THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916. HOCKEY AND CURLING] === | COLLEGIATES DEFEATED PORT | HOPE BY 11 T0 2, A ---- --" m---- re ing. Everything both iu the after- [boxers all went/ the whole distance, CHILDREN'S WAR DAY soe and evening, however, was run All thé races were keenly contested. {off without efther mishap or unplea- THE KIDS PRESENT IN {sant incident. DREDS AT ARMOURIES, Aft n Events. The results pf the afternoon events ere as follows: - { 100 yards dash--1, Pte, D. Doug- , Queen's Stationary Hospital; 2, In the Junior O. H. A. Game Wednes- | Lieut. J. J. Hennett. day Night -- Juvenile Hockey A One mile running race--1; Pte. J Notes--With the Curlers A. Gratton, Queen's Stationary Hos-! ra pital; 2, Pla DO. ao, ay hes . By the cleal-gweeping majority. of Half mile walking race, : (full nine goals the ingston ( ollegiate marching order with rifle--1, Pte. hockey team on W aducaday night put McInnis, 'Queen's Stationary Hospit- | 2¥aY the Port ¥ O%e Junior 0. H. A.| al; 2, Pte, W. J. Mackenzie, Queen's; jsevan by a score 0 to 2 after one; 3, Pte. W jof the hest games ever played here. | 449 vards ~ dash---1 |The teams weré 50 evenly matched, Newnes, 146'h Battalion; {during the first period that it was Kane Queen's (any person's game, and all through! : pr the fans were kept in breathless sus- pense. The largest crowd to attend HUN.! ' No carnival held in Kingston has een more successfyl than this one| has been so far. Some of the most | oo prominent people of the city and dis- las And Were Given Candy and Oranges trict were present last evening and > ~=Results of the Various Contests [Suoyed the good gamer ven b the . . €. H. A. band under Lieut, Light, ~The '146th Carnival Most Suc} and the sports and athletic events cessful. especially the boxing contests, held Wednesday, the third day of the their and everybody's interest.' The bg mid-winter carnival and bazaar "ea room, candy booth and the battal- in the Armouries being run by the fon canteen id a land office business 146th Overseas Battalion, C. E. F. lall day. The tea room has already was: Children's Day. From two become a popular rendezvous. It o'clock until nearly eleven o'clock was directed yesterd#y by Mrs, T. D. the balconies and main floor of the |R. Hemming, wife of the Officer Com- Armouries were packed solid with manding the 3rd Division. Assist many hundreds ef happy children tng her were Mrs. C. A. low, Mrs, H. and adults, The crowds at both (8. Wotherspdon, Mrs. P.G.C.Campbell, Overshoes, Moccasins, Snowshoes Pte. W, J. 2, Pte. V, » = the afternoon and evening entertain- ments were much larger than the at- tendances on Monday and Tuesday. At all the schobls in the city the children were given a half day holi- day in order to attend the, carnival. | They began to swarm into the build- ing with their parents before two o'clock, and by the time the pro- gramme of sports and athletic events began, which by the way was a stellar one, an excited, happy gathering wa present, eager to see all that was go- ing on. Colonel Low, Officer Com- manding the 146th. distributed over 1,000 bags of candies and oranges as a treat to the kiddies. It was a hard job for the soldiers detailed to keep the race track clear, for there was an irresistible propensity on the part of the youngsters to dance every, where when the 146th band was play- ~~, X { Amn Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Ethel Kent, Miss Mollie Bidwell, Miss Lucy Wad- lell, Miss Gwen Waddell, Miss Mar- garet Hemming, Miss Hilda Calvin, and others In addition to the several events, the 109th Battalion teams, under Lieut. Fred. Ingledew, cave exhibitions of machine gun mounting and other -military feats, such as how wounded men are car- ried off the field of action, ete. The boxing bouts, which machine gun were staged after the band concert in the evening, was no doubt the biggest attraction of the day, as it was high- class and skilful exhibitions were of- fered, refereed capably and fairly by Sergt.