'o. FOONE BROS LIMITED AION TREAL. } : struction and twenty per cent. of the THE COUNTY COUNCIL Cost ' of maintenance. Heretofore, | . bn the Government paid thirty-three! Tr | and a third per cent. for construction CHOOSES JAMES HALLIDAY, and nothing for maintenance. he | PORTSMOUTH, AS WARDEN, | change meaps that the municipali-} - | ties will pay less. { § « : amittces For the 4 hts { The Stalling. Comulete Read} Warten Halliday's Inaugural. | oa o Warden Halliday addressed the| > live 3 en, i { Address Given by the Warden council as follows: Jumes Halliday, reeve of Ports-| "we aye beginning agiother year un-! mouth, is the new Warden of Fronte-| gor the shadow of the greatest war in| nac county He was the unanimous | history, The great nations of the | choice of the council when it met on | world are till locked in deadly .com- Tuesday afternoon for 'its inaugural|bat, but the determination df Great session. When Clerk Bradshaw! Britain and her Allies to conquer has called for nemdnatious, Councillor | not yet abated, and there can be but Spankie, oft Wolfe Island, moved that ong end to the conflict, that is, the| Couneillor Halliday le Warden. The complete triumph of liberty over op-| motion wag seconded by. Councillor pression. Proud are we indeed of McKnight, of Hinchinbrook, and was the part being taken by our Domin- unanimously adopted. After the ion in this titanic struggle, and it} Warden-eleet had been escorted to, behooves us as individuals and as.re- the chair by his mover and seconder, presentatives of the people of the his- | he expressed theuks for the honor be- | toric county of Frontenac to assume | stowed upon him, and asked for the our share of the burden in bringing | {council's assistance in the work of the issue to a successful conclusion. What to Do to Get Fat and | the year He regretted the absence "We will be called upon at this Increase Weight. The Real Cause of Thinness Most people eat from four inde of gopd solid fat-r K and still do s ounce hand many of tt at V "y i time the food the semblan Stuffing me at g. but is ful combi 1 of gix of 1: as. | council \ chamber He has installed | obtain recruits, as in so doing we will wed mila andf fle ' ta n to chefni lutely | effeetiy 1 powe vet } et has " | for Portsmouth {from the new council of several old, session to make further grants to the members, including Jabez Stoness,| various patriotic funds. Let us John Foley ind W_J. Donaldson, but! deal with the matter in a broad, pa- ! was glad to see that they had been! triotic and generous spirit, that will succeeded by able men. enable us to feel that we are doing, After the Warden's brief address, our duty, and assisting those who {a committee was appointed to strike are offering up their lives that we ng alll the standing committees for the year, may ¥njoy future peace ard prosper- and adjournment was made until ity Wednesday morning.at ten o'clock. "Let me congratulate the council In Warden Halliday the Frontenac and the people of Frontenac on the Council has one of the ablest men splendid financial position of the who ever occupied that position. He county as shown in the auditors' has been a member of the Ports-! statement This will enable us to mouth €ouncil for vears, and this is. deal genérously in the matter of pa- his second term as reeve of that vil- triotic contributions I would sug- l#ge Kingston knows him well as gest, however, that if any consider- he conducts an electrical business able .sumh is to be granted for this on King street, and is one of the lead- purpese, it might be better to issue ing electricians'of the province In! debentures covering the same. This religiqaghe 18 an Anglican, being a matter might he reported on by the member of St. Johr Church choir, committee on finance and in politics a Lib 1 Big things "You will note with interest the are expected of him as Warden of formation of the 146th Frontenac Frontenac, for he has done big things Battalion Let me ask the mem- bers to do all they possibly can in Already Warden - Halliday has| their respective municipalities to #as- given a parliamentary touch to the! sist the officers of this regiment to an electrical bell system so | that|»<sist in strengthening the forces of when he takes the chair, and the the Empire, so necessary for a com- councillors are lounging in the corri- | plete and certain victory dors, by touchirfg a button the ¢ himes 'Another matter of importance Seasonable | Medicines Short Stop Dr. Hickes's Bronchitis Cure awe id