HS y 3 ; ' (e da v : a 5 4 0 Th ) La Wiad n "* eA RNY To THE DAILY BRITISH WHJG, MONDAY. JANUARY 31916. splendid work of the late Lisut alvin Day afd the lite Allan David- ; , Sy shonin sm II B 5 : 0 . Fr-- . SL . \ . ! , son, aud also "61 Capt. , Richardson. EAT k ' 1 ' i > x \ | The+2nq Battalipp men have-been do : ; vin S iS nm 3 = Hi A ing their share al' the front and de- ' ne ; z x 4 i serve all the credlt received in! - | 4 * 2 x N ey i Base & . TeBard io thé need" of - men, Cell in Sesion. » Son - . (Continued trom Page 5.). « Mill#* {aid that when the Vattaiion | Thige Acts At The Grand. Lf - : . - » | ? . Gtders announced that he had been! ph gue now on duty und make the edy "Chimmje Faddef" is: the tea- | . 4 , , wi 5 ; promoted from the rank of provost. work easier ior every: person lure picture to be shown at Yhe Grand zc . a i . sergeant to that of sergeant-major | Tires Hi . - rn T + . : « | Opera House op Monday, Tuesday - \ . Toe many fiends of PeIgi malo: t-Col. Wilkinson and Capt syd Wednesday A 'two-reel. Utii-| o Tr Lae v 'olfe' will be delightéd to hear of Gill, 155th Batt., Brockville, "were «4 2 By 'a adv. picture] : Our Annuat January his promotion and the veteran of (Ky versal pholoplay, 'a cothedy: picture | . J ) arch - 4 74 Cl 8 4 t : ; | I On March - I'6th; 187 o Charles MSL went to the front, rxuns andi Victor aMoore, the -inimitabke co U the city on Monday [and\the Patge News with interesting Wolfe enlisted as a gunnét in the nitions were lacking, but now all 'median, "in a picturizatron oF the i lt. © receiving ¢ a & \l 4 "Clearance Sale 15, HOW - R. C. H. A. is receiving Congralula. Te scened of the war will also be shown / The vaudeville includes: Mi Juan-| RC. H. A, and oil New Year's Day that was wanted was men Lo relieve wonld-famous Irish-American com-| tions on all sides. ~ His two SONS are Major H.R. Wilson, D.A.A.; and Qh. "One a vear be : 4 also in uniform, ale being quanter-TQ.M.G., is in Ottawa ita L teher, singing classic and | . - ' . 2 master -sergeant at Quebec and t)e > -- CR AFiotie : Pearl Staveas in a : i fore stock taking we 2 other with the R.C.H.A. brig: ! In the orders by the A A.G., up hse EE a ud rh ie al wet | an. 'he . yo 5 + Piece oop . : 488 8 i sicat a J s elear aut the stock on front -- a riiue coiopst iccling aud Satton. ia seid : Jr : . : R ranks under his co-; 4 bar act | 1 a . 7 T., is on the sick-list, with an attgek wand his sincere wishes that all may \ ar | a : - v of grippe, Lieut. Raby is acting in enjoy a happy and healthy year dur-'" : : | Children's ONE FIFTH OFF , his place : ing '1918 3 | + Francis X. Bushman and Beverly DISCOUNT. | "a . -- > "+. Bayne, long the: idols pf motion pic- x "4 i Major WwW Alan * Stroud 'Q Cant. W liam Connell, New York, ture patrons, will be seen, on the Prudent people can i} Squadron C.M.R., was in thie city on .& former resident Of Pittsburg town-:screen at -Fhe Strand Theatre to oS i§ Monday in conference with W F.|8hib, was in the district over the night, Tuesday and Wednesday in iol a fford.tg igs our ? i} Nickle, M. P., in regard to an im-| holiday. In an interview' with the the Metro production of "Penning inducements ahd are I] provement in the sanitation of the Whig Le Cpnnel] stated that in. ton's Choice' a five act romantic Torefarr ie - Quarters of the squadron -in Ham]. he discharge of his duties 'as in- .photo-drama of vigarous life in the therefore forced LQ 4 ton spector of cargpes he discovered a Canadian Northwest. The action of buy' : - Ca few weeks 'agg Quantity of explos-* the picture hegins in New York aud ' | a series 'of thrilling events ami dry mat situations carry it-to its cul 4 minatic 0 20 PER CENT OFF 3 * every man in thé garrison indi. seme Dice gp emma i; J on in the. fastp ' ik i iB last day of the year : | in the fastnesses l ' AL . y > ' : RF Ol the i a > THE PENDING GRISIS Northern woods. Beth 'Mr. Bushman | L | y i "C™ Battery 'was author zed y J and Miss-Bayne have parts admirab | M , | 13 : 3 . ; di y 4 en ly suited to their marvelous talents | "Ab. vy ha X "0 HVE 3 M re Sep t their bes thi els ine . i oe mea have been sent overseas from AN WDDRESS, GI sm Pr. % Rhy Bfe Sen al their bast In Overcoats, Suits, this