-Major Edwards, of the 146th Battalion. Three bouts of three rounds each were put on, and the -- Most Extraordinary Cure for Epileptic Fits Mother Had 'Appealed to Th ree Doctors in Vain---Cured Four Months Ago by Use of Df. Chase's Nerve Food. This letter from Mrs. Noxel is en-| dorsed by Mr. H. J. Mahaffy, drug-| gist, Port Colborne, Ont,, as being | true and correct. Whila it reports a most remarkable cure of Epileptic | fits by use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, it only goes to corroborate | similar cures reported by other Mrs. Henrletta M. Noxel, R.IR 1, Humberstone, Ont., writes eannot help writing to you, 18 want you to know what a ing Pr. Chase's Nerve Food and Kidney Liver Pills have been to my boy. He was taken with very violent fits, would twitch all over, his eyes would turn towards his nose, his jaws set and his lips turn almost purple. He would clench his fists tightly, become unconscious and then go into a long! sleep. After several hours he would | wake up sighing and weak hel could not stand. I was afraid he | wofld die and took him No | | i | AS bless | | | £0 tor, who pronounced his ca BY. As his medicine was not | tive and the fits continued, I took | Mrs. Henrietta M. Noxel, and believe sgerism," which him to another doctor at but his medicine seemed him worse. **A8 the boy's nerves were in such | a sta'e that he could not sit dow n| or li¢ down, and the fits continued, | 1 took him to a third doctor, who Fonthill to make 5 GED 0D GRID ¢D GHD GD GHD (4D GHD GD GHD D GHD GD GND ¢ { occasionally \ said that he woilld not undertake to cure epilepsy, as no doctor could cure it That night I went home very much discouraged, and when 1 took. my dose of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I gave my boy a dose, and that was the first night in weeks that he slept well. I kept on givig him the Nerve Food three times a day and a Kidney-Liver Pill to keep the kidneys and bowels active. I can, with a clear conscience, hat he has not had even beginning this treatment. give him no other medicine, looks and feels well, and as there have been no returns of the old trouble for four months, I believe he has been cured. I can never cease to be grateful to the manufacturer: of these medicines, for I am sure 1 would have lost my boy .if it had not been for Dr. Chase's Nerve Food." Mr. H. J. Mahaffy, druggist, Port Colborne, 'Ont., writes: "This is tg certify that I am acquainted with say fit 1 nne since H regard to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is true and correct." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, onto. ee mn € day night were: 220 yards dagh--Pte. N° Hughes, | Queen's Stationary Hospital; 2, Corp. { Kirby, Queen's/ Owing to the large number of entries in this race it had ifor which useful prizes were offered, to be run off in three heats, the first | two being run in the afternoon. a hockey game: this year was present. | The resulta of the evening events |The visitors did not bring down very many supporters, but the few count- ed, and there was always lots of, noise stimulant for the players, | The game started at 8.35 p.m., 'and right from the first the game had the most intense interest of the specta-| tors. Stewart brought out a sigh| | 76 yards dash for officers of the {when he missed by a small margin 146th Battalion, Lieut. Franklin; 2, | making a tally a minute after the Lieut, Mackenzie. Douglas, donnell. 440 yard Queen's; 2, Pte, D 1, Pte. D. Macdonnell; , Pte. W. J. Newnes, 146th. 110 yards--1, Pte. Urie, Queen's; »2, Pte. D. Macdonnell, Queen's, > Boxing bouts--1st bout, Privates H. Jarvis and J. Jarvis, of the 14th | Regiment, resulted a draw. The brothers at the close of the bout is sued a challenge to meet anyone in Canada at 115 pounds and under; 2nd bout, between Sergt. Scott, 156th Battalion and Corp. Norton, 146th Battalion, won by Corp. Nor- tor on points; 3rd bout, between Serzt. Kaliel, Queen, and Pte. Stock bridge, 14th Regiment; won by Pte. Stockbridge on points; 4th bout, be tween Pte. Harrigan and Corp. Good erham, both of 146th Battalion; won by Corp. Gooderham-on points, This evening there will be an ex: tra fine band concert by the R. C. A.. band under Lieut. Light and a promenade Friday the programme of sports will be bigger than any yet { put on and on Saturday they will be grand final evening. After the close of evening performance on Saturday Col. T. D. R. Hemming will present the prizes for the winners in the events on Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday "Think It Over," the Armouries on was packed with Eu | When Wednes- people watching the carnival events, the fol-lg,, made the last on lowing circular letter signed by Col. T. D. R. Hemming, was distributed. | The letter reads: "Canada .has proven t{ that she is part and parcel of the British Empire The manhood of Canada has Come forward ingly to the assistance of the Mother | Country, in the most humane cause ever projected, that of crushing 'Kai- dttributed to the Germans. "If you have not yet taken you stand on the side of right, earnestly now. realms of possibility that there may {come a time when you will have no | | freedom mind of own. nor even a your play started, Both sides seemed to! 75 yards