weekly by | +9 Lloyd George's representa Some little girl thirteen; | - . THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ETRE . o stant] ® ' ! ] Some little twins dre! exa two-- | fixings from us only we did not give trading stamps--atd she O., LIMITED. y # i n Canada was led to believe that " het . I" . Pe en for the ia Pwo apiece, I mean I wanted to get her book filled t franscontinenta shop would R ¥ 3 the 3 1 kh 5 For here the nus ve ed by the Government as an Someone is eating his birthday cake] r s d the irks f y ermans and the Turks for experiment Why did I : e propos And laughing over the plums: v 1 t Il when attled y > Someone is counting her birthday! ifases . or dig] MH through doils | ® he econtimpance r dig 3 Et thr fr A a ey On all her fingers and thumbs 3 iomeone is houncing h birthday | PUBLIC OPINION | =u $6.00 Or winding his birthday top | . $6.00 (Retreat Someone is not too wise or tall { We niecet or beat al outside catalogue houses We claim. Mces $2.60 . ' + n connectior " m » For hirthday butterscotch 1 " + $3.00 I'he he Why Not Tax and we think honestly, no home in Kingston can meet or heat ] with the ris t u lity of our | poronto Globe ' ipa ] 4 : 3 a ! $1.00 he ( Toran 'White's failure to announce 10ink of the jeautifui PAI ontside catalogue houses as long as they have a system of Trad Ta to enemy, the German s fai an HOOES, : : SS iayvanee JAI be found everyy TH a bifthday Shae: ing Stamps--eredit as well as cash svstem--more than one pric onths pro rate Bespya : J fits is inexplicable Such a declara Th 0 ® Thaw os 2 age 3 ------ cted place and t ten 'I tion would end the crazy hoom in IDK Of the birthday lappines an ; generally in his on war stocks 1 gh Say fa the your We believe we are the only house that meets the ifuation very day in the year, my dear For a K The Factories Humming Every day we're alive, 0 nstance year ago he J >» hap Ss one or two 1 12 Montreal Stax Some happy child one o ; vad' ts i Last June Britain pal Suou db ------ Strictly cash: no trading or other stamps: one price to seemed to he intereste he pearl | establishments making shells ow ns } y trade the shore of the ( t one she has 2,028 The British muni He Was Right \ Square deal « very time when vou trade here Wo agam tion worker would seem to have lit Kirchberg had just left his J we meet or beat all outside catalogue houses tle with which to reproach himself when he was stopped - but presently he was engaged. in e---------- dressed man with a $ the erection of consular buildings It Surely Has. hand, who asked him and in the transportation and stor-| London Advertiser "Did you lose a $5 bill? that he will tax excessive war pro he best ada fairly and squarely 1 more so that has been was found in the Persian Gulf He Or three or four or five r Blag Frank I. Northrup, Manager. -- . -- place abounds in pearl oyster shells SIR WILFRID'S STAND You may say that I have spok- en on this war only in regard to civilization, which is no doubt great, . {a e I awyer Lire rg sitate then searche | Y age of mails for the now celebrated Ketchum, a New York lawyer Kirchherg he d, then searched ® | ® "® but what will it be for Canada? Can- Bn tad Rail i says a Kiss two hours long changed pis pockets carefully and answered lagdac tailway 5 aim was to s life Many a man's life has been «1 hejieve 1 lid." | not Canada stand aside? No, it can- his life any & u > yeliev ai =| offset Brit h influence in Persia and | changed by a smack a 'steenth of a The well-dressed man thereupon --- not I will go further; this war in- i to promote the eagy route which | second long pit the $5 in his own pocket and terests nov only the people fighting, ---- : e | t t re- ! I z Germany had marked out for a ra What a Fall took out a not wok, without r hut all the nentral nations, 1 except t dpprench to-Yudd mark 7 1 . S . ome Germany wants nniversal | *9 APProach to India Calgary News-Telegram "Do you intend to keep the whole - rincess JDtreet mngston The German spy follows the Ger Constantine still holds the centre $5 as a reward for finding the mon- - J man invader, and a British officer, Of the stage, but every stage has a ey?" demanded Kirchberg we would immediately be under Ger yuly a few months ago. one day bat trap door, and the Hellenic king "Let me explain," said the other man rule." --Sir Wilfrid Laurier at| | A Ph ONS Ca¥ I stands a good show of falling [ did not find the $5, but always the Monument Nationate. his hand on the shoulder of a stout through have had the impression that in a and grubby German, who had Just Mit Got Money large city like Toronto there must x oney, be a great deal of money lost every domination. If Germany triumphs, WHAT THE VOTE MEANS, sealed up a letter which told his Montreal Mail I'he people « lherta i las- | Government of the advance of the . . i day. So I decided to find out. You ! Alberta and Sas-|G yera i 3 e advance ¢ Contractor Kelly, of Winnipeg, has e. tha 37th man I have asked to } "wan have had a chance to re.