Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1916, p. 1

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4 . Which PAGES1-8 _-- JANUARY LAST EDITION i i : : : DEMANDS : A GERMANS INNOCENT : Bi : : OF WAR HORRORS! ~~ AN ENQUIRY Hon. Dr. Pugsley Charges Graft in Shell Making. . & cx a | TURN THE . LIGHT ON HE SAYS THAT THE . ORIGINAL Ol Injuries Washed Out By French PRIVES TOO HIGH Surgeon's Discovery. : - " arts. 3a Serr Charge That Meémbers of the Shell oe for Jun, is rhe. Fiore Rous, : . : 1) > Paste 2, has Committee Set An Excessive PP en rice aphnounced to the Acamedy of § So That Their Own "Companies | ences that a remarkable advance in Might Make Improper Profits. serum-tierapy has been made as the resnlt-of a discovery by Dr. Brassuet. By his method it was® possible to- cleanse automatically Dr. Roux sald, wounds which hitherto had re- sisted treatment (Special to the Whig.) New York, Jan. 19.--A Ber- lin wireless says 'In the Prus- sian Chamber of Deputies ves- terday, Herr vou Heydebrandt, Conservative leader, referred Incidentally 10 America as ampng Germany's 'worst ene- mies.' Germany, he said, en- Joyed "the splendid feeling of being innocent of all the hor- rors of this war." "aT FEI EPI I ERED } + > Sra 340080 20a PPEPERPPPPR PPP LP PP bP Pe Dep CLEAN WOENDS A NEW way. Ottawa, Jan. 19,--The expected attack on the Government in connec- tion with the operation of the de- funet Shell Committee was launched in the House last night by Hon; Dr Dr. Bassuet employs the polyval- Pugsley, who cutlined some of the ent serum discovered last year by charges of the abuse of political pa-| Drs, Leclainche Valle. Dr. * tronage and the middlemen system, | Roux said 420 nded meg who and asked for a special Parliament: had been in hospifals from six fo ary investigating committee In~ | fourteen months, treated ac- videntally he also went into the work cording to Dr. Bagsuet's method. As of the Davidson Investigating Cow- | a resptt the infection segmed to re mission, especially in regard to wha lvive in the wounds. Abucdiogs he called a perfunctory and shallow | fcrmed and burst spontaneously, attempt to find out the truth aboutletiminating bits of bone, splinters, the purchase of the two Chilean sub- bullets, pieces of clothing, and even marines by Sir Richard McBride at | drains and silver threads left in the the outhreak of the war. The de-| incisions by mistake. After this had mand for an investigating commit- hayipened, Dr. Roux said, the wounds tee, he declared, would be strenu- bealed quickly in_most cases, and ously pressed, and that demand, he yen who had been lying helpless for believed, would be backed up b¥ months were discharged, cured members of the Conservative side of a the House, who copld not but be ac- Qeleledododedobrdodivideded Sded Polini Sdrd qQuainted with the waste of public; g& money which should have gone di- 4 rectly for war 'purposes and not to fatten the profits of privileged manti- 4 facturers and middlemen who had a| ¢ pull with the party in power, | He instanced a few of the cases) SH NAVY a> + HAVE REACHED EGYPT, (Special"to the Whig.) * Pretoria S.A., Jan. 19.-- The 4 #* first of the South African brig- + * ades to be sent to Egypt has ar- he wanted investigated, and + rived at its destination, it was % . declared that If the investigating | + officially announced to-day. This Committee were granted be would be 4 is the first intimation that prepared to prove every charge It) # South African troops are being # was the first real deviation from the despatched to Egypt te larger discussions of the war, and! # : oh the first intimation of what the I a) sionf will develop in the war of di- en tm Chee rect charges against the Govern ment's administration. 'Dr. Pugsley GERMANS SUFFERING Wag, Just in the first stages of the FROM ALLIES' FIRE. development of his charges when he . amp. moved the adjournment of the de- Their Guns Unable to Reply-- bate at 10° 0'clock." He promised to be mord-oxplicit: in resuming the de- German Morale Being base. ~~ Destroyed: Than It Was At The Outbreak 0f The War. DESPITE ALL LOSSES BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES IN STRENGTH. British Government May Importation of Luxuries In' Order To Make the People Economize, (Special to the Whig. London, Jan. 19.