News From =n HE DIED OF WOUNDS Meas - "ROD" HARTY OF RENFREW THROUGH FIERCE ENGAGE. MENTS. A Post Card Was Written By Him on December 27th--A Perth Boy Who Fell At St." Julian--Belleville Youth Wins Military Cross, 2 Renfrew, Jan, 17.- Official notifi- cation reached Renfrew relatives on Tuesday that Private James Harty had died of wounds in the war zone | on December 20th. This young man, | "Rod" | who was better known as Harty, went from Renfrew as a mem- ber of the first contingent and saw mach active service, embracing diff- erent fierce engagements, before be. | ing laid low, The battles and Fitzhubert were among the fights in which he had a part. of Darrow escapes or close calls he ex- perienced several. His father was the late Rodger Harty, who farmed in Horton township, near Renfrew Brothers and sisters survive among them being Thomas D. H For years the late Jame in the service of- Scott rendering good service. was twenty-nine years. Thomas Harty has since the news . of his brother's death rece ived a post card from him written on Dee, 27th when he is that he'd'ed from wounds receiv. ed on the ™th of Ypres him, & Jamieson, His age Fell In Retiring From" Farm House, Perth, Jan. 17 Mrs, W. R. Spald ing has received what seems to he authentic = news that her son Eric was killed in action in the fighting at Langemarck tast April. For long and weary weeks has she waited for word froin her boy, but ha come, After g long time it was ofli- cially repqrted That Eric was. miss- ing, and tha g word from the front, in reply to afr quest for infor- mation, was that hi wis last seen In an advanced trench on April rd Now Mrs. Spalding has ived What seems. to be' authentic word that her boy fell i that gloriou fight about the farmhouse under Capt. Hooper t Christmas, Mrs Spalding had a visit from her sister, Mrs, Clark, of Arnprior, who brought with her a letter another sister, Mrs Coxford, of Almonte, hal received This letter 'was written by George Fairburn to Mr. Mc Donald in Alnios te, and was handed over to Mrs Cox fard The letter follows 'Able to convey the néw Mrs. Spalding that Lance- Corporal E Spalding, rs Killed acting under orders captain, retiring from a farm the trench It was impossible get away. s0 we fought it out. I haven't heard of any of 'the boys heing miss ing, but if any of the twelve men that were in the farm house 24th April, are missing, you can put them down as being killed, as | was tie A MISSIONARY PLEA FOR YOUNG MEN TO (OME FOR. | WARD AND ENLIST. Lev. James P. McNaaghton Told of | the Armenian Atrocities, In St, | "Andresv's Church Sunday Even-| ing, 2 Rev: Jantes B.. McNaughton, B.D., turned missionary - from Turkey, vreached to a large congregation in| St. Andrew's Church Sunday even- ing, He dealt with 'the missionary ' side of life, giving a brief outling of what missionaries were doing, what they had to face, what state Turkey is in at the present time and what We can do to overcome that dreadful condition. . ' The speaker made mention of the Yast extent of Turkey a one time and showed how she has dwindled in the past two hundred years and at the present time is on the verge of being driven entirely out of Eur. ope. He spoke of the wonderful in- ( none rece as sad to Ww of his house to mt ne there must be efficiency i nore important, the food ishiment. In this respeet no-foc did proportion, all the nut grains and is at the sale easy, quick digéstion as This famous-Hure fo and malted barley, the' graing--so jack Portant in building brain, here's o wonderfil sted vigor for the small t digestion of Giedpe-Nuts. a = Made in Canada, g Canadian Pestum Ce a arty, ne 8 Harty was! was well. So the supposition . along w | Christians are AAA a el At PP A et Nt Pt irate For Mental and Physical Efficiency ~ Grape-Nuts retains the, vital mineral salts of: mg in any foods-- "There's a RE DEH) THE DAILY BR = | I Arle | Gananoque Eastern Ontario Points only one that I know of taken pris- oner. George Fairburn.' : Wigs Military Cross, Belleville,"Jan. 17.