THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1916. Ce umes For | g And Other - : ee em - . z a SEE oo ee Ee = / NA | Y/ | - " Nos. §581-8C12-6572. Nos. 6313 6185. : Nos. 6414-6561. Nos. 6316-6523-6512. No, 6530. Nos 6523-6503. By Maude Hall ~o Ce | - : For the moment the makers of [than the new sweaters, particularly { Some very effective cost res: are | new collar 'aud cape sets are so ex- It is fortunate for the thletic girl) as possible. These little muffs are and 16 20 years . smart clothes have turned heir at- | those with fur trintming These, | show n in amber colored cloth and. cessively high in price that many | that the modes qf the moment lénd | prettiest when made of short haired 0. 61854 Sizes 22 to 34 tention toward skating costumes, for | needle to sdy, are expensive, so the though displayed with outing de- | women ambitious always to possess | themselves so well = to the outdoor | ful like beaver, chine » otter, skating is the craze of the 'moment, | woman with a limited dress low: | stones might guite as well be labelled | the season's latest novelty are forti- costumes I'he high collars the | squirrel or 'ermine I © muffs ) ne No. 6414. Sizes 52 Fashions in skating costufies are of | ance resorts to gather Te ith just | stres(y costumes Especially is this fying themselves with a good pattern | swinging sk rts, the a8 much importance 'as dancing | as smart. "ese are legion There | true of a design trimmed, with-dark frocks and afternoon gowns, and for | are big pockets with black velvet | Brown panne velvet edged with bea- those who ate preparing for the flit buttons placqd on the flap; there are | ver Another distinguishine feature | southward after the "holidays the | high collars with tripes| running in | Of the frock is a cape of quantities -¢ theré are also, for the women who | inches bust. i : for a foundation and fashioning their | fur,. the Russian suggestion in sol like them, and the barrel shape, lin llars No. 6561. Sizes small, own collars and caps of rentnants many modets==-all these are ideal for with some soft silk .or. satis { Feng Price, 10 cents and leftovars of velvet, , satin, fur, {the purpose, and the velvets, velve | Hi aille classigue or th satin Coal . 316. "Sizes maler- | et The fur comes in anyway. no teens and soft woollen in lovely col or even shirre } inches bust NES » sane styles may be used on the golf opposite directions to the stripes of | jal bordered with a deep band of vel- | matter of what material the collar, | orings are adaptable. The silks, too. | the t Waist No'.6523. Sizes 24 t links and tennis courts. Many ma-| the sweater and deep cyffs also or- vet and finished with ap 7 'ingly | because. fur is the logical decoration and even thinner stuffs will be worn -- ches bust trike are favored for the outing | naménted with "velved buttons. | high collar of the amb h with | for anything and everything this | with their bit of fur trimm ngs, their Guide To Patterns. Skirt No. 6512. Sizes 22 costume, but one. sees most of cor. Heavy. silk and wool fiber sweaters | fur. There~are shirrings about the [ year, from shirt Waist to undervest. "| fur toques brin them into dine, |. The fashions shown on this ; ches waist duroy, velveteen and combinations [ are made up on good lines, some .of waist-line, and the skirt. falll over a |- The mora striking the combination | bat the greatest use is made of vel rial Review des e 3 . Costume No. 653 of velvet and cloths. The sport cloths | them having high collars and an air foundation of velvet, with fur at the the 'more fashionable the costume, | vets, velveteens and cloths. | and sizes as follows: inches bust. are particularly chie, displaying won [much more sporting thgn those of | lower edge whether it be for skating, golf or The etiguette of the muff is unus- | 0 i No. 6581 Sizes 34 | Coat No. 61 derful stripes, checks and plaid | recent seasons Scarfemf knitted silk Velvet one-piece fr trimmed | tennis. For