Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1916, p. 8

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One-Fifth Off ~ One-Fifth - Off ~~ One-Fifth Off OUR GREAT JANUARY CLEARANCE, SALE. « Here's an opportunity 46 make a few dol do noble work. This is the time of year when we cmt price 20 Per Cent On all Men's and Boys' Saits and Overcoats on all Reéady-to- Wear Clothing, Furnishings, ete, ete. By taking advantage of our Clearance Sale offering you réally earn 20¢ on every dollar you invest. All our stock is marked in plain figures with regular price on the ticket. Take off one-fifth of the 'marked price, pay us the, balince and the goods are yours-- select whatever you want--Black and Blue Worsteds excepted. ars some ALL SALES FOR CASH Livingston's, BROCK STREET. A little ont of the way, but it will pay you to walk. Save Money By Buying your Sheets, Pillow Cases, 'Quilts and other Household Supplies now, "during our Mid Winter Sale. SHEETS, in all sizes, hemmed and hemstitched; ~"hest quality of English cotton, from 75¢c up . PILLOW CASES, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches: hem- med and hemstitched; Horrockses best cot- ton, at .. .20¢, 25¢ and 35¢ WHITE SPREADS, for single and double beds, in Heneycémb, Satin and Marsailles; the best imported makes, at from 20 to 25 per cent. off regular prices. : SERS SARA LENTHS OF SHEETINGS in Bleached and Unbleached, Plain and Twilled; all widths and lengths, from 2 to 10 yards; at less than mill prices. : ie WHITE WOOL BLANKETS at a discount 'of 20 per cent. : | WALDRON'S i}, vears i}, Whitlam, ¥ ---- + MALCOLM S. SUTHERLAND DIED i ON SATURBAY MORNING For. Many Years Was Head of the Firm of Fenwick, Hendry & CUom- pany--Was One of the Best Curl. ers fu Eastern Canada. In the death of Malcolm Stewart {Swtherland at his home, 151 Bari | street, early on Saturday morning, i] Kingston lost another good citizen. wis seventy-two years of | Deceased age, and had been hedd of the whole- sale 21¥cery firm of Fenwick, Hendry Company, for many years. { Malcolm Sutherland was one of Kingston's best-known citizens, As a business man he held the warm es- | teem of all his acquaintances. He was a man of sterling character, and Hy 2is devotion to business, won his if! way into the hearts of egeryone, The caused host of announcement of 'his death sincere regret among his friends. . " Deceased was ome of "the best- known curlers in Kingston and East- ern Chnada He played the game for ,over forty years, and there .was nothing liked better than to be ted in a stirring match at the g rink He was a champion at me, and played games:all over the country Deceased had been in poor health for some few months, but had been able to attend to busimess. He su fered from pernitions anaemia A gn IM was attagked © with and owing to his ago, and ccudition' of health he was unable to the sevdeastest, The late Ma werland was born near Bath on Feh, 4th, 1844, and was the son of the late Dr. R. D land, who cams to » thirtie Mr ed his business where hispent cme little time, ing tg™oston, in the early sixties, where he remained for two or three Owing to ill-health he 1 turned to Kingston," where tered the employment of Macnee and Waddell, where 'he remained a few years afterwards entering the firm o Thon as Hendry & Company On th death of Mr Hendry, he 2arried on the his brothe n-law, the life Beorze 3. Fenwick, and upon the J er's de 1, he carried on th» bagfness, of wi Hendry & Co, under the Ss name in which his son ex- Mayo: Sutherlahd--i+ associated Deceased he week grippe, Suther Canada in the Sutherland. start life at Stratford, Zo he en busine with old was a an active Conservative in and worker member of St, George's Cathedral, of which he was a warden He vived by his wife, formerly, Miss Isa bella Fenwick. and their children. ex-Mayor R. D. Sutherland, Kings ton; Mal S. Sutherland, manag- er of the Merchant's Bank, Hespelér, Ont., apd Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, St Thomas, Ont., also two sisters, Mrs A.P and Mrs. 8 leod polities Is sur- Boo Joston Toronto NURSES WHO ARE GOING With Queen's Statiohary Hospital Reinforcements to Egypt. The following nursing sisters will 80 with the reinforcements for No. § Stationary Hospital (Queen's) at Cairo, Egypt: b McGregor, Drummond (Toronto), Milroy, Howey, Moore (Seceley's Bay), Harrigan, Lloyd, Robertson (Kings- ton), S. Jenkins (Belleville), Hansen, G. Waters (Belleville), Connerty (Smith's Falls), Fay, Moran, John- stone, 'Curr Carmichael, Darling, sBley (Hineh - (New- burgh), N. Shearer (Brockville), Mor- ton - (Kingston), Robinson (Kings- ton), Killorn, (Brockville), Douglas (Brockville), Briden, Mastin (Belle. ville), Smith (Belleville), Misner, Robb, Bowlby, Chapman DOUBLE MUNITION SUPPLY. Fight On As Long As Necessary, Says Ivanoff, Russian Headquarters, South Western Front, Jan 15 General Ivanoff, commander of the armies on this section of the front, said to day "We can go on as long as we are wanted. Our technical services are constantly improving. Within 4 vear our output of munitions will he doubled, > "It does not matter 'where the fighting line extends, because the ou come of the war will be settled, not hy oecupation of territory, but by destruction of the hostile.armies-and resources. We fre resuming the process of attriation on a lar 8 calmly and patiently confide strength and in the readine country to endure any trial "At the same time we doubt nu for an instant that our Allies sha:a our views and will exert them:e! to the uttermos{ to utilize théir vo fderful technical resources and 1 determination of their people to van quish the Teutonie foe." FLOOD IN HOLLAND, Russia Can Inhabitents of _loundated Area Flee. ing to A ba Amsterdam, Jan. § A message from Edam says that' the dike pro- tecting Polderczeevang is in danger and that if it breaks the result will be the flooding Gf the greater part of North Holland, Friday morning An alarm bell was rung at Broeck, also in the province of North Hol- land, six miles northeast .of Awmster- dam, as the flood was pouring in with terrific "force Many farms were 'completely inundated, the in- habitants proceeding ip boats to kur- rounding villages, There was great consternatiop. in the watérland dis- trict as the water came over the dike, and the inhabitants are fleeing { to Amsterdam Volendam is entirely flooded, and Monnikendam, on the mainland, and the Island of Marken are under wa- ler . Lieut. Boidreke, of the Turkish. { Army, shot down his fifth aeroplane, | ge British machine of the Farman type. One of the aviators was killed and the other wounded. The-aero- plane will be used by the Turks. An- 'other British aviator was forced to land. x t and . of ours ® Let us help you plan an attractive At the Grand: The programme selected for the Grand Opera Housé to be shown on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week is one of the hest ever booked. John Mason and Hazel Dawn will appear in the celebrated drama, "The Fatal Card," a photo- {adaptation of the famous novel of C* Haddon Chambers and B, C. Stefhén- son For the first time in the his- {tory of features it presents two art- ists of such individual importance as {John Mason and Hazel Dawn. -A i two-reel Universal photo-play, a com- {edy picture and the Pathe News show- |ing scenes of the war, will also be shown. The vaudeville will include {Gene and Babe Adams in a novelty | juggling act entitely different from {anythigg seen in the city, and Miss {Juanita L. Pletcher will again appear {in a repertoire of new songs, among | which are "The Daughter of Mother Macree" and "Your King and Coun- try Need You." At The Strand. William Faversham, who makes 1ig first screen appearance in the { Metro production of Sir Gilbert Par ker's great . play, "The Right of Way," which will be seén at the Strand on Mon., Tues, and Wed, is, without the shred of a doubt, one of the most versatile and withal the | most talented dramatic actors that ever graced the American stage 1 "The Right of Way" enta led the efforts agf -Mr. Faversham, Jan Grey, two hundred principles and several hundred extra people and two of the foremost motipn pict di- rectors, huge crews of structural ex I perts and ten weeks of strenuous ef {fort in the Canadian cost over $6 L000 was well worth north ends - It but it it, because . it has broken hox office records all over the country, And is acknowledged to be one of the greatest of screen naster- pieces The story is known to near ly everyone, and the picture produc tion will more than satisfy the lovers of the book and play, while to those whié have seen neither, it is a rare opportunity. to hecome familiar with ths greatest work of Canada's grea est of writers Other reels to create, good will also he shown BB Pe Bree Gee Been reonlien NEWS ABOUT THE TROOPS QUARTERED IN THE CITY Fr 0 rn 00001 0 0 Greer es reese Ge eed | (Continued from page 9.) 