ROYAL NAVAL CLUB, . To the Zam-Buk Co. Portsmouth, England. "Dear Sirs,--1 bave found Zam-Buk most reliable for healing cuts and abrasions; while for the relief of skin irritation it is invaluable. (Signed) RODNEY-M. LLOYD, ' ; ¢ Admiral. ENTIRE CREW PRAISES ZAM-BUK From Admiral to toke®, ll grades of service praise Zam-Buk. Stoker Kings worth, of H. M.S. * Cochrane," says :--*' 1 slipped and fell on an exhaust steam pipe, which fairly fizzled the skin on my arm. At once the ship's surgeon dressed he burn, but the injury would not beal owing to a lot of dirt trom the pipe using blood-poison. I was in fearful pain and didn't know how to get cases ** For weeks | remained under treatment, but the ordinary ointments proved no good. Indeed, 1 got worse. | therefore obtained a supply of Zam-Buk and § almost as soon as this was applied I got case. From the very first application bealing commenced ; and a few boxes of Zam- Buk healed my wour Za wicers. abscesses, ring-worm, bad leg. varicose uliers piles hashes hands, babies' sores, otc. All stoves at S6c., or past Hee fiom Zam Buk Go. Toronto, . will be sent on receipt of this adver tisement and lc tamp lor postage. NERY Ar \ » anh BRASS BEDS, 2 inch Posts | ewes ... $11.50, $18.00, $20.00 IRON BEDS $2.50, 3). Specials at $6.50, $8.30 'Wi less Springs, fully guaranteed, Hercules and Coil Springs. "Dixie Mattzcrs, non-tuft; Felt Mattresses, at special prices. R. J. REID, LeadingUndertaker. Phone 3 ama WE HAVE NOW COMMENCED Store Cars for the Winter Our rates, including charging batteries, jacking up cars, ete., are $10.00 per car. We have splendid facilities, dry, clean and warm. Room for 35 cars. Drop in and pick your place. : Porritt Garage Co., - Limited The Lake Will Be Flooded A cold spell is coming. Are vour skates ready? Bring them in now. = The best skating is on the lake, but your skates must be sharp. Why is it vour skates won't hold the ice ? It is because they are not properly sharpened. 'We have the machine thatdgrinds vour skates true, and we have the men who know how they should be ground. It don't cost any more to have vour skates right, so bring them in to-day and we will put them right. Hockey Sticks --- Hockey Boots -- Hockey Skates. Treadgold Sporting * Goods Co. 88 PRINGESS ST, KINGSTON, ONT. A Children Cry for Fletcher's aL : » , The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been" ' in use for over 50 yeas, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pere gz sonal supervision since its infancy. Ie Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ren--Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare= ° gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. - It contiiius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ah Sanee: ge age is its Busrantee, & destroys Worms 1 ys Feverishness. or more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of C HA Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles on, It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The 's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. CASTORIA ALways ' H. A. honors now that (Continued from page 8.) F. 8. Shepard, Y. M. C. AwuMili- tary Service Secretary for C4 is in city. His Kingston frien be glad to see him and the k litary Y. M. C. A. will great] by his counsel. will I Mi- profit > On Sunday evening there was .a brief Social hour at the Military Y M.C.A_, after the hour of church ser- vice, There were quite a number of the soldiers present, it is hoped that these pleasant Sunday evenings will be continued so that the men in uniform who are strangers city will have a good opportunity to meet civilians and make frends among them. The secretary of the Military Y.M C.A. is grateful for the gifts of ma gazines and games that have been re- ceived Two crokinole hoards have already been offered, also a game of checkers and "flinch," Many more are needed. Telephone 1804 if°you have a game that can be spared A large crowd is expected on Tues- day night when the 146th Battalion gives its first concert at the Military Y. M. C. A. hall. This will be an opportunity for civilians to meet some of the men in uniform who have lately come to Kingston and who would appreciate friends in their new city home, Much