Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1916, p. 9

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lerated to the task.' and at the same [time taking no action to prevent, i Canadian privileged interests from | {charging the Motherland $380,000 | tor shell work worth not more than $180,000. Under pressure of public | opinions, the Dominion government! finy have become more conscious of | the baseness of such profiteering. | The Solicitor General, Mr. Meighen, | Aeemed to apologize last week for) ! the earlier high prices by saying that they were intended to compensate {the contracting companies for their outlay over new machinery. But | such an apology would be based on false Information. For the ave | ~ With the Matter. ~ '| mentioned contracts----only one, and ' {mot the worst, instance--3$180,000 | would have amply paid all costs, in-| : 7 | Sudine new machinery and genera) q go { OF CINA ¢ | overhead charges. The company de-| Ne QUESTION OF. ANADIAN | clared itself that it had made a clear SHELL CONTRACTING, profit of $200,000 on the $380,000 : 'shell order. | Decision of Borden Government In hpyii0q) apologists for the privil-| Reply to Demand For Investiga- | ged interests in this Dominion may | tion Will Mean Much to the People | seek to siplaiy away the Sel Ppro- anada. liteering of their patroms, no po- or . litical sophistry can get round the Ottawa Citizen. undeniable fact that the Dominion! + The responsibility of deciding for | government has kept its own work- or against a parliamentary investi- shops guiltily idle or engaged on gation of the Canadian shell con-/ work of no especial urgency, while tracting will rest with the Dominion the British minister of munitions ap- government, They will grant the pealed to the Britannic nutions to! inquiry if their hands are clean, and put every available lathe and ham- if they are concerned only with mer and workshop into the muni-| serving the national and Imperial] tions service. Mr. Lloyd George has interests, But if the Daminion lead- testified in the House of Commons ery are conscious of being parties to) regarding the great service the Brit- the guilty profiteering, or if they are ish railway shops have rendered and conceshed more with protecting their are rendering in the manufacture of | patrons than with Serving the nation munitions of war Every other na-! und Empire, they will find a way, by tion in the Empire, but Canada, has word-splitting and equivocation "and! orsanized national workshops for the mental reservation, to shirk their manufacture of shells or guns er duty. other munitions. The British rep- Government spokesmen have tried resentative of the munitions minis- to claim virtue for themselves from | try. D. A. Thomas, asked this Do- the fact that the shameful profiteer-| minion to put its government work- ing has not been confined to the pat- shops into use, and actually received rons of the Conservative party, The a promise that it would be done. But Solicitor General has placed on rec- the Dominion government subse- ord the fact that one of the.alleged quently evaded the promise it had ' Liberals leaders, Hon. George P. given; and the most valuable Do- To knock Wilhelm in a Graham, has participated ip thei minion shops stand to-day still idle shell profiteering--by being a direc- or employed on neutral work, lest! tor of a company closely connected | they might interfere with the profit-| with some of the most notorious of making of private Canadian ' inter-| Canada's privileged interests. But/| ests. ! this Co-partnership of Conservative; Several months ago, the chairman | Liberal and Liberal Conservative of the Steel Company of Scotland. | politicians, in the business of mak-|W, Lorimer, LL. D., addressing a| ing profits out of the nation's agony, | shareholders' meeting said: 1 can be no excuse for shielding it, An "To my mind there is something investigation into the shell. contract | absolutely revolting in the idea of! transactions would not, in the sight| anybody making profits out of the! of the country, be a trial of the rela-| nation's agony. When we think tive meritg or comparative honesty of those splendid men of ours in of the political parties. It would be! Belgium, France and the Dardanel-! something more fundamental: for it! les, and elsewhere, how--with that| is intimately related to the wide-' cheerfulness and dignity to which spread spirit of materialism and lust we pay them the homage cf proud for making gain at the expefise of admiration--they have sacrificed other people. . home, kindred, health, comfort and It is possible that Robert| ease---aye, and many scores of thous. | Herden, eloquent Imperialist as he/ ands of them have given the last and is supposed to De, could see nothing, greatest of