Grand Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 LJ 4 4 ------ : Sleepytime Tales : Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific: Exposifion, San Franciste, 1915 ® 3 NEW SLED. hung on to the sled very bravely, Once upon a time Joe had been 2nd 500n they were gliding over the given a wonderful new red sled for a frozen Snow so fast it almost took . Joe's breath away. Christmas present It was so heau- After-a while the man asked Jack Captain Li Wo G11 and the me ¥ real for a few dav tiful that he would hardly leave it if he wouldn't like to drive, and the Queen's Batiery were hosts at « We fridge Club. will. meet next long enough the first day to eat his Jack too the reins and they started p : : . . oh : very enjoyable dance on Friday week at the home of Mrs. D M. Fra- dinner, and he coaxed his brother to off again with a jamp, for the X Ie 00 rin it out a li ing The patronesees, Mr er, Uilon street, . take-him out on as soon as they horsé seemed to know he had a new (Continued from Pi 7 8 Driver, George street, is'in Mrs. PP, GG. C. Campbell and Miss Wi | r. John Bromley and Dr Gordon had eaten. 'driver. \ . . > welmina Gordon, Teceived in Grant| Merrick, who have been the guebts] Joe way not old enough to go out, When the' horse jumped little Joe : Th Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully Blended and Hall, where the. dancing wa held, {of Mr. ¢ irs. Henry Merrick, Wil- | by himséll, so his mother insisted fell off the sled into the deep snow, f d . . "and which was appropriately decorat- | liam street, have been granted com thate his brother must go with him. and before he could call out the : : p> manutacture: by a perfect mechanical process, without ed for the occasion Ie orcl { m in the R VM. C., and left | They coasted together on the hill sleigh' was around the corner out of ise h f h . | Sh: . J | : tra. stationed on the platform be' fo Jol t Thursday, to sail to back of the Ja for 2 long time, sight. Joe sat down beside the road ' the use ol chemica 5 it 1s absolutely pure and who e- i 4 screen of palms and ever-jday for | 4 and then Jaek, the brother, suggest- angl waited for Jack to come back, i FAN 77 ede iy en ' delightful musi Mrs. Tlarty Greer, who has been|ed that Joe climb on thes led aad he when suddenly he heard some one | \ some, and its flavor 1 1s delicious, the natural flavor of the Te 5 sweiated b e | visiting 3 ates Ve iB would draw 'him about for a While "Well 1 declare ore is little MN hick vas much appreciat I | Vi Bates Wellington on raw ) v declare, there is little | TiEe haber of guests, who 1 | street, left to-day for her home in Joe Sign care what they did so Joe," and he looked up to see his cocoa bean. . ol. Mrs. J. B. 8firling, Mrs. Brown, | I, New York ong as they were using the sled, so own father standing .in front, of him. iy . -. the Misses Veta Minnes, O'Con-j| Ir f min | Lamson, St.|Jack pulled him up the street * to Just then they heard sleigh bells and, Is MADE IN CANADA BY nor, R. Harvey, L. Kil 3, Marjorie | Cat in the guest of her moth-| where a big sleigh was standing in saw the sleigh with Jack coming ¥, B rnethy aire' Re Vy allace Dur , Stuart! front of a store When the owner back to find Joe | } i 2 « Duf?, Bes Abernethy { t Wallace Dunlop, Stuart ) ; nd Joe, t TaSOn. velyn Gilbert 8 ar, | sre of the sleigh camhe out Jack asked So thoy all piled into the sleigh a er a er 0. mi €e L. Rees, Mary Stewart, W ! vit Ir Carter, in Ottawa, thejbim if he could'fasten the sled rope except Jak, who rode on the sled, Established 1780 cent, Moffatt, Flora Abernethy) i | gues of. and Mrs. Adam Shortt, }on to the sleigh runner and! give Joe for Joe had had enough of such rid- REGISTERED TARDE MAR MONTREA BT CH Leggett, Beatrice Lambert aie 1s retul » her home in Kings-|a lif lo ride that. way ing, and didn't want any more of that i 4 L, CANADA DOR ESTER, MASS. Evans, M, Simpson, Helen Buaxte ) Jack: sat with. the man and Joe kind of sledding. - y . -- Marjorie Willlams,, H. A, MacGreg | A : iL Elda Garrison, Irene Hoag, M. Wert ent Picton: ai PhyHis