BIG Federal Treasury Said to Have : { summer for McDonald HON. ROBERT ROGERS' DEPARTMENT Rogt Ihe Manitoba was ter Hayfield most i 0 Nelson supplied for ey that that the from other ton the prices charged as being fair and ust had he the tional scandal in connection with the padding of accounts for dredging in Viftoria the attention of the 1 } Frat a at pa a a ed YEAR NO, ila SS BZ 285 EVERY MAN NEEDED TO SAVE HIS COUNTRY | CYT YY YOY VYEEY CITT TTT TTT OYE EVIE YT TYE TY YYVYWY wv YOUNG MAN, STAND FORTH. I fer fur ntendent sh ( sh Columbia that the patronage and | Association, The loss have BB BA BBR Be VOLUNTEERS WANTED ee BB BB and WHO SAID SOND ament meets. The first i, It concerning it have ownership of ce en from the fil 1 sub-contra will arli publi ni hie out irt case tion as to the documents tak MeDonald t dredging piers at Vi files of earth Mallory, new of sess Gordon BE ending M Engineer gave the i. H. Bar I'he latter court ror a right whether or not them ner Donald jue Vic ria over to M1 fe them Been Robbed. ward, declaration as to who was the as to contained publicly cams Victoria had work yards yards by owner, and in made use ol bhelore Ma been from of or allowed the excavatl was his evidence fraud on itely When the question week it ourt at swore th there an IS INVOLVED IN MATTER the 1h assification of I'HE approximately 5,000 solid rock to Resigns-- i 20.000 cubic Superintendent Have Classification Involving of $150,000 he price said Connived at Over- for rock on vard [8 Government to! $ per ih In ary Loss « y declared that the ountr AREY approxim Ottawa, De 1 A arge-sized onnecti nmhia dredging ur »{ Hon. Rober eneral investigations andal 1s levelo on ng Contractor showed that ying the posi nt of dredging responsible seeing was done honestly assisted MebDon contract, backed him that he got gen quantities ex pavments the fin th Bi Lo Helped evidence further although occ Superintend superintendent department t Aud ng sa few I'he or-G \ Nelson whi been maxi ba yd, held vue - f on of weeks, has p payment ng the refore for work momically inde at the ATT of John, who was appointed Super and Saw ob 1 Drecging for Brit erous estimates of the olumbia by Hon Mr Rogers avated, so that Progress A 112, is one of the first develop sufficient make ut far p 1t fed explained Mr ison " Mr T ASSOC and the previous qualified al, I te recent "resignation Nelson get the neially | would be to ing | bli may who | 50 made ve hat the impounded that Roge who wa ded documents shall remain three months pending further A investigation. Meanwhile Mr Nel A con's resignation had been accepted and ov be noted that Hou. Robert sil | Rogers recemtly made a trip to Vie toria it is understood that he looked the evidence semi-public, his henchman, and also the which was likely to come event of further inves pressed Parliament | cour as de as one of jates in a contractor Federal! position inspector, H engineer been for given the a reliable offi ad I out Shortiy and carefully was already Nels were atter there assumed the into Brit sition rumors in which | against evidence in the being ddlemen system was being exploit i to the full. One case has recent-} n investigated by H P Le Ottawa, who was sent out i" the Government as a special Com- | Briefly what he found! through the connivance ol for the Dominion dredg tugs of the Pacific coast was; through W. H. Price, Sec- the Victoria Conservative wured the order £7 50 per ton. The Mr. Hill showed of ffiy Kirk & Co., and been hought $5.25 per by GETS I's QUIETUS, Hiegitimate Births in on the Decrease. London, Dec. 20 The ridiculous war-bahies oanmpaign last spring which imputed wholesale imdmoraity to young soldiers in camps, has new received its complete reply The Registrar-General's returns of births show a great reduction in ilegiti- mate births, as compared with the previous year:; $9,381 in the corye- sponding quarters of 1914, and_ 364 in 1915 YARN ssioner ax that England are coal and etary of eho 86 Kirk & Co idence taken Price per at hy got a ton from coal conld have coal dealers at ents Nelson swore he had certified to even after repeated notincation COOK TO BOOM MR. FORD. heen given him that coal could | cheaper from other firms. | to the Federal Treasury on contracts alone is shown to been several "thousand dollars Rol Explorer Going to Germany, and Wilt Join Peace Party, " London. Dec. 20. Dr. ¥tederick A. Cook; of North Pole famed has ar rived in Stockhol from Pewrograd, according