Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1915, p. 15

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» THE DAILY BRITISH WHI : PAGE NINETEEN oT WELLINGTON BUDGET [= RA A ie {CK I NY CHRISTMAS VISITORS 1 Vp J | | | : NW .% _& § & Se The Remedy oe i a og Almont Two Years Service--oihers News of | | bag CGF al : a ne aii Gowenjul Niibrionls Nove Restoratines Prostration and .Vital"Exhaustion Vabualle Siomackics are Cuted by Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Si "~ l'oronto the Methodist ster, Mrs, W Dr. Cobb, of the was unable to hold lay evening ow and Mrs, Walter I so from the North-West th Mr Hubbs' father at Gil Master Rex, Chisholm, Port 180 at his grandfather ndervoort's Gilead Rose | entertainment was held on hursday evening Charles Ding 11 Black Diamond Alberta, is ome with his parents r. and Mrs Alla Dingman, and ill spend the holidays here Mrs, J. N days last wee Brightor \ Muttor of this place ending th wee at her home | Brighton WwW. M German M.P Welland, is visiting his. sister Mr Joseph Pettingill , L Miss Jennie Osborne was the guest ol WHITMAN, Mrs. J. H. Young over Sunday last A | Yu Roll Hughes. and Miss Steel FIRST BRITISH VICTIMS OF BULGARS sent postpaid by Lang, Lennox, spent Christmas with ; relatives Gilbert Hutchison is still Wounded mer H nd 1 11 uvited, Ottawa, . : confined to the house Gerald Nox > Ba 11d 1 on, Government Inspector of Coles TR i] ! 1 anaria, . is home for the Christmas holidays.| [Sovpt, from ¥ " ; ; thal CET A FREE SAMPLE leMahon ha rone Tl'oronto 1 | Do you want toearn J | ©; McMahon has gone to Foronto 1) vind { the eam Sand you nang al Wigs ai. uty for i posiage, dc. 10 Harold b. Ritchie & Co., Lid | 10, MoCaw $10 a week or more Smith and children spent a couple Nincoe then hg Li \ ( { | sired, loromio, and a gemaroms . of weeks at Spence Piersons, Black ' sample wil ba masicd you free of charge. | » 0 - nn your own home ? Creek Miss Mona Clinton, London, ika hy th dl Lh ¢ ) Britains Greatest R medy Reliable sons will be futhiched with ont cpending the Christmas holi wr } + * Po profitable, wil. year.r ployrr davs with her mother, Mrs. Ada Mo I € 8 nahan f ' 3 Mrs. M. B. Trumpour was the guest A pani .y ary of Mrs. Robert Young Consecon = rs wea Jog Miss-Faelma Demill was the guest of ance Miss Gertrude Elliott Methodist parsonage Brighton this week | Theodore L'Estrange, Lennoxville University, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Cobb during the vacation. Miss Dept. 113 257 College 8t. - Toronto Mary McDonald, Whitby, is spending i I AM Lio as | seston, Fangland) ¥ the holidays with her mother, Mrs Haig i ore ro ) f s Dora Stevenson, | A Hip eine J. N. McDonald pure ed Herbert A ld weet Sunday evening at Arnold Post went to Picton to en I ( de t 3 tune | t etl Chureh Miss Alice list, but his age would not permit of {0 loss 14 | « ¥ gerald I Kate 'Holton, We hig becoming a oldier or King er lank of Vi sti "A ( pent Christmas ! (reorge, but his loyal spirit and nerve nto. «1 t Christmas t wv v lington with: fr are greats { roid ; wife . b Gd Sharp wad . Mit: Verna Avery is the guest of ,ontr, spent Christmas the gu f " shit i time fo I Fai E I a friends in Trenton this week Har y i ' re Vandevort old King, 'who enlisted for overseas lay ' % service, is home from Toronto for ao tr A r 1 | Mrs. Than, Morden, Toron