Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1915, p. 9

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a AAAI AAI AIPA AAI 19 PAGES mm mettre tap ty SECOND SECTION i taxes { varm approval t empl hands and By goo house money as who applauded vigor aid out Civic Peace Intercession Ser- © Clon pit wtiieen rardin t now reats n is paid at home how and to requisition for Mayor Suth vice on Jan. 2nd. Gap. Hughes, Kent, Litto Me ann onnor 1,000 whi ining first and hereby in i not to collect the said taxe Phat the Public Utilities Commis provided $313.89 for purpose of electric across Cataraqui lector "eters, Yo I i y hit Jr 810 De | CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ©"... ... 2 OF ENEMY'S SHIPS Is ANOTHER REASON read, | Causeway q 'hi com- Phat the were KNOWL, EDGE IN PERSON. ons referred to A VARIED i ommun a TO BE CABLED IO KINGSTON ad u Af then SOLDIERS OVERSEAS Provincia Rise In Cost Of Sea Carriage Has Been Fabulous--British Board Of With the Must Possess Qualities Of Policeman Doctor, bean States Consul a « Lawyer, Cater- Efforts On Prisoners of he United His Kingston's Jf! with P Magistrate, In| Frontena or an pany Trade Deals Question, For Frading Germany egardin roll] 2nd hat the Cl Company Commission WMT meetln g fo 1 or extension new pay nterest I'he City Co paid to sen commane to be ind night and adjour: ross to finish the ount Commission ask [hat the a - ars g $320 for placing fire hyd-|\" Macdonald > 330 b alt F: d rant at the corner of King street]"® e paid and t. Lawrence avenue eral street lighting Locomotive Company I'hat the unauthorized account aim t tive board at ities the Mayor's guests The Council tion of the Kingston and olding © t ession for imnday in the from 11 oa cede 4 eg account in range fo and Canadian capture permission to teria sociation will ar sking xtend of its property superintendent horse be charged to Lhe That the taxes on the owned by the the wharf or q ¢ 1 the f ' pea i Parks itfternoon { property Company on belonging situated be regarding local 1m rovement charges on Patrick street A. Shaw, Chairman Kingston Re Which the the ( Solicit lief Association, asking for use of {io the Corporation are Committee Room in the City Build remitted ing Ald. J. 8. R, Mc alderman for lo take Ary 1 which hi I'ax Collector Realties viderm It decided, on will attend in a bathing houses ovel platoon anmioun Ottawa are already claiming the pro. hockey championship for this year, and also predict that they will field is as follows rr be out in froat for the next five or | 1 f ; : Physical Drill And Signalling. ten seasons | and Black it 1 2a rene! Must have sufficient knowledge to . | al t 1 v re take his platoon for physical drill The boxing situation in New York Rity Ru4 she Haliag any ure tended order drill, platoon commian | parades in billets and take his pla will undergo a series of inves siderable A pais one : der's duties in company drill, bay- tegn for bayonet exercises tigations at an extraordinary meet a le s9n Jot their Xu onet fighting drill, and must have at In signalling slight knowledge is ing of the State Boxing Commission. | 4 bo Esti . tained sufficient self-confidence 10 raquired of field telephones and how rn sh 4 drill a squad, drill a platoon, exX- {y, mend a broken line, the form of sels for ( A FTYIng YrGO plain on parade simple movements telephone message used, in the ser Se L for RE ps to a squad vice, and how to read, take, and the Grand Fleet tn ad ditic He must know and be able 10 ©X-| write down a verbal message . 3.700 ise Ah plain to a platoon the service rifle, . -- are. =,ulY¥ auxiiarys oral the musketry exercises, the care of scores of merchant vessels arms, the reporting of messages, the Rigaged oe the pare services : » VC s impo motation of troops for this winter, judging of distance, and should have Britain A ure! the and that tenders be called for the 4 knowledge of the theory of rifle of shipping is restric d a work as soon as possible, authority fire, the supply of ammunition in the fore. Con enti the et tt be given Finance Committee to| field, range duties. He must also CLS OF Rs A ec Xe: rise \n award said tendewy * pass a severe test in the control and | nq daughter Beatrice, of Lincoln, ous Special: Committees of the B That notwithstanding anything to direction of fire, the indication ofl Nopraska, spent a few days with his tish Board of Trade 1} pl : {he contrary in the city by-laws the targets, th® instruction of a recruit, | ister here Samuel Hill and C. F Dotated eal on Ry ea ay City Treasurer be authorized to pay and be able to carry out tests laid | Ajaxander, Hamilton, were in town pain h oe oe NS x 33 it pes any outstanding accounts at the end! down in musketry regulations last week The "At Home" of Mrs eign li wy: ARR of the year, when the same have been - A. Fi i as y atte : y on a certified to by the City Auditor and Vacties And Field Warfare. 