dash (open)--1, Pte. be rather dazed, and played in cir-| Mac- (cles {vicinity of the Collegiate goal, and ¢ Most of the playing was in the! Toland was kept busy. It was thir- teen minutes, however, before Hill, the classy little centre of the visitors, made the first and sent the stock of the students two degrees cellarwards. The latter came back, however, and it did not take Paul long to equalize matters. With the score a tie it was a great game for a minute until Lowe made a second for the Port Hopers. It proved to'be the. last, The second period was much faster and showed a hetter style of hockey. | The Collegiates overcame their weak- ness of side-stepping their opponents after Ferguson had made a couple of successful rushes through their de- fence, and it was then all Collegiate The visitors continued their good back-checking, however, They have two virtues that show up strikingly | e for both afternoon and | the {Went ,| were almost all made about fifteen the world | ungrudg- | is synonymous with | that the statement she has made in [all the gruesome atrocities which are | r| Junfor O. H. A. teams of this season. consider it | They can play clean hockey, individ- You are free to do}, Tor- and think as you will, but it is in the H. [that of being able to back-check and to shoot on goal. The Collegiates outskated them in spite of their most desperate efforts, and proved them- |selves the better stick-handlers. For six times in the marks to the These goals succession locals. {feet from the net, and resulted from |passes. The eleventh goal was made {in rather an amusing way by Gratton, {who happened to be underneath Port iHope players who piled themselves {in front of their nets to save a goal {Gratton also assisted in the next by {passing the rubber to Stewart from {behind the iron bar. When Fergu- a lone rush the |erowd went wild Ferguson iff in the first peri- | od for putting one of the visitors into the white-washed border of the | rink, Jex had to have a rest and made three Collegiate men take pun- { ishment for hip to get it. Collegiates combination" play { responsible for the large score, Port | Hope has a good forward line, but! the defence is too easily coaxed out. | The Collegiates have one of the best | was was ually they know the game thorough- | | ly and use their heads, and collec- | tively they make a fast septette' Stewart is even better than ever and though light makes up for this draw back in the idéal way he can steal Snowshoes and Moceasins at right price bernethy's Sh Now that there's lots of snow, v shoes--and for these who enjoy sfiort we have ou will need good Over- v good stock of 8. oe Store 2 ome-Ma Annual H Fur Sale I | Next Opera House. dc Candy and) an Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAKELL'S Phone 640 * An event where gen- erous price eoncessions, elegant styles and desir- able selection make a wonderful buying op- portunity. Discounts that genuine. are | Now is the time for bargains in fine Furs at © ' Wane "Sra oY © TET RR rug WAG smce ; Rr a Hiadel 2 Campbell Bros. 84 Princess St. For people who have 1 fills the long felt want. Linen and Utility and bi The Kindel Kind of Beds and Divanettes it sufficient space, the Kindel Fur Boxes--In genuine Ten- nessee red cedar, copper bound, with lock and key, nicely [H ry anv. 8 ri ig We | ya . . x . If Germany should win this war, | finished--at Reid High Quality and Reid Low Prices, the light of your very existence willl be 'forever dimmed, and you would | be but easy prey for a nation which | the rubber from his opponent. Fer ' guson made some thrilling rushes THE MEN 8 STORE that stirred the crowd to cheers oh aD rel comp Paul rover played probably Get the habit of tely outfit you, at bet quir The Good Old-fashioned EARL P to do. you will save many Almost tavice as big & package as before at the same price 5 cents oD GEED GD GED CD GEED (0D GEED (0D ED (CD GED (0D (END ¢D ID I at tl rg at sprinkling a little in the water whenever you have cleaning It will move the dirt so fast that it will produce the results you want, no matter how hopeless a task may seem, The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. D GEEND GD (END GD GEEED GD GED GOD GEEND GD GEEND GD GNEND. CD (ID G has turned the g into' shambles. "Think ft over seriously, and a place which you can satisfactorily fill." ASHING fi COMPOUND : THE GREAT Ey On Friday, February 11th, FomSavine Tor bh Expense, Wirnour Insunv To Tne Texrume Coron On Manas |, \ [ i display and demonstrate stock of ladies' quality and gentlemen's toupees and wigs at the Hotel Randolph, Kingston. free demonstration of any style