Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1915, p. 1

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Da a a a alana The Daily British Whig! KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915 LAST EDITION en A Very : erry Christmas To All Whig Readers PEACE TALK 07" SERBS FIGHT "*"*wwesr [ABOR GOOD --™'- ... ROOSEVELT Of Bernsior#f Libellers-- IS SENSELESS THE BULGARS "5:27 IN CANADA == ~~" T0 CONTEST of the occupants, is Amsterdam Telegraat Russia To Carry On War To | > Battle Rages in the Albanian "x0 Conditions Have Been Well = CEN "For the United States Presi- a Finish. I Mountains." : vero Maintained Since October. yo ovine over "une disteicc o dency Again. Bruges, Be everal bomb VCTORY IS NEARER "1 SERBS HAVE TOPPED CUCUTHE MBOR GAZETTE a THE GALLANT COLONEL BVERY RAKGE MADE BY 1 cas ISSUES A Sr Ny RRPORT IN] sve in | nic p i" SI ro THROW HS HAE 190 RING TO FULLY COMPLY 1 ' he Handling ' i Western Russia Has Ended German Attemy PH man wy : Gale Crop. Has « Bruises I'he Programme He Has Outlined -- } : ! 3 \ y fia op ax siven nplay- fe fe 3 fete oie Fo Stir Un Trouble in Per With the United States De- Junction |) Fo 5 rt Tes Wa bce at fo fededirdd dbp dddbb bid ddd bid He Will Stand Either As a Repub . . {oid Line ¥ nai 3 a od men any ndustrially e + . as Revolutions Adopted By the Du mand Regarding Sinking WP ta 4 . : Workimen Ars Busy But Chiefs oa TO INVADE GREECE 4 lican, Or a Progr of Ancona. X War Order ON EVERY FRONT FOR THE EN FENTE POWERS publishe which says Ex-President throw b hat March 1st Ur remain passive his statement wa GERMANY'S TAX BURDEN 958 po A end of the ex-preside # anner Ww ich Income-tax in Baden Is Increased 20 maa hn whic likely shape up ling 1 a nial 3 ; 2 side 1 y ' Per Cent BROTHERS $y I fron aint Gi ; ] : ' toosevelt will endeavor to until after taxation y. tl Year's Day On January 28t! begun ad-| } | issue 2 bi r | to the Peun ust sylvania Progre d who have : 2 ; sing : X 20) 8tood co nobly by 1 in Philade i ey ; . to, with 1 ta MISS MABEL L. BELL : 2 ar) hie PRI a 5 al ti | t : ; i 3 4 X : 1 £ ruary i th 1 will talk possible jermany : RETURNS FROM WAR. |} ; 2 Pp was a ning to be fe It was pointd out in the Rel the Illinois "Bull Mooses" in broken er * ! i B ) number of ries v h de- | on Monday { Ln ago Following that he any Saarant Fe a aaah . 1. » She Was With American Red |} Ge for r efly o tert © intend to res the West Indies, where h nent the consolidat * ( e = n y 3 ¢ re nif yy or r IX rates ; $ £ 5 pers three weeks, resting up fo nfluence in Persia + * Cross Society Nurses gio sarin, ; FURLOUGH GRANTED lussssiies i rance. cites WHERE IS TL Se elred be TO GREEK RESERVES. y : Be ] iughter « I 9 ne wer eins hé is a candidate Ormsby MceHarg BRITAIN NOT 10 TREAT :: ge a : ] , i jase ou Sischa who took a prominent part in Co Apparently Greece is Not to 3 oy A on the Ta These men were urning io Roosevelt's campaign in 1912, said t ri Vi 3 i f i their hon n the 0 re z to Beht Be Invaded For Another HE GERMANS GENTLY, SAys graduate of i Yor ty ng emplo know that Col. Rooseveli plan Month. HON. WALTER RUNCIMAN FIeutn ospiia, and eli thal snst ' FCP HRS Ericts of; Non Skatehewan to en, « candidate for the Repub RB zOHtINE f ths Amey Se ny ry pe ---- ican nomination in lany states Huns Defeated Commercially--Own-| po og i a3 . poor, owing chiefly to rougl ther will find him fighting in the ership of Real Property by Aliens ; rer time with ti octet r \ A A A YILY wa EE a. oo 0 Has He Been Put in a Sani- open in the Minnesota primary on Proven: Mensos ok and. taking vantage v pat or ne Win By 2 B SriLISA March 14th. He will be At Weeks, pe ¥ a eR Lrg ; Columbia condition were uleter. . In some qnat fiondon: Dee 24 As far as foray - Month's vacation, she has been tour aly eh duel 7 in Massaehugeits, Sink. ip. lin 1 me qua OnAo i ar as fomy The lumbering industry also wa= fot : | ois. Smith in Michigan and Cum a v ] 0 mean that Ger- merce is concerned Germany is a\ NE In France, Italy and Great Britt CAMPAIGN IN U. S. so active on account of many Saw given definite assurances beaten nation, and it is for us to see ail i T CANADA. mills closing down for the winter mins in Iowa. s . AGAINS . 