unit. © This is assplendid recorq MANPON, oe Rau Ton, To. those two serecnl AT ST nm' T ¢ and a tfibute to Capt. W E. Stegc, - m-- + h addition to Be. I ousers, Men's J hh " : §' and hi staff when consider 0 (| U1 the - International Bible Stuglents favor | ] : i i ; 2 $ ) » ( alt actors jhe nishinies, ete. ete. : ¥ 4 there are now 303 men.in the bij Association; Brooklyn, N.Y. . In HR ted Movi 2 7 tor oh 0 : i ih * cl r el ar, 5 neo, . . Black and Blue o . | ory doing the fatigue work. for Tey, Gritin's Theatre Sunday After. Wellington Playter, William, Farris | \t a gre de Pon Barracks amd being used jy noon, and Morris 'Cetran. Ar interesting} aHow nw: Cy 3 ing ul tie Scere an) N F. W. Mantou,: Toronto. a mem- feature is Mr Jushman training | 8 e Hoyal Se of t . . : y y / i} lery 0 TRE ber of the International Bible Stud- with J." J. Jeffr es, ex-champion box CUSTOM CLOT H x ents Association Brooklyn N.Y.,. er of the world. Other €ood photo y ? mel Gave resting lecture Sunday lave aldo be s n ING SALE r Over 300 officers and N.C O's will, 84ve an interesting lecture Sunday plays will also be show i | afternoon in the Griffin Theatre to a - | hand at a : . | Major J. Hamilton, A. D. Of 8. aiid extent tn 8 Hour Lallies® and Leave until midnight was granted ives iu ava sugar June or {ast year'and since then 414 ties, the 'cast contains half a] copted, ' Wonien" ont 36:00 attend the nex) Royal School of A, fairly 200d andicnes > To speaker' DIVINE AID AGAIN Wonidn « ¢ : "i $6 75 / : AIL Fanev Pweeds ty here, - 1 : é o " ' = took "as His subject, I'he Pending] R and Worsteds valine [reer { for the fuperial ,M Crisis" 'and in, dealing with it he . INVOKED BY KAISE Woinen™ ; & © { Lo Lys 4 yang | e Liperial © went back to the » of Adant and . od | 37. FIN, Fa-and $32. nade anical| Transport ~§* prog ceding Yai : A " od ci) ptr u San pe Another Remarable Message W\ : : rapidly 'in all the military divisions the forbidden fruit fas bringing the! Delivered To His Army ole ; 13.50. $8.00 to Vou tease | 5 ! : . Bf] under the direction of the Canadian it of « 5 | * 1 : ; ' 1 a tise vf death: on all mankind: An 1} . . $26.50. All Khaki, J authorities Lo join the .corp othe; crisis occurred when Noah was And Navy. : | the Worden 's i ) RLY $9.00 Blue, Black and Chron man 'hus be able to drive an aut building The ar and preaching' the -------- i i : ; | W Heys I fir $10 00 3 Tir OHCs t | { " > , to learn more The work is desir tate then wys the. great turning #cording fo a despatch from Jerlin, | ! i $12.50 & ther vil 1 Ie : 2. has sent the following New Year's| mobile and to attend to minoj road "food to the people I'liey had never the navy and/ : v W pen tL X20 Ht $12 50 Lendou he Amsterdam materials excepted, i} troubles He must have.a suffic Inf seen rain and eo not understand correspondent of Reuter's Telegram . knowledee 2 eng } } v x saves th D veror William ; All sales for Cash. . knowledge of the' engine to be Nvali's actions, but when the figod Company PY hat Emper Willia TN \ b- al * . able and pay attractive Sepa point tion 'allowance is paid This-trans. . 1 the Sang iy ®-day with all 1 | bort-is part ofthe British Army Ser 1 experience mankind hag the colonial troops | : . vice Corps whiefpis probably the Hest witnessed (iiey are fairy baffled to Comrad : Anbiher : AT o A the W Hie 2 i $15.00 anized and 'most efficient par: (HOW just how to handle the present Y¢re fighting has elapse 2 4 ° H » * 9 ; WO) : F-van be obtained Jby writing to "tlie crisis the speaker, and it fs Nas sto ped our TA os DEVE ct . ' . 9 R otticer commincine B Me ithe $ ed before your loyalty and bravery EVERY COAT SHOWN IS NEW AND : 2 ~_§ £ Intperial ,fallip Sat kingdom. Wherever I have sem vou into oo ON address to the army "ianical Transport Depot Armour. When 1s 1 ver then {vou have gained. a gloriots : x ih: ot When writing | Christ igre on earth In Thankfully we remember to ( op I S TYLISH ALL THE LA T EST AND BEST N i} 'ale age, qualificayion, address and proof of his' statements the speaker | | 4 1 rat ro' ve oviully | roc Street gat : Heal i ! ! } above all, our bre hren rif - ' phone numbe r (if any) and if pos- refered Danie and * Matthew, !