| British force from India. This Was made a counter claim against the AS i 9. h of them lost & $5 bill.' y ; { aay and eac C Py SL § i € r opinions upon the tem-|the force which, for the time being, Government for over a million dol Y Sate avd eray { lars He can't keep hiring nine y 1estion In Alberta they! wad beaten back by superior num- , nk It Terrible. | f lawyers at a time without getting Didn't Think prohibition without any | hid \ | bers from Bagdad. money somewhere. Snow was falling heavily outside { In Saskatchewan they | A correspondent of the London pata ------ the school-house, and the young " { € bars but allowed dispen-| Mail recalls certain important facts, Ancient History. teacher improved the time by warn- : Which liquor could be pur-| namely, that the Britons have heen Belleville Intelligencer ing her class of the dangers of catch- I wased | for | : This is by no means the first time ing celd. is better than ever, The price is| onsumption at home a ars darsig [ "wy " "hy " provision for i Xme.| the masters of the Persian Gulf. |, Government has commandeered a Yes," she remarked, "you must he same, 40c 1b. | sion for a referen-| which Germany covets, for over! country's wheat crop The example be very careful, indeed, now that Is tastes good these cold mornings. | any time-in order to revive! three hundred years. Britain's war-| Was set some time ago in Egypt by a the real cold weather has come { or abolish the dispensary The! ships sailed the Gulf in undisputed distinguished Hebrew named Jo- Last winter my little hrother wen! now vote, Just, taken in sagnecin | LDS seile seph out with bis sledge, und cangnt such | Jag Redden in . 'Iconnection| jordships for fifty years, and British -- a bad cold that he has never got ¥ ! th icipal lec a. 4 m . : i : ith the no cipal ele tions, has ships sailed upon it when the Turks Now It's Indifferent. properly well again. Pfhiores 20 and 990. been I é d 3 ¢ $ i 8 a + confirmation of that recor marched down from Badgad and for New York World 'He has to live in the south, and d some hs ag This n i > kt MN ed s0 months ago. This ought 10} ihe first time looked upon its blue The nation that is demanding safe must never come back to Canada LLisly anyone that there was noth waters . passage home for its military and again in the winter! Isn't that a ng premature or immature about | naval attaches in the United States is terrible thing to happen i y . « he last appeal to the people. They Britain hag been interesied in Per-| pe same that only a little while ago The pupils looked duly sympa- Relief Work Being Carried On In a i Yor tt hifull lelit sia and in the Persian Gulf in order was offipially Warning Americans thetic - all-save one, who eagerly Systematic Manner, | ote soberly woughtfully plibe / op E x a p g ig | . { Ie ™! to protect her trade with India, and Pent on "lawful errands to Europe qemanded . London, Dec. 16.-1t is interesting y ' rel and their decision marks the that there would be no safe passage "Please, teacher, where's his] Lo note in connection with the study! ¢ iy Y ® wrmanent decline and eventual ex- [TOM Attack from the sea. Britain go. fhem sledge?' of the war from an economic point . tinction of the liguor {rade in the, DAS long suspected the aims and, pem---- that to-day the price of bread in! A * a y s | : 3 3 + N schemes of Germany, and a close . it es : hy © Belgium is the same as it is in Eng-| gS abe i " "THE CONSERVATIVE PRESS. Why: land. Bread of the best quality made, ---------------- watch has heen kept upon German Columbia State tom Sour, ground From. Cosadicr GERMANY IN WANT, movements... While the Canada's Motto, Is the ' debutante always "Wid-}gyeat "has been kept at the level] Make good presents. It will pay you to buy was marching from India, German! Toroyto Telegram. i some?" ¢ price and unaffected by war, through