THE COOKE STUDIO few days. George Peters, Oshawa, |g v Y ) V1 y # per hristmas with D. ¥P, Trum former Wellington boy is visiting |... . ete of A tot 7 gl » WA. Gardiner ha [Tas Removed to friends here gar Noxon who has been confined to arrived home from Port Rohertsor Sherman and Norman Foster, twin oh ' vie a thir 1 was home for] 159 Wellington Street, brothers, who hyve gnlisied for Over in} Bye + wristy the & st of his parents seas service, are for a few days the. y Va ¥ v Vit Pelt rill Mr. 1 One Door South of guests of their father and mother, | ir Ew 1 1 Pa Vr V on REE rtatnl | Brock Street. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Foster, Hillier. | po = © A0E any 4 de a 4 RRL mn Buffalo The Mr. Frank and Miss Winnie K. Bur- Ns 1 I 4 Hu amily. of Pond V | gess, Smith's Falls, are spending Eyes he ' " Be 1 tm v his parents - ra ---------- eee | Christmas week at Belleville Unele | 2iStine 3 I 1 Y ' 1 hl o \ " » Wi : » : ' ; Hope rand M ke 3b is Henry Hutchison, Sophiasburg, the gi? : Marion r or B.A foronto oJ. 9 . young ladies' and children's favorite #04 thed I "s ATE ene IN { her parents, Mr, and | old man, is renewing acquaintances ; ars \o er. Christ | -- ane NI Mg i wn A oh -- PN iy REWARD Sending a few days it Wellington | oil Crossing. Mr. and : a] ARE i ares : Yih i Sar his parents 'or rida Mr. and - A ; y Rony ' Jive | - A H 4 Syl fin A . teacher in Trenton High School, is er tt oar 1 1 rs. J ¢ ; : par tg Mr nd. ering from Broad Mr. and Mrs. L. Ws Ceerk- Garratt « : t a bert Hut Yi pt are nel n Harry seases of the well spent Christmas at Monto with ¢hison is hme € { Vir \ Mr i : Poison their daughter, Mrs: Hiram Hubbs. | A number of HOE men ar join Sorcon aie Bent Christ @ & 8 rmation that will lead to A sh bott he x i vheréabouts of the with her parents Dr and Mrs IX d roubles, Miss Minnie Thompson, Halifax, is Owing $8, Rey. Mr. Arecl " Mise Ruth Monahan. Wooler nic or here visiting friends Capt, K, D.| was not able y take the servi Bd Christ « with her parents. | Fergason, son of Col. D. M, Ferguson, the Methodist Church Sanday nd ™ Liv Foronto. is the aints who tun a \ y | © Ontario Medi Wellington, is in an hospital in Clayton Burr Hoomfield, took 4 her annt. M Belli 11! a : a hospital in Wales, having had an place at Wellington and Ros { BR h 8 uzhter. Lillie ipent FY Ong ' or 1 a ni ! » tana} AA tm Anh 8 y operation for throat trouble and Mr. Norman, Picton, preached] ma Hillier Vr. and Mrs. | ta. Correspondence invited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson and|ic the evening. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watt Juntry, spent Christ | rt imeem | family, who have been spending some | les Peters and Mr, and Mr ohn | mas at Coe Hill Harry Bowerman | i | i J 0 . rus vhomaid Reve FY time with reia¢lvex, have returned Bell dined at Mr and Mrs. Clayton | and wife and Toronto, are: the, > They've vhymed King Cole . 