to a C nhagen despatch "Dr. Cook is going to Germany." the correspondent added, "and it is rumored here that he intends to join the Ford peace panty as advertising agent.' coal Padding of Dredging Accounts A much more serious and sensa- has been brought to Auditor-General harbor KINGNT TON, PPT Y TY VY YY YY YY YYY YY YYYYE EY a I a a] | GAVE LIFE FOR LIBERTY BBB Be tiga- | | four a weigl 160 pour 1 pou "ENOU PEO PUITEOW) TUTTE YIYYIEWY PRESIDENT WILSON POD G GBB P PB er BB OBB | THE SPORT REVIEW DE EA Wes ith Ottawas ince 1908. hat Teal form Rat wick of tising w played lot Ottawa is pra He has not shogving' a of Madden, a for hockey nlaver McGill Moda m ted w cut this weak January Ottawa 1 down their | hockey carry 13 into and Merill are, the defence pros They will Gerard being groomed squad Ross for Under huge captions cks and Razor-bladedl Skates 'as Wea pons, Hockey Players Have Bloody Game in Seattle." A cattle exchange tells of the first hockey ntateh in the Sgund City. With Sti Four clubs will compose per Ottawa Valley Hockey league this winter--- Renfrew, Almonte, Car letom Place, and Arnprior being the four teams expected to compete. The championship race will get under way Jan. Tth. the Up Frank Dissetla, Toronto, has a let- ter from Dotchy Richardsen: the St Michael's Hockey Club forward He is at Salonika. jn the thick of the Balkan campal with the Ontario hospital. "Dotty" ALBABLALDDBADDLLODLDLE BOSSSSSSS | forward | that no definite | Cincinnati | versity, | champion Warwick, the Argo" A A A AA Ms on Ar rng PAGES 8-1: | aod O! FARIQ, ---- MONDAY, -- - TUT PY TE UYU YY YOY YYW Fl dd 2 aad FITHER DADDY AT THE WAR hadows round her stea ight I see her there figure kneeling de of daddy cha unbroken re ilence is whisper aches me unspoke v, though praye sure ther are the ti eader's finger-tip ves with tears a + smile upon the lip of her need ips tle, trus daddy own and askin tful plead at wal ld, then on daddy far beyond the him your p awa billow knows for you pia H" ? AND HIS BRIDI. at Shorucliffe the Artillery The peace meeting between Or ganized and independent baseball ia- terests adjourned at New York Sat- urday, and Ban Johnson anuounced action had been tak will meet in with Canadian The committee Tuesday en McGill Uni Adams in been awarded Jones Dean has Evan B. Hugh writes to forming him he the Military and has been wounded in the shoulder. He was a heavyweight boxer and football player Cross The Ottawa Free Press says that if Captain James T. Sutherland, pre- sident of the OH.A, ean travel along in the same vehicle with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Acssocia- tion, of which has has been also el- ected president, then the eighth wdn- der of the world has been discovered The Ottawa Hockey Club has suc- ceeded in landing Gordon Meeking. the crack forward of last year's Vie: toria team of the Ontario Hockey As- sociation. Meeking wired President Bate accepting terms, and announc- ing that he would report Monday. It is understood that he receives $1.- 270 and expenses -- The official National League aver- ages show some surprising faets. To begin with there were only five play- ers who hit .J00 or better, the lea- DECEMBER 20, ALAASLDLALALLLLLSLLS ferally : Toronto | bister, Hamilton + Thompson, | ter, | tawa 1915 a A88 a oe tettetd | THE BUGLE CALL | eat E "mp re slaughter earte loon nes slor tell hero-heart with lade stand ionored. at SECOND SECTION vevewww N\ Brantford Of the American men were : SOO G00 enh Wan 21 of about stents more from than 2 ge, and volgen hese figure Fhev are given bv Frederi American history in the | ol Wisconsin, in his book dealing with the grea! between the N6rth and the South I'he popul the northern states in 1860 twas 22. 700.004 Si three times the present ada should produce in proportion to some 00.000 ty be under 21 years at age population of 8.700.000 the beginning « War, but of these only 5.096,000 were white words, the available fighting population of the much less in 1861 than that of Canada to-day eleven states which madé up the Confederacy the war almost all of its 1.200.000 wen who tween the military a I ges of 17 the CHEE) Eg vears ol than IR vears worth thinking Paxon, professor of l less more age or niversiy strugels ation o 1 Neat population of Canada If up to the level of Nort the Dominion whom som I'he Confederate recruits Hh population » the war. of would OOO 000 wonld states had a of the Civil ln other South Yet