Dover's Cold Breakers Musteroil Paste Mentholated Balm Emulsion Cod Liver Oil . Best's Liver Pills, 100 for 25¢ This list will form a com- plete medicing chest for all winter ills, prepared and sold Best's , The\ Popular Drag Store. Open Sundays. begin to ring, calling the county | which in my opinion will have to be . | legislators to their labors in their | dealt with at this session is the re- council chamber, The Warden port of the county valuators. A com- may even go so far as to choose | mittee on equalization should be ap- {| whips. . pointed early in the session to go | | | { i | i SALE OF | 35 | Men's and 22. - Seasonable Coats At | Unseasonable Prices. All lines greatly re- duced and soine lines at haM price Workingmen"s Coats at $6.50, Good heavy, warm Coats, well made, need A good buy now and hay E. P. Jenkins Clothing Company. In attendance at the council ses-| thoroughly into the question and re- sion are: port to council as soon as possible Wolfe Island--Dr. W. Spankie. We have spent considerable money Howe Island--Joel LaChance. | in Obtaining this new 'valuation, and Kingston Township--John A. Red-| I believe thatthe men appointed mond and Benson Coulter. have done their work thoroughly and Pittsburg--W. J. Franklin. "| conscientiously, and while their re- Portland--William Reid port may not meet with the approval Loughboro---Jehn Blake. | of all the embers, vet we must real- Hinchinbrook--C. G MéKnight. |ize that it would be impossible for Olden---I.. Parker {any valuators -to satisfy every muni- Oso. J. Munroe i I trust, however, 'that some Palmerston---Hugh Mackinnon. a d arrived at that will ob Kennehee--L. D. Parks, | me to remind you that in view of the Barrie G. Gray. viate the necessity of any appeals Storrington--John Balls. | "It will scarcely be necessary for Portsmouth--James Halliday. { heavy financial demands we will in Garden Island Hiram A Calvin. | all probability have to meet, it would Bedford--J. A.' Kennedy. i be well to exercise economy wherever Clarendon and Miller--P. J. Wens- possible. yr 2 'I think it is fitting that I should ee * "i bring to your attention the fact that The Standing Committees, on the 21st of last motith Mr. Corbett At the Wednesday morning ses-) completed fifty years of service a: sion these standing committees werd | governor of our jail. It should be a appointed: { matter of pride, satisfaction and ¢on Property Councillors McKnight, | 8ratulation to this county that it has Lachance, Calvin, "Whnstey-- Reid { an official in its sertice for such a Roads and Bridges--Councillors | Dumber of years, who has always Munro, Parks, Gray, McKinnon, Red-| won the highest Tommendation for der the excellent condition &f the insti-/ € Education and Printing->-Council- | tution under his charge, as well as lors Balls, Parks, Blake, Gray, Ken-| for his careful and economical man ned agement This is an epoch in the Finance Councillors Franklin, history of this county that is never Spaunkie, Coulter, Munro, Keunedy.| likely to occur again, and in my Good Roads--Councillors Redden, | opinion should be recognized by the Reid, Balls, Blake, Franklin | council in some substfntiad®mannsg Board of Audit--Councillor W. "In conclusion, let me express the Spankie. | hope that in all our deliberations Patriotic Fund-- Councillors Ken-| Perfect harmony will prevail, and nedy, Franklin, Calvin | that the advancement of the welfare The first named on each committee | ©f Our country will be paramount." is chairman { = ("communis (ACCIDENT AT VERONA I'hese communications were and referred to committees: A B > a . ' : x A BOY RUN OVER AND HIS ( Gananoque High School Board, en- y VE Bi D HIS THIGH closing bill for $428.63 for mainte- BROKEN nance of Frontenac County pupils Ba a ------------ Lieut.-Col. C. A. Low, asking for There Will Be Quite An Exodus From appointment to address the council Verona As a Number Of on behalf of the 146th Battalion re- Men Have Enlisted, cruiting campaign Ver & County Clerk of Wentworth asking erona, Jan. 25 -A sad accident that the Frontenac Council oppose Occurred in the village on Monday the passage of the Teachers' Super- | evening. When the e st son of annuation Bill, as it stated the mea-d Matty Revell, undertaker - 0ing sure is compulsory and smacks -of UP the street he was accidentally Prussianisoy. run over by S Asselstine's horse @ntario Public Works Department, The little fellow thigh bone was notifying the council that the High- | broken and he received severe cuts ways Act has been amended, and | on his head and face. He 'is reported that hereafter the Government will] resting quite easy this morning and- pay forty per cent. of the cast of con- | hopes are entertained for the littl fellow's speedy recovery Young { mm pm Rev. M.