5 AL Trae vas lagen pened 3 Sioa mers oR currisguiel footutul signed by the Chairman of the vari should be able 10 Bishop's fine mare ran away one day | ous Committees handle a platoon in the field, and|]ast week and was badly injured ° That a typewritet be procured {or must be able to tell off and post "Sandy" Martin bas returned to ( h tm the Auditor's offic sentries and arrange posts and Té- | his home at Ormsby, after visiting ris as ! ER liefs. He must also know the du-| his sister, Mrs. Robert West. Mrs ) ties of a commander of an outpost Wannamaker has returned to her Accounts Passed. company, a picket commander, a sen- home at Mountain View after a few That the following accounts which try and sentry groups, a patrol days' visit with Mrs. Henry Benson, are not provided for in the budget be He should have a knowledge of a her sister. A fine big baby boy ar- paid sompeny £2 aitack 31g Surence pe fived on Prigay fast to gladden the ae or F Renee sarth" Board of Works--S. Anglin, $2.21; tection at rest and on the ve, tell- hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer. its gracious message. Its song of "peace on earth rho grove. $68.20: Booth | ing off an advance guard, telling off | Mrs. P. J. Rorabecke has gone to rang out into a world that had little welcome for it; & Co. $1.50: Buffalo Steam Roller a rear guard. telling off a flank Picton to spend the winter with Dr that denied even the right to live to Him who trans- §{Co.. 31.50; Canadian Express Go. {| $1.35: William Cockburn, $31.46; guard, telling off an outpest com- and Mrs. Phillips. Rev. Mr. Limbert, lated its music into a human life. Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co. tery, squadron, and battalion. He motion marine hips 1,000,000 tons. ha YE AX 82, NO. nd Mrs pality are given providing they /em detachmen Mina Frankford vigited 7. Procedure when a man sports| Mr. and Mrs. George F. Green th sick, asks for an advance f ay, | week Dr. Johanson, Trenton, wa asks for extension of leave, or ¢ called by Dr. J. B. Ruttan for con yyed the when the O.C. company is away fined to his bed. Miss Sprong conti the 8. Duties of the orderly officer nes poorly and confined to the wages as men Requirements of Powers the platoon from Dr. Edward Kidd, who as exception Commission 4. How a soldier in Cairo, Egypt The atter has ts the tax col . or -0 whom to make a beds He was one of the cash; quittance rolls offered his services at the'beginning | hid 'RIDDING I as far as affects the pay of William Calvin, who has been con the men of the company fined to the house for some weeks be memorialized mend the Act quires new Kit-- (a) a free Issue; |} villagers attended the funeral of to authorize and nfirm grants by (b) on payment Where the pay-| Thomas Baird, at Hillier. Mrs, Socie Fhanked | me yf wages pald by the Worm ot ' rils Tor ho: hi . e oy and of. the| Purposes, by striking oui the word 1 t. : Mrs. Wilson, Toronto, who has Behalf ten in the third line thereof and in or and Fitlior-Confessos 12. What to do in case of a mili-} visiting friends and relatives in To serting the word wenty instead That x lid « wi "3 . erk forward cop hat mere ability to shout crisp 13. When he Is on leave, how tol now the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F nds es com ale yf 3 1 3 commands do not mplete an deal with men asking for passes and | R. Burlingham It Shourds has Ottawa. De " ' icer Is shown by y ty = Dome ask- ent municipalities n Ontario and gt at " A 1 also the Ontario Municipal Associa jus sited by the War Office and 14. Compliments extended business trip through We merck of promulgated (or officers-- (a) when in tern Canada lerchiant snips are furnished in a Cataraqui; for general information in the Mili- | of port to the Department of Trade tio General Orders, Not only must Restrictions of an officer on|way Company purchasing the | pissioner Bickerdike of M . ' 58 } eo nehivster amounting to list and how to report sick Shourds Couper lot on the corner of | pha SUCCLSS roth Brit peut barged to the gen overseas contingents have an ess ob the Trritish How adequate knowledge of squad and ,n4/the proper channels for it tofegting a new station Proving embarr ae 8 / : assing 0 3 0 z $5.80 x ge use and care of rifles, and an ability PSE through ~ y trate. Great Britain i construct and; ounting to ) for feed for the Y h ot ' ; : 17 to handle a platoon in field warfare, 18 ; ep 4 \ 8 i ald & Xx t t e Y pier in front paid and How to keep a trench tor Austrian, German and Turkish . 