(Continued from Page 3.) r Among those present at the Skat ing Club on Monday cvening were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis, Prof and drs, Scott, Misses Marion Lesiie, Ma mie Anglin, Margot Vreser, Isabelle Prager, Mildr:o Jonos, Nan son, Minnie Gordon, Muriel Whalle) 'AdMan 'Kent, Marjorie Brownficll, Florrie Stewer(, Bessic Farrell, les- ste sunderscn. Mabel "Rivharcdson, Lassie Kirkpatrick, Charlie Sybil Kirkpatrick, Hilda Hague, Hel en Duff, Phylis Knight, Margaret Cunningham, Edgar, Dorothy Car- ruthers, Eleanor Phelan, and Trofs Manley Baker, J. M. Adams, Clifton F. Millett, Méssrs. E. C. Gilder Percy Lyman, Wylie, Arthur nedy, Douglas Anglin, Charles lot, Ted Rogers, Asselstine, Mohr, Jones, Clayton, Howson, Douglas, Chown, Hyatt, Robert Richardson and Capt. Wotherspoon . . The Science Dance hh t ranged to take place in Gi Hall on Wednesday, Februdry 2 The patronesses will be Mrs Good win, Mrs. J. C. Gwillim, I. 8 Scott, Mrs. E. W. Henderson, and the committee in charge includes Messr E. L. Pettingill (convenor), E Robb, G. Hammerich, R..H. Farus worth, M. R. Byron and R. FF. Smith een ar Mrs Miss Edua Howey Milroy, graduates of and Miss K. ( the { Pattor-| Shore | ton General Hospital, are in town, and will leave with the Queen's Univer- sity unit. for Cairo. Captain Herbert Scandrett spent the week-end: in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. E. F.-B. Johnston. Major and Mrs. James MacLaren were in town from Cornwall for the performance of Harry Lauder last evening. Miss. Kellogg, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. J. O. Crisp at Bt. John's Rec- tory, Portsmouth, Major W. P. rom Ottawa Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs Herbert Dawson, Major and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Capty and Mrs. George Bawden, and Mr. "and Mrs. Malcolm Isbester re- turned Brockville to-day after at- tending the performance of Harry Lauder is in town Wilgar to The Reading Club morrow at the home Richmond, Union street Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, street, is visiting Mrs. F. G Montreal Mrs. W. F. D wr and Mrs. Mar tha Finkle, Napance, have returned to-their homes after spending a few days in town, the guests of Mrs. Hil Finkle, Earl street. fhe Curling this afternoon in charge of Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs D. M. Fraser, Mrs. Bibby and Mies ® will meet to of Miss Janet Gore Woods, tea 1s Toronto | Mowat a A AAA Na AA A A a A AARNE AN NEW NECKLACES OF ZODIAAL GEMS Popularity of Amulets and Talisy Said--Some Chains FE Worn Centuries Ago. ms Due to War in Europe, It is act Replicas of Those 4 EN The revival of (I isman jewelry, just now, is said 1 in Paris and have been brou about by the war At first men began wearing regimental buttons and badge I was only a step, to talismans and am ulets, * d ta £0 popu amul which to have to the we pin om these me - . [------------------ee eee To Keep Skin in Fine Condition in Winter -------------------------------- It would be much th kK if ttle cream, used during the things which cle ald wind wand coarser mercolized complexion, the skin to harsh and Ie plication for Keep§ Uhe pores cle muaves: particles of have been spoited O wire nstant Mlexion ! y gre toward countenance artifices commonly ounce of merco 1 any drugstore, vate the we « plied at night 1 washed oft in thy To keep the sk to overcome si CONC thing 'better thai» a by dissolving 1 saxolite in la pint w pe wax and cl d wax will mple Ke me xi cold h h nn, How to Save ed S| are | beiore | the | ruby. f 1% {| which ® jus, Your Eyes Try This Free Prescription 'o your ou aired Fhousiudy of pw who. nfight You nay 1 duty to say lute. The « i nay other ogi « you fluish nud rest ve eyes | You de clwe that CYes Four the dspen the YOur day's F pruscion, you rest You you like it by m to the with k gob a Bon Opto two ounce | with It In ene tablet ! dissolve, Wit two tn fo auickly x ihe In afrald te use I Ming wi saved their o for them ia tl ment, bul mary tudos of eyses warned don't van to save to thunk Hehing this Drug Co of prescription cannot. » Geo. W. Maho, the Kingston wiet, wijl ajso be pleased t prescription, ---- 'that you hove | dar. but del what 3 pps us ns Is yon eripLien