available to any one interested a Canada. In Flanders. ' 1VATT On Saturday next, in its book ) riabl y next, in its J a rut and 1nvariably view column, the Whig will publish ken's record of the Canadian troops in France and Belgium. Sir Max's is the pen of a ready writer and he Las done justice to a heroic theme of Canada, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada tion in Montreal, left for Winnipeg y La to spend the remainder of the winter with his son, Julien Boyd. A. H. Eastern Thurlow, GED GD GEEED CD ENED GoD GED GOD GED (0D GED GoD GEED (D GID 40 summer, stasaasasannsana You save money -- clean up stock ready til needed. Edison Phonographs the sweetest and most aa human voice, see and hear - for selves, Phone 90. Ye rs T. F. Harrison Co. : Feb'y is The Best Month To Buy Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum & Etc. spring rush, We hold vour 'purchase at our risk un- are curate reproducers of the Call in-- yonr- 't Merely "Stop" a Cough Stop the Thing that Causes It and the Cough will Stop Itwelf A cough is really one of onr best friends. It warns us that there is inflam- mation or obstruction in a dangerous place. Therefore, when you get a bad cough don't proceed to dose yourself with a lot of 'drugs that merely "stop" he cough temporarily by deadening the throat rierves. Treat the cause--heal the | inflamed membranes. Here is made remedy that gets right at fhe and will make an obstinate cough Yanish more quickly than you ever thought pos- sible, T Pant 21% ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth) in a lt.ounce bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. This gives vou 16 ounces of the most pleasant and. effective remedy you ever used, at a cost of only 54 vents. No bother to prepare. Full directions with Pinex. we for p 3 ae- gently and promptly that you wonder how it does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough and stops the formation of ardens of the" world | re- | the member that the 146th Battalion has| and Toland on the support ers to Stewart were as usual fast and | effective in spoiling combinations at- | Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, Can-| fits in per ada's foremost hair-goods artist, will | cessor to Carroll. sample | was very superior to McMahon hair-goods | Al is | re-| a lengthy reference to Sir Max Ait-| > . b Robert Boyd, the genial keeper of the Five Mile Lighthouse, who re- | 0 y cently underwent a serious opera- | Paul, Toland, Stewart, Toland. is prepar-| ing to erect a new steel barn next| home cause 5 Tt heals the inflamed membranes so | phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, | thug ending the persistent loose cough. Pinex "is a highly concentrated c6m- pound of Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, and is famous the world over i druggist for "214 ounces of Pinex," don't accept anything size. A'guarantee 1 of absolute satisfaction, or mouey refunded with Pines Co, Toronte, Ont. tefl than ever before. He was out for a few minutes but all through game worked hard. Gratton | | tempted. "Jack™ | comer in our rans is a "'new- this year but is a good suc- Toland in goad! who seemed to be in dreamland most of the time. Hill for the losers was their best man He plays a clean steady game and deserves credit. | Collegiates Port Hope S. Toland McMahon Ferguson Lowe Evans Jex Paul Rawden Stewart. Hill Gratton wing Green C. Toland wilg Sculdhoy E. Lang, Belleville, referee The scoring was as follows: First period-- Port Hope, Hill and Green; K. C. I, Paul. Second Stewart, goal defense defense rover cente pefiod Toland, Third Gratton, Ste period Ferguson wart, Graton, Juvenile Hockey Notes. D. W. Bowman, secretary of the Kingston Juvenile Hockey League, has been confined to his home for the '1ast week with grippe. The game won by the Dry Bones from the Eagles Tuesday night has been, 1 otested on the ground of the iiry Uones violating O. H. A. rules snd alsa using players over the age limit, Appreciates Their Help, E. O. Sliter, on behalf of the Col- legiate Hockey team; sincerely appre- ciates the help that was given to the i. C. 1, team and. to Ferguson in particuiar on Wednesday night by the supporters of the Frontenac team. Considering the rivalry that has existed, the broad-mindedness of James T. Sutherland, G. Van Horne and others in working over Ferguson when he went out is very gratifying, and Mr. Sliter expressed his apprecia- | tion. Ferguson at the end of the game hit the boards and had to be carried to the Hospital with a mus- cle bruise, He slept in the hospital last night but has quite recovered. Curling Games, At