4 and the procedure on handling with ar end the qualities of policeman, magis-| gut any ith an aggregate tonnage of f trdte, doctor, lawyer, caterer, and fa pletely rrp ------------------------ the carrying trade of the worl list of subjects which a young officer | from another officer reduced by that must know or have some knowledge 20. Procedure : embracing 1,254 over Y . - Bam . tion was WOVE R 55 on lots 67 and 62 tween various crimes that may come | week Mr. ax Johu Striker and 1M assessed t ry A. O'Brien, $26.45 hetore an O. C. dJompany before tak-| daughters Florence and Celia were | ABE. ios passed That in cases of manufacturers.in £ 0 guests of Mr.' and Mrs, J. } Cronk | last res lt nunici ty who are gi ex ars of lan officer her un) on Sunday last Mrs. Gerard 8 5 noved i ag Fa pt | ? v herla t io certain number, of handg and Rosh ap tion OVE ' i [ way | Pe iL.4a certain amount of money 1% ad Zov ned in furin Pr 1 Vedar as wages, but oun account ih th | . sol W | ir depression brought on for pass at unauthorized times sultation William McFaul is cor In Order to Sati; p An Army derly sergeant, and N.C.O's of J. E. Clarke received a pos ard the IPOTE C ou active service charge of a hospital con Chief ISe. EXPECTED 10 COMBINE i ee i wih el hata] Rel part > a whe a Wan a scOvere \ f y Gover nisant HIS 11. Procedure hen a mal re- | has recovered A number of the 3 ywn submitting state ant n the av 7 ras ; rer SQ municipal corporations for patrioti ments appear in the company pay | Wiarton, was in town over Sunday d Wall Tile Cow 3 : 3 War A a in tary disturbance outside barracks ronto, returned this week and Is ies of this resolution to the differ { h the requirements gdqvance of pay or the st two weeks been © 1 \dvance of pa f he past two eks been on un!ing facts regarding the shortage ir hi > 8 eg tion reguestiong them: to do like-| Whi h are shortly to be $ men; (b) when off duty There is talk of the C.N.R. Rall-| Commerce by Canadia Frade b é an A al for two are lights ane the aspirant to commissioned rank tp ow write an official letter | Ste n and Consec streets, and er How to e an officia te tation and Consecon streets, and sweeping enemy ships vlatpon drill, a familiarity with the What to do whe TOK 00 [CAVE | 10m0nt tnd ents tre tmtrtrt ttt t-o- Vhat to do when s mn lea drove off {Le seas thre thou Committee but he must combine in his person | pook THE SPORT REVIEW ! store or handling over com 000 The shipj shipping available thar-confessor The comprehensive 19. How to take The mercantile before he can be selected for ser brought up on a crime when a soldier Is the people passi That the taxey on the properties of | of Hugh Macphessgn and H. W. Rich-| vice in the 3 ardson be reftefted for the propor dtely resignalion a tion of the year 1915 they have been ac Ward Accepted January Ist used a Convalescent hospitals. Af He WwW. J regarding assessment ter Dec st; 1915 remission of tax local allowed on those proper only which are given free rent Dominion Government for pur named above market building be re equipped in accord and specifications submitted by the Militia Department at an estimated cost of $4,052.67, and placed at the disposal of the de- partment free of charge for accom eduction of the Capn tendering his Fronten effect on number [{ aldermen and the alder apply Ontario SArY wish of the people 1917 for tree Ald J flowers Drill And Musketry squad drill ex Hin ern immedi Legisla legisla titorward to the must know ire to pa the nece mn so that the Gate may into effect in On motion of Alds. Richardson and Wiiite the thanks to United Johnson for his untiring ing efforts in behalf of ton citizens who are prisoners of hese re war in Germany and in forwarding! Finance ( them parcels and comforts I'hat the On motion of Ald Mel wccounts be O'Connor it expressed inalysis of tarvia, $20 ith Ald, C. J analysis of tarvia, $10 logs hé had That Collector of Taxes is ol «hig wife a hereby instructed not to collect