--~In the list of Canadians who have just been deco rated for conspicuous valor on Yhe field, is Lieutenant Edison Franklin" Lynn, who has been awarded the Mi- litary Cross. Lieut, Lynn is a Belle ville boy. He attended old Octavia street school and at the time of the South African war went .with the was largely attended. first contingent. He passed all The funeral of-the late Gordon through 'the campaign without a Wiite, who passed away at Hotel scratch. Prior to the outbreak of Dieu, Kingston, on Thursday even- he war in. 1914, he was a trusted ing last, "was held yesterday after- employee of the Hydro Electric De-| noon from the home of his mother, partment, Toronto, In August Mrs. Thomas White, Wellington 1914, he was granted a commission | street, to Christ Church, where Rev. in the Canadian Engineers, Walter Cox conducted service. The e--r---------- remains were interred at Gananoque FG ee or prin nts vault. Gananoque Lodge No. 114, x R I. 0. O. F., conducted their service at Deseronto | "si [3 OF The 'second game of the local hockey league scheduled was played Ty Our { Jan, 12.~- William Dong Own OC (From Ong swrespondent. Jan. 17.--The funeral of the late Mrs. Alexander Lindsay was held on Saturday afternoon from the family residence at Lindsa Point to the vault at Willowbank cemetery, and 's | 1 at the Park Rink on Friday evening between the C. L. A. €.'s and Wan- derers' teams, and resulted in a tie, 3 all. em | Own Correspondent.) The funeral of the late 3 "> ildson was held on Wed- Saturday was pay day for the men sday afternoon at his residence on Of "A" Company, 59th Battalion, Main street, Rey. S. T. Tucker, of payment being made at tlie Bank of the Methodist Church, conducted | Toronto. : or ais . | the service: He is survived by his PR Quarterly meeting services al the widow and one daughter, Mrs. Stan- Free Methodist Churc h were contin, ley Embury, and one son Frank, of \\ed on Saturday evening and Peterboro. - - Deceased eld the po- | Nroughout vestgrilay, and were in i fe charge District Elder Reynolds, sition as chief constable of the town Ringston ? he funeral was under the ausplees By an explosion of oil in one of tlie of the Masonic order The Council, } 4. 10 at the factory of the lower the firemen and the 155th Battalion | (oi) shop, a slight blaze was attended in bolly The remains caused on Saturday afternoon, = but were placed the Deseronto Cem was got umder control before a great etery vault . amount of damage had been done. M Evelyn Fairbairn has bought Miss Myrtle C. Wright, teaclier of the millinery business of Miss Agnes { the rural sthool at Eden Grove, spent Wilson I the week-end in town with her par Alex. Therrien and Miss Florence ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Therrien have returned home from a Stone street Visit with 'their brother Athetol Mrs" Jose and friends at Collingwood spent the week-énd in Brockville atl A recruiting nfeeting was held in the bedside of her sister, Arm Naylor's Opera House pn Tuesday | strong, who is undergoing treatment evening. Mayor Rixen was chair in Bockville Hospital man Addresses were given by lo The men 'A Company, 59th cal clergymen, Cols.' Adams, Putman Battalion, iven a ten-mile route and. Malloy, and 'Lieut. Sanford. march on old returned hero of Hesperian. Marati to Moying war pictures. were shown. Gana The funds the Battalion in-sundry ways and help a band that «being formed in Belleville The Platoon 155th has 'room corner Geprge and treets A8 now twenty | Lieut. Raymond ith Q. M. S. Breden A wedding .of interest to dese ronto people took place at Schnectady, N.Y., at Trinity M.E. Church by the Rev." T. Thompson Watson, forme rly Miss Gertrude Beekman ried on Dee, 15th ol I n at Charles street Ip Mrs of Friday, our Juneti a going over the tree 10 the Gr se oul Stone + across the oi io ward Wy are to aid of the at the Edmund meinn- n charg me Mig erv held in the Church Deseronto i lattalion, St lecture tl room régular well at P alter 0 and nd VE and b 8 tL..O L South Lec ted: and installed the offi t M.. J. Nuttall; District s Lo Ww; District C., P ri F Di District D of W. J. Stoli 0) ds pastor Perc Deseronto, ¢ we Cook when of ved here Mrs, lntter part of week Militia Department to the 1at her husband, Captain How Taylor, had led on Jan. 7th the Missanabie, and in conse- should be home ihe latter week Nr mr Cn r bs Fayior the from effect ird n , the William Penney, Bellevill sed I away on Thursday after ill- ness, which he bore with pati- ence He was born in Thurlow s veniy-eight yea pi long eat nm tue Christian ideals to TurkMh belief. Many A: ave come to American uni- ' 