sent were Hil Hd Was thie to be 50) and red ven : on other £0 vou he men si free Id not you reason comrades land and s¢ fought your on a | T€ did the gallant ranks that not| waver 0 ie blight iritain's that shook eld| shore | be one whose prowess help-| ed her | Who went to war that war should | more? to save pa he be no tir The ot troopship ready tumult thicken scornful word mocking! steady in the harbor rideth I'lie Hear the The foe is Lift the anchor 13 en escape strengthened dition of the officers and others of the H tide you I'he shi aboard? Another War gh HE Who lives In bye suould to the Waller I % PHE CALI fngland die gone d Ge Outrage w a tore mans win Are vou going Br eption to-night? No. The Twobbles I declined my invitatior uphold Why do you obje o Emblematic of e of the Twobbles 1 "I don't object t ir re rticularly, but ard them from and I recital 1e sh Ewmpir « So of and o'er the Vo 1 Engl Rise that blood-soaked lread Ju ider Belgium's fat have story con tell the Berlin don't of their | ten or twelve feel you piet nes her equa an one Ravished, burnt by German Perth C Club by he Can you picture England bealer Overrun by fiendish Huns? fate would overtake then to he gi De | ad urling this season will the Soon her Oth Hasten Regiment resident there t wan Men and still more men are needed for the Overseas Battalions. It will be time to talk about 'en ne N Ne rr; gue being led by Larry Doyle, the captain of the Glants, with an aver age of .320, a performance which us- ually lands a batter about seventh or «ighth in either of the big lea gues These averages simply are anoth er indication of the weakness of the National League teams, for it can not be credited to high-grade pitch ing When ages are that the the American League aver published it will be found Johnson ofreuit had more | than twice as many .300 hitters, and Cobb, who led the league, unofi: credited with an average of 369, forty-nine points more than Doyle, the leader of the National, is given credit for an | Ge The annual meeting of the loter- provincial Rugby Union was held in Saturday afternoon The officers elected were President--W. A real First Vi of Ewing Mont Vice-President Bob" 1s-| fee no Second Vice-President George Church, Ottawa Ssecretary president man Ex ag Ki ga to be appointed hy the He will be a Montreal ecutive Committee » Cul Ottawa; Hugh Murray Ernie Laidlaw, Argonau GS. McSweeney, Montreal Delegates to C.R.U 'Bob"' Hamilton; George Church, rit Hamilton Ge B to Isbis Ot-1 ot A motion passed that a Al commendation be made to the C U., to permit the substitution players at any time, either from in juries or otherwise but that no player having been substituted be al lowed to return excepting t the commencement of a subsequen! per- ind re R of was Pa cli Ge Bu KING NOT TO BE HANGED. Sound Man Will Be Sent Asylam ror Life. Dec. 20 Herbert Thack of Owen Sound, sentenced to hang at Owen Scund for murder on December 23rd. has had his sen tence commuted by order-in-council to life imprisonment King is found to be of unsound mind, and will be committed to an asylum Owen ww Ottawa, ery King ho esp ou Roumania Refuses Bid. Berlin, Dec. 20. --The negotiations for the purchase and importation ol Roumanian grain, which have been in progress for some time, are still hanging fire The terms of sale. I! is stated, have been agreed upon in principle, but differences remain re- garding the method of payment, and the valuation at which German marks shall be accepted Th Ba in offi by of American Minister Mofris at Christiana decided to hold no official reception at the legation upon the arrival of the Ford peace piriy. He took this stand because of fear that! set such a reception might be construed! which ran hard aground in the bar- the | bor at Harbor Beach, Americar. Government of the peace Wednesday, has been released. by as official endorsement voyage. is Twenty-nine divorce cases have sof lighter a portion of her: cargo of far been entered for hearing by the| 120,000 bushels of wheat bufore she can proceed on her trip. Senate divorce committee, - AN ATTACK EXPEC LIED ON SALONIKA Enemy Bulgarian army at the Greek frontier ing the retreating Allies toward Sa lonika have given rise to much com ment | the Bulgars feel strong cord has ment presence would cause such a wave ple are ended Russian advance through sent back for a new offensive against are their begin within a few me possible that arrival of heavy artillery before ven turing