-------- GLENDOWER, Jan, 4. There is 'plenty of snow for sleighing now. Archibald Tim- merman was elected school trustee, to succeed John Baheock. A. Hop- pins was given the contract of sup- plying wood for the school house. A number attended the Christmas tree at the school house. School opene with Miss Jeffrey as teacher, ' BELA ROCK. Jan. 4.-~The village school has not re-opened yet. Miss Jennie Fos- ter, who has been so critically il}, "4s improving. Mrs. C. D. Yorke re- turned home last week after spend. ing a few days with friends at Ver- ona. Holiday visitors: Miss Stella Timmons, Toronto, spent Christmas with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Timmons. ' GG, C. Yorke, Rodney High School, and Miss Edith Yorke, Verona, at J. 'Pomeroy's; Mr, and Mrs. F. L. Amey, Selby, to L..Amey's on New Year's day. PLEVNA. Jan, 4---The municipal election was held on Monday. J. P. Wens- ley was elected for Reeve, and for councillors the following: Joseph Card, Stillman Baldwin, Robert Wat- kins, John Shonewer. A 'donation party" was held at the parsonage for Mr. and" Mrs. Sampson on New Year's ¢ve. Miss Sylvia Ostler has returned to the Collegiate Institute, Ottawa, and Miss Ella Ohlman to Kingston. Percy Killingbeck, of the 1468h Regiment, has returned to Kingstn, after spending a few days visiting his parents here. : i BREWER'S MILLS. (Jan, 4.<<A number of people are aiff eri; Ppeta Qrippe. School I ay, with Miss Harte ag" téadher,- F. Rochefort and sis- ter attended the funeral of Mrs. Shughrne, Kingston, New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, Cleveland, Olilo, and Bernard Mur- ray, Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting at J. Murray's. "A few of the young peo- ple aftended the party at J. Boyle's, Gananoque, on New Year's night. Miss 8. Anglin spent the Christmas holidays with her brother at Iro-| quois, Miss Lillie Milne is visiting her sister, Miss B. Milne, Chester- ville, = Lawrence Page, Kingston, is at J. MeKendry's. CENTERVILLE. Jan. 3.~--The weather during the new year so far-is as satisfactory' to everybody as could be expected. The .roads are in good condition and tha farmers are taking advantage of the Fodd B1eighiE to get out thelr wood. The ladies of the Methodist Church held their annual tea meeting in the hall New Year's night. It was a decided success both financially and socially. The schoo! concerts held here at the close of the term were very much enjoyed. The same teach- ers are hired for the coming term. Frank Lochhead, Belleville, home for a short furlough during the holi- days, returned on Monday to resume training. The funeral of the late Mrs. R. J. Reid, Reidville, passed through here on Tuesday to Camden East vault. mination day passed off very quietly here with both Reeve and Councillors being elected by ac- clamation, T. J. Cook is Reeve, . while H. Wagar, J. Warner and R. J. Hannah will act as Councillors for the coming year. The annual meet- ing of the Agricultural Society will be held here Saturday, Jan. 15th at 1.30 p. m. A little girl boarder has arrived at "Joe" Cavanaugh's. - IDA HILL. Jan. 3.---~The sleighing is now ex- cellent, and much driving is being enjoyed. The annual school meet- ing was held Wednesday. , William Makin was elected trustée in the place of Robert Gibson, who résign- B. Kells is preparing for the + erection of a basement 'barn. Miss J.'Mundell, who have been engaged as teacher for the village school, com- -menced her duties on Monday. A' number from this vicinity attended the tea meeting held at Battersea on Saturday evening. = James Scholes, of the city, spent the New Year's holidays with his daughter, Mrs. L. J. Makin, near the village. M. Mec- Gillivray, Kingston, is spending a few days visiting R. Robinson. Tho mas Makin, wife and daughter, spent Sunday with friends at Cushendall, B. Smith received the contract for a road job on Queen street. Cold Springs cheese factory closed last week after a very successful season. KEPLER. Jap. 3.