ha® been written about the alleged snobbishness of Toronto offi cers, After making many inquiries, the Whig has been only able to learn of ome officer who disgraced himself in this way This man some time ago went into a local hotel and was shown to a table at which two pri vales were seated. He indignantly demanded another table but the head-waitress, whose husband is a private in the 21st Battalion, showed him the door instead and the mana- gement of the hotel approved of her action. The. officer though in the city occasionally is now a traveller for a Toronto firm and trying to for get his short military career in King ston The memory of the late Sir Sand ford Fleming was fittingly observed in the opening of his former resi dence in Ottawa as a convale 1 home for returned invalided soldiers, on Monday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by His Royal High- ness the Duke of Connaught. The house, No. 231 Chapel street, is large and commodious and partic ularly well adapted for such a pur posé. The rooms are bright and airy. and there is a big billiard room, fur nigshed with table, ete., which is a great advantage. The dining room is unusually large, and will comfort ably seat the seventy-one patients for which provision has been made. Al ready eleven are ready to come in. some waiting in Kingston and other places. it There are eleven wards, large and small; an office for the non-com- missioned officer; a pleasant library, already fairly well supplied with books; and a lounge room, as awell as the purses' apartments and the kitchen quarters. The grounds are pretty, and in summer will provide ample space for recreation. The respons to: the appeal of the Voluary Aid Detachment, wh was given charge of the furnishi was mosi generous, so that few nec- essities remain to be supplied. The V.A.D. was on hand in full strength two military nurses--Nursing Sister MacLaren, was has offered her ser vices gratuitously to the commission, and Nursing ter Bowie, head of the Elmhurst Convalescent Home, in this city, who has been appointed to Ottawa for a month. in the | making | | Medal: Staff Sergeant-Major A. T. Hughes, No. 2 Detachment, Canadian Permanent Army Service Corps. The Royal Canadian Artillery To be lieutenants: Hugh Hutchinson Lawson, Robert Wallace Leslie, George Arnold McCarter, Stewart Hogg, Edward Lionel Dod- well, gemtlemen, 22nd December, 1915. 9th Brigade--5th (Kingston) Bats tery.~----To be provisional Lieutenanis (supernumerary): Sergeant Robert | Hitchcock Ferguson, 15th December, { 1915. Joseph Bernard Hanlon, | man. 17th Detember; Benjamin Wil- liam Franklin, gentleman, 18th De- cember; Sergeant John Bacon Wil- kinson, 21st December; Walter An- drew Bell, gentleman; 30th Decemb- er, 1915, ¥ J 14th Regiment (The Princess of Wales' Own Rifles).--To be provis ional Lieutenant (supernumerary): Norman Gray Crothers, gentleman ! 7th December, 1915; Frank Leslie White, gentleman; S4th 1915, 47th Frontenac Regiment. --/To be provisional Lieutenants (supernum- lerary): Charles Shibley Stewart, i gentleman, 18th December 1915. William Burton, gentleman, 22nd December, 1915. Royal Military College of Canada ~The under-mentioned Gentlemen Cadets are granted their discharge on appointment to the Permanent !| Force: -- William wallace Davis, Donald Forbes Angus, Geoffrey Cro- sier Hiliiard, Thomas Clemes Stew- | art, Leonard Alfred Welsh, Freder- {ick George Farncomb, James Ken- | nedy Cassels, George Egerton Stuart | | McLeod, William Stewart Hogg, Ro- | bert Wallace Leslie, Morris Hayne Austin Drury, Charles Edgar Tench, | Hubert Everton Hughes, George Ar- nold McCarter, Edward Lionel Dod- { well, Terence St. George Maunsell, { Hugh Hutchinson Lawson, Stonfeld Tunstall Blaiklock, Richard Nesbit Cyril Rishop, Charles Ramsay Stir] Stein. 