4 A A spokesman for Col. Roosevelt BE LE odin of o ~ sitet iy BUFFALO HAS MUCH GRAIN nme but this condition was offset in many | however, made his statement y the Greek frontier for ad an res) the oard of Trade # RI : logealities by the engagement of men | 5 y : . m w X ie engag Col. Roosevelt will not enter eith other month 1 18 Commons yester Rumor of Impending ar mini , IT 1 pi ey . f the woods Coa mining con er the Republican or Progressive reviewing the steps Big Shipping Comiipanies Buying Up Taxes Have Kept Set- tinued vary wotive in all cosl pve publican Ol Ag ress BRITISH CASUALTIES t ' ¢ Board for the reorgani Boats From Small Owners ta ok of the Dominion. Metal 2 ri r : Capt. Johti Donnelly returned on tiers Out. huctag acl: he ing off | MEN OUT OF THE TRENCHES BE-| oF both conventions, he might a g also she ling wi Since The Beginning Of The War To. | . Friday from nto and Buffalc ; Se the a v he previous FORE CHRISTMAS. : Ea ' @ R ngle depar y A ¢ onne on i I'he despatch also adds Ex-Nat tal H28.327 and in an interview the Whig h month. "There wa tte change in h ! : ciman t he t Wilt . ye the De-| F100 | T™ ; onal Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock { t p ; stated that there were over 100 stor manufacturing conditions--a mark- The Vanguard Of His Peace Party . aden. Det aly p } wha have not been | 406 grain cargoes no Buffalo, | Partmen : Helio at some) Manna np . * is out for Hughes, as i# Governor ea] . : : E thinking v t will happen | myo must | : ' April 1 thousands « ling \ from | ed activ g ev deat n a grea Expected To Reach Stockholm On Whitman, if Hughes is a eandidats casualties from the Ring © st be u ded by il i122 ; ¢ ME + thos § . 3 ASHE yo when the war is er and how hest ovided: te ha ahi ihe ri s had been held number of lin ¥ h- duiing 1n Friday Afternoon otherwise Whitman hopes 16 be & wal Dec, 9 : : to prepare i" tu contingencies, | Prove " fini yA ha by reports of prospective heavy some others way construction RT re) olf 1 bre " Bel "tained. Ox t Buff ae ! } andidate himse officis announced day VY | Nothink SH cial li will start ainec 1 nesds 18 Buffalo ele-f Lo. ove it country, it is now ontinued quie I t whole, but (Sp } e Whig.) divided as follows: K 11 f.when the war is ove same | YAtOrs hand ! bushels ofl). ned th ese reports have been railwhy traffic 'owing heavy ship London, Dee, 24, What has hap wounded, 338,758; missing ondition \ e war hegan, Brain I ie United States with an nts of grain and, in some locali- Pened to Henry Ford," became one | ggpdobdodod dddddd dd iddddddtts It should be remembered and in ev e relationshi vith In a very few vear 1 the opinion Y . somewhat similar, r tie to the shipment of war orders 9f the overshadowing news items in probably half the ( the central JOWET ap of prominer hipping her sult f ire evidences that Uni-| was very active. Walter transporta London to-day," temporarily upset WAR BULLETINS, { t hound fict th our nt will be not more thag four companies | Stat apitalisis and business tion showed a falling off towards the ng te intrest nthe boys whom Ford planned to bring out of the trenches before Christmas Day - est n possession of all the boats er ; wit have ontemplate f the 1 th raffic on the CANCER OF THE THROAT After numerating th 1 hi f ed in the American shipping og } a ent of industries or ranch | Lakes and the awrence having which the BO rd of lakes from Duluth and Chicago \ ' n the Don on havi p---- ra Sm a Germans are fighting despera tely to retake Har inns Wei ' lerkopf. The casualties are up Is Said To Be the Ailment of the was s ally investigating, 1g Buffalo These fi ir companies It eard rumors and have been ~ # into the thousands since Tues them' being the owne SD re now buying up, on the quiet, boats) ipfiyencs considerable extent port said Ford had quit the expedi-| 4 gay property by iftens, Mr. Runciman in-| from the small owners. Though this | py 1. In their case the hesitancy : ; Hon and was enroute to Bergen to| . - stanced the danger of such owner-| will be more or les a combin to carry out thecontemplated invest-! wat [ake the steamer Bergensfjord for| 4 The secretary for India says } ing that new of = « x. a)iv does h + > E ; ' | America hip, stating tha knew o ne Capt. Donnelly dos hink en apital] in Canada is thus & : A A 4 Aden in no danger of an incur oal field in the Midlands owned by the carrying charge il nereas seribe i reports of the impending Another said he probably was in| 4 con from the Turk iermans and trading under an Eng- ad as the reduction in overhead ir sitien of a business tax for war a sanitarinm in or near Christiana + title, which now was idle, and | panges made possible by the combine | ¢ r purposes. It is not known taking the rest cure, and planning to +> the British were preventad from will tend to reduce if anything the to what extent these reports have join. the peace party at Stockholm + copvred! over Greek iorritory the coal field He adc carrying charges. The American ship ally prevented the establishment Re FRngurd uf the Deace party + near Salonika dropping LULL HAS OCCURRED cannot continue after the ,. 