-- Provisions for the additfon of fifty thousand men to the British 'navy are looked on in | some quarters to-day as the prelim- | inary step toward the ving of a blockade of the entire German coast The publi¢ has not been permitted to learn how many new' ships have been added to the navy since the war began. It was recently stated, how ever,' that foutteen superdread- noughts, as well as scores of smaller craft have been completed 'and are ready for service Britain's fleet. is more powerful -than at the outbreak of the war, despite-all losses mt Out "A PR rr "ATROCIOUS WEATHER." ---- Prévents Melush ; BProgres (Special to the Whig) London, Jan. 19, Ger- mans endured a terrible week end from the Allies' Towards (Special to the Whig) N London, Jan. 19.-- British forces advancing to the release of the be- 3 . slogéd garrison at Kut-@-Amara heavy and sustained artil- have been unable to make further vv Bw > aily progress because of "atrocious" wea le ry Ru ' the Daily ther, Secretary for India Chamber- [Mail's Rotterdam corrvespon- lain announced in the House of Com- dent / ' mons this afternoon. When the ¢ 4 : ,- duit despatches were received here, From Hetas in the north, the 3 . ; , Turks had been driven back to where the Canadian guns are stationed, down to: Lens, the German lines have heen within six miles of Kut-el-Amara's outer forts: sheHedwigh®that-deadhv aes fenracy dreaded . by the western army, Savs People Must Economize, 's (Special to Whig) London, Jan. 19.-British Govern: ment preparing to take drastic | steps to force residents of the United Kingdom to economize and to relieve the international exchange situation President Walter Runciman the Board of Trade informed Com mons this afternoon I ' It is possible, Mr Ruscimafioag nounced, shat the Governnient™Mmay shut out from all English ticles not considered strict sary The United derstood, will the principal fever if the Government programme w SUBMARINES AGAIN ACTIVE. - In British Waters--Two Fishing .Ves- sels Sunk, {Special to the Whig) London Jan. 1 Two small. fish-| ing vessels were sunk in the North Sea,. confirming recent reports that ed around German submarines are again active in British waters. The crews were rescued, is SO Kaiser's Death and destruction rain- Lens, where an [important railway junction east of Avion >was greatly damaged. . ~-" The German artillery is! Since the War Began Total 2,525, ingble to reply adequately + n to the British big guns, and {Bpugctal to the Whig.) ? London, Jan. 19.--German casual this fact is doing much to the morale "Ff the ties in the war total 5,678, in- MiGerman soldiers. of the ports ly' neces GERMAN CASUALTIES ---------- States, it Ss un=a be suf- adopts this - QERMAN NEWSPAPERS HINT REVOLUTION, And Doubt if the Greek Army .. Would Support the King. cluding 600,000 killed, UnderiSecre- (lestros tary for War Tennant announced the Commons. * ---------- . A -------------------------- KIPLING'S MESSAGE ACTOR WINS THE V.(. TO THE RUSSIANS. wimur 'Dartnell First So Honored By ~ Thanks Them For Their Great Yicene Sracuan, \ London, Jan. 20,--For the fry - Sacrifice and Forti- (Special to the Whig.) time in history the Victoria Cross tude. London, Jan. 19. --Searce- Iv any-press despatches from Athens have been passed a the Greek censor in the past three davs, and this faet alone is considered ominous, in view of German reports. Cierman newspapers hint at a possible revolution head- ed by former Premier Veni-! zelos, and express doubt as oan to whether King Constan- ' . Suk BY. Sta tine will have the support of ibnwarine, . . -- (Special to the Whig the reek arms mm a real trisis, . has been won by an actor. The re- ---- x x cipient, who had made a reputation London, Jan. "19. Rudyard Kip- @s a hero in melodrama in Australia, ling has sent the following message paid for the coveted bronze medal «to the Russian people on the occasion With his life. He was Lieut. Wil- Of the Russian New Year: bur Dartnell, and he was killed neat "Like you, I look for peace, bur. Maktan, East Africa, while trying to not before our common work is Save thg lives of other wounded men done--power built on arrogance dis- ~~ The frermans, with their colonial tiplined, and evil taught that there levies, were within 3 few yards, and ° is a God other than its own lust Dartnell was being carried away se- "We, who have borne our part as Yerely wounded when he realized. your allies and Shall bear it to the | that" his men could not escape