instance, a coat of white, ual. The, little affairs, mostly round | 3 5 ches bust Milady of luxurious taste disports | such asx were worn durifig "the past | with beaver, fox, nutria or Ivnx. are | black, navy, red or dark brown with | in shape 'and known as melon and Pantalleties No 712. Sizes Skirt' No. ¢ herself upon the ice in a skirt of | summer resvpear in the new color | very pretty. W one design there | 5 skirt in stripes,» in a plaid or.a granny muffs, should be carried with | small, 'medium and large. Price 10, inches waist : leather, trimmed with fall and a coat } Ings and are always inclyided in dis- f comes ollar of plush, so to | targe check, is exceedingly effective. I'the arm outstretched, if held 4 vents i. Price of each number 15 cents of velvet or cloth, or even a swear | plays of skating apparel, | > extry 'L the detail m ly there | In most instances the coat is-quite hand, or the elbows should be he | Collars No. 6572. Sizes small, me-| unless .otherwise given. : It would be hard to find anything , high boots are also an indispensable! is a wide erush girdle, also of plush, | short, barely falling to the hips, with | and thie hands rested in the hips, | dium and la Price, 10 cents Pictorial Review patterns on sale Hore genuinely charming and userul | item 2 the ends edged with fur. Many of the a decided flare at the bottom giving the muff as much prominence Coat No. 6513. Sizes 36 to 42 in- by local agents. i : \ ' AAS eg) : } ---- Isr sti in - 1 . Pte pelted Grove, N. 3.5 na awarded a! extremely warm-heart d won han Uf anxious mother, What it shall con 3 medal and" $2,000 the Carnegie [is told on her that lene 1 he | sist of, just what articles of food are ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN hero commission r.&a 2 the learning AL & young artist, a mosy wholesome, and other dietary of two gi a® Saint Petersburg, Fis violinist, Yas) esp rately 1 NI details interest the parents Any Gr 0 BB Genet Infant mortalit s the lowest in | squalid -- surrofindines Queen | thing that 'is .ta iy, nourishing: and : : i the world in: three couiftries Where | went to her ant; hing fine | well cooked is proper, and the range Kansas spinsters are 1 women 'have the vote | New Zea- | violinist, played all th: of food lies with the parents and an old maids' union. land, Norway and Australia In | ite music, repeating the their condition in lif Sandwiches Clones, Ireland, has inaugurated these countries re spectivdly "vhey Jo t| until. death made i of lightly buttered bread and any | a System of female letter-carriers 36, 67 and 68 babi kind of meat, fruit.jams, light cake, There are classes in London where | 1,000 $ ripe frujt, like apples and banana women can be taught to do odd jobs Since the occasionally hard-boiled eggs, let abouy to become Ne | tuce and egg salad; An important was dedided 1 Anxious mother writ #1 fact to be observed is to change the teached and {gran er | about school children' articles in the 'lunch and vary the leave "pf abjence, 217| The question of why : | : | bill of fare as you would the meals 5 : Th P ed C f men, teachers in Greater Ne w | York have! lunch for the child Foine to chool is at home. Children tiré of the sais e TOV ure or There are four times as many mar. | married ~ | one that just now puz many ant apficles of diet every day as well as : sa . < . riages in Italy in December as ther Probably the only ies in the | Tree Atvniee on "| full grown, even if they are hungr: Nerve, Stomach, and Kidney Disorders are in January, : German Empire who is § sthoolteach- | and healthy. --Chas. Q Percival, M . . : . . 'Miss_Marion du Poht is the first | er is the twenty year-ol eines (GIRLS BEAUTIFY hd B. . : J . mn Young or Old. : . woman ever to. ride astride at a New | Marie Adetheld zu Lippe 'whe has | ! " A reader asks: What is the value ; bein - - " : York horse show. Just passed' her exantidation for]: of cold and hot water aso-niedicine . . 