---A goodly number attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Lind- say Jast week. preached the sermon, mas tree was a success ticular. Christmas was a very wet day,but amid it all there were a good many "home gatherings." HuBert A. Townsend has gone to Napanee to take charge of the new cream and butter factory, A lovely Christmas present came to the home of George Cranstén, in the form of two ba y girls. A surprise party at John *Donnell's on Friday night last. Mrs. Asseltine and Lulu Orser are on the Sick list, James Lindday is visiting friends in the city. Miss B. M, Townsend is 'visiting her sister 'at Latimer. Visitors: T. F; Laurance and wife, Sydenham, and Roland V. Henry and wife, : Peterboro, , at George Lawson's: Who was at her father's, returned to her school - to-day. Mrs. Harry Knapp, Barriefield, at her brother's, G. Cranston's; Norton Lee The. Christ- Aarne Lawson, ownsend, wife New Year's at A. mer. Rev.' BE. Codling in every par- Helen Wartman, | and wile, at Thomas Woes "at Home"; T. A. and dau hter t th I F. Smith's, Lati- beck Lake ana o CHANTRY. Jan. ?.--Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Inerson twin boys on Jan. 3rd. J. N. Davis is confined to his bed with grippe. School re-opened Monday morning. All are glad to have Mr, Heath back. Mrs. Charles Ab®l and. Harry Coon were called to Almonte to see their mother who is very low. arry Wykes of the 59th Battalion, s home spending a Tew, holidays. A number from hére attended the. play at Delta on New Year's Eve. Isaac Stevens and family drove to Addison where they spent New Year's with his sister, * PREVELYAN, Jan. 4.--Miss Agetha Lappan, Berlin, Ont., is spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Flood. Miss Rita Flood, Lansdowne, spent the past week at B, Flood's. "Jerry" Fodey, Vanguard, Sask., called on friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Fodey and little daughter Geraldine, Regina, Sask., crrived home on Sun- day ,and will spend the winter with the atter's mother, Mrs. M. Leeder, Miss Loretta Leeder returned to Athens on Tuesday after spending the holidays at her home here. Mrs. Ronen, McIntosh Mills, and Mr. and 'Mrs, J. B. Leeder, Caintown, spent New Year's at Frederick Leed- Lik : d MORTON. Jan. 3.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Neddow, Lansdowne, called on friends in the' village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pownall and Miss ¥. Galaway, El- lisville, called on friends on Satur- day. Charles Stewart is very ill. Mrs. 8. Taber is ill. Grippe is very preval- ent in the village. J. C.' Judd is spending the holidays the guest of friends in Toronto. C. Booth has returned after spending the holidays with his parents at Athens. The Hich School students have returned to Athéns to resume their studies, Mr. and Mrs. George Close, Toronto, and 'Miss Mary Simpson, Seeldy's Bay, fpént Tuesday the guest of Mrs. R. Wills. A number from. here at- tended the New Year's event held at Olivet church op new year's eve. DULCEMAINE, Jan. 4.___Miss Evelyn returned to Ottawa after holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Earle. School opened on Monday with the same teacher, Miss Greer, Mr. and' Mrs. Samuel Heaslip have returned from visiting friends at To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Patience and daughters were guests at Elwel Stack's, Warburton, on Saturday last. R. Moorehead, Outlet, has purchased the farm of W. Sliter, and intends moving this month. Re- dent visitors: Mb. and Mb: James J. Deir and family, Gananoqge; John Hogan, Kingston Mills, at -Mrs, Su- san Patience"s; Mr. and Mrs.. Her- hert Leacock and Miss Marjorie, Lansdowne; Miss E. E. Earl, War- burton, at James Patience's; T. "Til. ton, Sultan, at D. Haskin's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Marshall, a daughter. Earle has MELCOMBE, > Jan. 3.