now. Vorwartz, a German paper, is VOeIY | agents, with stocks of rifles and | Enquiry in this country follows And the hostess always ETA-fthe good offices of the Belgian Re-| : candid when it remarks It is to] the line of least resistance in its cious"? Het Committee. investigation of ct! f retail And the host always "genial"? estigation o larges of re il ras- : at 8 ys he ¢ i Cai YY x a a Persia trom Turkey along the route! ea)iry: Sarr # And the refreshments always hy A et on just north of Bagdad. A clash was Enquiry in this country follows dainty"? Canada through the generosity of the, dally for a small quantity of Meat | oypected sooner or later, The first ti®\line of most resistance in its, And the parlors always "spa- Canadian people, shipped from the fatlufe to investigat€ charges of cious'? and lard \5 soon as the markets | hed C d it 's 1 dduaiters assault was made on the British : A. Aanadian committee's headq rs | § are open, they nearly tear the eloth- | (ool at Shiraz and the carrying of Wholesale rascality. And the decorations always "{aste-|, niontreal, and its allotment is so es from one another's backs in ord-{, 4 = BZ. An carrying - Canada's motto is enquiry to the, pul" + regulated that.there could be no ad-| . 4 him and his staff into captivity by hilt iuto the wrong-doing of drug "And the oceasions always" de-loon eo in the price of the people. of a " ' #r to get the coveted treasure," _-- the German Consul. Following this | Clerks and Syrze traders; also BO ui lghtful"? course, a large part of the bread is! indication in itself of the hardships : 3 \ quiry at a nto the wrong-doing Why? actually distributed free to those the Austrian and German Consuls | 3 ally that prevail among the German peo- : 2 Bs {of wholesale profit sharks and Con- em who have no money--for the com- The Home of Good Shoes. le : became war-life, and they coerced or | tract-grabbers. mittee sees that all have sustenance pe ] induced the Swedish Gendarmerie to N. B. Chief Justice Dead. --but fu such cases. the commune I'he press is under censorship. It engage in the conflict. The British INDEPENDENT PRESS. St. John, N.B., Dec. 16.--S8ir Fred- | aither days, or given garGbligation to! tannot," or dare not, print the facts erick Eustache Barker, Chief Justice | pay, for the bread "at the standard as they exist, How Vorkartz came to i { % Great Chance Given. * of "New Brunswick, died vesterday | price. i} kive ott this, pitiful wail is not un- superior. numbers for a time. \They Ottawa Citizen morning. This hag been accomplished as a| Kiye Jn, pit tu Rn jo have indeed been forcéd to fall back. By a' modest outlay by the Domin- small part of the wonderful and al-| derstood. The boast of the German They will advance with reinforce | ion Government, less than $100,000 most incomprehensible work of the war lords was that the Allies could ments and they will win, but the, the Transcona shops might have been Relief Committee. The committee |§ not starve out Germany, as it is al- figh i : | transformed into a national mumni-, SEE PAGE 10. bas seen to ft that rich and poor are v t will be fierce and relentless. » a. ik bat pt leged they undertook to do. The | g ® AH. Te' | tions factory to turn out 5,000 shells treated alike in the distribution of| resoufees of the Empire were moral i SiC, SiEnifieance of it all. may beljer' day: Mr. Lioyd George's rep- | o 'oi. a Tagen bread. No matter what a man's re ; ! h . FW re re : a summed up in the words of the late | resentative tried to enlist Tans. of Te b this 1 urea nay be, Ho wan redel y carefully husbanded. All the lan ' sy specia fis allotment of bread eac ay and! : > Admiral Mahan, an American, and| coda, and seemed to succeed; but eatures--*Sleepytime » i possible was tilled last year To the Dominion Government side-step- : 1 Ws py yt of eri through the same Saunels that the lj ' Poor man receives 8. an wuthority on national sg politi-| 0 this service the prisoners f 'warl. . : i | ped. In the meantime Canadian Menus" --have been removed to prisoners o cal events, who said that Britain | privileged interests were cleaning up enys ye Te og § were forced, but the harvest was 1ot | could not afford to let any hostile| $200,000 profits on $380,000 orders, Page 10, where they may be ; « bountiful one; in some parts of the power get a foothold in the Persian | Ven after paying for machinery, T found daily henceforth. FEI IE0E MIM