all sacrifices--when we | inconsistent in Waking a speech in| realize these things then we must] A Call to Arihs from Col, (Written after recruiting Men of these adjoining BE PROBED A Consetvaive Pager Don the khaki. grip the We hear and heed your And we'll follow you to And with us thro' Blood And we'll conquer the' . . And now a word to you Sir pling. Weese, Parham:) 1 We may miss you at the rout, Prof. But we'll think of you with honest pride and joy, For tho' you were badly hit. You are doing your full bit, And no man is better fit, Prof. Mulloy. NUARY 28. Low. Prof. Mulloy. et al. 20th inst., by W. WwW, counties Lennox. Addington. Frontenac, Think more of your surplus bounties Than of things vou seem lo lack; If you've all that's meant by fitness, Come across and now enlist, -- Each a living, fighting witness, Sworn to crush the Kaiser's fish. Join our noble home battalion. » Into training haste to go Win high honors bright medallion, Bravely face the brutal foe; rifle, March to trench or firing line. Do vour bit, if but a triffe, Fear not bullet, shell or mine. / Yes, your King and country need voul, Go fair freedom to defend. May the God of battles lead you. On his help you ean depend. Fight till tyranny is banished, Fight till liberty prevails, Fight till vice and wrong have vanished, Such true fighting never fails. The Answer. call. Colonel Low, And we're ready every man of us to go, If we are dccounted fit To put on the fighting Kit, And you bet we'll do our bit, Colonel Low, We'll join the one-four-six. Colonel Low, fight (reedom's foe; We're just waiting for a chance, If in Germany or France, trance. Colonel Low, You're comrade to us all, Colonel Low. and fire you will go. And without a tear or sigh We will hold our banner high. we die. Colonel Low. - * > . Prof. Mulloy, We all think you're just a jolly, bully boy; In South Africa you fought: And the viet'ry dearly bought, But you didn't care a groat, Prof. Mulloy. Mulloy, London last July on the need for feel how paltry and insignificant is | eb bii + munitions, 'saying that "the whole any monetary sacrifices which we | On the altar of patriotism. power of the mition must be conse-| who must remain at home can lay| The differdnee between the cals land and the Prime Ministers of Canada would seem to be i mental. Sir Robert Borden has giv- en no sign of being revolted at the idea of Canada's privileged interests making profits out of the nation's agony. The decision due is the Do- | mination House of Commons -this | week, regarding a parliamentary in- | vestigation of the Canadian shell | contracting. will mean much to the people of Canada, irrespective | political parties, For, without took doctor's medicine to no avail, | doubt, the, people beyond the atmos- and on his advice went to Sherbrooke | bhete of Parl'ament Hill are more Hospital where I was benefited; but r ! the old trouble returned and I tried | 8teel 'master than to accept any poli- a Montreal hospital. Got a little bet- | tical apology for the profiteering. 'Even Hospital Treatment for Kidney Disease Failed Well-known Commercial Traveller Says That Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills Undoubtedly Cured Him. News of his recovery from kidney disease will be welcomed by the Hay feionds of Mr tb Griffim throughout the lower townships and the adjoining district of the United funda-| of | {nelued to agree WIth the Scottish] HAS Spoken 252,000 Wo, States, Mr. Griffin has travelled this sec- tion for 35 years and what he says will be accepted, as proven by all who know him best. He: tells in his letter how relief was obtained by treatment. in Sher "brooke and Montreal hospitals, but the old kidney trouble returned again and again until by the persistent use of Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills cure was effected. As he says, these pills "undoubtedly did the work." Mr. 1. 'D. Griffin, Bulwer, Compton county, Quebec, writes:---"1 can "add one more statement of kidney disease cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. bothered more or less with the kid- For about twenty years I was ter, but the help was only temporary, | and i was soon bad again. "On the advice of a friend, 1 be- gan to use Dr.-Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and I now thank that friend, for to-day I am as free from kidney disease as 1 ever was in my life. _1 owe the cure to Dr. Chase's Kidody- ton, the American, who was releas- Liver Pills, for they undoubtedly did | gd from. prison in Italy last Novem- the work. F am 68 years old and | ber, after serving twenty-nine days have spent 35 years as a traveller! for killing his wife at Lake Como in calling on the drug trade. Every- 1910, returned yesterday from Na- where I ani told that Dr. Chage's me- | ples on the Italian liner America, dicines are the best sellers and give! and will leave for San Juan, Porto the best satisfaction of any medici-| Rico, next Saturday, to join his par- nes on the market. Shall be glad 10 ents. £ | PORTER CHARLTSN BACK, Wishes To Live Down Hit Crime At . Lake Como. New York, Jan. 28. --Porter Charl answer any questions in regard to He was met at Quarantine by J. my cure if peoplé-care to write'me." | W. Johnston, treasiirer of the West Dr? Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, | ern Electric Company. It was stated one pi a dose, 25 cents a box, all! that Mr. Johnston had financed Por- | tinue. neys, then the disease became worse and I was sick in bed for one year, dgalers, or Edmanson, Bates & Com- | pany, Limited, Toronto. And Now Jeff Knows All About the IT'S NERY MMpLE | | nese EMERY TIME GERMANY | (wow I PUNCH SUBMARINES SoME AmERIcaNS i} THE BYE Wilson! PRoTesTs! aan | You GERMANY avs "ra sory", I AND ® R® ABouT FoR ricusTRATION WELL fy 1D You PROTA J RES Den: WLSAN | 1 SUPRISE You | / SND NOTES To \ N GARE ArasRA | GERMANY, WHAT a ANY ILL BE ! \v Acc aBoUT? J» BY [Geemarc i A Submarine Situation MUTT, I Dower UNDERSTAND ALL TH rack in THE | merits for selling the story of his career to a New York newspaper In a brief talk with the feporters outside his cabin on the America, Porter said he was feeling parents in Porto Rico. "I have been through a great deal of trouble," he said, "and wish now to live it down. There is nothing I can add that has not already been printed in the news papers regarding the trial..I have no | complaint to make about my treat- ment by the Italian officials.' CARSON BREAKS DOWN. « So kar In Slingsby Case. London, Jan. 28.--Sir Edward Carson, attorney for the appellants in the appeal against the verdict ad- judging "Teddy" Slingsby to he the son of Lieut. Charles R. Slingsby, was taken ill to-day, overcome by the physical effort of opening the case, in which he has been speaking for con- evidence several days. His associates tinued the analysis of the of the first trial. Sir Edward was extremely weary at the end of last week, and spent Saturday and Sunday in bed. voice was almost too weak to words, . «® Always beary A Bulgarian colonel and 200 men {ter Charlton since he left\prison in | were captured on Thursda November, and bad made arrange- tie by the British north o Salonika. mers mi str 8 I'm sorry! ---- vell and | was looking forward to seeing his | When he resumed the case on Monday his con- It is estimated that he has spoken so far in the case 252,000 in a sor- NO BIG RUSSIAN ORDER | AAR | FOR UNITED stares, TURNED 'Imperial Munitions Board {De-| nies New Shell Contract Be-, | ing Under Negotiation. ' C -- GUNS Ottawa, Jan. 28.--"The Imperial Munitions Board is officially inform- ed that there |s no truth in the state- ments which have appeared recently to the effect that the Russian Govern-& . ment is negotiating the placing. of or- ders for ten million shrapuel and high explosive shells in the United States," says a statement issued by the board to-night. The board 'has recently placed an order for 500,000 boxes of 4.5 brass cartridge cases. Tenders were call- ed for, and the tenders received rang- ed from $1.223% per box to $4 per box The order was placed at the lowest price quoted. Treated. OVER SIXTY KILLED AND 300 WOUNDED, NEUTRAL. SAYS A Women Marched With Banners Say- ing They Wanted Bicad And Peace--The Carnage Was Awful. THE VANDERVELDES, r Paris, Jan, 27. Scores were shot down during a peace demonstration iin Berlin on January 12th, according to the story of a "'neutral" printed here to-day. More than sixty per- sons were killed and at least 300 wounded, this individual, who claims to have been in the German capital until January 15th, declares He pictures a reign of. terror 'in which troops mutinied, refusing to fire on the rioters. Machine guns were then turned against the crowds. He says: "On January Sth the mob, COmpos- ed of women ahd children, moved in the slums of Berlin and started to- wards Unter den Linden and the Im perial palace, They were halted | and dispersed by armed police. "The Government, foreseeing ' the r approaching crisis, then called in two regiments of the Second Landsturm, garrisoned at Potsdam. The troops arrived on the scene and immediately began policing the district between Brandenburger Tor and Arsenal platz, Mounted patrols were placed in the principal streets and the pal aces of the Kaiser and Crown Prince were surrounded by troops. As an additional measure of precaution all cafes in the danger district were clos- ed by the military authorities "On January 12th, although the city was under martial law, an im- mense mob gathered in the slums and | formed into a long procession of mis- ery bearing