'uence Mohammed had on'that coun-! suk. try 'hy #fopressing so firmly his Kor- ean belief, "God is great, God. is tenians sreat and Mohammed is His routh- versities and carried off the highdst piece." The Turks believe that available degrees, and have dong infidels and 'though | well in business life. Their contri might be your best neighbor to- bution to missionary work has far day, they would if demanded by their | surpassed ours, when we consider leader, put you to all sorts of tor- | what they earn, . ture before Killing you, feeling it is The speaker referred to the religious duty, Mr. McNaughton schools and the good work the miiss- spoke much abdut the Armenians jonaries are . doing and mentioned who, hé said, were a bright, industri- | je great need of strong men to teach 3, and 'ambitious race of people,-a-those ever-iungering people. class who wentd siFuggle to reach the In conclusion Mr McNaughton highest education and who would mentioned how the poor Armenians suffer all sort of torture before they are being treated by the Turks. He would forsake their God or turn stated that Yhose who could pay two Moslem; a class of people who never hundred dollars would be exempt forget that, though they, like the from service... Many could 'not pay Belgians and Servians, "vere over- this dnd were ving in the 'Furk whelmed by .ntimbers but were nev-| ish army, Those who did pay it, and €r overcome--yes, a4 class of people who were of military age, were after- who were highly cultured when We, wards taken out in large numbers the British people, were ignorant 4nd and slaughtered. - Their wives, chil clad in sheep-skins." jdrgn and old men were deported These. people to day and for many from their humble little towns in years have been struggling through, the secluded parts of the mountains, life, always in fear of a raid by the | the children and women dying along Turks, buf always too proud to for- {dhe roadside on the journey of 1.50 miles Arabia to city Tarsy He of tortures that { menian Christians suffered at hands of the Turks that: woild make the blood run cold i The speaker closing urged Young men to volunteer for the fronts He did not use that sarcastic method (of calling 'thems "slackers" but earn estly urged them as Christians to do their part in putting down that which headed by sin not with spite. but \with desire 'to maintain godliness adopt they 8¢ across - also k¢ 9 at} and mst possess sound nour- n_digestion--hut first, Calvary Congregational Chureh. Mr. Rogers. of the Business (ol lege, "Brockville, was the representa- tive of the Dominion Alliance in the above church on Sunday morning. in a Splendid addriss he brought before the vengregation the rapid progress of temperance in the Dominion and over the world, He jmade clear how .in/fthe business wofld, in social and commefeial ventures and from the medical point of view temperange sentiment held a foremost place. As being engaged in a bhasiness college he had a unique experience in. know ing the kind of man .that is wanted in our offices and warehouses and 'everywhere, and alwavs the man who dabbled with drink is the man who is not required. We are all sent into the world to lift the world high- er by our presence. » The Dominion Alliance has done a great work in educating our people in temperance reform, in fighting our battles for us, and in supplying .us with information in connection with keep contests that would have been lost except for sound political advice givén on such occasions, The League of Personal Liberty has every iron in the fire to defeat oe true ends of temperance; let evely true man and womaie who has/gu €¥¢ to the wel fare of the community watch this {league with the high-saunding name {and * would the Kaiser just about as bombastic, id supplies in more splen- ritive elements of tlie field time so {11 processed for od, made of whole wheat but atl-im- nerve and musele, return of mental and phy- x upon the stomach in the : " Reason ; Sald by 'Groeérs. ¥ Co, Vindsor, Ont. Ta, i ko x 4 ~ brought in here from the A \ the!" IG, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1916" _ i AT CONVOCATION BALL, -- Dr. 8y mons, Montreal, Preach. od At Sunday Service. "The Church of Democracy' was the title of abla discourse, de- livered by Res Dr. Symonds, of Christ Chupey