® 14 | MAKES: ¢ } gave their blood in order gain se i 2 2 --- sible give some loc al, men as a refer xxiv. -21.23 curity for our beloved' at Yiome and A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk, Mec nile Aharacter, experience 'and. Phe, speaker eladmed thay in' Spite imperishable glory "for the. father-| a { TRL i re kanical qualifications Also men- of ull thé work that missionaries gy nq What' they, have begun we! ! y tion the néarest centre 'where re. were aoing, to-day theré are twice shall acegmplish with God's gracious | CTulting is proceeding for the loc al 4s many heathens in the world as help. ' : { battalion of the Canadian Expedi- 'there were one hindred years ago, | 'In. impotent madness enemies | tndry Force Applicants for this 4nd- not only are the, heathen in-|trom the west and east, from the| WN hanical Transport will be give "reasing but tlie popular church go north and south, still seek to deprive | their medical and mechanical exam-~ €r is not up to the Christ standard. | yg of all that makes life worth liv { nations at these céntres, or as may If he is not perfect then God is dis- ing They long ago buried the ope, be arranged Men enlisted in East. Pleased with him professing { to conquer us in hionest fighting. On! ern Ogfario are mobilizing ar Co {the weight of their masses, o the| bourg Pay starts on enlistmer KINGSTON TEAM WON starvation of our entire peopl; on --y : 1 ' | the. influencé of their campaign of EB. C.-Baer. 59th BattaMon AGAINST BELLEVILLE. calimniation, which is as mischiey hospital in Kingston : | ous das It is malicious, they 'believe wr Basketball Game Resulted 26 they can still reckon Their plans | 0, I tied oman © ry 1 28--Belleville Led at Half { will not succeed." Hiotore tho. boi ment 8 ataile temyoraril h . © é \ pe Huts in deed ory Time: | ably unites' the army and those at| General of Ordnance i vem . | home treir hopes will be mise rably} J Eg Lhe Titermediate basketball team | 'disappointed With a will to dis The. big : tt of the local Y. MC. A. wou an uphill chargé the duty to the fatherland to | Ia , game from the Belleville Y. M. ¢. A®| the last breath and determination tof night was all that termediates "in Belleville on © fast soc ure victory, we enter tho new year | Saturday night by 26 to 25 The | with Ged for th nrotection of hej I Lieut Belleville Y. M. C. A. has béen turn jtatherlaud and for Germany's great. | Col. € A. Low and hs staff have 2 OU fast basketball tewms for the poss { heen making sueh extensive arrange. Th Years, and the ganre on Sat 2 ments that every person in the y might-is the first intermediate Vie Difficult "Targets widl Pe at the City Hall this evenin game that the Belleville Association ! Petrograd, Jan, '3 F'wo German Mpjor-General Hodgins, Adjutai has ever lost 'on its ome floor to wn aviators: jas captured describe the General of Canada, wi be the prin- outside team. | new Germat aeroplanes recentls put cipal speaker He'has been through At the end of thé 1 half thejinto cominission They are.of the ma fy "ampaigns and was recent score 'was 16-5 i 211 tavor, L-albatross type, fitted with transparent promoted from the rank of brigadi and the Kingston boys hid their work | wings, which are impregnated with a 'general 10 that of wajor-general SCL out' for them when they started seeret composition . - While the Col. Low and Prot L. W. Mulloy OUT to catch up in, the second half. ! planes are not entirely invisible, thes That "they Suctosded Tif catching up| make difficult targets as they alway ind then passing Bellevill shows appear to be flving much higher thai What kind of 'a game they played. they really are ' splendid one as Che offrey O'Ha Fhewhole team plaved a strong game - ant Miss: Juanita 1. mrel U Hi all 'the time, with "Ted" Wilson and > 0 noted artists, have volunteered thei Juhu McLaughlin using most of the So A - orice Mr O'Hara is woll known COTE for Kingston. The foilow nnouncements as. the Kingston author of the fam- 52° ho ine up : ' Notwiihgtaniline 1011 0 1% ous "Highlanders, * Fix Bayonet tal SEs Yeu ison dy, otices uf ar Character ros i i | 1 i Ho will preside. ut the piano. this | whens $F } John M AU hii 4 ating to fu Ure events, whare an MOD