+ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1915 Ti: CHRISTMAS TRADE i Ns $ : Sleepytime Tales a PAGE TEN Gary &Jfractical --. Home Dresr Making = YW j a A suste i Ever Before a D (sp ¢ D CED o © = © o eo COES SKATING ne f wa WASHING COMPOUND THE GREAT INVENTION § For Saving ToL & Expense | Wirwour Invury Jo Twe [i (8 Texrure, Coror Or Nanos [#8 Festivities boi Holiday Wherever dirt sticks use Ihe Baod Did fashioned P Washing Lompaund | N the outside steps, in the entry way, the kitchen floor, mkthe sink, on the dishes, wherever dirt and disappears only after hard work Pearline makes it vanish mstantly. Pearl- ine will save you more exertion vou think and will make these hard-to cleaner than your muscles and ordinary soap ever could. Try it. Fey A A A ee AA A | "Low Cost of Living" Menu O11 in the washstand DINNER . dehes removal BREAKFAST led Wheatenn with Melted Hutter and Brown Sugar 1 Spinach Soup---Choy Tonst Coffer I f wate LUNCHEON Holled Rice with Sauce r f Hrend aad Hutter Fried Ten : White Apples 01 pare DINNER t Splasch Fork Chops Washed Potatoes ried Apples than is showr fon and la light © K ar in medium = Soup ( lean things yard lining rr | Menu for Wednesday | ¥ | | | 1 | \. Cheese and Nur Salad iy by mixing t as vinegar ut and pepper itil well blended The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co of Canada, Ltd Hamilton, Canada { neck frooping Ww I th f t he gives |ana t to a brea t Almond Cake --Crean Almost tavice as big a pack together ame pr as before at the 5 cents a GD GED CD GED GD GED (D (ED GOD (ED (D (END ¢ D (END CD GID A A tay forth a CED GD (SED CD (ED ¢ D (ID ¢D (EE) GOD (ED (DEED ¢D GED COD (ED CD GED ¢ © D (HD CD (EEE COD (ID ¢ D GHEND COD GID) § welrd, u kind of song } ry v ¢ hree eights of a 1p of butter and equa. 1 3 F gar. Add a quarter of a He begins with a series of notes which A quarter of a teaspoon irths of remind one of nothing so much as the | LUNCHEON sound made by two sticks a cup and a rether at intervals of 5 oat Ro. Rolled Rice Be : Tio ores and Help fo Make: 2 - the oon © CO gi Het Dr ( Fea FW cam; FeAnaTR F Re go Ja ca [2 THe ire or less divisl nto three parts OD GEED ¢D CED ( D GREED CD GRD GD GED GOD GED ¢D GED (D GEEND 0D GEEED € D GIED C¢D GEED GD GED (0 D-IND ¢ D GREED) 60 GED ¢ a teaspoon become bell-like ries of sounds like the drawing of a OWER HOUNCE OF A \ otk ont of a bottle, and these end L with birdlike twilterings By this time, however, the singer has worked bimself up te an ecstasy of fervor so y balanced Then there is another dauger. Too much crossing of the legs Is sure to bring lopsidedness. Let the legs rest llmply. In that way the mus- cles become eased, while the flow into aud the return of blood from the legs Is naturally done aud the body is equally balanced. one pc € r v wale e4 Les three eggs and a seconds, getting quicker and quicker | 1),, and easpoon of almond extr | oS hr fy aud changing in key till at last they he SVE noderate oven 'hen follows a se The agony of blood and tears ~~~ * which swept over Belgium has left nearly two millions of its people absolutely without food or money Because they scorned to sell their national honor-- because they dared to fight for the nght, against odds that were overwhelming--because by their sacrifice they saved the day for us and our Allies-- they are face to face with gnm starvation. -- Pateated April 30, 199 iutense as to deaden him to all that may be passing in the outer world Father Hubbard I'he nursery knows pothiog of Fa ber Hubbard, but in 1604 Thomas | Middleton publistied Father Hub | bard's Tale of the Ant and the Night- | Above Patterns can be obtained from gale" 18 the Introduction be wf NEWMAN & SHAW, plains: "Why 1 call Father Hubburd's tales Is not w have (hem Princess Street. Pletorial Review ents sm-- Rats as Food. Rats form a favorite dish io China, Split open, dried, pressed and powder ed with a finely ground white bark, they look somewhat like haddocks as they