- Potter, sailor missionary, EVEN SS SICK Kingston, occupied the pulpit in the ' li | waste. fii When listless, pale, feverish, full| his return te the home in the west. Ji doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, | days with Mrs, Connolly, Cataraqui. Il has stomach-ache, indigestion, diarr-| Kathleen Trousdale, Sydenham, is | H thours all the foul wpste, the sour ston. Sherm Albertson spent Sunday jof the bowels and you have a weil ber of the R. €. H. A. visited here land playful child agaip. Children | for a few days last week. jl love this harmiess "fruit laxative," Mrs. Wesley Martin, {11 for several bot mother can rest easy after giv-! days in convalescent. James Curl" Methodist church . Sunday evening The Sunday school convention and CHILDREN LOVE Free Methodist quarterly meeting ; will be held Sunday: The remains ¥ SYRUP OF FIGS of the late Mrs. William Carrel ar- { rived by C. P. R. last evening from the General Hospital, Kingston. The funeral will be held at the Free Me- thodist church Wednesday Jo¥eph Wilkins, postmaster, is ger- iously ill of grippe, which has deve- Don't scold your fretful, peevish| loped into pheumonia. Wesley | child. ~ See if tongye it coated; this Storms, Emerson, Man., visiting his| {is a sure sign its Mttle stomach, liver | mother and brothers here for a few and" bowels are clogged with sour! days, has gone to spend a few days { | with friends in Napanee, previous to If feverish, bilious, constipated, give fruit laxative at once, lof cold, breath bad throat sore, Mr. Martin has gone to spend a few {hoea, give a teaspoonful of "Califor-| the guest of Miss Hazel Percy. Both nia Syrup of Figs" and. jn a few! left to spend a few days in King bile and fermenting food passes out| at Verona. James Peters, jr, a mem- | ing it, because it never fails to make! have returned from Smith's Falls, | their little "insides" clean and! where he has been vis tig his son. | sweet, | Mrs. T. Richer is slowly improving Keep it handy, Mother! A little! Miss Lucretia Goodfellow, Parham, given to-day saves. a sick child to-|is the guest of Miss Ethel McMullen. | fl morrqw, but get the genuine Ask! Bruce Joyner, Sydenham, visited at your druggist for a S0-cent bottle of | E. Percy's, Sand Croft, Sunday. Mrs. of *Calitornin Syrup of Figs," which! W Greeny has gone to Bhllevilin to has directions for babies, children of | speud a §eek with her sister all ages and for grown-ups plainly| 'There 4Nll be quite an exodus on the bottle. Remember {here are! from this village this winter as se- counterfeits sold here, so surely look | veral of the boys has joined with the {and see that yours is mdde by the| recruiting officer and will go over gl California Fig Syrup Company." | seas to fight for King and count'. {Hand back with contempt any other{ C. Craig is buying up potatoes in this ' Told In | Twilight. dnd den *EPPTIPITITYT wd P » - -. The officer commanding and the officers of the Sth Brigade, C.F.A., and No. 2 section, Divisional Avimu nition Column, at present in Toron- to have. issued invitations for a dance in Columbus Hall on Friday night, when the p@tronesses will be Lady Hendrie, Mrs, Ww A. Logie, Mrs. Gordon "Southam, Mrs, A. B Gillies, Mrs."A. Mc¢Phedran and Mrs. J. M. Lyer. Mra. IR. J. Gardiner, Bagot street, entertained informally at the tea hour on Tuesday afternoon. . + a street, entertained at the tea hour on Tuesday afternoon, - Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Wel- lington street, was hostess at a small bridge this afternoon . « ' Mrs. J. B. Mowat, Johnston street, will receiye on Thursday afternoon lisse Amy Partridge, spent the week-end with friends in Dttawa Profi. William Nicol, Albert street left on Tuesday for Toronto Mrs, George Graham and Master Bob, Frankford, are visiting Majer -#nd Mrs James Hamilton, Syden- ham et Mr. Graham came down from Frankford lor the week end Harold" Hughes, William t on Monday for Quebec Lt- Col. Roy is spending 7 aays in ronto Mrs: H W. Snelling, Division street, has returned from Montreal where she has been visiting friends for the past few eks Major #ie spent the week-end n Toronto The SS. Adriatic, on which Mrs Jame T. Sutherland, Miss ithel May Sutherland, Mr yhn - Welsh and Miss Norma Reid sailed, has safely