tax year 1914 ag follows Can Roll No. 143 on part lot 60 assess England and atl ed to Kingston Realties, Ltd, $21 18 them convey Roll No. 148 on part lot 69 assess 8 doing thelr|e to Kingston Realties, Ltd. Britis . wg will be mprovement on Foronto|* i naval and militar come ties to the poses a That the construsted and ance with plans Admiralty has und mere Graham returning han 2,000 I'he Winnipeg Telegram has come to the conclusion that the O. H. A off-side rule is much better and de velops decidedly faster hockey the western one Counecll expressed it States Consul I, 8 thank for and requirement and sel acrific King I'he Finance Report than includin ymmendations of the were adopted unauthorized Ww. Walker, B. Blackhall, ommittee which are following Prof McGill has two extra net-minders Rochester and Hearts. Hearts comes from the Mount Allison team, of Saskville, N.B., and was in for that college when they won the Maritime Intercollegiate ship VILLAGE OF WELLINGTON ences in Budget Of News From This Busy Little Port. Wellington, Dec, 18 John Lang ann and paid sympathy great onnak Graham in the goals never he ststained by the goals week ago i's Christmas to be to the death the champion has been [abu I'he Coun greetings] es for the ordered wathorities in Were gent Harry Cameron, the fence player in the N. H. A only member of last year's Torontos in the uniform of the club in the opening fixture of the professional series against the Canadiens Satur day night aan greatest de the front and to be by ed to was the part in the Kingston's soldier defence of the a -------------------------------------- RUE UR JE RR JR TE JT Evéry officer : i 7 i Col. W. H. Funeral Brockville, Deg, 18. Iu the pres ence of two companies of the 589th Battalion Grand Master Cooper of the Oddfellows, many members of that Cole's I I BU -- has discovered that there is a team in Pittsburg that is clean enough, from a standpoint of amateurism, to play teams from On- order here and elsewhere Mayor tario. There are a few players there Donaldson and members of the Town who have not inhaled the deadly pro- | Counc ind many representative cify fessional germs that lurk in the|?€rs remains of Col. W 'H. Cole smoke, and it is likely that the Ham-' ¥oTe laid to rest on Fhuraday after conducted a ed will make the trip there J00D. DBErvico was ho i i pu Wall Str Methodist Church by | Rev. A. E. Runnells Khaki Club Opened Cobourg, Dec. 18 A Khaki Ciub was organized here to look after the 'comfort of the soldiers quartered | here for the winter A reading and ! recreation room hag been opened The officers of the club are: Pres dent, the mayor of Cobourg. vice- presidents, Mrs. J. G. Hagerman and Mrs. J. G. Nicholls; secretary, J HK, The O. H. A It comes this vear as it has come for centuries, in spite of all the jarring voices that war against 7 EERE RR Frank Goteh will retirement to the western wonder, are probably pure buncombe Gotch | knows too well the significance of the comeback attempt of Jim Jeff rie€ to attempt anything similar him self The Humbolt grappier has been living a comparative easy life for the past few years, and Stecher's Reports that emerge from Joe Stecher, It was a song of | wrestie pany, composition of a brigade, bat-| Bloomfield, preached two fine ser- faith, © Drowned a thousand times by the discordant fgi[317.38: The Jackson Press, 34: must be thoroughly acquainted with 4 Mrs. spent 2 ai at g s : \ : 3 y \ o g he claim. gain and again as the tumult and the W. A. Mitchell, $61.24; James SOW" | uy thorough training in writing | and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, who have shouting have died away, it has been heard still ards Coal Co.. $3.30; Thomas Van- i... .nd concise reports 6f happen-' been néar death's door 80D Hoodimg the earth and sky TR BL LT by EUR) city Veal of the truth sung to the world in the of its first Christmas Day, seek mons in the Methodist Church here nd lagt Sunday. Miss Cobb has returned | Fh | : | altered he Kingston Sand & Gravel Co, $60.30; march discipline, use of cover, cou-| from a visit at Owen Sound. shouts of wate and war, it has not faltered 10 the James Laturney Carriage Works, | (rol of men in extended order aud in| D. W. Robinson, Consecon, calm confidence of the truth it was given to pro- 50c; McKelvey & Birch, 82c: James pignt operations, and must be able few days in East Wellington, the McFadden, $9; Thomas W. Milo, $6; |, write a field message, and should | guest of her father and mother, Mr horn, $12.65; Pay list to Dec. 12th . bntvcite ; : with its hely melody. : Slater. 