Cathedral, Montreal, | preaching the | 'érsity sermon, at Convocation § on Sunday morn- [ Ing. He chose as his text, Colossians, | y 2 Vhere ghere neither 3 : 4 Fao Greek nor Jew, cir umcision nor un- ow of the late Col. Norte; circumeision Barbagian Scythian, Dassed rag Ne oanday ! {bond nor free; but Christ is all, and 2OMe, 106 Wallington Tet in all." cegsed has been a resident of In this passage of St. Paul express. lon for the past twenty five cd an. ideal of democracy, an ideal and won a host of, friends which could only be found in a dem- was a, faithful member ocratic chureh" The subject was a, George's Cathedral where Fhe most appropriate one, at the present greatly missed. Deceased has hee n time when the Empire was upited| in poor health for the past five never before, when the banners, Weeks and gradually give away un- of liberty und democracy were so der the effects of grippe. "Che leaves much in evidence, to mourn her passing, one 'brother, The speaker declared that brother- Dr. Hogles, Toronto: three Sons: hood was the keynote of true demo- William, Sarnia; Alfred, South Op- cracy. The chief imperfection of the! ange, N. Y.: and Sergt. Hugh, at the, caurch to-day, was its failure to! front with THe 21st Battalion; and grasp aud teach the doctrine of the three daughters, Mrs. R. E. Marsh; | fatherland. . Folkstone, Eng.; Miss 1. Norton- "After this great war, what a tre-| Taylor, at home, and Miss Constance mendous task of reconstruction Norton-Taylor, nursing in France. awaits us. - What a glorious oppor- Interment will be at Cataraqui cem tunity will be afforded us. We have etery been fighting for the unity of the na- tions. Let us seek a greater unity af spirit, in the brotherhood of ( hrist, and co-operation in the spirit street, died at the Hotel Di¢y oh Sat- or De Saitamtrifice" in st. urday after a brief illness. She was " +) che ol x 4 n 3 4 * te i] James' Church on Sunday evening a devoted member of St. Mary's Ca thedral and a member of the League BOY STOLE MONEY of the Sacred Heart. Deceased was FROM HIS EMPLOYER. well-known in the city where she Fifteen-Year-Old Lad Started had lived for the past twenty-five years, She ig survived by berms Out To Have a Gay Time. | Rev, ! The Late Mrs, Norton. aylor, . Mrs. Harriet Norton-Taylof is wid- Taylor, 00 her Kin Suit Sale Continues all next week. added from our regular ten to sixteen vears. £5.00 to $8.50,- Now She St | be as » Special lots will be stock every day. © Sizes Regular value $4.25 ~ Roney's, "127 Princess St., 8 The Musician / finds-in the #ivintzman & Co. Art Yiann his demands more. than met, He finds a tone unequalled---a touch that meets every require- meént---an appearance that pleases the artistic sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration in iteelfs--a piano from which he can obtain sffects not posible from any other instrument, ---- Late Mrs. O'Kega. Mrs. Margaret O'Rega, 61 George et et tN SA Batre ee Pe ear te ae band and one daughter, Miss Mary, at honfe The' remains . will be placed in the vault at Mary's Cemetery till spring, and then re moved to Wolfe Island for interment St A fifteen-year-old Kingston * jad started out a week ago to have a gay old time at the expense of his em ployer. He was a trusted employee, and had 'the handling of 'registered letters. - He got the letters and also the money, gnd when he lad cumulated in the neighborhood about $300; he purchased ra ticket Aor Windsor. Here he was located Sunday by Constable Samuel Arniel, and brought back Kings ton. A portion of the money has been accountdd fer. The lad had his board paid in Windsor up till April time i rest in hs pocket He Juve Coun 2, and the Magistr to term in the The Late Mrs. James Graham, Mary Benn, widow of the late James Graham, passed peacefully away at the home of her son, Ed- ward Graham, Na on Jan 12th, the ripe age eighty-five years, Deceased was an estimable old lady, and beloved by a acquaintances for her many lovable qualities, She enjoyed excellent health up-to within about six week of her death, when she contracted a slight cold and. whieh in pite" of 3 and. attent ON "Fraduall fi ly w ¢ Kingston ae ul i at of of ilway host of to + CATR wor a, Lr develop pu I eumon fatal ter cased was part of Lennox (ot t hip Fredericksburg early i was united in ma to James Graham, Kingston union