hang in long strings over butch- ers' stalls, Dr. Arthur Stradiing once declared that "rats would be not only wholesome, but very nice, if properly prepared--not common sewer rats, but such as I ate, barn fed animals snared in a hop garden. The flesh, though perfectly white, wag dry and tasteless. Put then they were only skinned, cleaned and submitted to the fire with- out any of the et ceteras which make other meats savory. Admiral Beau- fort and other arctic explorers speak highly of rats as a whosesome addi- tion to their supply of food in those dreary latitudes." --Chicago News. these alled in sguin as the Tale of Mother Hubburd. The world would show lit | tie judgment in that, i'faith, and 1 should say then. 'plena stultorum Liu ne gete , . n sib ig "| ula,' for I entreat here neither of rug ged bears nor apes, no, nor the lam entable downfall of the old wife's platters. 1 deal with wo such metal" Since Spenser's 'Mother Hubberd does not seem to bave been called in nd says nothing about Lears or plat ters, Middleton 1s evidently alinding to some other "Mother Hubburd London Btaudard Fine Line to Choose From -- - = The wives, mothers and children of King Albert's gallant > soldiers, dream not of pleasures and luxuries, but of BREAD! They are helpless to provide it themselves -- and the Belgian Relief Commission, efficient though it is, can only procure it for them with cash supplied by the voluntary contributions of people like ourselves. The | Belgsan Relief Fun is provided almost entirely by the British Empire and the United Parlor Sitting Crass Legged Fully S80 per cent of the wen and | women who fravel in (he trains and street cars sit cross legged, and this 3 Piece Suites, $18 and up. Ibsen and Love Special line at $35, $45. Parlor Cabinets, $5.50,$6.50, $7.50. Parlor Tables, and up $2.50, $3.50 RJ. REID, Leading Undertaker. Phone 577 Just Arrived Crawford & Walsh Tailors, Bagot and Princess Sts. LOLOL LLLLLLNLLLLLLLLLMS . you didn't love me." walst)---Ezxchange. ta briel.~ Leonard. a", Teunyson suys that It Is better to have loved and lost than never to have loyed at all. {Ibsen malutuinped--not in u general ptllosophical way, but with respect to the conditions he saw im wediately around bim--that it is bet ter, if youtbfully, romautically in love to separate rather than to marry Ib sen is lu agreewent with the brilliant Frenchman who asserted that all com edies end with a8 wedding, because it Is then that the tragedy begins!--From Archibald Henderson's "European Dramatists." Just Alike. "Have you seen my umbrella? ask- ed the cashier of the bookkeeper "What sort of su umbrella was it? "It bad a booked end" "I have not seen it, but I had a nice one given me at Christmas, and the end was exactly like yours. It was hooked too."--Lippincott's. Origin of the Eskimo. No satisfactory solution of the gues- tion of the origin of the Eskimo has ever been given. Whether they came from Asia or from North America. whether they are related to the more southern American Indians or to the Tartars of the great Asian continent, is stil! open te debate. How Rows Begin. "Hubby, | dreamed last night that "How foolish you are "Foolish, am 1? As if 1 could help what | dresm about! And the fracas was oo -- Louisville CourterJournal She Didn't Like Flattery. She--1 hate flattery! He--Of course you do. Every pretty girl does. (Then she drew a long. deep sigh and permit: ted him to put bis arm round her Though wrong may win, its victory habit is responsible for mapy ills, ac cording to a promivent London physi clan. The prime objection against this habit, be says, Is that the return flow of blood from the leg is stopped at the kpee, the result being that the veins in the leg swell up All the welght is thrown un one side of the body, aud the nuder leg goes to sleep owing io the x * 1" 1 2c atic nerve. The $ How To Make t : Quickest, Simplest Cough Remedy g Much Better tham the Ready- Made Kind and You Nave 2 ¥ Fully Guarasteed This