TAY DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, NEWS ABOUT TROOPS QUARTERED IN CITY ¢ has receiv nk, who battery with the from the that he n England Ig now ra is da 1iffere ¥ New nt iarge of Battery rd LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Atte i. « r tion trike wood ' ) y kK Fhe flame Phings hiltty the Eddy"s Matches made of pine mposition that gual Are strong, dr tems ret peri itch a lighter antees vear of Knowing Eddy p fuet \re ted co every fependahle is and may 1t have serious with the Cough Cure than cough cure ough must at once; kind of Ih CVT You car ish Rem mn dangerous, consequences World There 1s nothing ju Veno's. That is called a * Lightnii > Awarded the Grand Prix DT Gold Medal, International Health Exhibition, Paris, 1910. ugh remedy in the sure, thorough dangerous drug ; because se a better preparation could [rust Veno's Br ht famon med K more sure why it most Veno's Ligh!ning (aug vhule world Wh 3 ts a rea re, quick ecause it {ree tre every us @ as good tov tldren ¢ { | be ad ol t | ents 1 ¢ i n 30 wendil re eipl mad Difficult Breathing « Whooping Cough Blood Spitting Asthma 60 cents. Sold by Druggists of price, from the sof Ltd., 16, McCa, Coughs and Colds Bronchial Troubles Nasal Catarrh Hoarsguess lere Canada, Harold } Street hie of Co, onde agents bor Proprict The Lino I V anchester, Eng We will be pleased to demonstrate Edison's Famous Diamond Point Disc Phonograph. FURNITURE, CARPETS, CURTAINS AND LINOLEUMS. : T. F. HARRISON CO . ight nange being g 1001 VE ' Infantry with g fact of = meeting owing the eryices prova are bel the programing printed been made for de will be Stevenson rd Battery fternoor Like all the many Canadian overs: battalions, the 59th, with headquarters Brockville put ting up a strenuous campaign Lor re cruits, and new methods fgtantly appearing which tend to keep the 58th fore The latest method to stimulate recruiting, while a regimental one, should work lendidly Kvery soldier in the 59th expected to secure as many recruits as possible To help | this plan the spirit of competitiong! brought in by rediting on the bat talion daily orders every man who brings in another On Wednesday's orders appears the names of four re cruits, and over each name the | name of the man who brought him Sergt. K. | Mullin and Ptes. Ker nedy Met and | John each brought ol 1 8 al are con to the purely out is plea y9th with the here have rank of major of their battalion Regiment G. F.C will Li Onians ir two officer well-known to the appreciation the King sure that | Battalion promoted of heen as a token ol splendid servi in Capt, W I Grant, 14th and Capt J. A. McLaren, G are the two officers (Confinued on Page CITY LEAGUE BASKETBALL The Championship Won By the Ki- Low-Its, | | The Ki-Low-Its and the | tery 1) Bat nd team plaved a tied | samo of basketball in the Y. M. C | gymnasium Wednesday evening, | former wining by 29-15 The up was Ki-Low-its Pound | King | Singleton ! MeCullougt Day Ay line 34th Forward Forward Centre Defence Defence Referee ( R. Power Score 39-15 favor Ki-Low-Its This gives the Ki-Low-Its the championship of the City League They have one more game play, | but have won every game plaved Battery rae Cooke Lock | { } | to Wanted, The following verses, by Sergt. F. S. Brown, P and Trooper T. Radford, ( | were received by Mrs. A. E | fer, 4 Clow"s Terrace, Quebec street, city, from her husband, Trooper A. Fournier, C. A. V. 8S, 1st Cana- dian Contingent, now in Belgium What is the call, The bugle call, The call that has no betters? The silver call, That beats them all call for letters ome Letters. composed B.C. L. &, A.V. C Fourn- The music You take a silver trumpet And sound the dread alarm, Tommy Atkins will spring in action With his rifle 'neath his arm | But if you want to see him jump { Or run like a streak of Immail Just take the same old bugle And sound the call for "mail | No one who's not been there himself | Can tell just what it means | To have a live epistle, From your home Jeans tuckeg in your tripping sweet John Collins To a thirst you wouldn't sell {Isn't in it with a starvipg heart That gets a word from Nell \ Kate. A Or if the maiden's name. is Or Jean or Marguerité, A scented word of*love--him makes A week's dull drudgery sweet Why, any mother's soldier son Who learns the bugle cry, Just stops his heart and holds breath For fear he'll be passed