Devlin, E. B. Macleod » | nonnes the @ rement of he Murphy, Ferguson Agne Mclint h Lg 1 la ri to Capt : 5 i nde, N. Cli 1 TH \ckerman, Peterboro,y Agnes Lemmon, B. Lal i N ( | 6 = 3 "9 : ton, Nellie Merry, Myrtle inton of th Second Battalion, First WINTER FROCKS : Grace Gilliland, Jean .Rose ora | Canad MVisi The marriage % | | 3 : : Cook, Anna EhTURTY = nd re BBB 018 881 tghert May * Rgtier 'Murgar uiks } Rey Love, D.D., Quebec, and g |ewrOf all frocks for the winter, the vebaonald,~Ibrena Jenki nce the engagement "of a cup of butter and add some salt | lounced and ruffed one is most pro icloan, Cora Watt, Marjorie 5 reir ba r, Hilda Maude Ar pepper and.sage.. Roast an hour or TRiNENL, espe fally on Young girls and Pearl Blythe, ; plict twin, | 1 ¢ nald G. MacLean, Lieu Menu for Sunday an hour and a half slender women, although everybody a Price, Given Carter Orr nant anadian Army Service| . Waldort Salade-- Pare and « | wear it. The ruflles are applied at unpbell, dsobel O'Rijell On ) on of the late Rev. Dr. Mac | BREAKFAST ¥ alld cut i intapvals, which gives the appearance | | | deoerson, Wy i i small pieces enough apples todmake . : raine Shortt, Bessie \ oY Maclean, Goderich, Crump ig es a es > EB bi 28 W uake Loy a skirt with both fashionable folds Funnell, Lucile Corbett Fau- ; forme f Blyth, On The mar Ut enough = celery 10],449 flounces ton, BvatCoon, G. Carter N 4 For the morning the dress Should : i { ake has ao " cival- Mabel Richardson, Mina Don DINNER ty mak all a cup Mix * w 4 he made of any light weight of wml ielly, Caroline Finkle, Gov Delo | Puree of Limin Bens Tay oh] @ dressing and serve on! len goods, taffeta silk, with a vest of sine Craig,. Frances Devi Lot bi ! nt mat ze of Captain Roast Duck el lice with a few nut on Lop some bright-colored plaid or a 'con Be Ethel McKee, H 1114 awrence V. M. Cosgrave and Mi Buked Potatoes Baked 'Apple Ice Cream--~Dare, | trasting plain silk. The white neck ia Hanlon Helen Butl wb 1 Hunter-Jone of loronto, | JIT Spruets core and quarter ten tart apple Add | wear should be very simple for the ? ; 1 ' Ww va I vd lagi Sunda "| dor alng ap. : . . . ~ Green, MeArthur, M, Guthr 1 whi va Ie mnized last Sunday i Naked: Apple Toe Cream ugar and I mon juice and boil uat morning; ut for afte notin it should Poan®hufr, B. Harrop, | i i I eston igland vill be © of , V p) » Le nde Scald 'ene quart of rich be of fine lace or decorated chiffon Ada Cooke, Dorene I 1 ] € sstonian as " rap Tn . cream and milk When cold, add In the evening the white collar lum, Flora Schofield 4 Burke ) ¢ bride and om have many Cankion TE DAIRY ote to the apples and freeze hould be omitted aitogether and the Flossie Bogart \VanAl I « Ir ¢ 1CT¢ aptain Cosgrave _i Apple nnd Pineapple tie , vest made of some suitable evening Ida Smith, Flor: y eanor | 8 graduate of the Royal Military Col- | J oe SUPPER. fabric. For a simple dress the but- Phelan, Mahel Powell, Nellie Spoon bau Et via ol . : d tons may be of braid or a covered er. Alice Mooye, Enid Fre \ sth 3S Mt I Crisp, Portsmouth | BREAKFAS Herring Salad--Take two medium material, but the more elaborate the ¢ rie Hopkirk, Muriel Metegife, Eldred be ie WE he ory aa, | et " isha sized beets that have been boiled Uress is the fancier the buttons should Lane. O. Ward, Muriel Brooke h . x i at guest. of iss Sweet Muflins-- ix two eg: one tender, four cold hoiled potatoes, one be, as buttons play an important part A great help in Cooking elwyn Macgowan. Mabel Gille « bat a WN ; up of milk, twoycups of Hour. Lalla mall orion, a smoked. herring that in the season's decoration For ais ns Ross, Mc Kay, yreif Ruthey my : ashionahle, Furs 1p.o fillKe and two tablespoons « has been steamed and freed frofi lernoon wear, this dress nay be built Marjorie Brookins A ons - a : Pak ng a Bake in a auick ov. Pones; and half a cup of French peas of faille silk, or bengaline, or some Trotter, Wilson C ar i 3 nv of t t aK « Jake 1 a quick ov y ators ed ak make @ne © { . ne v Sweet Mullins or © Coltee ie @ 1p and chop enough nul oietly in Feb on Mont for Halifax, | ; W twenty minutes ut the beets, potatoes and onion in- | en Poplin material. For evening One of the most remarkable features of OXO stance Forneri, and 1 $ . to small dice Mix with the herring wear, light colored taffeta or any . 