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landon, Well's Island, spend the Christmas holidays with relatives here. Michael Dalton of the 59th Battalion, Brockville, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. The patrons of the Deer Lake Cheese factory held their annual meeting on Thursday and settled up business for the year. Leo, C. Gavin of Morse, Sask; "is visiting at his old home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney, Kingston, spent Saturday and Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lappan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keyes and son, Gerald, of Gananoque, spent tie New Year's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger. Miss Kath léen Ralph, Kingston, spent the Christmas holidays with her uncle, Charles Ralph. Miss A. Judge and Miss R. Healey, Toledo, are visiting Mrs. Sandy McDonald. George Lap- pan, who had his jaw bone broken by a kick from a horse is improving nicely. CALDWELL'S MILLS, been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. P. Gray's, has returned - to Kingston. William Slemens spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, T. Easton. Fred- erick Campbell spent a few days at his home here. Messrs. Wilson and McVitty, Montreal; spent a few days at Mr. and Mrs. P. Gray's. Miss May- me Gray, accompanied by her friend Miss Anna Darow, Fallbrooke, is Spending her holidays under the par- ental roof. Miss Elsie Lee spent a few days last week visiting Miss Le- na Gray. Misses\ Mayme Gray and Anna Daraye, spent New Year's day at Lavant, visiting Miss Elsie Lee. Miss Marion Campbell, Renfrew, spent the week-end at her home here. Melville Easton spent Christmas at his pope bere. John Willis and Jose- ph Burke are Fenewing acquaintan- ces in the village. Miss Edith Camp- bell visited at Mrs.- William Nichol- son's. Wilfrid Elliott and John El- liott spent.one day at Lavant last week. Mis& Alice Elliott has returned to Aye, after spending Christmas at her home here. Miss Stella Mills spent New Year's it her home here. School will re-open to-morrow with Miss Della McLaren, Drummond Centre, as teacher. At the municipal election in the township of Lavant, the councillors elected were. John Cameron. Tom Cameron, Peter Gray and James Dunn. jopn Browning was elected reeve by acclamation. ---- OUTLET, Jan. 4.---Some of the people are {aking advantage of ¢, 5 - Ing to haul wdod 10 g *.Sv0l sloigh the people are dri ROTOsS the little takes, 1, very few,: JYohnston, so at the p as it is not considered very safe W. G. Vanderburg made a short vis- it 10 friends in Avonmore. Mrs. Al- bert Perry and Mrs. George Bur- rows, Wolverine, Michigan, and Mrs. Pring, wife of Rev. James Pring, Montreal, are visiting their father, Dunken Reid, Wolverine. Miss Eva Bradley spent a part of the holidiys at her father's, Weldon Bradley's, Ellisville. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fodey and little daughter, Gerald- ine, Regina, Sask. arrived at the home of his father pu the last day of the old year. They have now gone to visit Mrs. Fodey's mother, Mrs. Leed- er, Ballycanoe, and other friends. Mrs. W. G. Vanderburg and children spent the holidays with friends at Ardendale. When they returned home on Monday the 3rd they were accompanied by Mrs, Vanderburg's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. nt time there are four generatidns enjoying a visit in Mr. Vanderburg"s home. ] WABHBURN'S CORNERS. ' dan, 1.--Dr. Thomas Whaly, Al- sack, Sask., has arrived to visit his brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sheridan and family, Soperton, spent Cheistmas at Mrs. K. Shef- field's, Lyndhurst. A former A. H. 8. boy, Stanley Curtis, has enlisted in one of the Hamilton battalions. Miss Lena Wills, teacher at Mano- tick Station, has returned home for the Christmas holidays. Reeve olmes and Mrs, Holmes, Athens, celebrated their ruby wedding anni- versary on. December 21st. Mrs. George Whaley and daughter were Christmas visitors at the home of William Hamblin. = Mr. and Mrs. L. Washburn spent Christmas at Mer- rickville. A pleasant party wgs held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson on Dec, 30th. Mr. 'and Mrs. Oscar 'Webster, Smith's Falls, are Visiting relatives -hoie. 0. M. Eaton returned this 'week from Win- nipeg after an absence of years. