ike Published Dally sand Semi-Weekly by personal canvass can do in an elec- tign. Percy Chown defeated the old wir horse, Alderman Graham, in Victoria \Ward hy seventy-two. | votes. The aldermanie contest of the ! year centred in this ward and every | available vote was polled. Alderman {Graham may accept the verdict of | the electors as a finality, and he may resume the fight next year. If he {bas any virtue to a conspicuous de- | gree It ig virtue of persistency, The! | Council as a whole may be regarded | as an improvement upen the Council of 1915. It 'possesses one advant- age, That, incidentally, of course, it is evenly matched politically, and i must do business on .a non-political | basis. ¢ |. The next age will be the woman's. War will have made the young men in some countries, including our own, 80 sgarce that there will be on alter- native but to use 'the women in every walk of life. i CASE. | STREET RAILWAY i The peohle by a substantian vota, J over three hundred, approved of the sale to the Street Railway Company of power at 1,20c per kilowatt hour. It is possible that some of the elec- tors have heen hefogged on this sub- ject, as they have certainly heen be- fogged with regard to other ques- tions. The vote means that the Commission will charge the city the YHE BRITISH WHIG PUBL CO, LIMITED, * Yi. G. Eltott .... Leman A. Gulld . ISHING . President Director i Telephohen: Business Office Pditerial Reoms Job OM. SORIPTION RATES y (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city ...... One year, if pald in advance ' One year, by mall to rural offi One year, (5 Weekly Edition) One year,/ by' mat), cash , One year, If not pald in ad Be Year, to United States ......$1. : ix and three months pro rats, 6.00 5.00 United States . of 'guns and that somebody had bliin | awful wrench | dered, the Star believed the correct 3 has gone, Ring for both the Govern@nt and . the Star was fo offer to refund the - monies, and made an announcement to that effect, Stay has refunded to every subserib- | er 'who applied, and still has over || $8,000 unclaimed on deposit at inter- . [est at the Royal Bank ready for re- There will be no more tarvia | funding to any claimants. | sprinkled upon the streets. The We think the Government should | man who advocates its use will in| have taken a similar, course in re- the next election experience Alder- ®10Ting the money to' the rightful | Man Grabiam's misfortuiie. owners, but it has thought otherwise. | hy i, FDITORIAL The machine got an in yesterday's election. into the uptown shop for repairs, > Whesi one gets down to the fine] arts of chnvassing for votes, com: | mend us to the follege professors. England is on a hunt for the se- i LIBERAL PRESS. curities which were stolen by Ger- : . many from Belgium. They will be Mr. Fallis Remains. seized in the mails anywhere with-| Toronto Globe. . : : i oes the Conservative Press of On- out regard tgnthe country to which | ipi5 think. that the Legislature is they may be consigned. | honored by the presence of J. R. in ibas : | Fallis, M.P.P., who erected a tollgate | The Minister of Labor is taking a |petween the Government and the farmers desirous of selling horses for } very drastic course with regard to | the civil servants. They can either | military purposes, thereby, increasing up their places to men who will do |fOrming no useful service? Is the | 80, or who have already. done thei 2 "? hit. { brazen it out? Pac PUBLIC OPINION | Term of Office, (Brantford Expositor.) The St. Catharines Journal advo, cates a three-year term for Aldeg men. A one-year term is too long | for some men. » i Will the Council administer the! Patriotic Fund of $5,000 a month? | Nery likely. The men who are re-| sponsible for the tax should person- ally administer it, or they 'should be represented to a larger extent upon the Patriotic Committee. i CONSERVATIVE PRESS. Criticism Js Wanted. 