ATTACKS YSPEPSA Suffered Tortures Until She Tried "Fruit-a-tives" Sr. Jean pe M ATHA, Jan. 27th, 1914. "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, I have been made well by "Fruit-atives." I suffered so much that at last T would uot dare to gat for I was afraid of dying. Five years ago, I received samples of "Fruita tives" and after faking them [I felt relief Then I sent for three boxes and 1 kept improving until. 1 was well, 1 quickly regained my lost weight--and now L eat, sleep and digest wéll--in a word, 7 am fully recovered thanks to 'Fruit-a-tives' Mux. CHARBONNEAU, f0¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sizé 25c At dealers or sent postpaid on reeeipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa UARKEN GRAY HAIR, LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkdns So Naturally That No- body Can Tell. \ Almost everysne knows that Téa and Sulphul, preperly compoun ded, brings back the naturgl color and lustre to the hair when fadwd; streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itehing scalp and stops falling hair Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make jt home, which is muassy and troublesome. Nowad? by ng 4at any drug itore for ge anil Sulphur Compound," you will get a/ large bat tle of this famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try No one 3 that you darkened it does it $0 naturally You dampen a sponge Ww it and draw thi hair, taking one small time; by morning the gray he disappears; and after an other application or two, your hair vecomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy, tara sr tt A i [AT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take » glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder Sage at a 1v and evenly or s ft brush through your strand at a The American men and wonien must guard constantly against Kid- ney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is. filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter. out, they weaken from overwork, become slug gish, the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general de; cline in health. When your kidneys fee] like lumps of lead: your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment you are obliged to geek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with aick headache or dizzy, ner vous spells, acid stomach, or you have rhenmatisyn when the weather is bad, get froni your pharmacist about four ounces 'of Jad Salts; take a taplespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for ao few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids ia the urine so it no longer is a source of Prritation, thus ending bladder disorders, Jad Salts Is inexpensive: cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody ean make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time Ar MILLINERY SALE All- Trimmed Hats Tritnming at less than price, or and half Velvets, Plush Shapes from 50c¢ up. MISSES BUTLER & GRAHAM, 370 Princess, St. Phone 1287 and Felt g Try 'Sifto™ Salt DOMINION SALT CO. Limited, Sarnia, Ont. TT -- a = - : Reports show the Australian wheat crop will be a record one. The yield will be 150,000,000 bushels, of (Continued from Page 3.) At the military ball given by officer commanding, and the officer of the Sth +s, CF A, No Nection, Ammunition ( umn of the Third Division, ¢ | In Columbus Hall, Toronto day evening, I'he gunst eived by Lady Hendrie utiful gown of white bead cordurc and Mrs. Aust MOTYow for Londor sed hy where they will a host of friends regret thelr de- n who N King Frederick Ni 1 col on ind Mr were Hugo Craig pend $ Mi Brussels 1s nd | 'W Ai vill and dial very ) with silver tulle sears of K SLO Col . the engage Marie Crevos Shortt, son ark, of wart hursdiy AHair Otter Har ind Mrs. Frank Ph nie. Fhillips, Joh ceive on ban Several this Helen Drummond nlor given week in ool, -and dull A the ddea of edge of Hines oughy to show tonable prejudices Miss Bessie ; guest of honor at sever y ) people rry teas this week Chow cho nuich Mr. and Mrs inel Helen Trickey, al Mrs. H. TEC ROSS, FEVERISH ""gHilD 1S BLIOUS A OR CONSTIPATED Taylor, Earl street Fook: Mather! Miss Marjorie "treet, returned Monda Jan ald ' taken dere' Miss an King apartment I Hely treet Cottor the - If tongue is coated California Syrup of Figs" - Mrs. Henry Montreal on visit - with Mr "Arthur Place.' in town was the at several informal a Mrs. C. Fa guest of Mrs University Avenue Lt.