arrived at: Liverpool, accord- ing to a cable which was received in town on Monday The L. C. Reading Club met at Mrs. Jeremy Taylor's this week Marjorie Uglow, Barrie street, visiting Miss Alice Reynolds n Brockville will return home at the end of the week. Geoffrey O'Hara who Has been vis iting his mother, y Robert O'Hara, left to-day for New York Xt. R. F. Har is entertaining at the tea hour thi fternoon Mrs, Halloway Waddelle who is Miss Bessie Smythe's guest, will re turn to Brockville on Friday Mis Smythe will accompany her afd vis it 1 ter Mrs. W. H. Craig M . MeCallum and her two children, Niagara alls, are visiting Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, King strect ry * ' : Miss Kathleen Marquette, Pres- cott, is the guest of Miss Hilda Mul len, Johnson &treet Captain Howard Taylor, . Ganan que, on a two months' leave fron the front, is the guvest of his broth r, Rex Taylor, Ottawa Mrs. W. H. Boyle, Napanee, arriy ed in town Tuesday afternoen to be the guest of Mrs. John Jenkins, Prin- cess street p ¢ * Mrs. A, Pe Chown and her daugh- ter, Miss Bessie Chown, received at "Edgehill" on Tuesday afternoon Lovely flowers were arranged in the pretty rooms Mrs. Chown was wearing a gown of grey crepe ile chene and Miss Chown was in soft rose charmeuse with trimming of gold lace They were sisted "by Miss Marian Booth, Mi Helen Chown, and Miss Jean Chown. Dur- ing the afternoon Miss Chown, whose engagement to vLieut.. Edmunds, at present on active service, has récent- ly been ahnounced, was kept busy receiving the good wishes of her many friends * se Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, entertained at a charming supper party after the theatre on Tuesday evening, when the table was bright and pretty with pink carnations and flickering candles Those present were Lieut-Col. and Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Magor and Mrs, James Mac- Laren, Major and Mrs, W. H. Craig Capt. and Mrs. George Bawden, Miss Mildred Jones, Lieut. and Mrs. Hal- lpway Waddell, Lieut. and Mrs. Mal- colm ;Isbester, Capt. Hope and Capt G. K. Rackum . - 3 - Miss M. Hora, King street, was hostess at a delightful tea on Mon- day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Frank Botterell, of Montreal, when her guests included Mrs, Walter Macnee Mrs. Fraiicis H. Macnee, Mrs, Jam Cappon, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mrs. K. W Brigstocke, Mrs. R. 'S. Waldron, Mrs. T. D. RU Hemming, Mrs. nierd Calvin, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs ---------- NoteYour!ncrea | a Dr. Chase's Nerve Food forms new cells and tissues and nourishes the starved nerves back to health aml vigor. By noting your in- erease in weight while using it'you can prove nsitively the benefit Ps deriy&dl from this great Jood cure. WEA Jecality to ship to the penitentiary, 1 | 4 January Sale of White 0-morrow--Loom End Sale of | Vl Swiss Embroideries On Sale at 9 O'clock 3,000 vards of Mill Ends of fine Swiss Mull and Lawn Embroideries. in two wonderful assortments of edgings and flomeings. J First Assortment 6c.' 2.000 vards of fine Swiss Embroideries. varving in width from 2 to 7 inches: regularly sold at 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 18¢. and 20e¢. Toanorrow. . .... ..% : Second Assortment 18c. 1,000 yards of beautiful Swiss Flouncing and Corset Cover Embroidery this lot also includes embroidery suitable for Infants widths from 18 to 27 inches. To-jorrow . . STEACY'S '"The Woman"s Store of Kingsion."" Callander, Mrs. Ernest Cunninghs 8 Mrs. R. C. Carter' Miss Carty + Washing Won't Rid A 3 Alice Macnee, Miss 7 1 PN 8 lie Boni SviE rie a .Head' Of Dandruff D AVIES ------------------------------------------------ ¥ The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely To do this, ot The Bridge Club is meeti week at the home of Mrs, D. Rr he : about four ounces of ore er, Union street quid. arvon : ar) ! T . WwW Mrs. Geen, Belleville, is visiting 'etiving; nous iin ie his eck ant i gent! the Misses Forneri, Alfred street scalp and it In gently 'a s ° * finger tips. : . in. . Do this to-night, and by morning engagement is announced in - 1 , 3 : Torre of Lillian A. eldest daugh- most if net all, of your dandruff will . ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mcintyre, be gone, and three or four nore ap- 1000 Lbs. Finest tc Harold Kendall Scruton, voung- Plications will completely dissolve est son of Mand Mr James Scru- ne ly. dostr 4 syery ] he P Creamery SES ton, Kingston, the marriage to take Sf place in the near future. 