huge black banners, on | which were painted in white such | phrases as 'We Want Bread,' 'Give Us Back Our Husbands,' 'We Want | Peace.' MILI VANDERVELDE delgian Minister whose searched by the i Terrible Carnage. "The mob streamed amid the wild- est excitement through the capital, passed yelling before the doors of the | Reichstag, surged through Branden- | burger Tor and rushed along Unger { den Linden towards the Imperial pal- {ace and Arsenal-platz, driving the Pad. | Mounted patrols before it. HR el 5 "Suddenly two companies of 'sol- | : Sits pr o diers barred the Way. They were ; : : ordered to fire into the crowd. Not | . ; a man would raise his musket, but ; | the mutineers' drawing back, anmask- ed two machine guns, which immedi- ately opened a destructive fire. i "No words can suffice to describe the horrible carnage ensuing. There | was a veritable reign of terror while {women and children, riddled with | bullets, dropped by scores. "It was reported afterwards that the machine guns' toll was more than sixty dead. and over three hundred | wounded. { "It is an open secret now in Ber- LALIA VANDE lin that the: garrison received 3,000 Pe Tom i Minister | venfIorcements the fiext day. The whose jewel case was broken open by authorities live in constant fear of the Huns in. their search of the -Van-bmore serious outbreak." dervelde home in Ixelles, a subtirh of - | Brussels ! Short Railway Sold. PETITION TO STOP by Spokane, Wash., Jan. 28.--The Chi- cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul . Rallroad | has purchased, under foreclosures' proceedings for approximately $5, 000,000, the Washington and Idaho Northern Railwg which operates about 100 miles of © road between Spokane and Metaline Falls, Wash. Am CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years | Zola A Pt Shipment of Munitions From U. 8, To Allies. Washington, Jan, 28.--A petition of a million nafires was submitted to Congress yesterday to stop all ship- ments\of arms and munitions to the fighting nations. Several senators delivered vigorous speeches in sup- port of it. em---------- The Frencly have re-taken all the ground. lost to the GerMans during ,the past week, together with some German territory. Several pardons were granted at Berlin on Thursday to celebrate the { Emperor's birthday. ' | -- When you lose money the | Signature of and -gain | | wisdom by it your loss is your gain.' SECOND SECTION |saPAN MAKES SEVEN } ON WOMEN 'The Way Berlin Rioters Were DEMANDS UPON CHINA. Manchester Guardian Demands That China Shall Be Left Alone. London, Jan. 28. --The Japanese Government has"delivered to the Chinese Minister in Tokio, for trans- mission to his Government, a note embodying seven demands, which were included in the Japanese pro- gramme of last spring. The Man- chester Guardian learns from - far eastern sources. The Guardian expresses the hope that this news will be "authoritative- ly contradicted," as the. demands when formerly presented wire full of danger to China," as the demands and heir general effect would have been Lo place China under the tute- lage of Japan. "It is the aim and hope of British policy," the newspaper con- tinues, "to see China strong and in- dependent, developing peacefully without interference from any for- eign power x "It is a duty we owe both to our- selves and to China," says the Guar- dian finally, "to help her in that di- rection, and we have enormous ma terial -interests, too, which reinforce what is for us the only right and just policy." Mrs. Eliza Jane Sedgwick passed away on Tuesday at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Marshall Brad- shaw, third concession of Thurlow. She was the widow of the late Daniel Sedgwick and was born in Prince Edward Lounty seventy-eight years ago. ' Nearly all her life until four years agc was spent in Flinton, Ont, Latterly she had been living in Thurlow She was in feligion a Methodist Mourning har loss are two daughters, Mrs. Bradshiw, Thur- low and Mrs. H. Stone of Flinton. rm, Aen ey 4 NERVOUS {EADACHE Nervous, sick headaches tefl cxhausted merves, and warn of approaghing prostration paralysis, Ry 'hing the blood Dr. Chase's Nerve Food restores the wasted nerve cells and thoroughly cure' headaches, sleeplessness and other nervous disorders, of you or # 50 Cents a Box, all Dealers. or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. DAG ES Nerve food Ses | Farm forSale 100 acres, 12 miles from city; good buildings, plenty of water, some wood, $4,750, easy terms. Farm 300 acres, log house and barn, on shore of a beautiful lake; good fish- ing: and hunting, $450. W. H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 39 3 AGAIN THEN YOU PROTEST _ AGAIN AND t 34% CURRY ASE OY MC

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