home-made cough syrup is now used in more homes tham any other | promptness, ease | cough remedy Its a certainty in conquering distressing coughs, chest and throat colds ia really remarkable. You can actuslly feel it take hold. A day's use will usually over- come the ordinary cough--relieves even whooping cough quickly. Splendid, too, for bronchitis, spasmodic eroup, bron- chial asthma and winter coughs. [Get from any druggist 2% ounces of Pinex (50 cents ok , pour it into a 16-ounce bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar sy rup. This gives You, at a eost of only 54 cents, 18 ounces of better cough syrup than you could buy for $2.50, Takes but a few minutes to repare. Full directions with Pinex. astes good and never spoils. You will be pleasantly surprised to note how quickly it loosens dry, hoarse or tight eoughs, and heals the inflamed membranes in a painful cough. It also stopa the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending stent loose eongh nd of genuine Norway pine ex- t bh in guaiacol, which is so heal- ng to the membranes. To avoid disappointment, be sure and ask your druggist for "214 ounces I' nex," and dom't aceept anything else A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refumded, gues with this preparation. The Co, To rento, 8 a most val | uable Soncentzated | fmnortant as that Easy Economy. Speaking of economy in the home, a prominent charity worker said: "I'here was a lot of truth in the re mark of the poor, harassed east side housewife whose husband complained: "I wish you would be more econom- feal, Mary. Look at the boss' wite, | bow economical she is! "'Yes,' Mary replied, 'It's easy | enough for the boss' wife to be eco- | nomical She's got plenty to be ero { nomlcal with.' "--Exchange. | | | | ------ Une In the Family Was Enough. Brown imsisted on returning the twenty dollar parrot he had bought a few days before. "Why, what is the matter with it?" the dealer asked. "W-w-why," replied Brown, "the d-d-darned c-c-critter s-s-st-stutters!"'-- Everybody's. ---------- Different Methods. Ope orator in New York says that | his woderstanding about it is that if you "call a man a liar in the south he will shoot at you, in the west kmock you down, but in the east he'll bet yau & quarter you can't prove iL."--Augus- ta Chronicle i Clever Chap. Mamma-- Willie, didn't I tell yon net to eat any more candy tonight? Small Willle--I'm not eating |', mamma; I'm Just sucking the juice wut of (*--Chi cago News. The Impossible. "Is he as important us he thinks he 1s" "My goodness, no! No man is as '-- Detroit Free Press. spe Sleep. riches snd health to he troly enjoyed must be interrupted. - Rich ter The population of Massachusetis was 2,692,319 on April Ist, ip States, and administered by a neutral "Commission for Relief in Belgium", co-operating with the "Belgian Public Food Supply Society". This Commission has for months been the sole means of providing food for the Belgian people for the Germans pegitively refuse to feed their victims. Some 5,000,000 are still able to pay for the food, while nearly 2,000,000, absolutely destitute, must be fed free For money to buy food for these Belgians, the Commission appeals to ue sil If we do not furnish it--if we sit back in plenty and let our heroic Allies seal their sacrifice with their lives -- we shall be eternally disgraced! Send your subscriptions weekly, moathly or in one lump sum 10 Local or Proviacial Committees, or to the 3 Central Executive Committee, 59 St Peter St., Montreal $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Cheques to be made payable to "THE TREASURER, BELGIAN RE- LIEF FUND, 59 St. Peter Street, Montreal, S-UNKIS-T RAISINS APRICOTS PRUNES PEACHES Insist on "Sunkist" At All Grocers. Is the name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co. Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. --FOR SALE AT-- Halliday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 - -3- -3- 845 King Street