-Col. Roy returned fre to on Monday Miss Josephine nee, spent the week guest of Mrs R street . --_ after giv Joseph ¢ Monday after Richard Richard 1ia Syrup of ideal laxa- pleasant y cleanses the , liver and bow- its 1 Du hing, ntreal, A ross, i ble, feverish or Sanford ch sour, look at If ccated, give less 'fruit s all the sour bile passes out of u have a well, hen its little throat diarrhoea, remember, a should always be { treatment given son will front Tor ns of mothers keep "'Califor- : Syrup of gs" handy; the) week and will visit Mr. anc gs np 1epoonful to-day saves R. McCann, Wallington street 1 to-morrow * Mrs. Winthrop 50. 0% has returned from Broce) C Fig Mr. Martinoff, 3 * babies, « of locomotive nafs pr of to this ha Vroon and gle # cold, ymach-ache, colie Lieut. and Mrs, G. R turned from their short h on Saturday Mrs. Austin YEOTS oneym " cleansing Gillies and come a your bottle of "Ca- k AT Sears, | ville which hildren of inted on terfeits so Get alifornia Russian Ir Russiar I who he jelvidere Apartments, eft th week for New fF Dr. and been ow K of - A le oN THE CROW'S ADVENTURE. Once upon a ime while a flock of crows were flying across the country one of them got tangled in some tele- graph wires and hurt it's wing that it hall to stop to rest on a tree and could not go on with the rest The crow managed to fly down the ground and curled itself up in a little black heap A bay, going ac ross thesfield, aw the black bundle and went over to ses what it was. When he found it was a crow with a broken wing, he very carefully pick- IL up and took it home where his father helped him to wash and band- |age the broken wing | In a short time the wing was as i good as new, but the crow did not | try to fly away Each morning it found a breakfast ready for it and became-quite tame and would fly around the yard and even nto the house 1t became a great i ed nice soon a great 3 pet sand. ywoilld perch on mastei's shoulder or follow ervwhere he went One day, some weeks after the crow had heen fourid, the boy heard noise and, as he to the sky, he saw ga hig flock of crows The fame ¢row heard the noise too and, withont «0 much as a look back, it flew up, joined the flock and flew away Th missed his pet very much and r expected to s€€ it again, but one day, several weeks after the crow had disappeared he saw some crows flying toward the tity again and saw one of thém ledva the flock and, before he knew what it was, his old pety came flying down the vard again It stayed quite a while and then went away with an- other flock of crows: Now the wondering if he will ever see pet again, but I think he you? 18 little him ev. looked up in- into for hoy ni will Mon't and strong, in sealed packets. Tea "is Iron and Brass Beds Re Voman Pure, clean, flavory "is good tea" "Low: Cost of Menu for Thursday BREAKFAST I Oranges Bacon nod bes Paonst Doughunts Coffee LUNCHEON rumbed Ounlons Hrend and Hutter Sour Milk Cake Ten DINNER Tomnte Soup Spanish Hoast Potato Croqueltes Watercress Salad Hutterseoteh Phe = NA BREAKFAST. Doughnuts--Beat together one one cup of one of milk, three teaspoons baking powder, half a teaspoon of grated nutmeg, and flour enough to handle easily Roll and cut with a cutter and in deep boiling fat. Sour Milk Cake--Mix one cup of brown sugar, quarter of a cup of but ter, one cup of sour milk, two cups of flour, a teaspoon and a half of egg, sugar, { of Ir) | - i | WHAT ELLA WOULD 00 | Dt | I would aim to make my life wor thy of good woman's love and respect I would make the happiness of my home the chief ambition in my life I would write no letters to any save my wife, that all the night not read. n the employ of others, I would ouble duties imposed upon that. 1 the sooner have one the might "CHIFFON IN ? Tete de negro chiffon over si gofiin the model shown above. * fremt into a high collar of the saw ER BROWN." of the same color made a beautiful he chiffon was gathered at the centre and spread away jn ripples to form a deep yoke from beneath which the straight" gathered lower portion of the gown fell. This was in one piece to the hem and was laid in five deep tucks intreasing in Nize as they neared the bottom. A soft 'sash