1 Since that date the | J Bibbys re di sa . ' a. 69c S . enlist for active military duty or give [the cost $3,000 or more while per- § {member for Peel to be allowed to || | | | eat Travellers' Samples, Sold Outs, etc quality Shirts; regular $1.00 to $1.25 values. "Sizes 14 to '16._ Plain Whites neat stripes, dots and checks. ., all first C , Fancy Fronts, plenty : See our window display of these Shirts. Attached 1s one printing offices in Canada. TORONTO REPRESEN YE fmaiplece alsa t the Dest. job TATIVR nager p Tribune B Frank R. Northrup, Manager, SUCCESS 'IN RECRUITING. large meetings, with martial mu- sic and stirring addresses; will a much to help along recruiting. = But the one essential is «consecration .in the individual, Speeorge( put the issue squarely some time ago | | 2 Church Bt. | sion says IVES er Fifth Ave, | POWer. lig. | | 0! should not be billed, as the power is | taken at the switchboard: ...The com- | Foster { difference hetween 1.20 per kilowatt hour and 2:09¢ per kilowatt hour, which the Hydro-Electric Commis- it costs to produce this The matter may not he set- Montreal Mail. . "In discussing the coming session of Parliament, the Winnipeg Free Press advises the Liberal party to stand aside. It advicates leaving the Borden Government 'in full responsibility for its legislative and executive aets before the people. "It is difficult to understdnd how such advice can be put forward from a-sincere-desire to serve the publie interest. No political truce bjnds any one party to silent acquiescence in everything the Gdvernment does. In doing so "it would present a strange spectacte, and the condition would be a travesty on Parliamen- yet, The company in a recént meeting of the Board of Trade held that the 2.09¢ per kilowatt' hour included overhead charges, for which they pe pany complained, too, that, omitting certain items of overhead charges, the actual cost of the power would i Joke Almost Worth It. | (Montreal Mail) Ford spent $50,000 to sénd those wireless messages to the, crowned heads' of, Europe, 'and the joke was almost worth it. A Wave of Modesty. (London Advertiser.) \ | What is this wave of modesty that | | is sweeping over Berlin? The peace | | terms dq not include possession of | London, or even of the British navy ¥ Snififes That Come Of.: Enquirer.) | iting her he al- th-a smile on his co (Cincinnati + When he is cou Men's Ulsters $10.00 See ouy Tweed Ulsters Tiveeds. Sizes 34 to 42. . =A on » With two 'wav collars: \ dark brown and grey . tary Government. Advice and criti- | Ways, greets her wi cism; Where criticism is foundéd on a |1Ips. But. after he wets her. he fair assumption of wrong doing, is «Wipes the smile off his lips and kiHs | expected of ah Opposition. That is | it with a clove before he greets her. its function, s "The object of the Free Press in | : putting forward this proposal is not | (Toronto Globe.) clear. . It may be actuated by sin- h Tae Brregt of Dr. Simpson in Eng- | cere public spirit, although its polit- | land on a charge of stealing or-re-| ical record gives no certain guaran- | ceiving $100,000 of the money of the : tee as\to this. If it desires to have | Province of Manitoba supplies fur- | the Liberal party hold itself aloof | ther evidedce 'that Premier Norris! from affairs go as to obtain a license | means to clean up. ; for unlimited) criticism, it is propos- ! # ing a party cqurse that can be taken ' only at the expense of the country." RADNOR PERRIER POLAND TALLY-HO VICHY INDEPENDENT PRESS. GURR'S CALEDONIA The Machine Guns. the rest of 'the world understand that Montreal Star. they have detached themselves from When the Star was led to believe civilization d are frankly given I D GINGER ALE | that supplementary - machine guns | ov.r té barb Asm in this war. IMPORTED CHAMPAG:E CIDER! ? A we GURD'S GINGER ALE ' GURD'S SODA WATER were sadly needed by Canadian regi- Sim - Redden & Co. ments to give them an equipment on nadiaw (Jas. Phones 20 and 990, a par with the Getmans, whose ma- | . © on As in Engla EO ES | FEN THOUSAND MILES phaine gun squads killed most of our | ben. our appeal was made for money | women of C ust do more than t '«__~ OF FRENCH TRENCHES. 1 ---- \ Twenty Units To Every Unit a. meet the emergency.- A yery | ancourajg men. to go to the fro ov «of Front To Be Guarded when he gaid that the highest service! pa 1c per kilowatt hour or less, to the State was that of national | Moreover, it is contended that the re- defence, and that no man could 8ivel newal_of the power rate will not up his lite for a loftier purpose tha | guarantee the running of the cars, while serving his King and country. | ng the road. is losing money: right » That idea is not horne of a moment. | along, and has béen losing it for It does fiot sink into 'the heart at | gome. years. x once Its real meaning is not un-|{ It is further observed that the derstood at tie first, It only &rows | Council and the company should have' on.one, and info a positive conviction | conferred, .not