from end, will never forget with what in-| the German black troops. In the flexible fortitude and sacrifice Russia 5 hope of being able to save thoir lives, | "has Ill the foundation for a day full | he insisted on being left with them. of reckoning." ' London, Jan. 1%---The British steamer Marere sunk by submarine, | crew rescued. THE WHIG CONTENTS PEACE TRAILERS, Wil; Follow the Preparedness Cam- aign In States, Rpecial to he Whig Washington, Jan 19 When President ,Wilson takes the stump for preparedness, asformidable array of speakers for peace will alse go before the country. ' The trail of the peace advocates will be exactly the same as the preparedness men Page y A-=Bettisn erulting Cutting of Stadlation "Board SNE VY ------ The Marere, was a #.483-ton ves. sel of the Commonwealth and Doe mipion Line. She is the largest ves: | sel sunk by a subniarine in several | weeks, Health: . / NEGOTIATIONS OFF, b * (Spleial to the Whig) 3 London, Jan. 1 ~Peace ne- § . gotiations between Austria and #, Montenegro have been broken off, aceording to an unconfirmed wireless report from Rome day. Mason's v News: The Curling 10 News T~Amusems » Timely noungeme --Lhange Casualitic An- Ke Caused ry oN News: The Kaiser at Nish. {Special to the Whig.» Berlin, via wireless, Jan.' 19. t0- & The Kaiser has arrived in Nish, the "' 4% former provisional capital of Serbia, # where he was warmly greeted by the SIRPIEIIIIIPIIELI 00000 | Bilgarian Cra and his troops. Bay. Dis- { Seber y £5: Realm of time Tales, Gave 294% News: v Latest ide' Report CANADIAN GENERAL IN VE The figure in the centre is General Lipsett, Western ( cer who is now in command of the/2nd Brigade, 1st Division, left is Coly Hyslop and on the right tough they had just been invested by BRIT 1S LARGER | hg I bian and Bulgarian frontiers. American PELL Lt rast Rie i i ------------------ T Fr : -- me ------ |EXTENSION UNTIL EE on! MEN WANTED Provided For in Notice of : ! 10 Resolution for Amendment ' ; of the B. N. A. Act. Th Enti ¢ German Coast it Government. It is in the form ne | 8 It.-Col. Lo Appeals For address tg erial Parlia- 2 fectively. Te an a perial P "Brit "nev. 5 CONVINGNG _ EVIENCE "255 500. Ake 10. J Resolwéd thai" a humble address i be presented to Hig Majesty, pray- FURNISHED RY 1K U. KINGSTON'S NEW BATTALION iY DEPARTMENT. JANUARY 31ST. Ottawa, Jan. 19.---Notice of the? resolution for an extension of the term of Parliament was given by the » ing that he may graciously be pleas- ed to give his consent to submit a measure to the Parliament of the S. NAVY! United Kingdom to amend the Brit ish North America Act, 1867, in the manner set forth in the draft bill To the State Department That Brit- hereio attached: ain: Has the Ships To Carry Out An act to mend the British North Her Purpose America Act, 1867 an ' Be it enacted by the King's most Whig.) excellent majesty by and with the --Britain has | advice and consent of the Lords, ; the : to make an actual blockade spiritual and temporal, and Com- of the entire German coast effective, mons. in this present Parliament as- if she decides #pon such a measure. sembled and by the authoritywof the The Navy-Department has furnished ' same as follows: the States Department convincing/evi- 1--Notwithstanding, anything in dence on that point Naval officials | the British North Americ a Act, 1867. are practically of one .opinion. From of in any act amending the same or three Admirals to-day the United in- any order-in-council of terms or Press obtained expressions which! conditions of union made or. approv- J can be summed up thus ed undey the said Aet or under any "It. would take no more ships and act of the Canadian 'Parliament the Mo fedistribution. of "her ships for|term of the 12th Parliament of Citn- Britain to establish an effective | ada is he reby extended until the se blockade of Germany as the term is! venth day of October, 1917 understoon ip international law." 2--This Act may be cited as "The | United States naval officers are British North America Act, 1916." agreed that so far as naval law is|and the British North America Acts concerned the British fleet now has! 1867 to 1915, and this Act may the situation completely in hand. | cited together as "The British North All that is needed, they said, to make AmericayActs, 1867 to 1916." blockade legal as differentialed from JS the fleet's activities under Orders-in- | fudededoddodfd Pgms 33 council, is for the Government to de- | % clare it and ture over the handling ' ¢ of the bloc kade to the navy. Al Lid In Smashing Germany's As- pirations To Rule the World -- Kingston Can Give the Required (Spevial, to the Number.