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston, Watson, Sask., are visiting relatives. Owing to a heavy fall oa the dry ground, Rev. George Edwards was unable to oceupy his pulpit in the Methodist Church, Athens, on Sunday. In- clement weather reduced the usual large attendance at the Anglican Christmas 'entertainment . on Thaurs- day evening last. The Christmas free entertainment held at Hard Is- land school house was a decided suc- cess, The programme was good and the presents were plentiful LANSDOWNE. , Jan, 5.--Mr. and Mr. George Phil- lips and daughter, Lillie, returned on Monday from visiting Rev Mr. and Mrs. Leech, Wolfe Island. The Christmas cantata, "Bethiehem', which was held on Dec. 28th, will be repeated on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, in the village hall. The proceeds will be applied tothe Red Cross work. T. Isbester returned on Tuesday to Adamsville, Que. Mrs. Clendenning is still very ill as the result of a fall when she fractured several ribs. School opening on Tuesday with Miss Boyd, Miss Allen, and Miss Adams as tegrhers. . J. H. Warren was Ti, | as School trustee. Mrs. William MeConnell has returned from visiting in Kings: ton and Gananoque. Mrs. W. H. Hutchison bas returned from a visit to Three Rivers, Que., where she was the guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs Snell. George tending. Brockville Business College Mrs. Sarah Greer has purchased El- mer Burns' residence. Mr. Burns intends to erect a new house and store attached. Lieut. Craig, who was inyplided home from the war, is the gwest of his cousin, Dr. Camp bell, Miss Niva Dixon, Winnipeg, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn, Dixon. W. H. Hutchison has béen remotagd te-Oshawa Mr. Huchison has been G. T. R. station agent Tor a number of years, succeed- ing Mr. Wallis. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Webster, Smith's Falls, spent a few here. Mr. G. Boucher:and children, Gananoque, have been visiting at Mr. Robert Donovan's. Miss Lulu the vacation. Mrs. Leslie Johnston is visiting at her home in Lansdowne. . -------- Jan. 3.--John McKillop, who has | Prince Edward 1 BONGARD'S "Jan, 3.--Election took place on Monday. O. W. Hicks was elected reeve by' forty-six majority over A. Hellernan. The councillors were elected by acclamation as follows: L. Kearney, J. Hughes, G. Lumley hnd F. Eaton. Levi Pierce has re- turned after spending the holidays with his son and daughter in Te- ronto and Guelph. AHan. Harrison entertained a number of his young friends on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blackburn have returned from Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Williams, of Picton, were callers here recently. Mr. and "Mrs. R. Harrison and son were guests at B, E. Harrison's on New Year's Day. H. Carnaban and wife spent a day at Elmbrooke last week. Mrs, Thom- as Bongard visited. her -parents at Greenbush for several days. Ernest Prmoli, Toronto, spent the holidays with friends here. Mrs. A: Wright and son, Waupaos, visited a day at J. Price's. : ALLISONVILLE. Jin. 4.--Election for of Hillier passed off very quietly. L. Jones was elected by a small major- ity, The roads beihg so very icy, there was not a very large turnout of the electors. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Marvin have returned to their home fn Belleville after spending their holidays with friends in this com- munity... Miss Pearl Marvin has returned to resume her duty as teach- er near Glenora after spending Wer holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. R, Marvin, The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Everett An- across Killen derson and also Miss Mabel and Myr-!- few have driven tle Adams, are glad to know hat thet period, have passed the critical that the diphtheria is checked. The funeral of the late Mrs. Kerwin Burr took place on Friday afternoon at her home, it being private on ac- count of diphtheria in the neighbor- McCullough is at-' Sheppard is home from Ottawa for A the , Reeve f hood. the services. in Burr cemetery. Melville and Burr schools are closed on account of diphtheria. Mrs. R. Collins, in Belleville, ; SALEM. Jan. 4.