lrwin, forwards; George Clark f chatg promins while Miss. Fletcher will sing and Gordon Savage." defen his Song He will sing 'Are You "Balleville-- Max Herity centre: On? Miss Fletcher firs vivited Harpy Holland and Albert Duesherry, ont ve S Kingston. with "7h Chocolyte I- Torwards; Gordon Chute and Lorne line each {nse dier' 'empany sone time ago, Deeton, defence. a watter. a ' i nies af ina bic l I Wiss : R 3 Announcements values 1 all lines f Hons hold in 1 hou With her soprano voice of wonderful Harry Holland was the chief scor eH _ other orga tion 3 CREE : > « a . . p Guality she won the hearts of Kings-- er for 'the Belleville team future events 0 ad i sands of: dollars "worthy of reiiable mérchangise ™, tontans. After many requests. Mi ; slon few 1s ch : > in: x " in a ed ir is { Branigan was able to secure her ser . Tragic. New Year Eye. } Duin with a minimun § p » at less than the manufactineer'< | { : addy > n-the way of news in on-Monday and it seem 1 also spetk wird impress the n I recruits on those present Fhe congert for the meoting wil scarcity of goods and trent of shipments, { i line for weéch } ~ im; or 10c a 2 : > "it reading p----------n | . Tr. i We open this sales preired, witl traordinary ee of to-day: Vices for the Grand Opera House New York, Jan' 3 A tragic toulh ! for one Insgrtion ' > 3 and for this reason she Will be pres- was added to New Year's Eve in this! : : = a i, ee evi escssmtsa-- i eee p------------ ent at the nieeting to-night: : City.by a murder in a saloon, by the explosion of a dynamite~bomb if an! Somme King . or « Lisut.-Col McCammon Broek: Utadiad tenement house, and by the' TABLE LINENS . TABLE NAPKINgG ville, was in the city on Fe Shooting of two poHeewien. one of | ; o \ ~ Ny whom ' was dangerousli wounded SHEETS . Pl LLOW CASES Lieut.-Col Belton, Canad an Yen while they were walking along ay 4 sions Board, was in the City ever the Street'inyBrooklyn The bomb did ; ' £ - v oA ' { ! TOWELS BED. SPREADS H holiday In an interview with The little damage, but caused much ex- | ht - 4 ' . I fit Whig lie stated that the. Pensions Cltement No trace has heen found ! : BLANKETS TOWELLINGS > Board last month handled over 70. . Of the person who fired at the officer nn 5 cases and the purposé of the attack 1s a < mvstery -------- ' 3 i 3 Major 'Apdrew Gry 109th Lind Tan ---- " { - » » say Battalioh, w in t ty on i ye t---- . -- ; A : =} : ides y alioh, was in. the city or ia ao % -- -- - And other Houstliokl Suppiies can be purehas- Nonday looking for recruits: Rich Patibum Find, . ' © . - : . | X - Matheson, Jan 3 Native plati-! ed at a great ddvantage. now, and iw strongly | In the 3rd Division betwepn De. DUI' in paving quantities has been | s - : t. / ' cember 15th and December 31st, 1.- found on the Burton-Quinn Hairston | advise supplying vour Wantsonot only for spre- 113 men. or the strength of a bat. Claim in Munro Township at a spot : ; talion werd recruited. This makes ©P€ mile east of the Leyson-Dobie | sent, but futire use, as the thie is nem when Il. ino battalions recruited in this di- MMne, where ihe richest gold ore in | \ > vision in December, . Canada is being mined. Assays, ot | ak. A 1 1 y i) -- . whith five were made, rua $180 tp She uifermmg wi ot he <il | on L ' 04 uch an offering \ H not he possibile, Lient. J. T. C. Tindle, AM.C.. Las' $1800 a ton | been detailed for recruits In Flin -- . Many" sétious secidents ve eo " BE PREPARED. \\. |, { lint Tee. Crees ii v eepers WH; pe ' Salvin Is Deal. i - London, Ja¥. 3. News has reach- The 146th Batialion is parading ad ed here 'of the death at Florence, | unlit - 4 the City - Hall this even- Italy, of Tomaso Salvind, the Ttalian. ing 2 : tragedian Salvini was well known | --- in the United States, having maddy : Several tours of America. He Ligut "Col, Mills, Inspector of Sup | scored his greatest success in the role | Plies and Transports in the $nd Di-! of "Othello." ? | Vision. was in the city on Monday ' ? mt iain % { Col" Mills was at.the front with the' On the weste on frout a smal! Brit- {20d Battalion and in an interview) ish Party seized a portion of German with the Whig spoke: fedijngly Of:the jirontines south-east of Armentieres. ie " ¥ ray 5 oh