* Washington, Jan, 19 . Have the of- "Are you in What has your answer The replies to these two questions are forming the basis of what undoubtedly proving to be the biggest "stanipede" that has ev- er been launched in Kiugston Nev- ersbefore has such a deserving cause been put before the people and never before has the assistance. been so cheerfully given. Every person seems to realize the truth of what is on the placards of the recruitinng depots he Hun is at Our Gates- Enlist Now." The statement that more men must be secured now is ane hundred per cents true and every person in the city must actively co perate in the securing of: 500 men the 146th Battalion Lieut.-Col, C. A, Low on Wednes- PREY day said to the Whig: "Those 500 * men must be secured dnd that means 5 + work." It certainly means work for ON A LINER. #+ Low and his staff for' all day + his office and the office of his #* clerks in the Armouries are very busy * | places. The telephone is working | % the crew of the Holland-Ameri- % cvertime and there a constant | % can liner Ryndam were killed |stream of callers Every person is 4 !# and the vessel is badly crippled, + waiting for an audience with the hub Valdosta, - Ga; Jan. 19 Many | + the result of an internal explo- % | of the machine that contrels this negroes turning white .in his | % sion, possibly from a bomb # "stampede" for recruits section of Georgia, according to Rev. % planted while at the New York + The people of Kingston should Alexander W. Bealer, pastor of the | % docks % | realize that no money on earth could First Baptist Church here. He has # # buy sych devotion to duty. The been investigating the phenomenon | S##&:4ssiddistspdbdtssddapde clerks who work night and day help for several weeks COULDN'T SEE HIS JOKES, ing td keep Col, Low's desk clear are Mr. Bealer's attention was called = ; not doing it merely for the $1.10 to the matter by his negro cook, and day that the authorities are since he began bis investigation he | plaint Of Canadians. paying them. They are doing it be has found more than a dozen neg- | London, Jan 19.~~ Archdeacon | Sa fine i person st hmuin ev. roes who 'are becoming white One| yudden, Liverpool, who died recent- | IY ere) e 'maile ov BED] of the negroes is almost entirely | |y after.a very short illness was ale| 5 10 De Kent up and the 146th is white and the others are . spotted | : J: ' Ns brought uj.to strength in two weeks. : vays fond of relating his Canadian | i. going to:be a fight to a finish Ao The pastor «says there undoubtedly | experiences Of the Canadians hey : = are hundreds of similar cases. . eo ; at they! ccure. those recruits wud every per- He balieves the of a made one complaint that they son must hélp. Are yeu helping? diseos es ane i] would not, respond to the humorous ' Fhe leaders of both political parties Monté~ Raber th Boi skid plebald It side of his speeches. He invited are working hand in hand and the bl . 3 : them tp encourage him with a little | City Council is Wor give her | i& supposed to follow derangement of applause, or even groans; but they mon end. TE4HIK 18 exchange forthe nervous system. sat solid Even one night when the | people of Kingston as It has caused great alarin anong speeches were long, and the evening the negrges, -. who attributé it to|j4¢e ang the chairman gave out witcheraf the closing hymn, "The Morning Light is Breaking," no one smiled One day he was strap-hanging in a Liverpool tram when he heard close Why are all factions and parties by cerngin mutterings, and per- working so earnestly in making this . ceived a a smell of Scotch. Ther™ stampede a success? The answer Brunswick, Maine, Jan, 19.