4 il 4 } howe The Misses\ Bmma Thomas | Pettingill"s on Christmas day. Miss guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrigley s--the Perfect Gum--- Till the poor old soul and Eva Clone aud{ Thomas spent | Mary Boyce, Picton and brother, | Rdward Bowerman I. FH. Mekins | . . . . . ye ee Balk Friday with Miss Vera McDonald. | Bert, Belléviile, spent Christmas Christmas at Port Hope, Miss | is small in cost, big in benefit. Has had to take a rest, FE A spent " | NOW throned in stal Miss Vera MeDonald and B. Pi_xcetts| with their parents, Mr and Mrs, Morio entertaiuiient at Swamp . ' Be I arnt Too Gaorge Taree. Mant Mo J 8 OE a a Pa Joy immense for 5 cents. It's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick El-|Shuric and littie daughter pent th '2nd \ largely attended and | Oysters lis. Miss Rita and Miss Ellen Man Christmas a Prenion with {enjoyed by thse whe attended. | toothsome, soothing, refresh- Yieton | 8 ENNessy repton, spent wentv-one rom Wellington were . with their aunt Miss Dora Bern-| oH stmas here witi 10r grandme in attendan ing. Made clean -- kept clean Wate ham: and Miss Mary Campbell spent heen - - or ios dk arti ry for free copy of "WRIGLEY'S ednesday t " Ine , 1 3 3 MOTHER GOOSE" | # 3 Dominion Fish Co iu AR a * Ne E he | | - --sealed air-tight against all humorous LUCE in gh " . day in Picton Mr. and Mrs. A. H . no, i #4 3 ity : " Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, Lad, Dingman spent Saturday in Picton H 5 i a 4 mpuri . No wonder its sale Wrigley Bidg., Toronto PHONE 8926. Joseph Haight and daughter, Violet, ] Y : reer 0 LF PEL exceeds all others. deville spent a few days in | Gananoaue, spent a day this week ~~ | the guest of his father, Anthony Haight Mr. and Mrs. E.. McDon-| : ald spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. | 5 4 : Skin Mudd ? Liniker, Chisholm, Mrs. William ; : ; i n @ : | SHAVED JiM bY Baird, Wellington, and her mother, | 1 ] i Yo ? 3 me RE : SS | EVER i i Mrs. Goodmurphy, were the guests of | Dull eyes, blotches apd other skin reatm y & | blemishes result from a disordered di- Mrs Earl Ellis, last week Mr. and | gestion Purify the blood, tone the Mrs. GG. Titus are now occupying their stomach, gently stimulate the liver and new home, formerly owned by Marsh regulate the bowels and bile with Jinks. | 9 Henry Luffman, after :pending a few days with his friends on Nar-, | row street, left for Pakenbam to] spend Christmas with his wife at the home of his wife's 'parents. The | dance given by the old and young! bachelors last week at Hotel Alexan-' Worth & Guinea a Box dra was most enjoyable. Guests at- ire wivar 4h Every Bus wf Swed Yalas ta Wem Sided from Trenton, Colborne, i Belleville, Bloomfield and Pieton.| AAS avn E Miss Lillie' Meson, Newmsgrket Friends College, spent Christmas with her father. Norman Kidd, | NEW METHOD Milton, was in town recently. Miss] Edith McMahon accompanied her fa-| 1 i 3 ther to Toronto. The latter is un-| Cleaning, Pressing anu der medical / 'atment there, Mr. { !and Mrs. Ray Smith will visit friends | Repairing during Christmas week at their form- >, 1 entes dome. We make = speciale | CT HOmE, Port Hobe, sdsay, who has! BRITISH CYCLISTS LEAVE SALONIKA IN SNOW- ty of Ludles' Work. for a few weeks been the gugst of STORM. MADE IN CANADA PATTON, P ep. Photo shows conditions at Salonika sthere the thea x WEL WRIGLEY JR. CO., Led, M. F. PAT , Prop. | mas entertainment held ix the music| tre of war holds most attention at the present time. The ) New (n SYDENHAM ST. (Near Pris. {pail was largely attended and $65 weather is so severe that the evele squad have been com- 1 Sout 3 bound bis. sontaciaw. nad Nor petied 0 Cusmount and push their wheels; ; san Ce i 2 : - pe

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