was blessed with ten chi seven g and three. boys, whom survive her. / They are, F¥icholas 'Vanalstine, Napa ; *s Fields and Mrs. John Mrs. Margaret Gree James Graham him Scheol sentenced dustrial A GERMAN LABORER KILES YOUNG GIRL. Slashed Her Mother And Sui- cided--Tragedy at East Bolton, Que. the Wi Fast Bolton, Que. Jan. by liguor and jealousy, Rakenreed a German horn killed Nellie Tennison. the twalve- year-old daughter of Naomi Tennis- on, at whose house h# boarded, wi rems an axe and razor. Then he slash: } those of ed her mother severely, though she Who predeceased her may recover, The murderer killed Years ago . himself. This is the third murder this township in three week a k South | life 4 18D mourn an Benn, Thomas F Napanee The funeral Frid: Riverside Cem where later the terred "beside ~--Craz George labore brother, D Mrs ed on : ter, both} of 1bok to C. W. LIN. 'SAY, LTD, 121 Princess street. = An mm, Rp oR gf CRON, To GOYERNNINT REGULATIONS : he r about Late Mrs, John ¥. The death teid TTT occurred at o'clock, Mcnday morning 6f Mrs. John F Reid, aged sevenfy-two, at the home Railwaymen Using Lanterns To Sig- {of her daughter, Mrs, Pol- f nal Trains. litt, at 233 Division street. Deceas- Whiz) ed had been in ill-health for five Oswego, N. : 3 _Oswego | YRArs She was born in Holleford is in the grasp of 'an Arctic Blizzard, Wexford County, }rsiang - Soe 2s A Y fall of snow fanned by a tWicte married,"and is survived « by 35 ah hour gale from the north- A three daughters and four sons Mrs ; George Goodell, Adam Céntre, N.Y.: Sest tied up the Snlire Ciky 10-day Mrs. Frank Stata, Morrisburg Mrs Railway Jn B.2le using Jignted A= potty; KIiigston; Wesley Vanluven., torus tu SIENA {RTS bis impos. yo, ford; Ranson Vanluven, ( sible to fifty feet ahead. The Fred. Reid, Cape Vin temperature has: fallen: eight below rank E. Reid, Hammond Zero 1] late Mrs. Reid was a John Redmond, Kepler LIBERALS INSIST ON WAR VOTES FIRST: While Prisoners fighting , Parliament Extension Ques=~= tion First Settled. AA rr A MEMORIAL SERVI IN ST. GEORG S CATHEDRAL ON SUNDAY. BLIZZARD AT OSWEGO, N.Y, Thomas (Speel : peelal to the © BUTTER WRAPPING PAPER FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN Dean Starr Referred to the Late Mal. i colm . 8 Sutherland and. Mrs, | - { Norton<Taylor, Two Faithful Mem- | bors, ! i ent, Ont I S60 - "The Angel of Death has been | busy in our fahks during these weeks of the new year, and none will be | >more sorely missed than the two | . faithful members whose passing "from us we mourn. to-day.' Such were the introductory words of. Dean | Starr in the Memorid services on! Conservatives Want SUnday in St. George's * Cathedral. | ism The reference was to Naigelm Su 4 --n---- . erland who for some years had béen Are Boys' Shoes Made of Paper ? Warden. and Synod Delegate for the! ad:athedral and long associated with all its activities, and th Mrs. Norton- Mother sometimes is prone Taylor, widow of the late Col. Dun- to think so, as she sees them can Norton-Taylor, of the Royal Ar rent in tatters tillery. She wonders if leather has In the morning sermon, the Dean gone out of use by shoemak- er: Of course, the shoe a heal- sister of BULGAR TROOPS STARVING On the Greek Boriler, So Prisoners Assert, fal 4 Jan (Spe Whig Salonika, 17 result of recent skirmish it the Bulgarian troops on ek border are starving line-as the Ottawa, Ont. 17. -The opened for business to-day ides are speculating hard cours which events will ing the coming weeks I tically certain that the debate on the Kip Addrges in reply to the speech from the Throne will last for a couple of weeks as both sides of the House are desirous of discussing at consider Commons and bath upgn the take du With the Curlers. C rink three Saturday HIE eduled sames n and res pri sulted Skip J B. Cunninzl Skip J. "MeK Slater by default gomery defeated: Skip The primary Group No. 1, Ontario Tankard, played here Tues day - afternoon, with Kingston, Nap anee, Brockvi! ind. Prescott teams conipeting % i defeated liott A m vey won from Skip WH J Ski Mont Powe rs, n wil ' < l Consu ned for t Bergen, Nc viped out came from "The be a. customer t about Gibson's lets H land on reporied thick Good mor arbund again J Johnson Gon ree y hy 4 . ic i 4 fore --------y he on ". : g A "Whirlwind Campaign For the Pa- triotic