0 jo0k for an even bigger vear of new industries, but there is no sxpected to reach Stockholm this af-! 4 1ombs on the village on Thurs 1¢ Board is taking great 5 : ternoon yombs on the village r --ehM ! & Rt @ next vear (nestion as to their being in circu Ps 52 4 day p » allow no German to sia in 3 2 -- the Fighting On Sloves of H: 8 0 A . lation and as to their having influ % TL " it ingland e are no NeW mr CARMER 4 Bria finalists § > 3 ft For America manns Weilerkop( roing e especially tender to the YOUNG FRONTENAC FARMERS | enced American capitalists in some § 3 : I + officially announced that . i Wh ¥ : ------ legree Evidence as to this have je 2 § London, Dec. 2 I'he Exchange a 411 sick and wounded were re Dee 24 A lull im the Mr. Runciman specially referred tol YY inning A Free Trip To Ontario Ag- been brought to the attention o e 1 : Fegan ; ee 1 correspondent | 4 moved to a place of safety be Sou i ™ x Te p n 3 srnment "able ha A Fore a y . . the slopes of Hartmanns the German control of oil fields in ricultural College. Governman to-day f A ears Ford, ltt Bergen # fore the withdrawal! of the Br po v sp -------------- : t ¢ \ , was reported in official Europe, remarking that this raw ma- The many friends of Owen Fi ¥ r America + Scandinavian press despatches 4 were most contradictory One re Kaiser An Austrian aeroplane man PEP LP Sree FIP bert ee t tish from Anzae and Suvia ches to-day. The War Office wgerial was of su ital interes gerald, Murvale; Arthur Bott x, | le i prem rd PON 0 ced this After noch that 10 tr a Rr ita : a ies Hor te Murvale; and Roy Ewing E gi I: THE BRESLAU SU £4 i 750 eo HET PrIEeS re TI pofta: ghting occurre asy taking special steps to see how much | burg; will be pleased to learn that AND GOEBEN DAMAGED. ? | ' LOST IN Tr DAI y MEMORANDUM Ley ght of "the German control this pre-! they have been successful in winning ITALIAN CAMPAIGN. . sas D " Sh duct could be transferred to Great the two weeks course at the OAC. Rome Despatch Tells About a Gr vn Oper: 8 Chat rias nO Britain, so that the latter's interests free of all expenses This Vrize i | Ee and TD. #0 THE WHIGS CONTENTS, would be safeguarded was given in Du with mi Se Nava! Battle in Black § ltaly's Share of these Great] ?r ana i p. se 3. right hand TT - - - veral competitions which we are con Sea. | H Losses Totais About Yor ar ahi N 3 PRIVATE A. MeBROOM ducting in Frontenac Counfy under or mn - -- a 350,000. son Aff ; --- - the direction of the Local Branch of Lond {pas 2} oh "Rome d despaten " a on aes H [a Queen' ; t ricul s Ondon PC. = 3 Pir mi 3 . mination Profit Competition," Acre Profit 'o-dal corner, reported that the Turkish Who it is sald will shy nto 11, x | In the Austro-{talian theatre of war (i, 10 a mm war Competition in Oats and \ore Cruiser Midirli, formerly the German J 8 agal are Jaces by Swiss military experts he ( nrisimax / Profit Confpetitian in Potatoes restau, ms been sunk, and the Tur practically ceased Commercial con at 75 008 men in killed, wounded tionary Hospital (Queen's.) The let The ihree winners Will ave! via A oat Selim, ed dition ware improved with the oe apiuted. losses are reckoned at ter reads in part as follows &.T.R. from Riseston to Suelsh oy Ao ba Lilt to the Black, Sea {movement and marketing of the 350,000 men. of whom 50,000 ane THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG L just got out of bospitatishe day leay ng on Januury i ii and es Alf pe (toeben normally carried a crew | TODS " prizoners and 60.0.0 dead Is on Sale at the Following City before yesterday and have not Leen feel sife that Sire 3078 yell rel { yut 1.1060 men with ten eleven Tre Uepartments pees mber Wounded Austrian soldiers de Stores: doing anything since. but 1 expect ciate : is x teat oppor an 4 oH fnch guns and twelve six-inch guns, Of