--Sam-| Up rose a big workingman. Steady-, may be the same #8 that given tof. ° uel Freeman. Morse to-day reportéd | 'ng himself for one minyte he F. Nickle, MP; who questioned a that he had a revelation from God in | 8lared round on the passengers, say- Man who was leaving a large family whicir-the Lord reterreéd 16 him as 087 AW Tf -only religlos ays 1o-Su-10-the front Noah's peer According to the re ' man in this-car? Here, archdeacon, Nit Xle received was velation take my don t you. know there is a war on "On Wednesday. Feb, 3nd at one This Is a fact that people must real- o'clock in the afternoon the seismo- 7 1,000 More Dentists. ne The. War * om and the Hun. is graph at Cambridge, Mass:, will re- Paris, Jan. 19~--The Minister of 3 aur Be at adil Tus, oly cord the great earthquake, such "as! War wil! shortly submit to Chamber th for "eligible Man in was not since men were tipon the | of Deputies a bill providing for a Kingston to do that, and that way is earth, so mightly an earthquake and large addition in the number of den to enlist now ir tha 146th Battal- ; SO, great." tists employed with the military for jon . Continuing the "revelation" refer-| ces Under the bill a body of 1,000 "Lhe red to three thrones, those of {he dentists, who will rank as non-com } Jou i Sultan o! "Turkey, at Constantinople; | mis the King of Italy, at Rome and the ' badge, will be created. Vatican, at Rome, whieh, together lu - . with the cities, are to be destroyed Restoration of Manchu Dynasty. London, Jan. 19.<~The French pre- Mr. Morse predicts that the earth Mukden, Manchuria, Jan. 19 ier, with Proniier Asquith and alt quake will be preceeded by the dis- Restoration- of the Man®hu dynasty the AHied representatives' on the play of a high sceptre in the £ky on #which ruled Ohina before the estabs! War Council, went into session at Wednesdays Jan. 26th lishment of the republic 'has been Downing street shortly after noon proclaimed by the leaders of an up - - rising in Eastern Mongolia. .A brig- DAILY MEMORANDUM | ade of Chinese troops is marching op at «irdnd, $.15 pm Hui Hauchen to attack the Mon- Palace Rink to-night Cooke's Church, & pm golians, Frantehaoes, Covered been asked question you ten repeated khaki?" been? vet "ED BY THE KING, anadian offi- On the is Col. Lloyd. In London on fur- the King. BRITAIN TO GIVE > COAL TO GREECE. Only One Greek Battalion To Remain on the Fron- tier. be tor BOMB EXPLODES i = Col Jan trcops; except one withdrawn from frontier, was se of the provisions for them It officially stated that ,Brit- ain has agreed to export enough coal to Greece, eliminating the possibili- of a tie-up of Greek railroads. possible that a reason other the difficulty of provisioning Greek forced their withdraw- al from the ( co-Bulgar frontier. Allied diplomats for several weeks re urged the Greek King to with- draw his troops, from both the Ser- we W 19 re -- en een -_-- (Special to the Whig.) London, Jan. 18.--Three of thens long t All Treek battalion, will be the Greco-Bulgar announced to-day, difficulty of obtaining NEGROES TURNING WHITE. Around Valdosta, Georgia, Are Lasing Color. iw Doz ons becau was ties It than is troops Late Archdeacon Madden's ondom- cents a War Two British aviators fell with their machines, ten thousand. feet and were taken pyiseners alive, a| Berlin" despateh savs, Austria will guarantee negro's independence and an Adratic - port in Mount Loycen It is officially denied at Berlin that a German submarine sunk the 8S. § Persia Gi whole should work together and without a doubt within the limited time the 500 men aimed at will be wearing the uui form of the 146th Battalion The question naturally arises: as ANT NEWS, -- UNPLE! "NO CHANCE OF SUUCESS" For the Occupants Of Thee Thrones ' To-day. ! son's Blockade Interference. London, Jan. 19 Accepting. as authoritative cabled quotatiops from newspapers --to--the.-effeet | that*President Wilson is about to de- mand a modification of the British methods of restricting . maratime trade, the Evening Standard asserts such a demdnd has chance of success." It n "The patience is exhausted seat 'no continues the every British' pub- The Ministers are going to be forced to. stop tlre loop- holes through which Germany is ting supplies from neutrals, and our shame) from this country il the American Government believes its demand (prompted. by Berlin), for more loopholes js likely te bé Wash making a Hic get- (to So country needs men Are man?" War Counéil in Session. ee Whig.) \ successful, miMake ngton is big DISCREDITS THE REPORT. Allies Delivered Ultimatum To Greece. That - ' OTTOMAN ARMY FOR EGYPT. Quitneve Band at Induction KOT "i Rink See top of page 3, right hand corner, r probabilities v (Spevia Whig.) London, Jan. 19 I'he Allied War Council met here to-day with the afr full of rumors of important develop- ments is the Balkans \ few hours before the conference began," the Foreign Office issued a . No Gervhan Officers On Staff Save One General. Paris, Jan. 19.