3eitich BP dv. Dir ( i's > in ; Hr £3 Alpal 8 4sy t ' . e Famous British Remedy, Dr. Casseli's Female workers in| the factories teaching in the publje schéols in her | YOUR HAIR AND Answer: Water is one of the greatest \ I'he effect of the Ia i ) of Switzerland are prihibited fron Principality 1 i, . ; { aids in medicine. Internal bathing " ' 1 ablets, on the human system is to increase that Mit 1] working at night or on § undays, The appointment of "Ms George | bas saved thousands in cases of fev- y 3 energy upon. w hich health . and fitness dep nd. [ ie In eighteen months, Mrs. Garther S. Ladd as a member of dthe State | | er and auto-intoxfration. Hof water % LL ad ot oo a new power from Dr. Cassell's Tablets, © Drewry of Spencer County, Ky » has 'Board of Agriculture in Massachu- | . { @xternally has its many uses, such as Stomach and other organs g lew poy oh Alsen given birth to nitle children. setts has been barred on the ground r The Grand Duchess of Luxemburg that she wag not endorsed By the ag-| is seriously thinking-ef renouncing ricultural interests | bolg i daily oft of every | sary ? . final decision] in. the LUNCHES FOR CHILDREN Elsie Janis Occasionally writes @ | of a teacher bei - - play and performs it for her friends a mother, which Over 2,000 Serbian women are vor of the fighting in the {renches alongside the | two years' i i us nounshine 3 St wd to the entne system, Ile muscles aid sprains, etc, Cold water is an auxi- n th 5 nounshment is ip 2 1 Hair becomes charm =, wavy, ! lc, a } and \ Hary in the form of baths, effusion 4 Yecover strength, and the bady is built up a : n ns Tutous titel: or wet sheets, reduces preternatural : : Di. Chas. W. Botwood.,D.Sc.,- Ph.D, &c "the well-k ow . Ty committee has : re . heat: Where it has a double influ- scientist, says, *" Having had my attention « alled to many remark- ~The total estimated number : of been Appointed to inquire }into the | pc bit. 'of dindruff disappears | £009. First, it contracts the capillar- ] , able cutes effected by Dr. Cassell's ablets, and having personally able-bodied women over twenty and question of temperance In Great | ; 1 Hair sto les most. speedily, thoroughly and ef- w ih me, I am now in a position to state that, as a under forty in the United States is Britdin and to suggest Whit action | am oy stun fectually; sggondly, it directly ah- Y mvestigated she sami, i : Lice } a. hq d ries Ny va 21,000,000. against this evil the Gowernment | ing om, abstracts heat from the over-heated safc. and reliable. femedy for loss of flesh |G Vigour, netve "Mme. Julletto Adam, the famous | might take ju theMnteresia of nation. | 25 cents YOu ein. kata body and 0° prevents destructive fe. b affections and bodily weakness induced by deficient assimilation Freuch pronhetess, who foretold the al efficiency. | Hr a2 ton thie De YON | agen : , \ of beneficial food products, Dr. Cassell's Tablets appear to be bresent war, now sees victory for the | Women are Now, worl ee its beans Your hair Le. For this. purpose patients Juay be 1] " ¥ umque, and 1 luive no hesitation in recomn nding the'same as a Allies. J . ivators on the Friedri hstrasse tunnel, oon < ght wavy, fluffy, abundant and | kept in tepid or cold water many | realy tiustwoi thy household repiedy for young or oid." Over ohe hall. ofthe students .n- which, is to SOTEE 2 purt of thy under- apy ns Soft, lustrous and ehar m- | BOUTS during an attack of -#yphoid, | A Throughout the world Dr. Cassell"s Tablets are recognised as rolled in the 567 Colleges and Tech- | ground railway i. of Heflin Tin us young girl's nftor appieing | Scarlet or other fevers, This practice | aroughout ' N Restorat * al Schools of the United Stutz Yu {The Wtilization of woinen's labor for na Danderine. Kiso. iry this. -_ | is quite in vogue in Germany. It re | | the great strep ning medicine, are ) utritive, £31 tte te 14 were weirien, ; tils purpose is iecesstul that it | oisten' a cloth with a litle Vander. |4UCEE fever, it