318.74 ings in his viginity. Mrs. Hubert McDonald and world's great It is the song of the 'ureen hill far that will awa\l hear it neh feli upon that * wall.' Kars there are despite the clash of a thousand cannon. will sing it with the same Multitudes there take the place of war. Td doubt the final 1s to sail a se: bottom or a shore, chart and compass lost, We do not hesitate then to send out our Christ- The things that are seen are tempor- realm of the unseen that we must that whieh abides in the Christmas save for a time, mas greeting. [t 1s in the JUst now message and whieh no night of war, can dim with its primeval darkness. ¢ Christmas is Coming Sg Only 3 Days Left ! Shop Early ! HE advertisements of leading merchants ap- pearing daily in the columns of THE BRIT- ISH WHIG present unlimited offerings of an attractive and seasonable character suitable for Christmas, a careful perusal of whieh will faeili- tate and make Christmas "shopping profitable and pleasant. $555.84; optimist. There were cars that heard it even amid the darkness without a this hostile armies and thé roar are who confident faith as in those davs of peace when they trusted reason was soon to triumph "Gilad Tidings" without axpenses to Publishing Co., Railway Co.. 33 Lines, Botsford Pacific Ry., $109.48; ing Co., $35.97; Standard Co., $40.05. minion Express Co., 30c; Light, Taugher, $12 Hooper Incinerator Board of Works $123.39 Miscellaneous R. D. Sutherand Montreal, $15 Cadets-- British $53.50 Canadian Pacific ;Canada Steamship Australian Whig Contingencies Ltd., $1 That the following amounts be paid: Board of Works, $9.10; & Nicol, $1.75; Canadian $25; M. E. Flanagan, $1 Office The Jackson Parks-- Registry Press, $14.15 Police Department--Dr. I. G. Bo- gart, $2. pay list, War Expense Overseas $15.12. light department, Printing-- British Whig Publish- $64.15; Thomas McAuley, The Ontyrio Gazette, $4. Printing and Publishing Fire and Light--Anglin & Co, $6.80; Corcoran Bros, $11.53; Chown & Co., $2.63; M. J Dolan, $7.10; Do-| Fireman's | ; extra help at fires, $3.50; Hamilton Uniform Cap Co., $18.45; Imperial Steam Laundry, $6.64; La- turney Carriage Works, $51.85; Heat and Power Dept. $2.81; 1. Lesses, $1.50; John Kelly & Son, Tax collector 123456 123456 -). | $2.25; McKelvey & Birch, $6.10; J W. Oldfin, $1; Partridge & Sons, $3.50; Simmons Bros. $18.67; James 16; Thomas Vanhorne, Walsh, 358.20; M. Yam- W. B. Dalton & Sons, Herald, $2 $5.06; P. polsky, $49.50; Ltd., 88c. The Council adopted the recom- mendation of the Fire and Light) Committee to permit the Fire Chief for the present at least, of engaging new firemen who are over thirty years of age. Owing to the lack of men under that age, through re- cruiting, the chief finds difficulty in getting men when required. The Board of Works, on motion of | Alds. Wright and Richardson, was instructed to give the Garbage Com- mittee the wood from tree trimming for the incinerator. On motion of Alds. Nickle and) Kent, the Council asked that the Utilities Commission furnish a de- tailed report of the receipts and ex- penditures in connection with the street lighting for the year 1914, and that the Commission be notified that the ¢ity desires to make a comtract for street lighting, and that the rate per lamp to be paid iw 1916 will be the rate set out in the contract. He must have a good knowledge of map reading, drawing plan of his and adjoining trench, the construc tion of a range card, use of compass Trench Warfare, In trench warfare a knowledge is required of the handling of the com- monest bombs and explosives, telling off a working party and alloting a task, loopholing and rivetting, com mon types of trenches and dug-outs, entanglements, obstacles, the relief and handling over of a platoon in the| trenches by day and night, construc- tion, repair, holding, and capture of trenches, and a knowledge is neces- sary of duties of a leader of a gre- nade party, formation of a grenade! party, methods of training and em- ployment of grenades. Billeting And Machine Guns. | He must have a general knowledge of arrangements for billeting, how a platoon ig fed in billets, sanitary ar- raugements, orders for sentries in billets, and alarm posts. If possible, have a knowledge of how to fire a machine gun in case of emergency and how to disable a gun without explosives. Interior Economy And Military Law. The necessary subjects under this| head are: 1. Powers of an O. C 2. Forfeiture of pay 3. Fines for drunkenness. 