4 . . ' he er, but in 1 Cases i DINNER. © "tn and Peas and potir a cup of vin ioe {LiaDhanods marerie vil be suitable CUBES is the economy, they effect mn cooking. Fa { y NER. ¥ EAT I Some people 'trim the bottom of all é Bb : : (To Have Perfect Skin a ha RE i over all, Let stand for an hour or |fiounces with cords, ruchings or folds hey are an excellent substitute for meat in 0 ave y fy , I rent gy fur {| Puree of Lima Beans--Cover half SO 'hen ready to serve, drain off | ynless the material is one which calls ; 5 S "1 T cuffs of fur reque : : a 4 : ; 8s F 4 n ich calls Ss ' av _ . Throughout the Winter |! bana SN lau Sg J ¢ the la cup of dried lima bens with cold the vinegar and pour mayonnaise | for braids oups and savouries. 'I hey prevent waste and | cout. ;. For. instance, a lovely model! water loil until tender, adding 4ressing overall. i . It is popular to trim flounces for oddments can be served in many appetising' ways in green velvet has no trimming |More water - if necessary. Mash Apple and Pineapple Pie.-- Pare, the evening with flower trimmings, b their use. save a high collar of skunk,-the fur | through a coarse sieve, add the sea- core and slice the apples. Put them | ribbon or net ruchings In any case y rir r repeated on the euffs | S0ning and half a cup of water. Re- in a pie plate lined with paste, cover | this pattern is one of the easiest to " ' : the coat turn to the fire and boil one minute with paste and bake until the fruit | make gh atiraciive form that could "Then contrast the old-fashioned cumbersome *aré . using | 1OngET.> y is tenders Put four tablespoons of | POSSIbly be offerec rons . 3 7 3 2 y cunk, ¢ a i Roast Duck--Fill the duck with a grated pineapple in a stewpan with -------------- way of cooking With the quick, convement 0X0 r called kolin- [dressing made of equal parts of the same of sugar and one tablespoon In 5 Yellow Hoon CUBE way. Think of the time saved--the marten dyed jovpe d applés and bread crumb of water and simmer until thorougl ®] on oom, ators 1 a > ema | Moisten with a 141 watog, quarter iy, doped. I A vertow. bedtesm is thar TE material saved--the fuel saved--and then reckon rrr | cause it suggests sunshine and radi- up that in dollars and cents. ' But that is not all. ee . core the apples, slice crosswise and | ates good cheer On the walls use . ers . . , ae .. OXO increases nutrition--it makes every dish drop into the batter Cook in deep | a creamy yellow paper, either striped more wholesome and digestible. y rakhan will be in demand again, | 150 breitschwantz and capacul.- This ! hat tt Itering of fur | cost muck A on | Menu for Monday fat unti! brown | of plain,and at the windows use cur BREA Sr tains' of white Swiss h inside | Ointment iE Cresm DINNER. ir drapes of plain yellow, having a hor | Yankee Puffs 3 der of figured yellow cretonne Por Tins of 4, 10, 50 and 100 Cubes. ; Coffee Parsnip Soup.--Pare and slice en- | the floor covering, if a yellow : o-- | LUNCHEON . ough parsnips to make one cup. Add | rug is too light for practical purpos Apple "Fritters, one sliced potato; half an onjon, and | es, use a dull green or<brown on» Hiren ith ae Syrup four cups of water, Boil until te n-| that has a boarder d Holled Rice Cream der and mash through a coarse sieve. | leaves A rk le Ten Seasbp and gerve, More water may for more ma ffs are' much Te sigeilar to length as icone noyel | DINNER hy netded i Nothing ts prettic { evening Parsuin & Puck Saimi--Cover the hones. of | than gduze and chif brocaded i Poth cold roast duck with cold water, add | with meal motif <> | tnge I ing a sprig of parsley, three .cloves; six I'he Cossack influence shows in i i J pepper corns, and any gravy that| Many o' the new, coafs for girls and . - , 'nk 1 children may he left. Cook four or five BREAKFAST. hours and strain Cook two table- spoons of flour in one tabléspoon of f Yankee Puffs--Cream a tablespoor butter until brown, pour in slowly | Lof butter and the same of sugar. Add two §eups of duck stock, stir until | ; a cup and a hail lof flour, the same of Smoothy add two cups of duck meat, | milk, a teaspoon of baking pawder, - then add six button onions and six | two eggs the white and yolks heaten ~mushrocms cooked in butter until caparately, and half a small teaspson tender. Simmer ten minutes and add | six stoned alives, the grated rind of | / one lemon. and one tablespoon of le | LUNCHEON, 1 mon juice. Serve. with fried hominy : 3 -Duteh Potatoes.