--The Petit Jour- AN INTERCHANGE nal's Athens correspondent says he OF PRIVILEGES /, learns from diplomatic #0urces that ol ---- x statement. discrediting. a German re- Plead Pashia, oe mandet | of the| For Motorists Is Advocated By 'BORN, port that the Allies have delivered a| Ces s + er settl- COBB--in Kingston, on forty-eight hour ultimatum ing the details of the Egyptain expe-, Hoh. Francis M. 1916, to Mrand Mrs 1 y iz dition, has left Constatitinople for Hugo. 1 Ellis street, & daughter Syria. > "Djemal," says the cotfespondent, "(Special to the Whig.) PIED. "refused to have any German ofi-| Toronto, Jan. 1% --Complete in- A i an cers on his staff- with the exception | terchiange of motor car touring privi- a nay id of 'one general nominated by Enver legés between resident owners from three years nd six months. Pasha, Minister for War. whe is to Ontario Province and New York Funeral Thursday st 1.30 pam. to Wil act 'in an advisory capacity and to State -was-advocated last evening by lowhank Jemeters. exercise no command | the Secretary of State from New ROBERT J. REID The Loading Uudortakor "The 'Turkish forces destined for! York, Hon. Francis M. Hugo, before Princess Strong vs $ pm mms 19th 254 Jan SRP PRL LR EPP PRR PERE IIR EPPS t residence; 18th, 1916 eighty WAR BULLETINS, MeCLEME Pittsbu -- David Despatches from, Rome say that the A Montenegrins have been secretly leagued with them since last October Egypt are placed at 300,000 men. the members of the Ontario Motor Djemal was promoted to be lieuten-| League. « Secretary Hugo, who was 'howe B77. ant-general® before he left Constan- 8 special guest of the association. tinople." i, argued for extension of greater hos- J , ! pitality to motor tourists in both The Old "Jurisdictions which now is restricted | 254 and af by law to those whose cars have been hana a . A © yseparately registered in each. "More, To Return to the Army In: KF | liberal privileges," explained Mr. : . | Hugo, "have been extended to motor! New York, Jan. 19.--A cable from | tourists in New York than probably | London to the New York Herald | any other State and It is interesting | says: "I am informed that the re- to point out in this connection that! port that the Prince df Wales will ever since the movement of motor not return to the frofit because the | vehicles has been r ulated by law, heir to the throne has recklessly ex- | beginning in 1901 when the first mo- | H posed himself to the €flemy 'is un: tor car legislation 'in the Tnited | yn lige's founded, and that, while it is true | States was enacted in New York, it that during 'the King's convalescence | has been the policy of that cominof: he may be retained here for the pub- | wealth not to rigidly restriet the lic duties usually performed by his! coiling and going of visitors, on the twenty-five parcel post packages con-| father, he will rejoin the army in; th that we could well afford to! taining sheet rubber. weighing * an France, where his bravery and sim-| permit non-residents to travel about aggregate of 1,370 pounds, conzigned | plicity have made him the ido! of all and, if need be, wear out the roads. forme?" . to Gothenburg. were takén from the ranks, as soon as the King has com- | without paying any additional regis- --=Jitties Russell Lowell, Danish liver Frederick VIII, at Kirk-| pletely recovered from his t ac-| tration fee other than that imposed RT. HON. #. AUSTEN CHAMBER- wali. cident." ; 'lin the home state. | x : J Two German Zeppélins were destroyed by French gun fire north of Rheims Russia is 'reinforcing ite ar- mies in East Galicia, and has consolidated all positions won A Rotterdam despateh says six Holland-American steamers loaded with food have been -de- tained by the "British navy. ~ of AD ens PRINCE OF WALES tor ' FAMILIAK QUITATIONS CHOSEN FAMOUS MEN AND W OF THE DAY. A semi-official gtatement says the total Italian losses till Dec 31st are 134,500 men PEPEELPLPPEPR PDL DI PRP Rubber By Parcel Post. Longon, Jan, 1%9.--On hundred and eter ebb err PL Seer rere small things be resolute and ¥ muscles trained; knows' the : Thy measuré or 'when she'll say to thee, : . "I find thee Worthy: do this deed To Keep ' Fhe answer Mr» 'My God man, -

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