21st December 1915 ng . It is published that a complaint has been made by the pastor of the Holiness Movement Church, 269 Di- vision that the meetin of the sect are disturbed at ni by noises from individuals outside the church. Commanding Officers' are asked to warn all ranks under their command against participating any way in such disturbances sireet, The following qualified as geants at the last Provisional School of' Infantry R. Fielding, J. B. Al kenback, E. W. Eamer, H. L. Bradley £&. T. Brett, R. Burtt, J. T. Elsmore, C. T. Guymer, A. Humphrey, T. E Hyland, F. Kerrison, G. Kruphow, all 860th Battalion; A. C. Proctor, 59th Battalion, G. A. Foulds, and A ser J. McLallan, 59th Regiment; D. Clis- | | fold and M. Callahan, 41st Regi- ment; W. MeFrederidge, H. L.. Bab- cock, E. Brown, J. Dinsmore, T. Hu- ghes, J. O. Irwin, A. E. Millner, B. | McWilliams, H. P. McGrath, A. Pei- ers, A. H, Robinson, D. L. VaMard, S. Walker, G. L. Williams, H. K' Fil- { son all 146th Battalion. ! The under-mentioned qualified as Corporals ==aW LL. Mattice, 1 G0) Martin and J. Patterson, 59th Regi ment; R. Carl, and E. A. Stewart, 41st, Regiment; L. Wagstaff, 57th Regiment, A. Smith, and H. Stan ford 146th Battalion. The following with reference to the new system in which the Provis ional School of Infantry will: be run appears in.orders: "The following memorandum which will shortly be issued in the! form of a militia order is now pub William | gentle- | December, | thorities are doing i has been done here. | officers 'and pon-commissioned offi- cers for the units of the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary : Force 3rd, Division an Infantry School of In- struction will be established at King- ston. Members of the Canadian Over i seas Expeditionary Fore® of what- | ever rank or service ill be permitt- ed to attend; provide they are re- | commended by their ¢ mmanding of- | ficers 01 other proper persons and that there is room for them. The staff of each school will con- | 8ist of a Commandant and of as many instructors (officers agd N.C. | 0's) as circumstances justify, , | Candidates (hereinafter described | as probationers) will join weekly {and will undergo a progressive course of instruction. The duration of "the probationers' | course will depend on the progress he makes and on the rank for which he seeks to qualify. Boards wjll assemble for the per iodical examination of probationers: and subject to the exigencies of the { Service the President and members will be officers of field rank. A probationer will not be allowed to present himself for examination unless recommended by the Com mandant of the School which he at tends; but he may request a special examination if for any reason deems himself overlooked. For cause a probationer is liable | at any time to be femoved. Probationers whatever their rank or service will draw the pay and al- | lowances of a private soldiers in the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force They will wear a special uniform which will be furnished to them free ol cost It is desired that every effort be made by commanding officers to &n sure the success of these schools. Lieut.Col: W. J. Brown, General Staff officer, is a very busy officer, being ergaged constantly with not only a large amount of office work here, but also numerous duties that require his presence throughout the division. On Monday night he léft for Ottawa: on duty. He is president of a board of officers far the purpose of conducting examinations insPortion CPS] 7th Ottawa Battalion -- The redusation im the quantity of bread that will not be issued of one- rier of a pound came as a resul recommendation from Se Major Kerrisoh, W.0.,, who is charge of the School of Cookery here. Last summer Sergt-Major Ker accompanied Major-General Less: through the Dominion on an inspec- tion trip, and as a result of his ol servations and recommendations se verdl changes are now being made in tffis branch of the service. The au- their best to bring this branch of the service up to a high standard and the reduc tion in the ration of bread will mean a saving of thousands of dollars to the peogle, "Col. T. D. R. Hemming, D. 0. C made a thorough inspection of the 9th Kingston Artillery Brigade on Monday in the Armouries and seem- ed quite pleased with the work that The brigade by batteries marched to the Armour ies shortly before 10 o'clock. The headquarters staff took a position al the extreme west end of the building and the batteries formed in lines ac ross the building completely filling the floor The brigade was in com- mand of the acting brigadier Capt W. E. Steacy,. Capt. C; J. Kane, adjutant 146th Batialion, who has been conducting