--Boil and mash | Apple Fritters-- Mix x enough potatoes to make two cups sweet milk, two eggs beaten s 3 and, while hot, beat in one egg. Form fely, a teaspoon of salt,.a cup and into small balls, dip in a mixture of half of flour, a tablespoon of sugar. one beaten eggand half a cup of wa- a teaspoon of baking powder, and ter. Put in a greased baKing pan and the grated peel of g lemon, Peel and brown in a hot oven. of salt Bake in a hot aven don't ali take the time to use this, megns of getting the full eijoyment | 3 meal of the Pleasant things of life \ Breakfast is the | of all others that determines your day. BORER Br BBB BBR | GOOD HEALTH AN {~~ AID TO BEAUTY Smile a smile, and while you smile, another smiles, "py, + " . Ard soon there's mes A mile s It's always fair weather ' with smiles, : > those who start the day on Good health and heauty go hand And life's worth while 3 : : : > in hand---good health the cause,| ' If you but smile beauty the effect Fresh air, pro-| « per amount of sleep; moderation in| - But if we all e@nnot always be diet amd good humor are the unfail- | good-natured and sunny we can in ing recipes for geod health that have | dulge in fréch afr to our heart's con stood the test of «« 1 thousands} tent. Open the windows a dozen of centuries" and they are just as| times a day and change the air. Keep good as ever to-day and no m¥recex- | one of the kitehen windoWs always pensive Not the least beneficial is | open a little at the ton, throw your ! good humor The suggestion; keep | bedroom windows wide open whe ni good humored unifl fon in the morn- | vou go to bed. Pile on the clothes ing and the rest of 'the day will take | but keep the window epen. Th care of itself is not only the creed « proper restful sleep ig assured hd ? "BECAUSE THEY HIT THE SPOT. So much. the optimist. but the precept of the | nature is storing up the vitatizing smoother, more delicious than any other oats wise man or woman 1 know any element to fortify vou for the tasks ' editor' whose worries and cares and | of the comifig day ' that you can 't appreciate the difference until responsibilities would ovérwhelm| ° bent . many another, but he assures me hed | To Keep Your Hands Soft. - you try them at your breakfast table. has kept his health and appetite and If you find it difficult in the win tL : | founa real joy in his work by alter to ke€p your hands. soft and Take less time to c¢ § oy in hi ) 3 ands f 00 oats. simple expedient. Before: he rolls | smooth try soaking them occasional- k than other rolfed out of bed of a morning, and he does | ly in a little warm milk If your'| Y > : " "literally roll; he reviews the happon- | hands are clig ppod a very satisfac. Coupon, mn Yi Red-and-White Tube, | ings of the previous day until-he re-| tory lotion may be used from equal ig 00d In . exc 1 1 ; ! calls some incident or remark that] parts of glycerine and rose Water to t 3 . g i' ange for beautiful Silverware SEAL AND BROWN VELVET WITH PEACH PINK CHIFFON. will start a mile, and by the time | which*kas been added a few drops | : d . { ] Lovely is the color-scheme of this frock for Pain Beach, a develop- | he does get up the cares and worries | of ammonia ind bengoin. Rub the ment of the new "bebe" model, as simple as an infan's gathered slipg are neutralized and he faces the day | mixture jnto - the skin while , the The witite straw hat has a shirred silk crown and a veil:of brown net. happy and confident. It's a _pity we) hands are still moist after washing. | Pato * § Ei 2 A 2