Belleville last night, the Kings. a "sa Fine Boots at 2 OUR SPECIAL $ Tron £1.25 up : W, $3 . iia 0, #4 $10, $12.50 and $15 AND SHOES wd Waorkingman's Boot $2.50, $3 and ¥ 2.50, $3( $3.50 to ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET. THE LEADING Phone 147. strong, New Route The Garbage Committee, T At, the meeting of the Civie Gar- bage Committee held last night In- spector Timmerman reported that | during January there has been col- | lected and taken to the incinerator 511 loads, or about 255 tons of gar- | bage and 95 loads of rubbish. He | had used 28 cords of wood during | the month, This has been a very bad month on wood, the garbage be- | ing wet, frozen and sloppy. i The Inspector recommended that | +tenders be asked for wood. At pres ent $4.50 a cord is. being paid. There were 115 telephone calls, during | January for the collectors to call. The City Clerk was authorized to call for tenders for wood | In- attendance were Alds. Wright (chairman) and Newman. 6.00 p.m. daily Held Sleigh Drive. The members of the Livingston Club, of Sydenham Street Church, | held a jolly sleigh drive on Wednes- | 'James Reid, UNDERTAKERS. Personal Services. Western Canada TORONTO-- WINNIPEG {Via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane . Lv. TORONTO 10.45 p.mé Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ar. WINNIPEG 3.50 p.m. Thursday, Saturday and Monday | Connecting at Winnipeg with G.T.P. train leaving for Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton and intermediate points. Through Tickets to PrinceGeorge, Prince Rupert, Alaska, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and San Francisco. Splendid roadbed and the best of everything. Timetables and all information from any Grand Trunk, Can. Govt, Rys., or T. & N. 0. Railway Agent day night. The party, composed of | fifty, started out at 7.30 o'clock, and after a drive"of a couple of hoursy around tire city returned to the home | of Harold G. Ettinger, King street'| » i $ west, where refreshments were + bocal Branch Time Table. served. i IN EFFECT MAY 30TE, 1918. Trains will leave and arrive at City { Depot, toot of Johnston street. A. N. Allison has tendered his resignation as secretary of the Pet-| Golng West." erhorough Board of Trade, | No, 19--Mail GET RID OF HUMORS & iii: [3% Hiss AND AVOID DISEASE {Na 1=Intlk Ltd. . 1.41pm. No. T--Mall 3.04 p.m. | No. $1--Local Belleville Gof Humors in the blood cause inter nal derangements that affect the whole system, as well as pimples, boils and other eruptions. They affect all the organs and funetions, mem- branes and tissues, and are directly # Lv. City. Ar. City Lesess12.20 a.m. 12.57 a.m $5 pm. 737pm Ennt. { Lv. City. No 18--Mall ...... 1.40am. | No. 16--Fast Exp. .. 258am, No. 32--Local to ! Brockville 8.15 a.m. ING» e-Mail ......12.20 p.m. No. 14--Intl. Ltd. . 1 m, | No. 38---Local to = ten curlers both junior and senior rinks were defeated on the round by the Belleville rinks. At the Kingston curling rink, R. Stevenson, was defeated by A. Ma- | clean in the singies by 15 to 11 and { Prof..J. Matheson defeated PF. Stone | for its healing effect on the membranes | To avoid disappointment, ask your | 14 to 10. Allan Spencer, who for several and | years bas occupied the Robert An-! ferson homestead, Melville, has re- moved to Ameliasburg, on James E. Glenn's farm. | hy Nos. 1, 6, | other, trains daily except Sunday. Dirett route to Toronto, retérboro | Hamilton, Buffalo, London, § Bay City, naw, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, Bt. fax, Boston and New York. LEY, Ralirosd and Sleamibip Aes: ' . road an mship sor. Johnson and Ontario streets responsible for the readiness with which some people contract disease. For forty years Hood's Sarsaparills has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and out- ward effects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness in purifying the blood, which it enriches and invigor- ates. No other medicine aets like it, for no other medicine is like it§' Get Hood's Rarsaparills today. Insist on having Hood's. » troft Montreal. John | 'The friends of Mrs. Robert Wald- of her sullen death after only a few days' illness. She was a woman highly respected. She was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church, Tren- ton. ron, Bayside, will be grieved to hear| NEW METEOD Cleaning, Pressin,' and Repairing ke a specials Work. Seats done. We ma 3 ty of Ladies" » M. F. PATTON, Prop. 149 SYDENHAM ST. (Near Pring eens St.) Fhome 214 roc 6.58 p. 1.37pm 1,8, 7. 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally | { Photos 159 W St. Opp. Golden Lion Gro-