TAGE FIVE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT 0'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive § Have You Forgotten 'Any Friend at Christmas ? to make any we can help you at return gifts ? If so, 1it+] ttle cost Or do you want come here HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, TEA APRONS, BOU DOIR CAPS, SCARFS, FANCY COLLARS, ETC All To Be Cleared This Week ALL MUST GO. + gale Original Cost not considered + it will pay you to investi T.J., OCONNOR 260 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 800 THE STORE WITH THE SMALL PRICES. WE HAVE Store Cars for the Winter 0 ite ire $10.00 pe mn Roon COMMENCED NOW ng batts plendid fa tie dr Drop in and pick your plate Porritt Garage Co., - Limited WELLINGTON STREET Ip can te clean € and Phone 451 ' | | | | { | | | { } | ~1 | ) | | . | Kingston's Electric Store. ) We wish our many friends the Compliments of the : 5 Season and a bright and prosperous 1916 H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO, Phone 441 79 PRINCESS ST. NEWS ABOUT TROGPS QUARTERED IN CITY % had thrkey go with and person the the nave of that must and it pounds ngs f somewhere, hould make any contented Anyway not neglected by thelr officers or great quantities purchased d that the officer Knew they these happy soldiers Gover: vere the citizens of and cot 5s who did the were doing we sufi dining rooms elabo event happl every ment The eats that were SUITE howe buying what and for every the different rately the quantities re ient The barracks Oi in were big and everything and that there decorated for pirit of overhung the and a festivity ness person I'he fact this Was [ Christmas | lutely work of making the that abso things them boys e vould had clothes and uch WOTny was drills the no as or had njoy to effect themselves been their as well as they they civilian | homes In held to he lin ind eve Ont the ning a Hall Home proved I'he on jove in ario a real At that they | themselves so informal The Y A. furnished the refresliments and Capt. the W. F. FitzGerald | presided Instead of opening with an addre 'tzGerald started the informal programme by giving a couple Irish recitations that are $0 welcome when so well given. Thi splen boys ay r well Everything as possible Rev i Capt of as follc didly rex R ty-four w violin solo er 1 cort of twer ywed by a Gul A met P Institute dered by lor, of A then ay he Fraser and, f colors and to the all the soldier march around men Collegiate behind the the pipes commenced grand the hall. Song and | recitation h Gunner Van Hooter RC. HA fol lowed, and then C. V. Farmer led the singing of popular and patriotic ongs, such as "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall ind "Keep the Home Fires Burning An address by Mrs. Carr-Harris followed 30 p.m. refreshments were {by the ladies of the Y."W. C. A meeting was brought to a close {the singing of the (by all joining hands and | "Praise God From Whom | ings Flow.' iper il ing INCIDENTS OF THI musi DAY i Local Nodes and Items Interest Of Genern Mot ypho Bristol the fre Roya Mrs the Burr and a served I'he after Ki inging Bless ( Teronto He Military Roughton Mr levill Ap inded luate o he Mr fam ind Christy ie Jo At the Elmhurst on Home on Christmas afternoon were liday with gathered all of the invalided soldiers of the home not on and a jalso the patfents of the Mowat Memo rial Hospital wear the khaki There were twenty present The home was beautifully decorated, most of the work being done by Gun | ner Fraser, of the R. C. H. A, who is a patient al the home After Piper | Fraser had given selections in the | different rooms, a splendid pro | gramme was put on in the dining | room Miss Radcliffe presided at | the plano The programme opened iby a short address by Major Gardi wo is a ura College God Save g S of All Ww Be ver Wilmot and wife Ottawa Convalescent Saturday Mrs Mahood Logie to Ww enjoy N Imot leave, 1 1 Cour having heard Press Association June 1916 invitation and mised to everything possible contribute to the comfort and enter tainment of the members whilé there Leona Aznoe, Lyn, concerned in white slave accused Police Of ficer Edward Paquette, Ogdensburg, N.Y., with taking her to police head quarters and made improper advan ces her after taking her down that the Canadian who might meet there tended a € n eX about pro cordial y do to a case to Sr mm - Merry Christmas To Our Patrons and All Others T. F. HARRISON CO LIMITED, % Stairs into the women's quarters Paquett® has resigned his office. The case may go Ihe Aznoe girl said enteen yea I pretty and | ner, followed by selections by Miss {| Radcliffe on the piano and by Piper Fraser on the pipes Sergt. Reilly (gave some vocal selections, and J. G | Evans gave two recitations An {address was given by Capt. the Rev |G. 1. Campbell C. V. Farmer also | recited The entertainment, which | also consisted of the singing of popu | lar patriotic songs, lasted 10 p.m, when refreshments ed to court 5 to be only sev of | decidedly MAN until 5 Served Up Variety of Weather Christ. Were serv mas Day. nan up a tina ing, al folk Claus ithe the littl an hri Fhe Henry mas WIBONers-« mo n \Or] youl 3 Saturday gest davs for the | internment the fort Christ was one the big prisoners since thei: The different were prettily decorated | with bunting and evergreens The matiu for the big dinnea was varied and more than satisfactory Goose | took the place of turkey, but real old ™ ny English plum pudding was one of the ex luxuries that the Teutons enjoved forgotie: BE the were 18 had of wliat ther