IR ES Empire, it was a failure. As a result |Guit. Why? "It. would imperil | {'¢ Xpense of the British treasury. + BOMB DESTROYS Or consequence there is a famine id | Great Britain's naval situation infthe| ~~ » BIG ZEPPELIN. the land. and from it the people AT€ | far east, her political position in In-| Suffering severely. Food shortage is}, .' po. commercial interests in| the preliminary to the collapse of any war, and perhaps sooner than expected --sooner than the Germans This is the vear of useful presents and we can supply a suitable gift for anv member of the i Tha . OUR WHEAT SAVES BELGIUM, | family. sacks of gold, were pouring into exaggeration to say that in Berlin thousands of persons are battling | forces bave been held in check by : London,Dec.16.--Copenhkagen - . i % advices say that one of i both, and the imperial tie between # newest Gefman Zeppelins was + herself and Austral Asia." In every ' # destroyed when a bomb explod- part of the civilized world, Germany : ivy Fifty of the crew were kill- + desire, in spite of all their bravado has been at work, planning for sonie i ; > i the surrender will come. The win- (i | i " invasion that would weaken her o to ter will go far towards paralyzing 2 RESTORATION ™ en ---- - ponent and advance her interest, and the x le s py : : In Europe, when the war is done, the harried 2 power of a Rm , If the war'has revegled anything it land will smile onde more; the churches, sacked by Is the remarkable extent to which | nogling Hun, some gifted genius will restore. The LONG LOST CIVILIZATION. | ber plans have been developed. ruined shrines will rise again, to cheer the pious pas- 3 | 3 ser-by; but who'll restore the brave young mes, who G Incidentally, though through the » AL § left their happy homes to die * ET Te ry he . From reat Britain ; war in the far East, one learns a > 1 . NOTES, S8f © fruitful vine will grew om France's sunny hills, where |, ¢W York, Dec. 16.--It was said ik great deal that is very interesting: S0 the Knights of Columbus do 4 now the lethal bullet whines a requiem for the men Io '0° financial district that the Cur- || J | Sam ia : has been |00t take any dislofal or traitorous it kills. Strong, patient hands will bri in the | tise Aeroplane Company has closed a | and about a country that has been g " ng aga contract with the British Govern- J ' oath, as alleged. A committee of : | bloom to all the soustiyside; but Who'll bring. beck 'TORCIASE with the Bish Gover jp CRAWFORD'S ne me! 0 e 4 yr ] ! h Tuts in Renfrew has disposed ; died ? Tora Se Oe tyotr girs farevell am raplanes. In the fiscal year ended i Foot of -Queen St. of that report, and, incidentally, has ee years hence 'twill be a dream; once more the busy OCiober 31st last the company pro-| Montreal Building J Phone No. 9 and of the conditions that have pre. | C*tiSated those who bear faise wit-| JE looms will weave, the millwheel paddle in the stream; U0ced more than $6,000,000 worth | indy ¥ i: 4 hess against their neighbors. again the sage will take his pen, and art will gain its Of aeroplanes and motors, most of il vailed in it prior to the war.' To . : former stride; all will come a the men, Which wet to the British Govern-| EE Ce S---- Xeept A ea many the Persian Gulf and its his- Kingston is not the only city in Bn ment. : by well-known painters there are tory are wholly unknown. Some of | which education comes high. In Te-|,. . 'rep: !drawings by Dorothy Stevens, who|Marion Long The illustrations ac- the coasts have not been chartered. |ronto the average cost of training a Pictures By Canadians, recently won the Canadian Govern- companying Estelle Kerr's article on iti its | child hi Ye . The illustrations in the Canadian ment's travelling scholarship of oné| "Those War-Time Jig-Saw Toys" are + There are dead cities near its|child in the public schools is $51. : | Magazine for December are particu-|thousamd dollars, and by Harry W.|novel and decidedly clever. The shores whereon on European bas ever | The rate has doubled in ten years. ; * larly attractive. Apart from Jue | Moyer, J. Hubert Benyon, with sev-{ make-up of the entire number Ig reproductions of pictures set foot." Yet the human race began! Suppose it has? Education is about full-page eral excellent war-time, pictures by highly creditable, rh ET RET Car fo many as a sealed book. The Eng- lish papers, through special writers, supplied florid descriptions of Persia,