soothes pain, quiets Re Altefative, anid Anti-spasmodic, and of proved [herapeutic value in her throne and becoming a nun. A woman's advigo King 'his ey Miss Elizabeth H. Jackson of De: now. intended 16 eiiiploy thom on Oth: line and carefully' draw it tirpough | Testlessness and makes way for re. | eg oni all derangetuents of the Nerve and Functional Systems in old or pere, Wis., has taken up the career er big undertakings. | Your hair taking one snail strang | covery. Wonderful success has fol- | , young. - Unexampied success fas established them-as the modern -of a city planner and now has twenty Although sh nly (wentyithree {at a time. This will cleanse (Lie! lowed this practice. 2 shome' remedy for Nervous Breakdowd, Nerve and Spinal Pa ysis, Infantile assistants working under her. { years old, Mi; 't Hara of Tokio. { hair of dust. dirt' or excessive oil 3 To s Paralvsis. - Rickets." St. Vital' Dance," Anaemia, Sleeplessness, Kidmev Disease, Miss Jenny Wade, lead buyer for [Japan, has the dist), of being land in just a few moments vou have TO PROTECT DANCE FROUKS. 1° . Dyvgep ia Stomach Catarrh, Brain Fag, Headache Palpitation, Wasting Disea wis {WO departments in a large - Saint not only prima donny Imperial {doubled the beauty of your hair' A y Stor. 3 . . Vital HxBaiistion, Loss cf Flesh, and Premature Detay. Specially valuable ir Louis department store, rose to her Theatre of Japan 'but alse director [delightful surprise awaits th Stitch together two sheets which Nursing Motliers and for all women during the' ( rical: Periods of Life. bresent position from a cash girl. of the Imperial "Oper, ie Tratning {Whose hair has been 3 sglected of have become too worn io,use on the é w- . The 200 or more woinan traniway School, co-producer of pp. ' "I & plays [derages, faded. iy, brittle or thin | bed, placing the long stde edges to- L Drugzists and Dealers throughont Cauadn sell DF. Casseli's Tablets. 1,20 procurable. ta Corouctors employed by. the Leeds (in her country ana my a} €ditot of Besides beautifying the hair, Dan: | Betier for stitching. Along the otter Has BR our city " Kaponta one tube. 59 Canta, 8 tubes fos fie prics of Bites hia Corporation of London receive the, tha best-known YOmen's magagine [derine diseolves every particle © fj edges, parallel with the seam you ~ ' © Sale! Propriciers :--Dr. Cassels. Co, Ll, MeNchises, Eng. ~~ *ame pay as the men. - 'published in the Japayege language. |dandruff; cleanses, purifies and ip. | have made, sew good sized brass a : : ' a Le ---- Woman cab drivers, chauffgurs, |* In the German ; he Kaiserin, |vigorates the scalp, forever stopping | rings, Haug one edge of this jmpro- EE ram conductors, undergrotind jeon- | the Crown 'Princess \le Duchess | itching and falling hair, but what | vised froék-protector ou the hook a- "ductors. employees in butcher fhops of Brunswick are a) 7 Will please you most Will be afier | long the closet wall, Then bang the. and delivering goods have pragtical: [oneis, as is also the . few week's use, when you see ney dance frocks, each on its wooden I¥ taken possession of Paris. 1 © youngest sister or the Raiser hair--fine and dowpy at first yes... clothes-hanger, on the closet hooks; While their husbands are away to Crown Princess is a colonel 9 but ready new hair Browing all over | lift the other half of the frock-pro- War, the wives "of the municipal Seeond Silesian Dragoons and used [the scalp. If you care for pretty, | *ector ang hook it in place over the councillors in France will be allowed . to take Breat delight i, leading the [Soft hair, and Jots otf it, surely get a| frocks. to vole on urgent matters, sueh As | regiment in reviews, Mounted upon | 25-cent botile of Knowlion's Dan_ 2 ---- 4 sanitation and relief funds. 4 4 magnificent charger > | darine or rue Store or toiler| Fortune is quite likely to favor Miss Rath E. McNesley of 'Og tn EU2abeL of Doig nu is and counter and just try i ; niin w ors himselr, ; ; i s J 4%