Toronto will by mail, if your | cious stone, with a | | | I'ie setting and carving of many the new amulet and talisman pie o attractive that even though one does not the tiniest b n their oceult power she istempt Among the chains, and numerou good designs, up of zodieal gem wre both the newest and oldest, since od of zodical have heen used centurie the Christian eya believe ever to buy ar made there those the ecklaces compos said to Some of the zodiacal necklavestar de entirely of the same s8@mi-pre <ign of the zodiac ensraved on eagh bead. Others, and these are said to be exact replicas of centuries old necklaces, gre compos wd mes sacred each month as controled by the plagets, Acgording fo Hindog mystics thes stones are beginning with rarnet, amethy bloodstone, hire, agate, emerald, onyx, car an, ghrisolite, beryl, topaz and On each stone carved that particular sign of the zodiac under is supposed to reign supre Aquarius, Piscus, Aries, Tau: iemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Lib- rorplo, Sagittarius and Capri 1] of st fo me » owners of these mystic neck- though not satisfied wi protection of the stars, have stal ball attached as. a charm These little balls are exact imitations \ Sary th the a ee DAILY BRITISH 'of the larger ones used by crystal gazers. Thé more expensive are said to be made .of rock crystal mounted in gold or platinum, accord- ing to the necklace on which they are 1o be worn. For these who (0 not want the trouble of remembering their parti- cular signs of the zodiac there ar numerous other necklaces Those of turquoise,' besides -being hand- some, were considered by the Hin- doos handy things to have around when the moon changed. Necklaces of jade are of various lengths, with the stone plain or engraved In varl- ous shapes. The more expensive of these are the Chinese stone, while the less expensive, though to the amateur"s eye equally attractive, are of that green stone known New Zealand jade Besideg rings, and cuff links, occult n are numerous These to tiny baby's fing nail the Virginia cry tiny little cros sald to their ural shape origin described in one of the most beauti. ful American - legends Neur where t are found Patrick coun iia, there wells up a spring limpid water Long ago one bright day if spri when the fairies were dancing 1 elfin messenger hrough the air and ligh ed in theifmidst He told the 'crucifixion of Christ,, and '=o mournin! was story, so vividl did descr the sufferings Saviour 'that the fairies burst tears, and these fairy teardrops they reli to éach erystalized into the form of the cross as hrooches, scart designed with some ick bringers, there shaped locket: two inches in length large a there are pins as n mn scarcely one as as rer "hen be 0 ney in 0 wi them of his he be of Uses of Lemons. lemon is preciated f for instance Lemon jyices th anaGs he h Ang dash of "he not sufficiently rom a hygienic standpoint ~~ remove stains lemon juice in pla xcellent tooth was removes the tartar, but sweet he breath s on juice application tion caused by the ki wa h; it of ce of & awakening corrective, and than any cine ever invented i rine and lemon lf, on a bit lemon taken in water jae { etter on is an for stout "anti-fat" people med juice, half of gems | January. absorbent cot in the world the lips of a the best thing ewith moisten ver-parched patient Lemon Juice and to alt will remove { stains | For a manicure | all that is necessary for loosening the cuticle and for brightening and cleaning the nails Save your lemon rinds and dry them for kindling, a handful will re- vive a dying fire aid lemon juice Protect Your Throat. It is well to keep the throat cov ered, but if fashion or fancy prompt the open collar, massage the nt night and morning with cold wat This treatment will releave you of [danger from drafts' or sudden [changes in temperature If you du [develop an irritation in the throat, gargle frequently with some mild an- tiseptie such as Dobell's solution and | the irritation will usuall disapplar i > -- -- 4 "Right living' good motto: for Any living room. , Many and many are the times that pride borders on foolishness A A A A I RANGA i as &Fractical | Home Dress Making) Lerrons Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review ° AN. ADMIRABLE