within fleet the utmost tral ka, TORONTO MATE WAS KILLED. Arthur Johnson Jammed tn Windlass Vineyard Haven, Mass, thur Johnson, of Toronto, The Calgary had a stormy voyage during which she lost steamer Mariska, owned by the Bas ough' when tha Kaiser admits he has "had enough," SAW THE LAST STAND OF SERBIAN ARMY BEFORE ENEMY, BY THE ARMY. TEUTON HE Awaiting Arrival Of Guns-- These Necessary Before Troops Venture Within Range Of British Fleer. Paris I'he troyed--- Unable ance To Invaders, De 20 Browne, one the ents of the Chicago Dally News rived here Saturday after being sing for seven weeks the of Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania He witnessed the last stand of he Serbian armies, their defeat and then accompanied Prince Alexander of Serbia and Pripcese Helene wild ride across Montenegro tin je The party without food ross fields x. 000 feet From Browme, after putting Albapiau fishing boat chased and bombarded submarine ceeded Durrazzo horseba to Italy I'he Serblan destroyed, he of the | bilan general the army test effeq serbian Forces Practically To Offer Des Resist. Rome + Lou Dec, 20 I'he pause the of War correspor al d the momentary disappearance of rman columns which were follow mi n interio here It that (1) sufficiently to attack Salonika, (2) dis arisen between Sofia and enna regarding the ultimate fate this port, (3) the Greek Govern has warned Berlin that the of Bulgars on Greek =oll of popular the Government would longer be able to restrain the peo a, who, would march immediately ainst_the old-time enemy; (4) ng Constantine has asked the Bul- | rs to wait until the Greek elections | before entering Greek Suggests not yet rout on was iorced to and walk for f snow at 0 an Cettinge pling that to sea h Austrian reaching Th an ds by LT on K 1 ros ter army Is SAVE, taff al # unable i tive istance 1 German, and Bulgarian pidly driving forward converging line Albanja pra ally To-day the sScutar reail » offer sligh 0 Austrian forces ra along three westward through apparently seeking quest of Adriatic seaports, whic of the highest strategica the Allies' cause The Serbian ernment and geperal staff plate leaving Scutar and immediately for Italy The last stand of my was made at more than 100 type of Frend guns) were arranged circle pointing at After five day's Serba, ory Regarding the rmans, some Bulgaria to ser whereabouts Sdy¥ were ward off a Roumania hers say they turn westward into | bania; others that they are being ze they seut possible re { | { ris or Calais. Still others say they merely resting before resuming march on Salonika, I am in- ned to believe that the Bulgar rman attack against Salonika will days. It seems (« the Germans and simply awaiting the hare I value to Gov o1 Durazzo om the Berblan ag Prisrend wliern #nnon of inch cml lgarians are wostly (hres in a huge the Bulgar army bloody battle the fired the last shell and threw the breech locks into the river, broke and fled In wild disorder through the narrow path where the River Drin cuts into Albanian mountains More than 80,006 gaged at Prisrend, of whom about half were taken prisoners Not 10, 000 of the 40,000 who finally reach- ed Albania are now capable of offer ing effective resistance These peas ants, who two months ago hurled de fiance, are now obsessed with the idea of obtaining bread and es caping the clutches of the dreaded Bulgarians Allies of cen range of the 13's Possession of Salonika Is importance the If they capture and it, it is virtually certain they never resiore to Greece ex t under compulsion Bulgaria vecially, would like to bold Saloni ommercial to powers id having spiked the guns ix the natural Macedonia which tlet for merhs were en of His Steamer. Dec. 20.- ¢ British steamer Calgary, from thurst, NB. for New York, put here to-day with the body of Ar- the first cer, who was killed four days age being jammed in the windlass only entitled to the Good. the Police days this for the This city certainly is he keown as Kingston There was no session of Court on Saturday Four week there were no cases Magistrate. M. Solvay, president of the Befgian Academy of Letters, has been sen- jtenced to three months' imprison- ment on the charge of having insult. ed a German officer. Grand Trubk Railway earnings week ended . 14th were $1,023, 433 increase, $152,471, her deckload lumber Toronto Steamer Afloat. Port Huron, Mich., Dec. 20 ~The t Steamship Co... of Toronto, last It be necessary to Mich. thought it will