1 . Fee You will fin i Mr. and Mrs. R. E.- Kent, King and digging of the scalp will at street, announce the engagement of once, and y hair will be fluffy, their second daughters Doris Isabel, Tustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and to Douglas Gould Anglin, lieutenant look and feel a hundred times 1 . . in the 46th Battery, CF.A., son of tel Lieut ~Cal. and Mrs. W. G. Anglin You can ge uid arvon The wedding with take place soon. [drug Store. H s inexpensive and | > p ( Yr 'never fails t o the wk (( ontijie g on be 10) over tails B16 i; Jor YANKEE GIRL WEDS ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION. || CANADIAN OFFICER. | Nema. N. C. Polson, jr., New Alderman For : ) Cataraqui Ward, Miss Madeline Counter, Wa-~| Neil C. Pole ir a Ne new 21 tertown, N.Y. Met Lieut. derman for "Cataraqui Ward, filling Brokenshire in Kingston. the place of Dr. A. W. Richardson Th : - who had to give tp the seat when he g m. davies 0. I'he Times of Watertown, N. Y., | was elected Mayor. The other three savs: }3idding good-bye to her mo- | nominated orf Monday retisgd in Mr ay na or who were at the | Polson's favor _ The newly-elected Ltd, Phone 597. station to see her safe aboard the [alderman will make a splendid répre- || train, Miss Madeline Counter, 20- sentative for Cataraqui Ward. | vear-old bride-to-be, left Watertown There will be an election dn this Monda:- morning to join her soldier | Ward next Monday between, Isaac Co Tover, Lieut. Melville C. Brokenshire, | hen and William Baxtep>4or the ea ee of the Canadian Overseas -Contin- | ward seat at the Board of Educatien 9 gent The wedding will take place | ~~ nna Arr Kid Tuesday afternoon in Toronto. They Unnily Children ' / will at once {dave for Lindsay, Ont., A truant officer has declared that ocoa vhere Lieut. Drokenshire's TeEl" most such children who come under \ ment is statione | his observatio are hot properly - : + Mics Counter first became ac-{,,uriched. tito pen The best mn the City, at quainied with Lieut Broke nshire niakes children cross, puny, peevish v ke summer while visiting her aunt, and unruly. Our local druggist, Geo ' Mrs. A. Barr, of .Johuson street, | smpgod, has in Viner s reliable PICKERING 8, Kingsios Foliowing a Bret Sou non-secret remedy for just such con- 490 Princess Street. ship, Mies Counter visited relatives |giinne hecause it' contains iron for oH Ne lieutenant over Christmas Tn ai Yiood. Hu the medicinal extrac- Phone 530. a Lindsay At that time she became 4;v.¢ of fresh cod livers, aided by . engaged to the Canadian officer. Miss { yo 00 Feline properties of beef The amalgamation of -the Manu Counter is the daughter of Mr. and peptone, and if it fails to make weak. | facturers and Sun Life Insurance Mrs. E. 8, Counter, of 125 William puny ailing youngsters healthy and| companies will be carried out street good-natured, he will give back your ~ Reform that goes to sleep on duty ET ---- money. . doesn't amount to much. CPR. WINTER TOURS, To Florida, Fouislana, Mississippi, NEW YORK FRUIT STO R E, ia; Ete. o- : 3 . | The iy Railway oN Sunkist Oranges, 20¢ and up to Sle a dozefi. | ters particularly good service to De- Grape I ruit, 3, 4 and 5 for 25c. | troit, whers direct connection is made Malaga Grapes, 20c¢ a lb. | for Florida, Jacksonville is reached Pineapples, 90¢ each. | second morning. The Canadian Pa- inn Central route will be Bananas, 15¢ and 20¢ a dozen. | found the'ideal line to Chicago, Fresh Mixed Nuts, 20c a Ib. - { where diréct connection is made for New Figs, 20¢ a-lb. the Southern States, New Orleans is New Dates. 10¢ a Ib. Feached Second moruing eter leay- Fresh Home-made Chocolates, 15¢ and 20¢ a Ib. . ng oro . " EM eC 0. > y at Chics fe pints in -- 5 a tah, ala Texas, 314 PRINCESS STREET. \ Phone 1405 ; 'Arizona, eto. ¢ The dining parlor and sleeping car service hetween Toronto, Detroit and Chicago is up-to-date in every parti-| 4 i cular. Connecting lines also oper- ate through sleeping and dining cars. t | Those contemplating a trip of any nature will eter full information | Man's $5.00 and $6.00 Goodyear Welts, to clear at $3.08. AA mm from any C.P.R. adent; or write MJ ; : (apy. Dice Pasbeneor Aveni3 A month of Bargains --watch our window 3! Canadian Casualties. b- 2ist Batt, Wounded Cal 4 {John Grieve, Cobourg, Ont. Albert} | Clemett, Whitby, (National Trust 2 1Co., Toronto). i Died of 'wounds: Edward H. B.} | Cambridge, 139 Seneca streef, Fair: } bank, Toronto ; 70 Brock Street