MODEL FOR SPORT WEAR linen ie in tallored style. lar may ¥ 1» or low and pockets shirred or plain shirt waist, Tha the the late ct Trim ar {ailored "in vie «js this viel for features which NT Apis" BACK fal, BAS--'C 1+. collar is tened al convertible the way up high, close effect admired stylish organdy or yards 28 A great deal saved if varis tern first Each part should te knowr attempt is made to place it on t} terial for cutting lay position th a lengthWise thread of 1! on the fold comes t is the Just now in soft, alieer mater! als of lit mull! handker batiste Medium inch material of the size worry are linen in K » sections suf (Ly) and Gy Also e ba between thes the pocket now left ficient spa one of the g aleng the fold. but not resting on it is the fly (H) followed by the sleeve which is placed on a lengthwise thread To the left of the sleeve and opposite "the fiy wil found room for pocket and facing sections Pa ) a me be the' Ing soetions joined as n sition on the front. with t sponding 3 ve 1 property manag ficult when r n or 1 sections be the 1%t nsed with tac are en ad po ind ba usted to fiderneath ks and nese thege 1d appear the two will be fou 2 pF wel ways 10 OF 36 INCH MATERIAL WIT Pictorial Review Waist No. 6257 I'rice, 15 cents, l f Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38 40, 42 and 44 inches staurolite, a \ about | the | nto | ap-| from | not | will allay hot | excellent | dough * jassimilation In the Realm of- THE PUNG RIDE. . Once upon a time a big moving van on runners drew up to a hbuse near where some of the children were play- ing, and the men began to move out the furniture and pack it on the van. The children stood about watching, and soon some of them began to jump up on the wagon and bother the men, who- were afraid some of them {woultli get hurt. Finally the head man said: "Now, children if you will go'away and not bother us\l will take you all for a riddle in a big pung this afternoon. {I've got to go to town on an errand, jand you shall have a nice sleighride if you will be good now." "Oh, goodie,™ eried the children, tand off they ran to get ready When Ithe hig pung drove up in the after | noon they were waiting, and they quickly jumped in and cuddled up in | the straw that covered the bottom of {the sleigh With a of the Junin they were off, gliding smoqthly 1 | crack over the hgrd snow, and it seemed {only .a few minutes before with au { "Whoa tliey stopped in front of one | of the stores in the town The man told them he had an er . \ rand to do, and they could get out and walk #&hout a bit, but must be back in an hour, as he had to start for home promptly at that time They promised they would all bel on hand at the time set, and off they started to see the town. They went into one"of the toy stores, and the clerks were very kind, 'and showed them all the toys, and even let them run a' wonderful toy train that they could wind up and set going The train ran over bridges and through tunnels, and finally stopped at a won- der{¥l station 5 They hated to leave, but the time was up, so they thanked the clerk, ran to where the pung was waiting, and soon were on their way home again : They hadn't gone Yar when one of the girls cried: "There is something under my feet, and the driver called out: "Better look and see what it is." he girl reached under the straw and puiled out a big bag of oranges. Pret- tv soon another found a bag of candy, and another found a hag of What fun they had eating the ¢ fhe kind driver had hought for ana they voted him the greatest in all the world. , AA Ara, AA AA apples. yodies hem, man "Low Cost of Menu for Thursday BREAKFAST Rice ith Raisins Beef Hash Pineapple Marmalade Popovers Coffee Boiled LUNCHEON Potato Stew Crackers Bread Haked Custard Jom Codon DINNER Hamburg Stew Fried Celery Sliced Pepper Salud Maple and Wal Bavarian Crea Mi mm sensi isiinis BREAKFAST. Pincapple ough apple Marmalade--Dare cn to make six pounds, add the juice ol a large can @f pineapple and cook ten minutes A add the pineaprle cut fine four pounds of sugar Boil Shick like orange marmalade . unti LUNCHEON. Potato Stew--Pare and slice eight potatoes, Add three cups of cold wa- AAA in pan EEO tg OB A BB GR BB 0 00 Br genh The question which few housekeepers