hy his His hand is all a tremble, His eyes stick out like pegs He goes all af a quiver With the ague in his legs And if his name isn't on the list He wilts like a frozen bud Untii another mail call drags Him ploughing through the mud He's not a correspondent, And his answers may be few, His opportunities are slim To write his "billet doux." But when he does, it is Deneatt A spluttering pine knet taper With broken nib and am ink-starved pen On a scrap of cartridge paper Now the mroral is for folks at home| |. Don't wait for him to write, | And don't say "Dear Tom, must-close I hope this finds you all right." | A good long newsy letter Is the best that you cam yield 'In the way of downright service Te your Tommy in the field. What is the eall, The cheering call That every other betters?-- 3 silver call, A longed-for call, The musie call for leiters. hh NO CHANGE IN STAND FAKEN JHE STREET BATH COMPANY BY Ww » To The fo Price Of Power Be With Regard ~Referendum Submitted To Fhe the People Whig ha Railway ( cept 1 treat om ne presen ple erenduin making en eel wWarendut ¥ pe vote | V next Mond quiry to ea sensi! unle itisfied to favorable Ih q cussed b ig bu polr the Cound t ubn the questi ed whi people as request comn had to irther be at just ho to the the It was price power it was feit that it a good thing to | the people regarded the ompa by tie ission the body that deal with the ol more would earn proposal below east the glye ny power produ hardson Railway Thursday been [ the present cost of H.W. R he Street tion president Company by Whig change in company since the ouneil the effe without even at the replied asked on there had attitude wrote that the any the 0 to operale power Richardson Mad ed its at that the st ween the ( ti Co ) not loss by gett present rate that the titude ng Mr ompany He conference noti also said 18 rested het dth til hear Council a4 id 1 mn ior "Expect 1 turkey New Year's day? have so flat round Christmas left that I'l be lucky me to get No broke steak Srp Permanence Of Memorial Windows, Ihe value of Stained Glass Win dows as a medium for commemorai- ing names we hold dear lies not on ly in their beauty, but in utility, in structiveness and permanence Windows from our stadios, English, Antique Stained Glass, | practically indestructible, and known for their richness ol tone fection of design, draughtsmanship and mech cal excellence Let us sefMhyon a booklet mention of our work, together vith a treatise "On the Making Stained Glass Memorial Windows Robert McCausland, Limited, 141 143 Spadina Avenue Toronto (Copyright 1915.) in are are pet ng ¢ xampl¥ 8 Good News Indeed. The exclusive announcement made by the Whig on Wednesday that the Kingston Locoriotive Works was to receive additional orders for fifty, and not merely twenty-five locomo- tives, was received with great satis- faction The works will require more skilled labor as-a result, and that means much lof city Help In br Ric Hapdson' Hiection. All friends of/ Dr tichardson should help in electing him as May or The doctor has the support of all classes and parties because he has always dealt fairly and openly. Township of Denbigh. All the members of the Council were re-elected by acclamation Even the worm will turn into a butterfly odd How To Get Rid. of : Bad Cough A Home-Made cay that Will Do It Quickly, Cheap and Easily Wade If vou have a bad cough or chest cold which refuses to yield {Cc ordinary reme- dies, get from any drugeist 214 ounces of Pipex as gents Mark), pour into a 16- | »unce bottle and fill the boggle with pl | granulated sugar syrup, as! Sain | a teaspoonful évery hour or two. In 2 hours your cough will be conquered or very nearly so. Even whooping cough is { greatly relieved in this way, The above mixture makes 16 ounces--a family supply --of the finest cough sy rup that money could buy--at a cost of only 54 cents. Fasily pre pared in 5 minutes, a with Pinex. This Pinex Th ar Ny T- - | tion takes ri t hold of a cough and gives | almost on gh te relic. Tt lopsens the | dr ¥, hoarse or tight cough in 'a wzy that { is' really yemarkable. It aiso niekly | heals the inflamed membranes which 2a comnany a pointul cough, and stops formation of phiegm in the Fg = | bronchial tubes, thus ending the persis- | tent loose cough. fxcellént for bromehi- tis, Sis. _masmodic cromp and winter eoughs. Hoeeps_perfontly and tastes good--chil- e } jd ¢ | i I is a specia. and highly eoncen- | i trated compound geniine pine exiract, rich wn, Sraincoly | 80 healing to the memb: avoid. SH bres | droind for "2 ou i of Pied do accepl an uf I anrth Le ele, money Suarantes refunded She" Fives Oy Toronto Norway hich is i of | i --frdividual Canadian perhaps. ES Foreiit (in Preparation | PAGE FIVE e un Ciet Hockey year Boo all at Abernethy's Shoe Store | Ir Christmas Candies Attractive Prices in Fine Furs many lines of Pieces and and invite mspection Campbell Bros. Makers of Fine Furs. SAFE DELIVERY IS GUARANTEED. Kiichen Cabinets save labor and steps Belgian Relief ef Committee Sees | That Donations to Belgians | Are Free From Seizure. The needs of the people are so | Great," says the Washington (D.C) Post, speaking of conditions in Bel gium, "that intense suffering and death by exposure certain to oc cur unless greater consignments relief are forwarded. Children are bare-footed, the aged are thinly clad and women are carrying the double burden of maintaining homes and | working for the food that is provid-| ed through the commission Every | person able to work is required jo earn his living, but about 3,000,000 persons are dependent upon the com- | mission for food and clothing." These conditions, described in| mild terms when - the truth of the] situation is known, picture a portion | of the obligation that is Canada's in| ! the present war. England has given generously towards the support of] | these millions of starving human be ings but Canada is the producing do-!| inion of the Empire and upon the | develops the necessity of relieving the situation or! at least of alleviating the suffering as far as possible, | In Montreal a score of the busiest] financial and commercial meén in Ca-| nada are giving hours of their time | and expending their energy towards sending succor to the starving and! thinly clad that the Washington Post describes. They are giving of their time and their money and work- | ing without reward with but one] thing in mind, that Canada has a] debt to pay to Belgium for her part | in the early days of the war, These| men organized under the name of the | Belgian Relief Committee, with offi-} { ces at 59 St. Peter street, Montreal are administering the aid that Can-| ada must send and they are guaran- | teeing to Canadians the safe delivery of relief to Belgians and freedom] from seizure by the German forces. ' of Gunpowder as Medicine. { Lagslon Chronicle i he use of gunpowder as a medi- cine was very widely advoeated iu the eighteenth century, and either taken inwardly or applied externally was held to be a specific against irhcumatism and gue. In the | "Compleat fousevife or Accom- plished Gentlewoman's Companion," | a domestic pharmacopoeia published | tin 1742, appears the following rem-! edy for rheumatism: i "Let the party take the finest {glazed gunpowder as mach as a large thimble may beid, wet #¢ in a' spoon with miik from the cow and) {drink a good half pint of warm milk | after it; be coverd warm in bed and! 'sweat; give it fasting about 7 in the| morning and take this nine or tem mornings ready for a t i Now for it the w ab o stock of oot inter sports Snow Shoes and Moccasins 'urlers' the lowest passible prices IN BOXES AND BASKETS. Big fresh shipment just received for the Holiday Trade. SAKELL'S | | Bex Opera House. Phone 640 The Age of Labor Saving Devices}! in the Kitehen, Vacuum and Carpet Sweepers ave time and energy Ask to see White Queen Kitchen Cabinet demonstrated At James Reid The Busy Store with the Large Stock. © om > cm. com Cm 00 Cm GD CoD > RD 00 GRD 3 TE RRR Good Blu fashioned \RLIN MESES 7 COMPOUND Used for 39 years! |S %0a a Bros inn Te 1 It must be good. |", continuously since 1877. During that time thousands of competing soap powders Soraething about Pearline that makes it lig out dirt as nothing else. Try it and n ; | PEARLI t | ! PEARNE EARLINE has been on the market have come and gone. There must be you will see that this 1s so. The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. of Canada, td. Hamilton, Canada END ¢ D (END GOD (IED ¢ oD (EED GOD GREED (OD GIED JD (ED Almest trcice as big a package as before at the same price 5 cents DD 90 ta emt 2ta cet Bt To RRB a 5D GED ¢) GEED GD GED ¢ D> (HEED (0D GED (D GED ( D GED GD ED A An, We wish our many friends the Compliments of the Season and a bright and prosperous 1916.