the Finance Commit- a sit is il meditated upon. In |tee of the Council and the company, Canada there is nothing outside of|to discugs the question of providing the patridgtic nisin incites one to| for actual expenses of the road over ® service. In Engtand recruiting has|and above the certified receipts. The been stimulated by Lord Derby's re-| conmipany does not want a bonus, buf\ Eistghtion scheme, and by the prom-|it wants power gt a rate that will en- ise of the Premier that if the Act|able it to run the cars without loss. fails, resort will be had. to conscrip- tien... Men. .rushed to the recruiting , mations and enrolied in ander to ing 'a commendablé spirit: Our Avoid the humiliation of bei for: teachers of every kind are too exclu- j Sed to da so. The Doshishman's "on own good and the good pridevas touched, In Canada there - : the community! is nothing akin to this influence and | & the co Li experience, |. The 'only hope 'is that| UTILITIES COMMISSION. . the yOung men who are. eligible el One remapkable thing about 'the | ; : Bibbys - Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET, "KINGSTON. Why Arrested. hg Glory In Their Barbavism. © (New York Times.) : The Germans and the Austrians seem to glory in their outlawry,. to be absolutely determined to make ig . 4 The college _profesosrs who desire to serve as scnool trustees are show- jourier.) d France, the nt, l1jrge amount was subscribed, some | they must olunteer to take ver going direct to Ottawa and some com- | their present) work. For 'example, iAg to the Star office. the Dominlon Government could use When it was officially announced | 3,600 volunteer women to take the that the money could not be used as place of 3{000 young men pow In the A supplementary fund for 'machine public service. nt NE et AANA SP cM i lO Gl NG A 4 ® - be led' to consecrate their lives to|Miiiities Commission, upon which the the service of the Spate, dnd with the people have voted twice within three understandi nat there is nothing) months, is the lack of public intexest . higher agd nobler, 'and nothing more | in the question. An enterprise - fiich represents an investment of --t > two years in public life, and no one tion : certaiy of its rewards. MAYOR RICHARDSON. . The Whig supported ° Alderman =r. and for the. last a winner, cheerful campaign, and among the people. 'the high and honorable office. sought him, and -he accepted the ghuge of battle willingly, feeling that it. was his duty to serve the munici- -pality in any way he could. His election by a handsome majority-- over three hundred--will hearten him in the performance of his onerous service. It is an expression of con- fidence which he must appreciate, and his way of showing his gratitude to the people will be to put the en- ergy, of which he has an abundance, into his various relations with the {hundreds of thousands of | Richardson for the Mayoralty,|. eek it became ap-| was raised some weeks ago. parent from day to day that he was; to do with the revision of the rates He made a manly and | with regard to which/the Commis- certainly | sioners had the professional advice made many friends as he canvassed | of the Hydro-Electric Commission's He did fot sesk | offices. It | have been errors, and that they were {a larger number had they the oppor- dollars should command the serious atten- tion of every eligible elector. Agzinst the Commission a clamor W It had Granted that there - may annoying to say the least, the fact remains that the Commisison was in a much better pesition to adjust them than 'the City Council; dnd this is the judgment of the majority who voted, and would be the judgment of € tunity of examining the records as the Whig has done. Possibly the Commission will have a rest now] that the agitators for a change have beén twice thwarted in their plans, One who had his eye upon the chair- ments have about the same wheelbase as a sufficient size to cyclecar, but cost less to-keep in re--they pair. In fact, the maintenance char- jammed into a pair of shqes which | ges on a pair of ed feet are almos confined largely to the resilient half\fainting on the way home. sole -and ~ RANDOM REELS | "OT Shoes and Ships, ™ Sedllag Wax, of Cabbages ¢ X Feet FEET. are long, eaget to the human body, attach; which bus§, flesh-color- nothing, being V the non-blistering. corn 'ure, Feet were given to people in place of a rudder, and ,can be pointed in corn. any direction~but straight