Fund, . Moutreal, Jan. 17-- Another whirlwind 'campaign 16 raise money {for the Patriotic Fund. will be in. augurated by the Duke of Connauglit at a Canadian Club meeting next Friday. Cups are offered to the teams (French and English) raising the most money. .The mayor promis- ed $300,000 from the city and is employees if the aldermen agree.' ------ Monday (Ie i Card © about Glad to see you I took those Gibson's Red Cros ripp Tablets last night and I am 411 fine to-day. The High'School of Commerce, To ronte, will used to house the new battalion of Grenadiers, ~ i » Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins: Lindsay, +R celebratéd ler one hundredth birth. 3 day 'on Saturday, chatting with maay in Toronto, as there are about 17 callers ¢n historic events of the past | eligible men here. century AA Al NNN gn, Harriston Stevenson was Dyestuffs factories should be sub. idized by the Government, safd ee etiring Chairman of the tanners' section of the Toronto Board or Trade at the annual meeting and el- ection of officers. | enn, Town 'Hall was destroy. ed by fire, ohtainipg a large Qquan- | thy or dot ing, rifles 'and' musical! § instruments in the Soldiers': Club) rooms NT 3 : f\ Mrs Ermatinger, wife of TQ\ 0. Frmatinger, #P-her oN i A 3600 school Sn Halifax was | burned. to the ground. | George Shepley, KC. the Lat dwelt upon Citizenship of which Mr Sutherland furnished such a worthy example For. over fifty years he thy boy could not wear out is had been associated 'with the mer; one he couldn't wear cantile life of the city. He had been! But 'there are degrees in able length the policies and event a citizen, soldier and veteran of the | boy's shoes. Some are very of the firs} yoar and a~half of war Fenian raid Ungrudging in his uch better than. others, Dr. Thompson for Yukon, .moved Service to the church, his place; Several brands hays been address this afternoon, and Dr. Pa would be hard to fill His life ex- built up by a maintained rep- quet, M.P., for L'Islet, will second it emplified the "verse "Fervent in utation for sterling qualities. Sir Wilfrid _Lausier will come next. spirit, diligent in business; serving Mother should look inte this and Sir Robert 'Borden will he pres- the Lord. shoe question carefully--and ent to follow the leader of the Oppo- At the evening service, the Dean a good way to gather informa. wis sta. sition, referred to the great Jdoss the Ca- tion is to read the advertising ars aud a half oF From present indicats thedral had Sustained in the death of in a live newspaper lika The which Was negsly | ernment will desire & rosolt pro Mrs. Norton-Taylor. No member Whig. fire Saturday He viding for a necessary amendment to Was ond universally beloved orl to Kingston. "| Mfe British North America A gis 7 Fich and pact deeply mosrned ys id, blet Ver saw,' sai tend Parliament and that {fey wi like, e 1e, he MON 3 D. @ he Byer pie) insist that it be disposed' of labors, her means hay begin ungeas.. TONTREAL 10 HOLD. Red Cross Gripp Tab- any other business is tackled ingly, given for the Mapstér's gérvice Liberdls, on the other hand, while and just as the bells were calling to] over from Wolfe Is- | not opposed to the principle ex- morning ' worship, the worship in Nan ice punt and | tension, believe that the first busi- | which -she had so regutarly joined, three inches | ness to be discussed should be that of | He had called her to the rest that 2 providing the ginews of war "remaineth for, the people. of God." : a Mrs. Norton-Taylor was honorary Ex-Mayor Dr] H. A president of the Church Woman's elected Mayor of London by the City | Aid, and associated with all the Ca- Clerk's' casting vote, the recount thedral Women's organizations. The showing a tie betwgen him and! Dean expressed the sympathy of ihe Lieut.-Ceol. W. M. Gartshore : | congregation to the bereaved ones "They work like magic," Gibson's] of both families, : a .. ed, Cross Gripp Tablets. : The hymns "Now the Labourer's A bantath battalion may be raised | Task fs O'=r',' "Peace, Perfect 00 | Peace." and "Jesus Lives" were | Sung, and March was played during the offertory, the con- | | grogation standing in silent respect. | A Coroner's Judge | St. Thomas, died! | . Treasurer of tiely, Toronto, is dead "A tidal wave PSA t worked bavoe to the | 4 shipping tied up in Hamburg, J