pay muen attention Yet a s@alad way _ be quickly 'and easily campounded, it is an agreeabla dish to the and attractive food is appetizer as anybody knows We have long delighted pound and experiment with and promised. ourselves that next hook we would write' would be on "salads We bad made !quite a collection of unusual combinations, and sauces out of the ordinary, what was our disgust find that some other womah had the same happy thought, got to it before v did, and had on the market { Christmas pretty calendar in lettuce green, and talled | Salads i One for every day i 1 | of salad is one to meet an eve, to to a bound in the of conyen year, you see. It was one Christinas gifts and hangs iently in the pantry 3 Personally we prefer vegetable sal | ads, and these cyan Le varied from | day to day, by the dressing used | One need never be at a 109%" with a Ae A A IN FIVE MINUTES NO SICK STOMACH, HERE'S FOR SALADS. com- | salads, | tha our, iv ter. « ing" Menu 'Ov er and simmer, t ¥ minutes. Season and sery 101 teen DINNER. Hamburg w--Pare and cut in dice four potatoes, one onion and one parsnip. Cover with water and boil until nearly tender, then add a pound of hamburg steak and more water Boil ten minutes thicken season and serve longer Fricd Celery--=Cut celer gour inches long and Make a Latter of two two teaspoons and a half powder, one and a half one beaten egg, and a li cach piece of celery in the fry brown in the butter y in pieces tender ot flour, baking 1p of milk, alt, 1 hatter boil 1ps and Maple and Walnut + Bavarian Cream--Boil a cup of maple syrup yolks of three eggs and gra dually whip in the maple syrup. Cook over hot water until tirick, then add one fourth of a package of powdersd gelatine softened in a quarter"of a cup cold waler. Add also half cup of chopped walnut meats. Stir until the mixture begins to thicken and then atld cup and halt whipped cream Jeet the { of i a a ol a ---------- Jar of mayonnaise, one of boiled dressing and one of French, waiting conveniently in Here are a few of them hearty enough erve for the main dish at luneh@on, uiless yon are one of the brotherhood eat meat and day The real skill keeper is evinced by ing what has 'at command and making only edible but palatable things skillfully combined, so the one who eats cannot at once ture to themselves just w | often: adds pigquency to refrigerator spladg, some to w lic potatoes three times a of a 0 good house she not Unusual that hat a Wish 80 | we | this'! 265 | INDIGESTION, GAS [N'Pupe's Diapepsin® est and " whi Surest Stomach Relief. 11 | lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and ernctate soug, i food, or have a reeling -ft | heartburn, fullness, "haus {taste in mouth and stomach ulzgines head i : taf n i {ache, you can surely get relief in five | { minutes i Ask your pharmacist to show {fifty-cent cases of then yon will understand why dys {peptic troubles of all Kinds must go, {and why it relieves, sour, out-of or [ole r stomachs or indigestion in five {minutes "Pape" Diapepsin" is {harmless; tastes like candy, though dose will digest and prepare for into" tha blood all the besides, it makes you with a healthy apps will please vou most Lis that vou will feel that ito mach and intestines are<clean and fresh. and you will nol need to resort to lasatives ox liver pills for bilion constipation | This dity will have many 'Pafe's | Diapepsin cranks, as gome. people will call them, but vou will be enthu- | siastic about this splendid stomach | preparation, too, ff you-ever take it i for indigestion, ases, heartburn, | sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach | misery. ; 5 | Get some now, this te, and rid yourself of stomach 'misery and indi- gestion fu five minutes. po Pape's Diapepsin cach fond von eat go to the table tite; "hut what your HESS OF is the Quick- | | undigested.