up, with- the feet will soon be decorated with out danger. men secure their feet, and can walk along wishbone of an eleven-story buildi} without holding onto anything but der the steppee. Some fei € their hat. The slack wire walker is to corns and more p=! equipped' with feet of the prehensile backed 'bunion, By long practise some wonderful .contrpl € and Kings." i & where the blind pig is in good work-| «ing order. As soon as the feet become of create comment, are taken.to a shoe shop and | were intended fer ® somebody "who could wear a double A last without This treatment causes the feet to rebel . and sprout that accursed malforma-| tion known to science as the soft If persisted in, the owner of a large acreage of corns which can-| side party without calling - forth a shriek 'of agony and a desire to mur- be not 'be stepped upon by some -out- while a certain corps d'armee has 45 ] which" wily Couneil, and make a record for him: self. Supposing that he was only two years in the Council, this has counted for more than the nine years »f his opponent, and when the Mayor of last year ran for office he had only manship of the, Utilities under the Council, has fallen by the way, and | is not in a position to serve the city in any public capacity for the time being. The Commission will prob- ably accept the two plebiscites as an intimation that some people have not variety, much on the order of the into anything but common: house fly, which makes 'it slipper. yoo easy for him to wrap ohe foot around The most durablé brand -of féet a 'half-inch cgble and dangle over the now in use are thowe worn. by sales- Niagara gorge.in a 'stove-pipe hat. women and floor walkers, who would | On the other hand, there are men be glad to exchange them for a fresh with a sound, unblemished set :of pair. If the girls in the departmeat | feet who aim thém carefully at the stores could change: feet with some! middle of the sidewalk, and then of their customers, who never exer- have~{o apply the emergency brake cise them except for climbing in and Ld crocheted] By Allies. - -- - London, Jan." 4 There. are at least 10,000 miles of trenches now in the "western theatre of the KEuro- pean, war, according to H. Warmer Allen, specidl correspondent of the British press with the French army. He writes: . In the section of the French linés that I have just heen. visiting there are already, on a front of Just, over, ten miles, 375 Kilometres (or| slightly over 234 miles) af trenches. To make' certainty still more sure another 75 kilometres (or 46° miles) of other trenches are being dug, so that by the end of the year there; will be in that neighborhood 480 miles of trenches on 'ten miles of front. t "Elsewhere a certain division has| 0 miles of #renches to look after, | 25 miles. Taking these figures into consideration, one will certainly be under the mark in estimating "that! there are twenty miles of trenches to every 'milé 'of front, s6 that between | Switzerlagifl and the North Sea the| British d@ French armies have at] least - 10,000 miles of trenches to guard and keep in order." i ---- METHODISTS TO CONTRIBUTE A el, Their Full Share To the Canadian Forces, Oftawa, Jan. 4.--One message re-| Men's Men's winner at Hurd Hockey Boots ... French Calf Hockey Boots " 3 This js a Men's Calf Hockey Boots--Hurd Pattern Men's Muleskin Hockey Boots Women's Hockey Boots, Boys' Hockey Boots - Youths' Hockey Boots WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN HOCKEY 'BO Skates Put On Free. THE COOKE STUDIO Has Removed "to preferred this as a disability against him. ~~ Why this phase of a fruitless subject was so much discussed can- not be imagined. It had little effect in the campaign. The people judged between thé candidates on personal ~ grounds, and expressed & preference « for Dr. Richardson. This is a com- 'pliment to the successful candidate, while it does not detract from his op- ponent. ' A GOOD COUNCIL, #0 The better class of men cornipeted for seats in the 'Council this year, «nd one can say this without reflect- ing the least upon the men who | Discussion in itself is of no around the Civic Norse-| ta sought seflts shoe heretoforg. takes the place Cann in Frontenac Ward, and will make a good representative. Ald Ho was elected for ghree years un- der the old system, hut now that the votgd for annual terms, " | i | ! { Alderman Corbett is no reflection upon the members of of Alderman - Me-|the Council to say that they : a ® -| position to master the business of man Wright goes batk for a year) the utilities. |is of no avail, and Dr. Ross, who sug- people have such & large majority gested the transfer of the utilities to He 'will|the Commission, and still endopses it, to conform to the new condi- | knows from experience the value of gext year, Alderman Latur-|that 'deliberation which is a charac by a small major | teristic of the company or the com- "Ward, and his oppon- | mission heen : satisfied with the manner in which it has run the plants. - Delays in dealing "with troublesome ques- tions have brought the Commission ers dangerously near to defeat, and in order to avoid running into a picket fence. This strange phenom- epon .is observed in every town = 2 out of a limousine, Jere would be less need for reclining cBairs -and | smelling salts behind the.counter, 7 they will redeem themselves if they put more business promptitude into their transactions, It is immaterial now what they said inthe depreciation of the Com-| Rippling Riymes | mission during the days it was on}. trial. -But it Will not be amiss to refer to one faulty argument, name- ly, that if tie atilities were managed by a committee its business would be thoroughly discussed in the Council. ¢ advan- ge unless it he intelligent, and it THE PLUTE 3 Oh, stately in costly Jeathe browse around to have neither the time nor the dis from the Unless this mastery' be accomplished, talk useless talk, ud WALT LJ ) To stained and battered; they have; they're mostly fifty cent editions; "hut rather than the council, . v* & MA ing in their proper places, selected, with an. artist' feeling, to match the furniture and ceiling ! Milton'g, Scott's and Shakespeare's grinding, bidding, that you would cry, "Aw, ding," if some ofie said, "Sit down and read ' in rows, all unmolested, unread~unfingered, undigest- ed, saye when a housemaid comes to clean them, and ust and cobwebs ween them. exhibits them to callers, and says, thousand dollars; I hired a man who knows, good writers--that Shakespeare dub and ki ters--and said to him, 'Now, off books to match this paper; : go and trim it with Standard Works, and ¢ In my cheap shack the boeks Scattered around the floor, all dria they have no deckle-edged ambitions all the neighbors come and read them. See, (ius Maso! Y. 3 some cases, all stend-' s | Pope's, done up and all so dismal and for- quit your. kid- , to They stand 'S LIB books, in ha r binding, you have full freedom." ~~ The plute "They. cost ten! ndred bligh- your caper, and buy the libra'y's here, so rowd the every hour and day I need them, and 7 . the bay, when their boat overtern-| . .159 Wellington Street, One Dobr South of cei yesterday by Premier Borden was from the Rev. Dr. 8. I. Chowne, | General Superintendent of the Meth odist Church in Canada. It read: * | "I thank God and thank you for| the thrilling announcement doubling | the authorized forces of Canada for! over®eas service." You can depend upon the Methodist Church contrib- | uting its full share of recruits until the glorious end is reached." { Every reader of this news- paper is a member of a daily jury.. Each day the claims of ° rival manufacturers and mer- chants are set forth in the ad- vertising. And the great jury of read- €rs passes on these and gives its verdi€t by purchasing or leaving alone. : By that verdict the various advertiders must stand or fall. There is no appeal, The advertising only ceeds as it is. made hel S SEE PAGE 10. Owing to a re-arrangement, made of the year, the two special foatures--- ytime ales and "Low Cost" of Living Menus"--have been removed tO 1 be | found Gy hemoctorn, Ta ----_--p---- Brothers Drown In River, : : Ogdensburg, . N.Y., Jan _-4--Roy | Assails Lioyd Gearge, and Henry Parametter, brothers, | London, Jan. 4.--A small portion aged 33 and 37, employed on the! Of the Liberal press strongly oppos- George C. Bolt farm opposite Alexan-| #8 Premier Asquith's reported policy Bay, were drowned iE at | iv deslile 'withthe problem of re- tempting t farm from | le 3 tt yi SE ; iPting to return to the | he Nation 0s. Da Their bodies have heen recover: George, Minister of Munitions, ed, Their home 'was mear Coho, traying the liberal of vol: LY. Cana © © unfavy service, and his suc pfu} and appealing to your needs, Lloyd ed. wo AWE « A ett of be- | $2.00 OTS. CRAWFORD'S Foot of Queen St. | . Phone No. 9. {influence has shifted the balance in | the Cabinet, Wu Te