Wholesale prices stood ai 157.8 for clare that the outside world knows Buckneill's News Depot 28% King St that | will have a week or 20 of light attending the 0.A.C., as a reward of |... pr. jay carried abe 270 wen. November, as sqmpared with 148.8] nothing of the terrific violence of the Clarke, J. W. & Co Shans mri TE on Sos] hon estat hse ta Sow pisses fo the previous month and 131.8 Sebiing on the Austra raian Troms Conte, Hock, Bure Told tn Twiltahits Faries SAE WAS only iit the NOSDilal WG Weeks - : i : ; NNOEND r ar FoR, P ad- pspecially along the Isonzo River and Cullen's Grocery, Cor. Princess & Alfred tute: Walt Masons | there has been quite a change in the ounty, : CHANGES ANN(C CED vances in quinine, alum, Zlyserine at Goritz Frontenac ...Ontarie Bt Pros an ny at a Formers "POSTIES" HARD AT WORK he Now Canmdinn. Patific Oe aud Taw furs were nol included, ine en Gian: JSrore _ Market Square when we got up at si e morn- A A A ' . ew adian Pacific ean | x e v % § . "hristmas With Soldiers ing Rt was auite bright, but now gs rao a. Soreicce. eT aL ha War Tidings. Mooairy © re ot. Prin & King Ontario have to have the electric light on to Delivering Christmas Gifts To the Sevatial | © ever, important advances in grain. look for fierce fighting ou Christ- Moleod's Grocery +5, baton Rt. RBCS ; dress by and it is quite cold" . People Of Kingston. Montreal, Des. 24. According to dairy products, dried fruits, potatoes | Mas day," is a slogan of the men Mediey' Te ay renal emafits; the Forun BE OF Ser The "posties" are the hardest circular just issued H. 8. Carmichael flour, cream of tartar. iron and Coming home to London on leave proses Drug Store ....513 Pfincess Matran RK: T PIED OF WOUNDS, worked men in Kingston these days. (is appointed passenger and freight steel, other metals, coke, mhatehes,s from France Valleau's Grocery ...308 Montreal ' ew It is simply wonderful the amount of | manager of the new Canadian Pac- fopper wire, linseed oil, turpentine, The Austrian invasion of Montene- ~~ SS Cablegram Announces The Death Of mail matter they can get away with cific ocean services at London, Eng. carbolic acid, opium, suiphite pulp, 870 has been checked, say Athens BORN. Pte. Bert Kish, trom the post office and deliver from |Captain J. 'alsh, R.N.R., has and raw rubber. Decreases ocfurred despatches. CHRAIG-Te Mr and Mra. Boward OG A cablegram received on Thurs house to house. On Friday morning been appointed ssistant manager ip bran, shorts, cattle, beef, hyggs and 3 Liner captains arriving at Now Craig, 101 Stephen stfeet, a daugh- day. anpounced the: death at the! the rush was so heavy that they had while W. H. Annable has been ap- poultry, but hogs, recovered later. York report that the Britieh autheri t front of Pte. Bert Kish, a son of Ex- to get vehicles to help them gut. The ponted general passenger agent At: In retail prices the cost of § weekly ties seized ail mall from neutral Councillor Kish, Cataraqui His | post _gffice was filled to overflowing lantic services and C. E. Benjansin, hudget of certain staple {foods stoed Ports on their ships. early in the morning, and as the day general passenger agent Pacific ser- at $8,016, as compared with $7,815 German agents blew up huge vangress, « An interesting letter has been re y ceived from Pte. A. McBreom, who t Cairo, Egypt. with No. 5 Sta n Reels Easter wife resides at 86 Nepean street, ; pi J t ! Ottawa. He was with the 38th Bat- passed each mail brought in tons of viees all with breadquarters at Mon- ja' October, and $7,898 im Oetober, powder mill at Wilmington, DD, No talion, at Barriefield Camp, but went | parcels and letters. treal. 1914. Eggs, butter, cheese, lard, po- body was hurt, ; overseas with one of the first drafts Christmas morning the letier car tatoes, and beans were higher. Rent: In Commons on Thursday Hon from that Batialion, and' was trans- | riers will have their heaviest loads, King Alonso of Spain signed de- averaged lower in RQaskatchewan, An. Walter Runciman declared that the forred to the Second Battalion. He{and it will be all hours before they crees dissolving the Cortes New ihrocite coal averaged slightly high Germans were already defeated xo died of wounds in an hospital. ve completed their work. elections will be held before March. er." 1 'far as their trade was coneceroed. -

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