| bad i you | {the formula, plainly printed on these | you just ate is souriug on | {your stomach or lies like a lump of | ee a Woman - TOASTED CORN FLAKES on a package is the hall-mark for 'breakfast foods. Our cele- brated Corn Flakes are eaten bv nearly all Canadians. Made from the best Southern corn, by our secret process. all the nutriment of the corn is conserved and made appetizing. A food for men and women in winter as well as in summer. CAUTION: --Do not let your grocer ' put corn flakés" for the original "Kellogg's. one over you" By substituting "just as good "MADE IN CANADA" only b: Tur Barre Creek Toastep Corn Frake Company, Loatep LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA AAA A AA A another time we will tell what we have accomplished in arranging tasty meat or fish salads, using half a can of tomato soup as a base, and spices and flavorings, cream, butter and few other things as adjunct For those wio like macaroni, here a Spanish Salad. Cook macaroni {until very tender, this will be about thirty minutes in water in which a bit of cheese, (strong cheese) has been dissolved. Cut celery fine, mix it with the ma caroni when chilled, serve on celery rnished with mayonnaise and wrinkles of paprika Sweet Salad. Remove 'the pits from dates and stuff them with a mixture of cream cheese and chopped nut. Cut them in slices, mix them with some apple finely sliced and sprinkled with lem- on juice Add a little dried celery mix thoroughly with a boiled dre ing into which whipped cream lias been stirred very cold on lettuce leaves Serve Orange And Nut Salad. Peel juicy oranges and break them into sections, removing every . par ticle of the white skin Arrange a bed of crisp lettuce leaves on a dish and place the orange pulp on them Chop walnut meats, not teo fine, and sprinkle over the w TVA French dressing Jole S with ' MORNING GOWN, X dignified dinner gown f ribbon. Lengths oftribbon cross th fles of net edged with jet. roing is this of dull jet, net and faille shoulders in suspender style flanking a centre éross-panel of dull jet and net, The little sleeves are merely rof- The skirt and bodice are joined beneath "a plain ribbon having a flat bow at the front. The skirt consists of fans of net joined by lengths of the black faille ribbon reaching to the skirt edge which is finished with a single band of ribbon. tradn of net adds grace to the gown, A square ribbon-border SAGE. TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't stay Gray! Here's an Old- time Recipe that Any- body can Apply. The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to its na- tural color dates back to grandmo- {ther's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mix- ture was applied with wonderful ef_ fect Bul brewing at howe is mussy and rout-of-date. Nowada®s, by asking at jany drug store for a 50 cent bottle lof "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair | Remedy," you will get this famous {old recipe which can he depended {upon to restore natural color and ibeauty to the hair and is splendid | tor dgadruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp and falling 'hair, A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally amd evenly that nobody can tell it has been 'applied You simply dam- pen a sponge soft. brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, it becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and abundant, ' LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Fake a glass of Salts to flush Kid- neys if Bladder both- ers you. or Eating. meat regularly produces kidney trouble form or other, says a well-known authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they be come overworked; get sluggish: clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly bachache and misery in the kidney regior rheumatic twin gas, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, fepless- ness, bladder and urinary Arritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting wight, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water befofe breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act tine. 'Bhis famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for 'generations to flush clogged kidneys and stiniu- late them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders, ? Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and rinary or- gang clean, thus avoiding serious kid- ney di : éventually in some nis All Trimmed Trimming at less ric ec. . . Velvets, Pinch gna Shapes from 50¢ up, MISSES B 11SSES BUTLER & \Hats than and half | = Velt #70 Princess 8t. Phone 1267 te ee Be quite sure at the start that the end will justify the means,