4 Lieut.-Col. C. An jliow, 146th Bat- talion, isc bringing. im for the last week in January all of the meu of the battalion located at outside poinis and every man will he told to bring in at least two men each, so that 760 men will be secured immediately Sergt. Knapman, who played on Peterboro's O. H, A. team last vear, was unable to play. for the 33rd Bat- | tery on, Friday night owing tp illness. Sergt.-Bandsman, Granger and Bandsman. Hughes are in Toronto picking out band instruments for the 146th wo The fo.lowing officers who = have beer attending the P. 8 I. have heen attached to the 146th Battalion: Lieuts. W. M, McKenzie, Ottawa; S. D. Whalley, Westport; F. James, Ot- tawa; F. D.<Moran, Prescott; B.D. Poyser, Prescott; G. 8. Smith, Belle- ville; J. F. Martin, Ottawa; W. A. Mouck, Arden; P. H. Sargent, Prés- cott Lieut. J. C. K. Munsie, 146th, has been placed in-charge of the head- quarters staff for administrative pur- poses The following have been taken cn the strength of the 146th Battalion: H. D. Clark, Robért Hughes, L. § Theriault, H. R. Loucks, E. A. roi Sergt. "'Rob" Dibble, 34th Battery, left-on Friday for Toronto. spend Winter In' California, Round trip winter tourist tickets on sabe daily to California via vari able direct and scenie routes. Four fast modégn trains leave Chi cago daily from the most modern railway terminal in thé world Overland - Limited (Extra Fare} leaves 7.00 p.m., Los Angeles Limit- ed, direct to Southern California, leaves 10.00 p.m., San Francisco Limited leaves 10.00 p. m.; Califor- nia Mail leaves 10.45 p. m. trip. Booklets giving full particu lars mailed on application to B. H. Bennett, G A., Chicago &:. North Western Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, | Ont - "Glad" Murphy. 1 His many friends cannot disguise the fact that the recent operation has not aided the chaness of recovery for poor "Glad" Murphy, says .the Toronto World. Three big bed sores are giving the nurses cause for wor- ry. but to all outward appearances the once great athlete hag changed very little in months. 4 George Christie, Bloomfield, and Frederick 'Pringle, Picton, returned home? Saturday after attending the funeral of 'their mother-in-law, the late Mrs» Jonathan Ferris "For Colds or Grip, Cures" go to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stare. > yy Announcements Notices of 'any character pe- ating to future events, whe an admisston fee is charged, are inserted In the advertising columns at 10c a line fof first insertion and 5c a lne for each consecutive insertion; or 10¢c a line each Insertion, if reading matter i. a Announcements for socleties. {] clubs, or other organizations of future evenis, where no admis. sion fee is charged, may be In- {| serted in this celumn at one cent ° : rd, with a miglmum of 36¢ . ~~ TONIGHT Two Hours of Profitable Shopping For You, 7.30 To 9.30 Tonight During the week we have been offered s numberof special things by manufacturers' agents, and only three of these special "articles-proved good enough for us to offer as a real worth while special, and these we will offer to-night. ; 137 Children's White Flannelette - Nightgowns | Twa different hakes; five sizes in éach make, from 4 vears to 16 years. These will be offered to-night at a little over half price. Hl 60 Nightgowns at : 77 Nightgowns at 35¢ 48c tmnt 185 Girls' and Children's Warm Clouds and Skating Scarfs These will beoffered at one-half the maker's original cost, 90 only Scarfs, at . .. .. ...20 each 7" 95 only Scarfs or Clouds, at Two colors, Cardinal or Navy. 100 Yards Black Silk | Pleated Frilling - For Sleeves or for ¢ool neck: 3 inches wide, and worth trom 25¢ to 40¢ vard. Yours to-night while the lot ; Cc } lasts, vard Eda, ~ Hosiery FOR CHILDREN Warm Stockines sof many kinds, and in all wanted sizes. : . FOR WOMEN Winter Weight Hosiery, many different makes, soft and warm, light weight or heavy, 25¢, 35¢, 45¢ and up. FREE TO-NIGHT The February Butterick Fashion Book. February Delineator Ready To-night--( all for yours, A Necessity ISAS AA AAA AAA AAA AAA RA Ae Arman - # Rubbers are very necessary during unsettled weather. | one insertion. T WOMEN'S RUBBERS Wi Tisve a pies of pairs of ¥ 50¢ Rubbers in small sizes; regular 75¢ quality--new P. S.--Ice Creepers whilé you wait. '25e. The | er NN, vie x Bh - CENA > Lm oom Lockett Shoe Stor

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