Santa n their stockings, i hard, and gave being a real old Day However ston changed hij order, rain cane wand held re day and disagreeahl who had to be ont t room nowing very of Very tashi the wppeatance of med Chris weather tmas man fn short on ill-of- fare, of t It was mo lay for those The members of Queen Street Methodist Church gave a Christmas dinner to a number of soldiers on 21OW | Saturday at six o'clock in the church school rooms After the dinner partake, a splendid programme | gtven. The entertainment broke at nine o'clock rturday it older northwes Sunday nigh Cleared and nd YW Strong coming fell and wd eold from t St rifted Was Crisp WAS was up Twas A Busy Night Judging by the in the good many the rowd oy the in treet -- stores Friday evening must have Jeft shopping AH the in fact the morning of tna Liedt. Basil or J. L.. Morris | been attached to the since {ts organization, Pembroke with No 1 Company Lieut. Morris was quite reluctant about leaving his battal ton, but his qualifications as an en gineer made him particularly suited | for the work of the Tunnelling Com pany Morris of May who has Battalion now in unnelling a off 1 the last minute rood Son people Pembroke Christmas 19th is {ny stores dia a wee hours Christmas had been reached before some the mer chants finished their day's business business of Died n Buffalo, Johu Gardner, aged years, formerly of Clayton, sixty-five died in A AAA eee "BEWARE OF A COLD" ear Rubbers | (The Best Kinds. Rightly Priced Allan M. Reid, 111 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON Buffalo in a hospital. He was well known, in Clayton For years he was a sailor on the great likes and Tater a pilot on the St. Lawrence Riv For the past eighteen years he od lived in Buffalo. Gapanoque council has appealed to Senator Taylor and Col. Hémming to use their inliuonce with the Propet autherities to have Company "A' i the 59th Battaige remain in Gas anoque for the Balance of the sea- (son instead of hem making the change every month to Brockville and | Cornwall as was at first intended ore Wor Christmas, Major Allan Stroud, with about sixty members of the Mounted Rifles, Lieut. William Smith, returned ¢3me down from Hamilton to spend | from the front. went to Port Hepe Christmas here. Another batch will and was met at the station by the CoMe to Kingston for New Years' | mayor escorted up town by the local j detachment of the 136th Baa- ta li C.. EB. RE. and High | Shan] Cadets. Lieut. Smith was in action at Ypres, Festubert and Giv- jenchy, and developed | which "caused him to be home for three months. ldeut -Col. Low reports that there Playing In Winnipeg. Dobson, the former Queen's play- er. is playing right wing for the sol- diers in the Wingipeg Patriotic neuralgia, League, along with Harry McKenzie, invalided the former Kenora player, Amalgamate With Queen's. " Application will be made to are over 200 men in the 146th Parliament this session to amalga- | talion At Flinton and . Westport mate the School of Mining and Agri- | contingents are being trained culture with Queen's University. IVER Ir Lieut. Wiiliak A. Spriggs, acting tadjutant of the 39th Battalion, at 'Sandling Camp, England, has been i red to return to Canada to as-/ |sume a more important command in% | the Bay of Quinte Battalion. He is| | already on his way. ! i Word comes from Regina that AAMAS A RR AAAs ALARA R ALARAARARN AS AAAAAAS. was ind until BALBAADLAJLAD BALABABARILDDDENADELCONDODMDEODEDS OMDB ES ADA ODA DDIM The Gift Store I'o help Table. On ou do vour the table vou shopping TT YY VY YY TV YP UPTO YOUVE TY WEEE Hy wi Ve orlment arrange lw Special $1.00 Gift find a good a ' Ladies' Bedroom Slippers Im various colo WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS, Girls' & Childrens' Slippers GIRLS' AND Sd 4 LEGGINGS. LADIES' SPATS AND OVER-GAITERS. I'he all make re gilt will © al good Store Open [Till 10 0'clock Tonight nd and ABERNE the and THY'S SHOE STORE I Attractive Prices in Fine Furs | clearing Wi O11 lines of N¢ ck Muffs, Lilet Thy Pieces and and invite Voll Hispection Campbell Bros. Makers of Fine Furs. Hendersons The Christmas Spirit is in| Our Store. | Our premises are now overflowing with Groceries for our Christmas trade. Pineapples, Tokay Gripe, Malaga] Grapes, Oranges, Figs, Nuts, Crys-| stalized Fruits, Preserved Ginger, ete. Christmas Chocolates and; Bon-Bons. A full assortment of Hogtish Chocolates and Bon-Bens; alse a full of Canadian Manufacture. Henderson's Grocery A Square House to Deal With, Ln Mrs, E. W. Visger died at Syra- cuse, N.Y., and was buried at Alex- { andria Bay, N.Y., Her husband was fpioweer boatman on the St. Law- rence. She was aged keventy- rix i Years. | i [f I Big fresh shipment just received for the Holiday Christmas Condics | IN BOXES AND BASKETS. Trade. SAKELL'S Bs Opera House. Phone 640 | 'The Age of Labor Saving Devices ! Kitchen Cabinets «ave labor and sto ps in the Kitehen | Vacuum and Carpet Sweepers «ave time and energy Ask to sce White Queen Kitchen Cabinet dciionsiiated At James Reid, The Buy Store with the Large Stock ETS X-MAS WISH Jac HOODS West End Meat Market 1 Just received, un large stork of | Fresh Pork, Prices in Cuts from 13¢ to 0c a A Aine nm large stork of Wewiern Bees, prices from iZ'%e to I% a | ih. FAIR AND SQUARE A happy, ones ax th all of ihe bouy! ehol Varner' Butter well fed appetite assisis an We will supply yeu with eae things that #0 to make snd al! of your friends a Merry, Weli-fed man ERY, ARK SQUARE, n w. LEE, Phone Sib, weighted and measy Christ de fal Yuletide feast We