of self- tome silk was knotted loosely about the hips. . A novel touch is the addi- tion of white ribbon bands featherstitched in Black to the collar, cuffs and which 100,000,000 will be available for export. i deep yoke or corsage edge. others in my employ.' I woiild rule and in my own force of phys in my business affairs household mot ical but of chafactér would hy trength, by the and vile never nmagine that I ssian of a first ela tailor could excuse a I ir 1solent nys sone 1 3 LIL n youth 1 ht pleas that 1 other in old age eneral m with I would tread them as nearly as possible I would like other nen to treat my sister or ny wife 1 would feel it great honor to | led a faithful husband and a wi father t bes kmewn dog' great washer' hy fellowmen, | 7 \ I would | hand Mi ndent of 1 on for the sare ile In my ussoeidLic Jen a an to a or as a man a helping! went a : the journey of axed reward in. ise of 'my own self respect | atisiaet And I would take as great pride in controlling and mastering my pas sions and appetites as I would in the control of my horses and my dogs And 1 would look well to it that none gained the mastery of me, ELLA WHEELER WILCOX Sweet Minded Women. So great the influence of sweet-minded woman on those around her that it is almost bound- less, The husband. comes home worn out with>pressure of business wd feeling irritable with the world in general; but when he enters the cosy sitting room and sees the blaze of the bright fire and meets his wife's smiling face, he succumbs in a mo- ment to the soothing influences which act as a balm of Gilead to his wonnd- ed spirit. We all are wearied with combating with the stern realities of life. The rough schoolboy flies in a rage from the taunts of his <oni- panions to find solace in his mother's i smile; the little one, full of grief 'with its own large troubles, finds a haven of rest in its mother's breast: and 50 one might go on with instances of the influence that a sweet-minded woman has in the social life' with which she is connected. Beauty is ant insignificant power when com- pared with hers. -- The Cook's Best Secrets A delicious crust may be, formed upon the top of a sponge cake by dusting it with powdered sugar be- fore putting it into the oven. Bananas fried tn the fal reniaining in the pan after sausages have been fried make a very nice dish to serve with the sauSages. zive ef as 1 and ing no Save the on _ tablespoons A nA ; roast beef and for fish in general. Horseradish is the best relish for Living" Menu | soda, two teaspoons each of cinna mon a loves, and one cup of fa ins in a moderate ove DINNER. Tomato LA Soup--DBoil fifteen mit tie on u ) cups of tomalos water anid half together able flour amp Blend butter, the Of in on poon of Ane lon Spanish zed Roll of an boil one minute medium butter Kk large teak n flour nd of potatoes sliced. and n pieces and dot with of Add a pint of water and bake one hour in a covered roaster. Butterscotch Pie.~--Brown a table- spoon of butter and to this add a scant cup of brown sugar and four of milk Beat 4 the yolk of an egg, add a tablespogn of dissolved flour and stir into the hot butter 'and milk. Boil until thick Make a rich pie crust, turn the mixture, beat the white stiff brown in the oven epoon of cover wit three thre h * four Sweet Sprinkle lice onion pers ¢m with flokr butter pep all pieces and A When used for fish slices of lemon al- ternate with the litfle heaps of horse- radish. . When boiling fish add an onion to the water and sweet herbs tied in a piece of muslin. This is a French cook's suggestion and very tasty, A delicious treat for one's friends in the evening is whipped cream stir- red fu of 'powdered macaroon crumbs and flavored with a little nut meg. Serve this very cold. Do not dress salads with sugar and vinegar or salt and vinegar. The lat ter is an admirable combination for scouring brass 'but not good for one stomach mixture of oil and vinegar Use a Child Training, The first and most important ele ment in child's growth is regu larity in eating and sleeping Make the first meal of the day light, simple and warm Give the full in the middle of the day A calm and happy chat or a little singing the children before re tiring sends them to sleep in a peace ful of mind. Romping games and exciting stories should be avoid ed the