--Recruits are coming in rapidly during the last few days, among them being Joseph and Edgar Simonds, Ray ang' Ralph Terry, Sid- vey Young, John Barline and Parks brothers, Consecon. W. -Gufelr, who enlisted some time ago, has been home for a few days on account of illness. Lieut. Bruce Ferguson why has recruiting in North Hast- ings, is home for a few days. Cap. Rev. C. G. Williams, Lindsay, former pastor, has spent a few days in Con- secon recently, A recruiting meet- ing is to be held this evening in Ameliasburg Hall, and is to be ad- dressed by Lieut. Sandford, who was prominent speakers will also part. 'Mr. Bowerman has pany, tions. ney and son Norris are spending few weeks in Boston. and has commenced opera- at Corbeyville. Mrs. C. here. Mr. and Mrs, C, C. Wanpa- maker and children have returned and Mrs. C. G. Fox, Picton and Mrs. W. Ofterhouser, vid's, and H McMasters, are spending the holidays with Mr and Mrs. C. Sager. Mrs. D cott is ill with rheumatism, Walter Wannamaker #as elected St. the retiring trustee. PETROLEUM CARDS NOW. Berliners Must Prove It Ts An Abso- lute Necessary, London, Jan. 7.--The Amsterdam correspondent of the Exchange Tele- graph Company says that beginning January 9th residents af Berlin will be able to buy petroleum only upon presentation of petroleum cards, which will be granted only to those whose homes are without gas or el ties that they need light produced from petroleum a< a means of eafn- ing their livelihood. ---------- The man of prudence keeps in mind the fact that to-morrow is not a certainty y CASTORIA "For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears 3: Rok Signature of A Rev. Mr. Squier conducted Interment took place Mrs. J. Boyd return- ed home yesterday after spending over Christmas with her daughter, wounded' in battle in France, Other | take | \ taken | charge of the Roblin Milling Com- ! Mr. and Mrs. D. H, Whit- | Mr. and Mrs. | A. Parliament and Miss H. Hawley | have returned after visiting friends | Spencer, | Oshawa, is renewing acquaintances | after spending a few days with Mr } Mr. | Da- { Brighton, | school | trustee in place of Halton Spencer, ectricity or who satisfy the authori: | Te Are eA AA rs B for the kiddies-- and yourself; its great benefits to _. teeth, breath, ap- Petite, digestion; its cleanliness and wholesomeness in the air-tight 'packages; its two different, deli- cious flavors AAA rrr A HEA on KILLED FIVE TURK Revenge Foy Lusitoni=; New Bedford, Mass., Jan James Cooper, a former mill over- seer in this city, who joined the Brit- ish army after the loss of his wife's thild on the Lusitania, has written friends in this éity that in a fight on the Gallipoli Peninsula he jumped out of the trench, rushed to the op posing lines and killed five of the enemy without receiving a wound Cooper said that his act was in spired by the remembrance of what happened on the Lusitania. Out or Sinking Our own ease gnd comfort often makes us disregard the ease and vom fort of others, Somehow or other it is the most valuable article that gets wet when the roof leaks If you are a true gentleman, it will not be necessary for You to state that you were horn one Cowan's Dainty Recipe Book = tells how-- Little a Miso MAIDEN A Happy New Year To all our customers, would like to make home happy for 1916 by ing side, . Having the greatest singers, musicians and speakers in your home, any and every night will make you and your: family happy and bright All you pay is $5.00 on ma- "chine and $5.00 for Records, we carry the rest. COME IN TO-DAY. Our Retords play on Dise Machine, only Se, lest Records made. We every plac- a Grafonola by your fire- any Re I i i To help you IGLEY' We have published a unique little booklet .B to remember "EAH THE SURIECT SEEMS TO BF WELL I st ct Opn 3 Meteor, $20, Teeadgold Sporting Goods Co. "Wrigley's Mother Bvbee," introducing the Sprightly Spear- . | men. - 28 pages litho- graphed in handsome colors! Fun forgrown- ups and children. Send a postal today for your copy! LEY UR. CT, tid, Hdy., Y Toronto to the Darkest | s