the recruiting campaign of the Bat- Following are items in the latest lished for the information and guid- | talion to secure 200 men in Napanee, issue of 'the Gazette: Long Service and Good Conduct A tp j ance of all concerned | With a view to providing qualified AA APA A SAA Di in the city for a short time on}, Monday and reports good progress. a ------ the World o f Sport| Since Skene Ronan joined Cana- diens they have played a tie with Quebec and beat Wanderers : Tex Rickard is still after the Jess Willard-Frank Moran fight. He has made another offer for the bout rais- ing his figure to $55,000 of which he will give the champion $35,000, Toronto Mail and Empire The N. H. A. penalty Tule is a joke. Sat- urday night at Quebec the Quebec defence slashed and tripped the To- ronto forwards repeatedly; and while ruled off, yet they contifued the same tactics the minufe they came back. The Peterboro' Electrics have pro tested list Friday night's O. H. A. intermediate game, which they lost to the 93rd Battalion on the grounds that Lieut. Sexton of the 93rd was not properly attached to the battal- ion. The Phillies have turned Pitcher Al Mattison over tq Syracuse. Al is not a youngster, for he wag older than any man on the Phillies¥pitch- ing staff, but he did not take up base- ball until he was well on in years Quebec are selected to win the N. Wanderers are back with the bunch. However, Ottawa and Canadians are going to be right in the fight, while the To- rontos may upset the caleulations.of a lot of them. Washingtonians are happy over the introduction of a bill in Congress which, ii passed, would legalize box- ing in the District of Columbia, Con- gressman Cary, sponsor of the bill, says the fans in the Capitol will pa- tronize the game. . Matt Wells_and Johnny Harvey have signed articles .to meat in a ten-round bout at Columbus, Ohio, on February 7th, Wells will re ceive a $600 guarantee." If he sur- hite at lie on vives the ordeal he will box Char- w Boston { 20th Jimnory Duffy was offered the bout with Harvey, Let Roe, Eddie Roe, and Harry Cody, Toronto, whe are going to the pionships early in February, will he handled by the veteran West End Y. M. C. A. runner, skater and strain- er, Jack Roe, who has handled them on the ice circuit for so many years and wilh such success. | . Toronto Star: No, dear reader, Rene de Salaberry, who is te raise and command a new French-Cana- dian regiment down Ottawa" way, is not "Bill" Tackaberry, the. O. H. A. referee, who is now down Ottawa way. Tack had all the war he wanted in Brockville last week, and anyway, if he goes across the water, it will be with "Kernel" Joe Clark's Bantam Regiment, At Boston the Harvard 'Varsity hockey squad, with its captain ab- sent because of illness, made Cana- Mian Night a real crimson affair, de- feating the MeGil team, 4 to 1, in a match that would have been a run- away but the excellence of Scott, the cage man for the Canadian collegi- ans If the report of Referee Percival shows that in throwing his stick in the game on Saturday, that it "Tom- my' Smith interferred with any of dhe Toronto players he will be su- spended for the next of Quebec's scheduled matehes, President Quinn could not hand out any rul- Ing yesterday and will not deal with the case until he hears from the offic- fal in" charge. The penalty for throwing a stick in the final period of any game carries with it a fine of $15 and suspension for the next scheduled game. "In the budget speech of Hod. Wal- ter Mitchell, Treasurer of Quebec, & surplus of about, $200,000 was an- { nounced. No reference was made to the rumored racing tax. In that province the Government Saranac Lake, N.'