last hour before bedtime «. Teach them wash clean. night and morning. Rub! their feet warm n cold weather and clothe them soft warmly and protectively, but not heavily Regulate their diet instead of giving them medicine, and teach them the sanitary value of the three great remedies---fresh air, wa ter and exercise the mel with state to cold END INDIGESTION IR STOMACH PAIN IN FIVE MINUTES Diapepsin" makes sick, sour; gassy stomachs feel fine, | -- | Tinie it! In five minutes all stom ach distress, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigest Ad food, no Gizziness, bloating, breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most certain indigestion remedy in the whole world, and it is harmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear --they know Pkpe's Diapepsin will save them from any stomach misery. . Please, for your sake, get a large fifty-cent cage of #ape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on. being miserable---life is too short--you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; enjoy it, without dream of rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway. Should one of the family eat something which don't agree with them, or in case of an at. tack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastri- tis or stomach derangement at day- time or during fhe night, it is handy to give the quickest, surest Tefiet known. "Pape's foul o = ARASS BEDS, inch Post . Specials at $0.50, $8.00 sagless Springs, fully guaranteed, Hercules and Coil Springs, Dixie Mattress, non-tuft; Felt M attresses, at special prices, R. J. REID, LeadingUndertaker. Phone 57) SSD \ "Satisfying and sustaining" is the verdict of the Canadian people with respect to pelhogg? TOASTED ~- CORN FLAKES made from Southern corn by our secret process which retains all the nutritive elements of the corn which are delightful ~ to the taste, NO OTHER FOOD known as " Kellogg's" sure and get the genuine-original. 10c. a package. At all good Grocers. "MADE IN CANADA" only by Tee BATTLE CREEK TOASTED CORN FLAKE Company, Livre LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA is made by us. Be ary & Practical Home Dress Making Lerrons : = Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Piitorial Review Suit of Green Broadcloth. » or three colors are used prinecl- pally for tailored sults for well-dressed women, drid green 1s among the most This suit 1s in green broadgloth trimmed with wide black «ilk brald The box jacket has two styles of collars and may be trimmed with or without pockets. In medium size the sult réquires 4% irde 54 fnch material, with 3% nd 1 vard of narrow braid. © cont 12 a design that may be used separately, therefore a lesson on how to ent it 1s given for the Henefit of the home dressmaker. All of the sections are cut from the material after it has been folded In 3 The back {= laid on the lengthwise fold, and this 1s the only plece of the. pattern eo arranged. Opposite the back, toward the melvoees rdee. fe the npper sleeve, and. tn the right of this Is the under-sleeve section. Going again near the fold, hut resting on a lengthwise thread, are the collar an rocket. The front 1s nlaced to the right of the narket rnd the underfacing along the relvaes edge apposite If desired with the turn-dewn collar and the front rolled hack. cut off the 'upper front edies of front and under- facie on double "bn™ perforations, Braid is the lowifal trimming for lored suits and will be used to great extent on the sults designed for somth- rn wear. After the unprecedented vogue for fur it would be imnossitle to fashionable. ~ Cs leave the new coats untrimmed, so : \& | bands of brald are preferred to the \ SKIRT of siik and satin which have the \ \6438 isndvantage of not wearing so well. \ Caberdine, which has been a trifle overworked, looms up in new guise this ceason and it's labeled broadgloth gab- Green broadcloth is used to fashion) erdine.. There's also a new whipcord this" attractive tailored sult with box gaberdine that promises to be popular, Jacket and skirt of smart design. 1jjgstrated, . : CUTTING GUIDEG 513 a r €or {Eollak : F J Lo 3 FOLD- WITH NAP Patented April 30, 1907 . s Plgtortal Review Jacket No. £513 : o 28. 40 Price, 15 cents. Skirt No, 6438. Sizes 24 to 34 inches w and 42 fhches bust alt. Price, 15 cents,