4. How to make a summary of evi- dence. 5. Definitions and differenves be- company Coot for you _ GownissGacon {and Mr and Mrs. W. P | Mrs dined with Mrs. H. E. Pettingill this week Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Demill and daughter Thelma spent a few days at Trenton, Brighton and Wel. land Mrs. Alexander Carruthers, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates, Moscow, visited near here last week Mr, and Mrs. Owen Bently Owen Sound, visited here last week. Miss Alice and Marguerite Black and Mr. and Mrs Patrick Norman, Buffalo, N.Y., visited here last week last Friday "Jack" Shourie, Eugene Taylor, A. M. Osborne and Maor McCulloujgh went to Belleville 'to see 'The Birth of a Nation," as also. did Mr. and Mrs Gregg Haight Niles; all were guests at the Hotel Quinte. Maria Courtland, Portland, Ore- gon, who spent last week here with friends, has gone to Ottawa to spend Christmas with her sister. Arthur and Bertha Taylor, Guelph, are visit- ing here, Gilbert Hutchison is con- i fined to his home through jliness Born to Mr. and Mrs. Knight a son. Mrs. Weeks, Carrying Place, re- turned home this week after spend- 'ing a few days with her sister, Mr: William Insley. Gerald Noxon went to North Bay last week on a business trip. Mrs. S. A. Lain, who visited at her son's and daughter's, J. E. Lain, and Mrs. Percy Roarck, and return- ed to her home last week, was taken ill and is still contned to her | bed. The new recruits here are Nor- man and Sherman Foster, Carl | White, Alexander Dunn, Bartey i Ricketts, Stanley Walker and How- ard Alexander. Miss Pearl Spriggs, Consecon, was| {in town last week visiting her young | schoot chums. Miss Margaret Green, | Bloomfield, is visiting 'her nd- | mother, Mra. Gilbert. Gerald son (had the misfortune fo fracture his | knee. Mrs. Gilbert and daughter Madeline spent Sunday at Mrs. W. J. Green's, Bloomfield. Miss Trixey Beattie, is the guest of Mrs. G. C. | Blakely, Gilead. Mrs. Bee Wilson is | here from Téronto and will spend | the winter here. Tom Colén of the | 80th Battalion, Picton, was visiting | Arck 'ieCollough on Sunday. Mr. {and Mrs. Frank Baosway spent Sun- |day with Mr. and Mys Alexander Tate. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones spent | Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Heary | Post. Mrs. D. Jackson spent Sat- | arday at Picton. Miss Alice Mutten | spent a few days at Milford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hescott, Shannonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cornell, for a few days laut Skidmore; treasurer, BE. H. Osler scissors, that can split a sack of wheat, would cause Frank some dis tress across the midsection . pc Farmer's Hamby Shore states positively he Dec 20 was never tendered a contract by the! held a successful Ottawa Hockey Club or anyone con-|at Bloomfield Town Hall nected therewith and it is on this | afternoon and evening point he has carried his case to the | were delivered by G. G N.H A He further states that|vincial Dairy Inspector President Quinn will insist (on the Clark, Thamesville, on Ottawas either tendering him a con | bandry They addressed a tract or letting him outright meeting at Rednersville The St. Nicholas team of New York and the Stars of Montreal play ed a two-all tie at Gotham on Satur day night in the second game for the | Sixsmith's team According to ad Art Ross Cup As the St Nicholas | vices from Buckingham Quehs team won the first game of the series | Bert McAndrew and Patsy: Packs at Montreal a week ago, a third have been offered good game is DOW necessary and will be! Pittsburg to play hockey, and played at New York to-night accepted FURNITURE HEADS THE LIST OF PRACTICAL XMAS GIFTS Institutes. Farmer meeting Thursday Addresses Publow, Pro and John poultry hus similar Picton ~The Institute Ottawa Aberdeens have completed arrangements for games at Pittsbhur on January 7th and 8th, against Ay posit Largest and best selection to choose from R. J. REID, LeadingUndertaker. Phone 517 oh WE HAVE NOW COMMENCED Store Cars for the Winter Our rates, including eh. ging batteries, jacking up cars, etc. are $10.00 per car. We have splendid facilities, dry, clean and warm. Room for 35 cars. Drop in and pick your place. Porritt Garage Co, - Limited WELIANGTON STREET

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