¥., skating cham-! receives no | ee} revenue from the race courses, which in Ontario contribute $42,060 license fee. It was formerly $200 yearly in the form of a $500-a-day and a raise of $1,000 is said to be part of the Government's plan for securing increased revenue. Roy Flaggeof Aberdeen, S. DD, lays claim to the world's record in bowling, mak'ng thirty-six consecu- tive strikes in a five-game mateh with Jake Stroth. thé other day. Flagg finished his games with nine strikes, rolled two perfect scores and made three strikes at the beginning of the fourth game for a total for the three games of 870. Three-game average, 290; five-game average, 261. The previous record was 869, made by William E. Roach, of Wil- mington, Del. Montreal Herald: They tell us Alf Smith is a terrific crab, and that even when his Ottawa charges cop a game, Alf has a kick coming be- cause the hospital list of the oppos- ing team is a mere nothing, or be- cause the team played the puck, and neglected the man. But Al, whose graying locks were displayed in the nude to a Montreal fudience last night for the first time, as his lighter and merrier moments. Don't let anyone tell you that a meetng with old friends and foes of by-gone days could fail to soften even the stony heart of Alf Smith. Every time the veteran, with his nose encased in. plaster from which a thin red stream trickled forth on either side, came skating jerkily along the wings and loosed a shot in the direction of the Montreal nets he would let forth this jocular battl ery: "Have a heart Riley, and give us'a chance!" It wasn't like Alf to ask favors not the Alf of the olden days. No quarter asked, none given--that was All's" motto. Therefore who can say that as- rough-and-ready game a player as hockey's most = strenuous days ever produced, hasn't got a real companiable and sociable streak be. neath his grizzled I x 100 acres, 12 miles from city; good buildings, pieiuy of water, some y Hy 700, easy terms, Farm 300 acres, Jog house and barn, on shore | of a beautiful lake; good fish- ing and hunting, $450, W.H. GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 39 Brock St Dont Ao home without NEW METEOD Cleaning, Pressing' ahd Repairing deaths dome, 'We make a specinly iy 'of Ladies' Work. M. F. PATTON, Prop. 149 SYDENHAM ST. (Near Pring ceas St.) Phome 214 HE value of Stained Glass for memorial use lies'not alone in its beauty but in permanence, utility and instructiveness. Stained Glass Memorial Windows studios are with that skill only medern from wrought which draughtsmanship and im ROYAL SALAD DRESSING proved facilities can attain ¥ ROYAL MINT SAUCE ROYAL CHILI SAUOR ROYAL TABLE MUSTARD SELECTED PAPRIKA OLUB HOUSE OLIVR OIL D. COUPER. Phone 76. 3841-8 Princess S¢, Prompt Delivery. our An interesting Special Dedigns an. recept of Robert McCausland Limited Fotablished 1856 141-143 Spadina Avenue Toronto COPYRIGHT 1818 RAILWAY ELDRED Local Branch Time Table | IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1818 Trains will leave ard arrive at City | Owpot, foot of Johnston street. delay West, City. 19--Mail .. . 13--Fast Ex 2T--Lel. Coal The kind you are looking for 18 the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO,, Foot of West St. Q Sg Ar, 2 ~ | i 31--Local to Belleville $68 pm Golag Esst. Lv. C 18--Malil - ONeT= ¥ Tere B BBESE Q ~ " . 16--Fast Exp. .. 2.5 . 82--Local to Brockville 8.15 a.m. , 6---=Mail ...... 2.20 p.m. . 14--Intl. Ltd. . 1.08 p.m. . 238--Local to Brockville ver Bp BE BEB BB 6.58 p.m Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 1€, 18, 19 ly, other trains daily except Sunday. , Direct route to Toronto, <eterboro Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For full particulars apply J. P. HAN. LEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, cor. Johnson and Ontario streets G. A. Warburton spoke most hope- fully of the outlook for the campaign for a dry Ontario. 'Oysters Dominion Fish Co. PHONE 526. New Route: Western Canada TORONTO-- WINNIPEG Via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane Lv. TORONTO 10.45 p.m." Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday y x iy oe Ar. WINNIPEG 3.50 p.m. Thursday, Saturday and Monday : "Connecting at Winnipeg with G.T.P, train leaving 6.00 p.m. daily for Regina, Saskatoon, Fdmenton and intermediate points. Tirough Tickets to Prince George, Prince Rupert, Alaska, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and San Francisco. Splendid roodiwd and the best of everything. Timetables and ail information from any Grand Trunk, Can. Govt. Rys., or T, & N, 0 Railway Agent : S-U-N-K:I-S-T RAISINS "APRICOTS PRUNES PEACHES Insist on "Spnkist" Groce ESP PT eTTe eee Commence. GOING AT COST Price All Felt Shoes /"and Siippers n Men's, Wom- < en's & Children's we will sell at Cost Price. : x H. Jennings